382 resultados para Exporting


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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causes a characteristic histopathology in intestinal epithelial cells called the attaching and effacing lesion. Although the histopathological lesion is well described the bacterial factors responsible for it are poorly characterized. We have identified four EPEC chromosomal genes whose predicted protein sequences are similar to components of a recently described secretory pathway (type III) responsible for exporting proteins lacking a typical signal sequence. We have designated the genes sepA, sepB, sepC, and sepD (sep, for secretion of E. coli proteins). The predicted Sep polypeptides are similar to the Lcr (low calcium response) and Ysc (yersinia secretion) proteins of Yersinia species and the Mxi (membrane expression of invasion plasmid antigens) and Spa (surface presentation of antigens) regions of Shigella flexneri. Culture supernatants of EPEC strain E2348/69 contain several polypeptides ranging in size from 110 kDa to 19 kDa. Proteins of comparable size were recognized by human convalescent serum from a volunteer experimentally infected with strain E2348/69. A sepB mutant of EPEC secreted only the 110-kDa polypeptide and was defective in the formation of attaching and effacing lesions and protein-tyrosine phosphorylation in tissue culture cells. These phenotypes were restored upon complementation with a plasmid carrying an intact sepB gene. These data suggest that the EPEC Sep proteins are components of a type III secretory apparatus necessary for the export of virulence determinants.


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The rat glucocorticoid receptor confers hormone-dependent transcriptional enhancement when expressed in yeast, thereby enabling the genetic identification of nonreceptor proteins that function in the hormone signal-transduction pathway. We isolated a yeast mutant, lem1, with increased sensitivity to dexamethasone and triamcinolone acetonide; responsiveness to a third agonist, deoxycorticosterone, is unaffected. Cloning of wild-type LEM1 revealed a putative transport protein of the ATP-binding cassette family. Dexamethasone accumulation is increased in lem1 cells, suggesting that wild-type LEM1 decreases dexamethasone potency by exporting this ligand. LEM1 appears to affect certain steroids and not others. We propose that transporters like LEM1 can selectively modulate the intracellular levels of steroid hormones. Differential activities of such transporters in mammalian cells might regulate hormone availability and thereby hormone signaling in a cell-type specific manner.


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Cymbalaria aequitriloba (Viv.) A.Chev., es una planta endémica del área Tirrénica (Sicilia, Córcega, Cerdeña y algunos puntos de Italia peninsular), que también alcanza las Islas Baleares. Ha sido encontrada en Torre de Arcas (Teruel) como una planta cultivada o accidental, presente en jardineras de floración invernal, constituyendo un elemento muy particular de la jardinería popular del Matarraña aragonés. Que sepamos, es la primera vez que se cita esta especie en España peninsular. Presenta una gran variabilidad morfológica lo que dificulta su identificación, no obstante es fácilmente diferenciable de C. muralis, la especie más cultivada en la zona. En esta región, tienen por costumbre remover la tierra tras la floración pues la planta pierde belleza, luego vuelve a aparecer en la siguiente estación por renuevo vegetativo o algunas plantas de semilla, motivo que no nos ha permitido estudiar plantas en fructificación. Todo Aragón, pero especialmente el Matarraña, tuvieron estrechos lazos comerciales con Italia durante el s. XIV-XV (principalmente exportando la lana), hecho que pudo favorecer el intercambio de materiales vegetales, como ya se ha podido constatar previamente con otras plantas similares.


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Este trabalho aborda o tema dos clusters industriais - concentrações geográficas de empresas interligadas, fornecedores de produtos e serviços, empresas em setores afins e entidades que lhes estão associadas, como as universidades, entidades públicas, associações empresariais. A competitividade resulta da ação das empresas, e estas devem competir e cooperar para criar lucro económico, mas também gerar benefícios para a região e o país. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar que a aplicação da teoria dos clusters no nosso país, - introduzida na sequência de um estudo pedido em 1994 ao criador desta teoria, o Dr. Michael Porter – teve efeitos muito positivos no desenvolvimento dos últimos 20 anos e que maiores poderiam ter sido esses efeitos, se tivesse sido feita a sua aplicação em todos os setores em que se identificavam vantagens competitivas da nossa economia. Foi realizada uma análise da evolução do mais reconhecido cluster, o da indústria do calçado, cujos resultados apontam para as estratégias a adotar em muitos outros setores da nossa economia. Numa extrapolação, fica claro que as regiões nacionais e os países que contam com clusters industriais são aqueles que apresentam desempenho superior, em termos de intensidade exportadora e valor acrescentado. Estas zonas apresentam ainda níveis elevados de riqueza e longevidade dos seus cidadãos. Em termos europeus, a Alemanha, que tem como grandes clusters os setores automóvel, da automação, da eletrónica e da pesquisa laboratorial, é o melhor exemplo deste facto.


