963 resultados para European Environmental Requirements


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The thesis interprets the caveat of Article 194(2) TFEU in order to assess the use of the Article as a legal basis for energy provisions provided by the European Union. The research subject is the Energy Title in the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union and the possibilities of the application of the legal basis provided therein. The purpose is analysis of the possibilities for providing of provisions within the scope of the caveat found in Article 194(2) TFEU with special regard to the possibilities of providing renewable energy legislation. The purpose of the thesis is on one hand to provide an overview of the premises for providing of energy provisions in the EU, and on the other hand to analyse the Treaty text in order to determine the legal basis for energy provisions. The ultimate objective is to determine the correct legal basis for renewable energy provisions, aimed at the mitigation of climate change. According to Article 194(2) TFEU, the practice of the shared legislative powers in the field of energy are restricted by the retention of certain energy matters within the power of the Member States. The wording of the caveat containing the restrictions is open to interpretation and has been a subject of extensive discussion. Many scholars have argued that the caveat in Article 194(2) TFEU might obstruct decision-making in energy matters. This argument is contested, and the factual impact of the codification of the energy competences is analysed. The correct legal basis for energy provisions depends on the final interpretation of the text of the caveat and the level of significance of the effect of the measure. The use of Article 194(2) TFEU as a legal basis might not be the only option. There is a possibility that the legal bases within the Environmental Title might be used as legal bases for energy provisions in addition to Article 194(2) TFEU.


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The European Council has invited the European Commission to present the first macro-regional strategy – the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) on the 14th of December 2007, primarily to address collective challenges and opportunities of the Region and also to engender cohesion in support of an European integration policy. However, macro-regional strategies conceived to aid European integration and territorial cohesion were viewed by academics with skepticism, obscuring the strategies’ potential impact. This thesis intends to investigate and measure the added value of the EUSBSR in order to analyze its impact on regional development and its feasibility as a guide for future programs intending to strengthen European cohesion and integration. To determine the added value of the EUSBSR the thesis is organized into three sections, so as to address environmental, social, and economic concerns, respectively. The first case examines EU-Russia cooperation in an environmental context to investigate how environmental cooperation with an external neighbor could forge increased cohesion in a macro-regional setting. To figure the added cooperation that academic cooperation among universities would contribute to social dimension, the work has chosen several study results. Lastly, to measure out the added value for the economic strategy objective, the study employs the project for Improved Global Competitiveness in an example of ‘A Baltic Sea Region Program for Innovation, Cluster and SME-Networks’ as an economic plan.


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The thesis interprets the caveat of Article 194(2) TFEU in order to assess the use of the Article as a legal basis for energy provisions provided by the European Union. The research subject is the Energy Title in the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union and the possibilities of the application of the legal basis provided therein. The purpose is analysis of the possibilities for providing of provisions within the scope of the caveat found in Article 194(2) TFEU with special regard to the possibilities of providing renewable energy legislation. The purpose of the thesis is on one hand to provide an overview of the premises for providing of energy provisions in the EU, and on the other hand to analyse the Treaty text in order to determine the legal basis for energy provisions. The ultimate objective is to determine the correct legal basis for renewable energy provisions, aimed at the mitigation of climate change. According to Article 194(2) TFEU, the practice of the shared legislative powers in the field of energy are restricted by the retention of certain energy matters within the power of the Member States. The wording of the caveat containing the restrictions is open to interpretation and has been a subject of extensive discussion. Many scholars have argued that the caveat in Article 194(2) TFEU might obstruct decision-making in energy matters. This argument is contested, and the factual impact of the codification of the energy competences is analysed. The correct legal basis for energy provisions depends on the final interpretation of the text of the caveat and the level of significance of the effect of the measure. The use of Article 194(2) TFEU as a legal basis might not be the only option. There is a possibility that the legal bases within the Environmental Title might be used as legal bases for energy provisions in addition to Article 194(2) TFEU.


