1000 resultados para Expectatives racionals (Teoria econòmica)
Na Amazônia brasileira, a exploração das florestas tem se dado com imensos danos ambientais e desperdício de recursos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a cadeia produtiva da madeira de espécie nativa em dois municípios do estado do Pará, Paragominas e Novo Progresso, mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os dois municípios são polos madeireiros expressivos para realização do trabalho de campo: um de exploração mais antiga e outro mais recente. Foram entrevistados representantes de empresas de diferentes tamanhos com enfoque na cadeia produtiva da madeira (extração, processamento primário e beneficiamento). Nos dois municípios de forma geral, o parque industrial encontrado é antigo e com tecnologia defasada. Conclui-se que uma política de agregação de valor aos recursos naturais deveria incluir investimentos relevantes em capacitação, treinamento e tecnologia. A cadeia de base florestal pode desempenhar um papel importante na manutenção da floresta em pé, na geração de empregos e nas exportações da região
The objective of this Study was to describe the financial conditions of forestry contractors, concerning life quality aspects, condition of work and equipments, operational costs, and economic credit to invest in new technologies. Five companies had been analyzed, with an annual income between US$ 400,000.00 and US$ 1,720,000.00, with an average of US$ 950,000.00. The number of employees varied between 33 and 181, and the companies were classified in terms of size as: one small, two average, and two big. The main difficulties to invest in new machines were high financial taxes, more than 12% an year, and a lack of long term contracts to guarantee the payment capability. It was observed that the contractors did not consider the capital remuneration and a correct depreciation of machines, resulting in an average machine life higher than 10 years. The final conclusions were that the costs were above the paid values for the services, when computed the depreciation and capital remuneration, with negative results In the financial analyzes of three companies. Finally, the mechanization process increased the workers life quality, however, the annual income was around US$ 2,112.00 per worker, approximately 39% lower than the average Brazilian population.
The present work had as objective uses a model of lineal programming algorithm to optimize the use of the water in the District of Irrigation Baixo Acarau-CE proposing the best combination of crop types and areas established of 8,0 ha. The model aim maximize the net benefit of small farmer, incorporating the constraints in water and land availability, and constraints on the market. Considering crop types and the constraints, the study lead to the following conclusions: 1. The water availability in the District was not a limiting resources, while all available land was assigned in six of the seven cultivation plans analyzed. Furthermore, water availability was a restrictive factor as compared with land only when its availability was made to reduce to 60% of its actual value; 2. The combination of soursop and melon plants was the one that presented the largest net benefit, corresponding to R$ 5,250.00/ha/yr. The planting area for each crop made up to 50% of the area of the plot; 3. The plan that suggests the substitution of the cultivation of the soursop, since a decrease in annual net revenue of 5.87%. However, the plan that contemplates the simultaneous substitution of both soursop and melon produced the lowest liquid revenue, with reduction of 33.8%.
This article presents the results of a study that investigated the meaning of evaluation in mathematics from the historical cultural perspective, focusing on activity theory. In order to develop the investigation, a collaborative group was formed from the Oficina Pedagogica de Matematica de Ribeirao Preto - Sao Paulo (Math Pedagogic Workshop of Ribeirao Preto - OPM/RP), constituted of pre-school teachers and early elementary school teachers, who were participants in this research. The main role of the collaborative group was to offer guided development to the teachers about the teaching of mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective, aiming at collecting data on the process of appropriation of mathematical knowledge by the teachers. The syntheses about the teachers' learning process have contributed to systematize the guiding elements of evaluation in mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective.
The objective of this manuscript is to discuss the existing barriers for the dissemination of medical guidelines, and to present strategies that facilitate the adaptation of the recommendations into clinical practice. The literature shows that it usually takes several years until new scientific evidence is adopted in current practice, even when there is obvious impact in patients' morbidity and mortality. There are some examples where more than thirty years have elapsed since the first case reports about the use of a effective therapy were published until its utilization became routine. That is the case of fibrinolysis for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Some of the main barriers for the implementation of new recommendations are: the lack of knowledge of a new guideline, personal resistance to changes, uncertainty about the efficacy of the proposed recommendation, fear of potential side-effects, difficulties in remembering the recommendations, inexistence of institutional policies reinforcing the recommendation and even economical restrains. In order to overcome these barriers a strategy that involves a program with multiple tools is always the best. That must include the implementation of easy-to-use algorithms, continuous medical education materials and lectures, electronic or paper alerts, tools to facilitate evaluation and prescription, and periodic audits to show results to the practitioners involved in the process. It is also fundamental that the medical societies involved with the specific medical issue support the program for its scientific and ethical soundness. The creation of multidisciplinary committees in each institution and the inclusion of opinion leaders that have pro-active and lasting attitudes are the key-points for the program's success. In this manuscript we use as an example the implementation of a guideline for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, but the concepts described here can be easily applied to any other guideline. Therefore, these concepts could be very useful for institutions and services that aim at quality improvement of patient care. Changes in current medical practice recommended by guidelines may take some time. However, if there is a broader participation of opinion leaders and the use of several tools listed here, they surely have a greater probability of reaching the main objectives: improvement in provided medical care and patient safety.
This work makes a comparative economic analysis of a small-, medium- and large-sized mineral water company, the three of which are localized in the State of Sao Paulo. All have the same lines of production such as glasses, bottles and big bottles. The analysis involves the cash flow comparison of the three companies.