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Does the European Union’s policy towards its Eastern neighbours have any chance of success? To what extent can the objective of ‘external integration’, i.e. the adoption of EU standards by its Easternneighbours, be achieved? The European Neighbourhood Policy is currently being reviewed and the revolutions in North Africa have triggered a fresh debate on this policy. Alongside this process, Poland's forthcoming presidency of the EU (given that Poland grants high priority to rapprochement with its Eastern neighbours) provides yet another pretext for posing the above questions. However, these considerations extend beyond current events and the EU calendar. There are aspects of the central question, namely: Is the EU capable of exporting its own model of governance? This question is currently more focused on the local than the global potential of the European Union. Can it continue the process of ‘making Europe wider’?


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Falling amounts of natural resources and the ‘peak oil’ question, i.e. the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of easily-accessible oil reserves is reached, have been among the key issues in public debate in Germany on all levels: expert, business and – most crucially – the government level. The alarming assessments of German analysts anticipate a rapid shrinkage of oil reserves and a sharp rise in oil prices, which in the longer term will affect the economic and political systems of importer countries. Concerns about the consequences of the projected resource deficit, especially among representatives of German industry, are also fuelled by the stance of those countries which export raw materials. China, which meets 97% of global demand for minerals crucial for the production of new technologies, cut its exports by 40% in summer 2010 (compared to 2009), arguing that it had to protect its reserves from overexploitation. In 2009 the value of natural resources Germany imported reached €84 billion, of which €62 billion were spent on energy carriers, and €22 billion on metals. For Germany, the shrinkage of resources is a political problem of the utmost importance, since the country is poor in mineral resources and has to acquire petroleum and other necessary raw materials abroad1. In autumn 2010, the German minister of economy initiated the establishment of a Resources Agency designed to support companies in their search for natural resources, and the government prepared and adopted a national Raw Material Strategy. In the next decade the policy of the German government, including foreign policy, will be affected by the consequences of the decreasing availability of natural resources. It can be expected that the mission of the Bundeswehr will be redefined, and the importance of African states and current exporter countries such as Russia and China for German policies will increase. At the same time, Germany will seek to strengthen cooperation among importer countries, which should make pressure on resource-exporting states more effective. In this context, it can be expected that the efforts taken to develop an EU resource strategy or even a ‘comprehensive resource policy’ will be intensified; or at least, the EU’s energy policy will permanently include the issue of sourcing raw materials.


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This paper investigates possible negative effects of the 2002 US steel safeguards on productivity of Eurozone steel companies. The analysis is based on an extensive literature which predicts that exporting firms not only are bigger and more productive, but also that exporting itself has positive effects, improving efficiency and leading to better utilization of firm resources. The paper investigates a large sample of EU-13 steel producing firms, in the 1998 - 2005 period. Using three methods of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) estimation among which the Olley-Pakes semiparametric estimator, we first calculate the productivity levels of companies, and then check for any unusual fluctuation in this performance variable. We find that in 2002 there has been a significant drop in TFP. The paper is an invitation for further research in this field, given the possible important effects of safeguard measures on exporters.


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International trade in textiles and apparel has, as of January 1, 2005, been set free from the very intricate Multi-Fiber textile and apparel quota Arrangement (MFA). This event has raised many uncertainties about the new international trade climate and has placed enormous pressure on China as the expected clear cut beneficiary of this liberalization.' Other countries considered to be major contenders include Vietnam which also has a large population employed in the textile and apparel (T&A) sector. Since the old quota system had provided a certain degree of market certainty to competing T&A producers, will the new free trade environment lead to a shake out where mass producers with large economies of scale dominate the new reality? The removal of T&A quotas will create opportunities for Vietnam and China along with other developing countries, but it will also expose them to additional competition from each other. The outcome of this competition will depend on the demand in the US, the ability of the exporting countries to differentiate their exports and on their ability to transfer additional resources to expand domestic output in the direction of the new 'free market signals' and away from rent seeking objectives. Obviously, exporting countries that adjust to this new environment quickly will improve their competitiveness, and will be the new beneficiaries of a quota free international trade in textiles and apparel. This paper attempts to shed some light on the differences and similarities in the responses of Chinese and Vietnamese T&A sectors to this new environment. It first focuses on the demand side attempting to determine whether or not Chinese and Vietnamese T&A items, formally under quota control, are substitutes or compliments. On the supply side, the paper focuses on institutional differences between each country's T&A sectors, the different domestic government policies that have contributed to their growth and the unique cultural differences which will determine the future progress in each country's T&A sectors.