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This research explored environmental sustainability (ES) initiatives at five top-ranked Ontario golf courses that were members of the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf (ACSP). Research Questions: (1) How are golf courses adapting to safeguard the natural environment? (2) Why or why not are golf courses moving to ES? and (3) What are the arising barriers to ES in golf and how can they be overcome; what role does communication play? Overall, the research was framed with an adaptation of the dimensions of convergence by Houlihan (2012), including the motives, inputs, implementation, momentum, and impact. Additionally, impression management and message framing constructs were utilized to address the issue of communicating ES initiatives. Data collection involved in-depth interviews, observations, and unobtrusive document collection. Environmental aspects of the examination were guided by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Requirements and Guidance for Organizers of Sustainable Events and Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit (SSET).


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Mit der Verwirklichung ,Ökologischer Netzwerke‘ werden Hoffnungen zum Stopp des Verlustes der biologischen Vielfalt verknüpft. Sowohl auf gesamteuropäischer Ebene (Pan-European Ecological Network - PEEN) als auch in den einzelnen Staaten entstehen Pläne zum Aufbau von Verbundsystemen. Im föderalen Deutschland werden kleinmaßstäbliche Biotopverbundplanungen auf Landesebene aufgestellt; zum nationalen Biotopverbund bestehen erste Konzepte. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist auf diese überörtlichen, strategisch vorbereitenden Planungsebenen ausgerichtet. Ziele des Verbunds sind der Erhalt von Populationen insbesondere der gefährdeten Arten sowie die Ermöglichung von Ausbreitung und Wanderung. Aufgrund fehlender Datengrundlagen zu den Arten und Populationen ist es nicht ohne weiteres möglich, die Konzepte und Modelle der Populationsökologie in die überörtlichen Planungsebenen zu übertragen. Gemäß der o.g. Zielstellungen sollte sich aber die Planung von Verbundsystemen an den Ansprüchen der auf Verbund angewiesenen Arten orientieren. Ziel der Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer praktikablen GIS-gestützten Planungshilfe zur größtmöglichen Integration ökologischen Wissens unter der Bedingung eingeschränkter Informationsverfügbarkeit. Als Grundlagen dazu werden in Übersichtsform zunächst die globalen, europäisch-internationalen und nationalen Rahmenbedingungen und Anforderungen bezüglich des Aufbaus von Verbundsystemen zusammengestellt. Hier sind die Strategien zum PEEN hervorzuheben, die eine Integration ökologischer Inhalte insbesondere durch die Berücksichtigung räumlich-funktionaler Beziehungen fordern. Eine umfassende Analyse der landesweiten Biotopverbundplanungen der BRD zeigte die teilweise erheblichen Unterschiede zwischen den Länderplanungen auf, die es aktuell nicht ermöglichen, ein schlüssiges nationales Konzept zusammenzufügen. Nicht alle Länder haben landesweite Biotopverbundplanungen und Landeskonzepte, bei denen dem geplanten Verbund die Ansprüche von Arten zugrunde gelegt werden, gibt es nur ansatzweise. Weiterhin wurde eine zielgerichtete Eignungsprüfung bestehender GIS-basierter Modelle und Konzepte zum Verbund unter Berücksichtigung der regelmäßig in Deutschland verfügbaren Datengrundlagen durchgeführt. Da keine integrativen regelorientierten Ansätze vorhanden waren, wurde der vektorbasierte Algorithmus HABITAT-NET entwickelt. Er arbeitet mit ,Anspruchstypen‘ hinsichtlich des Habitatverbunds, die stellvertretend für unterschiedliche ökologische Gruppen von (Ziel-) Arten mit terrestrischer Ausbreitung stehen. Kombiniert wird die Fähigkeit zur Ausbreitung mit einer Grobtypisierung der Biotopbindung. Die wichtigsten Grundlagendaten bilden die jeweiligen (potenziellen) Habitate von Arten eines Anspruchstyps sowie die umgebende Landnutzung. Bei der Bildung von ,Lebensraumnetzwerken‘ (Teil I) werden gestufte ,Funktions- und Verbindungsräume‘ generiert, die zu einem räumlichen System verknüpft sind. Anschließend kann die aktuelle Zerschneidung der Netzwerke durch Verkehrstrassen aufgezeigt werden, um darauf aufbauend prioritäre Abschnitte zur Wiedervernetzung zu ermitteln (Teil II). Begleitend wird das Konzept der unzerschnittenen Funktionsräume (UFR) entworfen, mit dem die Indikation von Habitatzerschneidung auf Landschaftsebene möglich ist. Diskutiert werden schließlich die Eignung der Ergebnisse als kleinmaßstäblicher Zielrahmen, Tests zur Validierung, Vergleiche mit Verbundplanungen und verschiedene Setzungen im GIS-Algorithmus. Erläuterungen zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten erfolgen beispielsweise für die Bereiche Biotopverbund- und Landschaftsplanung, Raumordnung, Strategische Umweltprüfung, Verkehrswegeplanung, Unterstützung des Konzeptes der Lebensraumkorridore, Kohärenz im Schutzgebietssystem NATURA 2000 und Aufbau von Umweltinformationssystemen. Schließlich wird ein Rück- und Ausblick mit der Formulierung des weiteren Forschungsbedarfs verknüpft.