A respeito do aspecto mais significativo da or??amenta????o p??blica, ou seja, a aloca????o de gastos para diferentes prop??sitos de forma a se atingir o melhor retorno, a literatura or??ament??ria norte-americana ?? bastante ??rida. Esfor??ados estudiosos do campo or??ament??rio t??m-se ocupado principalmente com a organiza????o e o procedimento para a prepara????o do or??amento, as formas como as solicita????es de fundos s??osubmetidas, o formato da pe??a or??ament??ria em si e quest??es similares1.N??o se pode negar que esses aspectos merecem a considera????o a eles dispensada, quando se lembra da inacredit??vel resist??ncia ?? ado????o dos mais rudimentares quesitos b??sicos do or??amento e se observa sua condi????o insatisfat??ria ainda hoje em algumas jurisdi????es. No entanto, a dedica????o de energia para o estabelecimento da mec??nica do or??amento desviou a aten????o do problema essencial do or??amento (no lado do gasto), a saber: em que se deve basear a decis??o de se alocar x d??lares para a atividade a em vez de ser para a atividade b
M??dulo 1: O que ?? gest??o do conhecimento na administra????o p??blica? Dado. Informa????o. Conhecimento. Economia do Conhecimento. Administra????o p??blica. GC na administra????o p??blica. Componentes do Modelo de Gest??o do Conhecimento para a Administra????o P??blica Brasileira. Rela????o entre GC e gest??o estrat??gica. Viabilizadores da GC. Processo de GC. Ciclo KDCA. M??dulo 2: Por que gest??o do conhecimento na administra????o p??blica? A import??ncia da GC. Raz??es para implementar GC na administra????o p??blica. Benef??cios da GC para o indiv??duo, equipes, organiza????o e sociedade. M??dulo 3: Pr??ticas de gest??o do conhecimento. Pr??ticas de relacionadas principalmente aos aspectos de gest??o de recursos humanos que facilitam a transfer??ncia, a dissemina????o e o compartilhamento de informa????es e conhecimento. Pr??ticas ligadas primariamente ?? estrutura????o dos processos organizacionais que funcionam como facilitadores da gera????o, reten????o, organiza????o e dissemina????o do conhecimento organizacional. Pr??ticas cujo foco central ?? a base tecnol??gica e funcional que serve de suporte ?? gest??o do conhecimento organizacional, incluindo automa????o da gest??o da informa????o, aplicativos e ferramentas de Tecnologia da Informa????o (TI) para captura, difus??o e colabora????o. M??dulo 4: Como implementar gest??o do conhecimento na administra????o p??blica? Resultados esperados da implementa????o da GC. O papel a ser desempenho pelas ??reas respons??veis por gest??o de pessoas; gest??o da informa????o e documenta????o; gest??o da tecnologia da informa????o e comunica????es; planejamento estrat??gico; gerenciamento de projetos e gest??o de processos na implementa????o da GC na organiza????o. Ciclo Operacional de GC. Principais barreiras e facilitadores ?? implementa????o da GC nas organiza????es p??blicas. Iniciativas de GC. Passos para elaborar e implementar o plano de gest??o do conhecimento. Estudos de caso: Superintend??ncia de Aeronavegabilidade da Ag??ncia Nacional de Avia????o Civil (SAR/ANAC); Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Tel??grafos (ECT); Instituto de Pesquisa Econ??mica Aplicada (Ipea), Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (Enap), Ag??ncia Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Industrial (ABDI); Secretaria Estadual de Planejamento e Gest??o de Minas Gerais (SEPLAG/MG); Pol??cia Civil de Minas Gerais (PCMG); Pol??cia Militar de Minas Gerais (PMMG).
Esse documento trata de: Projetos; Ger??ncia de Projetos ; Rela????o com outras disciplinas; Caracter??sticas das fases do projeto ; Processos de Ger??ncia de Projetos
Esse documento trata de gerenciamento da qualidade do projeto;gerenciamento dos recursos humanos do projeto; gerenciamento das comunica????es do projeto
Esse documento trata de Gerenciamento dos Riscos do Projeto; Gerenciamento das Aquisi????es do Projeto; Gerenciamento das Partes Interessadas; Gerenciamento da Integra????o do Projeto
Esse documento trata de Introdu????o ao Gerenciamento de Projetos; Gerenciamento de Escopo, Tempo e Custos; Gerenciamento de Qualidade, Recursos Humanos e Comunica????es; Gerenciamento de Riscos, Aquisi????es, Partes Interessadas e Integra????o;Elabora????o de uma Estrutura Anal??tica de Projeto - EAP
Esse documento trata de: compet??ncia do titular dos servi??os; composi????o dos Servi??os P??blicos de Saneamento B??sico; gest??o associada dos servi??os p??blicos de saneamento: a import??ncia dos cons??rcios p??blicos e dos conv??nios de coopera????o; Planejamento do Saneamento B??sico; atividades de regula????o, organiza????o, fiscaliza????o e presta????o dos servi??os
O principal objetivo deste livro ?? constituir uma fonte de pesquisa para o estudo do processo de produ????o e implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas. Por meio de textos selecionados, analisa-se o pr??prio conceito de pol??ticas p??blicas, discute-se as defini????es utilizadas para distinguir suas diversas fases e apresenta-se algumas das principais correntes te??ricas de an??lise sobre o processo de pol??ticas p??blicas.