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Co-operation between the United States and Germany has for many years been a subject of disputes. In addition to the differences over the US engagement in the resolution of international conflicts, bilateral relations have been strained as a consequence of the so-called Snowden scandal and the unproved allegations that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s telephone was wiretapped. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership offers a chance for improving relations between Germany and the USA for the first time in many years. Companies from the two countries may benefit from the lifting of some barriers to transatlantic economic co-operation. Furthermore, the emergence of in fact an internal EU and US market, with reduced customs tariffs and harmonised legal and economic rules, will pressure the emerging economies to make their markets more open. The TTIP may create conditions for exporting US raw materials from unconventional sources to the European Union; and this will be a benefit of geopolitical significance for Germany. The German government is aware of the fact that diversification of supplies of fossil fuels will make Europe less dependent on pressure from Moscow.


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2014 was a watershed year for the geopolitical positioning of the European Union. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, Europe is no longer exporting stability but has begun to import instability in an unprecedented way. The neighborhood policy needs a fundamental review as non-European actors pursue policy concepts and strategies that run counter to EU norms and interests. ZEI Director Prof. Dr. Ludger Kühnhardt argues that the values of the Atlantic civilization have come under pressure in a world which tends to be influenced by new conflicts or a secular nature.


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What explains Germany’s superb export performance? Is Germany’s export behaviour very distinct compared to other European countries? The authors explore the organisational responses to competition of 14,000 exporting firms in seven European countries. The paper examines the export business model of the median exporter and of the top one percent exporters in each country, accounting for 20 percent to 55 percent of total exports. What do these firms do to become superstars? The authors find, first, that the export market share of the median exporter in each of the countries to the world more than tripled (in some cases the export market share increases tenfold) for firms that combine decentralised management with offshoring of production to low-wage countries. Exporters which abstain from any organisational adjustment do very badly. Decentralised management provides incentives for workers for product improvements allowing exporters to compete on quality. Offshoring production to low-wage countries reduces costs allowing exporters to compete on price. Second, we find that Germany is the leading quality exporter in Europe followed by Austria and Spain. Among the top 10 percent of exporters there is no single firm with low quality in Germany and Austria, which suggest that decentralised management has provided incentives for quality in these countries. Third, Germany’s exports are less vulnerable to price increases, while exports from France and Italy respond strongly to price changes, and thus costs reductions via offshoring benefits these countries most.


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Current account deficits have caught the public’s attention as they have contributed to the European debt crisis. However, surpluses also constitute an issue as a deficit in any country must be financed through a surplus in another country. In 2013, Germany, now the world’s largest surplus economy, registered a record high US$273 billion surplus. This paper looks at what accounts for Germany’s surplus, revealing that the major driving factors include strong global demand for quality German exports, domestic wage restraint, an undervalued single currency, high domestic savings rate and interest rate convergence in the euro area. This paper echoes the US Treasury’s view that a persistent German surplus makes it harder for the eurozone as a whole and the southern peripheral economies in particular to recover from the current financial crisis by imposing a Europe-wide “deflationary bias” through pushing up the exchange rate of the euro, exporting feeble German inflation and projecting its ultra-tight macroeconomic policies onto crisis economies. This paper contends that Germany’s trade surplus is likely to endure as Germany and other eurozone countries uphold diverging views on the nature of the surplus engage in a blame-game amidst a sluggish rebalancing process. Prizing the surplus as a reflection of hard work and economic competitiveness, German authorities urge their southern eurozone colleagues to undertake bold structural reforms to correct the imbalance, while the hand-tied governments in crisis-stricken economies call on Germany to do its “homework” by boosting German demands for European goods and services.


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This paper uses the opening of the US textile/apparel market for China at the end of the Multifibre Arrangement in 2005 as a natural experiment to provide evidence for positive assortative matching of Mexican exporting firms and US importing firms by their capability. We identify three findings for liberalized products by comparing them to other textile/apparel products: (1) US importers switched their Mexican partners to those making greater preshock exports, whereas Mexican exporters switched their US partners to those making fewer preshock imports; (2) for firms who switched partners, trade volume of the old partners and the new partners are positively correlated; (3) small Mexican exporters stop exporting. We develop a model combining Becker-type matching of final producers and suppliers with the standard Melitz-type model to show that these findings are consistent with positive assortative matching but not with negative assortative matching or purely random matching. The model indicates that the findings are evidence for a new mechanism of gain from trade.


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Anirudh Shingal presents at the joint NCCR Trade Regulation/NCCR Climate Workshop on “Border measures and the PPM issue in the context of climate change”. This presentation explores the possibility of a unilateral tariff increase on the imports of the most carbon-intensive products (identified from literature) from countries non-committed to climate-friendly polices in a bid to push them towards “global” climate policies. The presentation provides a first look at the empirical model to be used as well as the choice of trading partners, carbon-intensive products and the time period. Preliminary statistical analysis undertaken reveals the importance of these products in the trade flows of both importing and exporting countries as well as the existence of low tariffs (on these products) in destination markets.


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"ER 76-10370."