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With temperatures in the Arctic rising at twice the pace of anywhere else in the world, the European Union (EU) decided in 2008 to begin formulating an overall Arctic policy tackling maritime, environmental, energy and transport challenges. This attempt to draft a comprehensive policy on a topic that the EU had rarely touched upon unavoidably ran up against other existing strategies from Arctic and non-Arctic states. Against this background, this paper examines whether the EU’s current Arctic policy is conducive to framing a strategy that is both correctly targeted and flexible enough to represent Europe’s interests. It shows that the EU’s approach can serve as an effective foreign policy tool to establish the Union’s legitimacy as an Arctic player. However, the EU’s Arctic policy is still underestimating its potential to find common grounds with the strategic partners Russia and China. A properly targeted Arctic policy could help influence Russia over the EU’s interests in the Northern Sea Route and strengthen cooperation with China in an endeavour to gain recognition as relevant Arctic players.


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This paper focuses on the role of the European Union (EU) in the formation of India’s climate change policy; an increasingly high profile issue area. It is based on an extensive study of relevant literature, EU-India policy documents and the execution of thirteen semi-structured interviews with experts; many of whom have experienced EU-India cooperation on climate change first-hand. A three-point typology will be used to assess the extent of the EU’s leadership role, supporting role or equal partnership role in India, with several sub-roles within these categories. Further, for clarity and chronology purposes, three time periods will be distinguished to assess how India’s climate policy has evolved over time, alongside the EU’s role within that. The findings of the paper confirm that the EU has demonstrated signs of all three roles to some degree, although the EU-India relationship in climate policy is increasingly an equal partnership. It offers explanations for previous shortcomings in EU-India climate policy as well as policy recommendations to help ensure more effective cooperation and implementation of policies.


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We compare European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 15-year reanalysis (ERA-15) moisture over the tropical oceans with satellite observations and the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) National Center for Atmospheric Research 40-year reanalysis. When systematic differences in moisture between the observational and reanalysis data sets are removed, the NCEP data show excellent agreement with the observations while the ERA-15 variability exhibits remarkable differences. By forcing agreement between ERA-15 column water vapor and the observations, where available, by scaling the entire moisture column accordingly, the height-dependent moisture variability remains unchanged for all but the 550–850 hPa layer, where the moisture variability reduces significantly. Thus the excess variation of column moisture in ERA-15 appears to originate in this layer. The moisture variability provided by ERA-15 is not deemed of sufficient quality for use in the validation of climate models.


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The spatial and temporal dynamics in the stream water NO3-N concentrations in a major European river-system, the Garonne (62,700 km(2)), are described and related to variations in climate, land management, and effluent point-sources using multivariate statistics. Building on this, the Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) rainfall-runoff model and the Integrated Catchment Model of Nitrogen (INCA-N) are applied to simulate the observed flow and N dynamics. This is done to help us to understand which factors and processes control the flow and N dynamics in different climate zones and to assess the relative inputs from diffuse and point sources across the catchment. This is the first application of the linked HBV and INCA-N models to a major European river system commensurate with the largest basins to be managed tinder the Water Framework Directive. The simulations suggest that in the lowlands, seasonal patterns in the stream water NO3-N concentrations emerge and are dominated by diffuse agricultural inputs, with an estimated 75% of the river load in the lowlands derived from arable farming. The results confirm earlier European catchment studies. Namely, current semi-distrubuted catchment-scale dynamic models, which integrate variations in land cover, climate, and a simple representation of the terrestrial and in-stream N cycle, are able to simulate seasonal NO3-N patterns at large spatial (> 300 km(2)) and temporal (>= monthly) scales using available national datasets.


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This contribution closes this special issue of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences concerning the assessment of nitrogen dynamics in catchments across Europe within a semi-distributed Integrated Nitrogen model for multiple source assessment in Catchments (INCA). New developments in the understanding of the factors and processes determining the concentrations and loads of nitrogen are outlined. The ability of the INCA model to simulate the hydrological and nitrogen dynamics of different European ecosystems is assessed and the results of the first scenario analyses investigating the impacts of deposition, climatic and land-use change on the nitrogen dynamics are summarised. Consideration is given as to how well the model has performed as a generic too] for describing the nitrogen dynamics of European ecosystems across Arctic, Maritime. Continental and Mediterranean climates, its role in new research initiatives and future research requirements.


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Intensive cultivation of fen peat soils (Eutric Histosols) for agricultural purposes, started in Europe about 250 years ago, resulting in decreased soil fertility, increased oxidation of peat and corresponding CO2-emissions to the atmosphere, nutrient transfer to aquatic ecosystems and losses in the total area of the former native wetlands. To prevent these negative environmental effects set-aside programs and rewetting measures were promoted in recent years. Literature results and practical experiences showed that large scale rewetting of intensively used agricultural Histosols may result in the mobilisation of phosphorus (P), its transport to adjacent surface waters and an accelerated eutrophication risk. The paper summarises results from an international European Community sponsored research project and demonstrates how results obtained at different scales and from different scientific disciplines were compiled to derive a strategy to carry out rewetting measures. A decision support system (DSS) for a hydrologically sensitive area in the Droemling catchment in north-eastern Germany was developed and is presented as a tool to regulate rewetting in order to control P release. It is demonstrated that additional laboratory experiments to identify essential processes of P release during rewetting and the site-specific management of the water table, the involvement of specific knowledge and experience of the stakeholders are necessary to develop an applicable DSS. The presented DSS is practically used to prevent freshwater resources from diffuse P pollution.


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The spatial and temporal dynamics in the stream water NO3-N concentrations in a major European river-system, the Garonne (62,700 km(2)), are described and related to variations in climate, land management, and effluent point-sources using multivariate statistics. Building on this, the Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) rainfall-runoff model and the Integrated Catchment Model of Nitrogen (INCA-N) are applied to simulate the observed flow and N dynamics. This is done to help us to understand which factors and processes control the flow and N dynamics in different climate zones and to assess the relative inputs from diffuse and point sources across the catchment. This is the first application of the linked HBV and INCA-N models to a major European river system commensurate with the largest basins to be managed tinder the Water Framework Directive. The simulations suggest that in the lowlands, seasonal patterns in the stream water NO3-N concentrations emerge and are dominated by diffuse agricultural inputs, with an estimated 75% of the river load in the lowlands derived from arable farming. The results confirm earlier European catchment studies. Namely, current semi-distrubuted catchment-scale dynamic models, which integrate variations in land cover, climate, and a simple representation of the terrestrial and in-stream N cycle, are able to simulate seasonal NO3-N patterns at large spatial (> 300 km(2)) and temporal (>= monthly) scales using available national datasets.


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This contribution closes this special issue of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences concerning the assessment of nitrogen dynamics in catchments across Europe within a semi-distributed Integrated Nitrogen model for multiple source assessment in Catchments (INCA). New developments in the understanding of the factors and processes determining the concentrations and loads of nitrogen are outlined. The ability of the INCA model to simulate the hydrological and nitrogen dynamics of different European ecosystems is assessed and the results of the first scenario analyses investigating the impacts of deposition, climatic and land-use change on the nitrogen dynamics are summarised. Consideration is given as to how well the model has performed as a generic too] for describing the nitrogen dynamics of European ecosystems across Arctic, Maritime. Continental and Mediterranean climates, its role in new research initiatives and future research requirements.


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Current feed evaluation systems for dairy cattle aim to match nutrient requirements with nutrient intake at pre-defined production levels. These systems were not developed to address, and are not suitable to predict, the responses to dietary changes in terms of production level and product composition, excretion of nutrients to the environment, and nutrition related disorders. The change from a requirement to a response system to meet the needs of various stakeholders requires prediction of the profile of absorbed nutrients and its subsequent utilisation for various purposes. This contribution examines the challenges to predicting the profile of nutrients available for absorption in dairy cattle and provides guidelines for further improved prediction with regard to animal production responses and environmental pollution. The profile of nutrients available for absorption comprises volatile fatty acids, long-chain fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. Thus the importance of processes in the reticulo-rumen is obvious. Much research into rumen fermentation is aimed at determination of substrate degradation rates. Quantitative knowledge on rates of passage of nutrients out of the rumen is rather limited compared with that on degradation rates, and thus should be an important theme in future research. Current systems largely ignore microbial metabolic variation, and extant mechanistic models of rumen fermentation give only limited attention to explicit representation of microbial metabolic activity. Recent molecular techniques indicate that knowledge on the presence and activity of various microbial species is far from complete. Such techniques may give a wealth of information, but to include such findings in systems predicting the nutrient profile requires close collaboration between molecular scientists and mathematical modellers on interpreting and evaluating quantitative data. Protozoal metabolism is of particular interest here given the paucity of quantitative data. Empirical models lack the biological basis necessary to evaluate mitigation strategies to reduce excretion of waste, including nitrogen, phosphorus and methane. Such models may have little predictive value when comparing various feeding strategies. Examples include the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier II models to quantify methane emissions and current protein evaluation systems to evaluate low protein diets to reduce nitrogen losses to the environment. Nutrient based mechanistic models can address such issues. Since environmental issues generally attract more funding from governmental offices, further development of nutrient based models may well take place within an environmental framework.


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Given the growing impact of human activities on the sea, managers are increasingly turning to marine protected areas (MPAs) to protect marine habitats and species. Many MPAs have been unsuccessful, however, and lack of income has been identified as a primary reason for failure. In this study, data from a global survey of 79 MPAs in 36 countries were analysed and attempts made to construct predictive models to determine the income requirements of any given MPA. Statistical tests were used to uncover possible patterns and relationships in the data, with two basic approaches. In the first of these, an attempt was made to build an explanatory "bottom-up" model of the cost structures that might be required to pursue various management activities. This proved difficult in practice owing to the very broad range of applicable data, spanning many orders of magnitude. In the second approach, a "top-down" regression model was constructed using logarithms of the base data, in order to address the breadth of the data ranges. This approach suggested that MPA size and visitor numbers together explained 46% of the minimum income requirements (P < 0.001), with area being the slightly more influential factor. The significance of area to income requirements was of little surprise, given its profile in the literature. However, the relationship between visitors and income requirements might go some way to explaining why northern hemisphere MPAs with apparently high incomes still claim to be under-funded. The relationship between running costs and visitor numbers has important implications not only in determining a realistic level of funding for MPAs, but also in assessing from where funding might be obtained. Since a substantial proportion of the income of many MPAs appears to be utilized for amenity purposes, a case may be made for funds to be provided from the typically better resourced government social and educational budgets as well as environmental budgets. Similarly visitor fees, already an important source of funding for some MPAs, might have a broader role to play in how MPAs are financed in the future. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.