941 resultados para Environmental Practices
Since the 1990s several large companies have been publishing nonfinancial performance reports. Focusing initially on the physical environment, these reports evolved to consider social relations, as well as data on the firm`s economic performance. A few mining companies pioneered this trend, and in the last years some of them incorporated the three dimensions of sustainable development, publishing so-called sustainability reports. This article reviews 31 reports published between 2001 and 2006 by four major mining companies. A set of 62 assessment items organized in six categories (namely context and commitment, management, environmental, social and economic performance, and accessibility and assurance) were selected to guide the review. The items were derived from international literature and recommended best practices, including the Global Reporting Initiative G3 framework. A content analysis was performed using the report as a sampling unit, and using phrases, graphics, or tables containing certain information as data collection units. A basic rating scale (0 or 1) was used for noting the presence or absence of information and a final percentage score was obtained for each report. Results show that there is a clear evolution in report`s comprehensiveness and depth. Categories ""accessibility and assurance"" and ""economic performance"" featured the lowest scores and do not present a clear evolution trend in the period, whereas categories ""context and commitment"" and ""social performance"" presented the best results and regular improvement; the category ""environmental performance,"" despite it not reaching the biggest scores, also featured constant evolution. Description of data measurement techniques, besides more comprehensive third-party verification are the items most in need of improvement.
Constructing highways in dense urban areas is always a challenge. In Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region, heavy truck traffic contributes to clog streets and expressways alike. As part of the traffic neither originates nor head to the region, a peripheral highway has been proposed to reduce traffic problems. This project called Rodoanel, is an expressway approximately 175 km long. The fact that the projected south and north sections would cross catchments that supply most of the metropolis water demand was strongly disputed and made the environmental permitting process particularly difficult. The agency in charge commissioned a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of a revamped project, and called it the Rodoanel Programme. However, the SEA report failed to satisfactorily take account of significant strategic issues. Among these, the highway potential effect of inducing urban sprawl over water protection zones is the most critical issue, as it emerged later as a hurdle to project licensing. Conclusion is that, particularly where no agreed-upon framework for SEA exists, when vertical tiering with downstream project EIA is sought, then a careful scoping of strategic issues is more than necessary. If an agreement on `what is strategic` is not reached and not recognized by influential stakeholders, then the unsettled conflicts will be transferred to project EIA. In such a context, SEA will have added another loop to the usually long road to project approval. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Guidelines for red blood cell (RBC) transfusions exist; however, transfusion practices vary among centers. This study aimed to analyze transfusion practices and the impact of patients and institutional characteristics on the indications of RBC transfusions in preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: RBC transfusion practices were investigated in a multicenter prospective cohort of preterm infants with a birth weight of less than 1500 g born at eight public university neonatal intensive care units of the Brazilian Network on Neonatal Research. Variables associated with any RBC transfusions were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 952 very-low-birth-weight infants, 532 (55.9%) received at least one RBC transfusion. The percentages of transfused neonates were 48.9, 54.5, 56.0, 61.2, 56.3, 47.8, 75.4, and 44.7%, respectively, for Centers 1 through 8. The number of transfusions during the first 28 days of life was higher in Center 4 and 7 than in other centers. After 28 days, the number of transfusions decreased, except for Center 7. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed higher likelihood of transfusion in infants with late onset sepsis (odds ratio [OR], 2.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-4.4), intraventricular hemorrhage (OR, 9.4; 95% CI, 3.3-26.8), intubation at birth (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0-2.8), need for umbilical catheter (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.4), days on mechanical ventilation (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.2), oxygen therapy (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), parenteral nutrition (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), and birth center (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The need of RBC transfusions in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants was associated with clinical conditions and birth center. The distribution of the number of transfusions during hospital stay may be used as a measure of neonatal care quality.
Capybaras were monitored weekly from 1998 to 2006 by counting individuals in three anthropogenic environments (mixed agricultural fields, forest and open areas) of southeastern Brazil in order to examine the possible influence of environmental variables (temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation and global radiation) on the detectability of this species. There was consistent seasonality in the number of capybaras in the study area, with a specific seasonal pattern in each area. Log-linear models were fitted to the sample counts of adult capybaras separately for each sampled area, with an allowance for monthly effects, time trends and the effects of environmental variables. Log-linear models containing effects for the months of the year and a quartic time trend were highly significant. The effects of environmental variables on sample counts were different in each type of environment. As environmental variables affect capybara detectability, they should be considered in future species survey/monitoring programs.
Eucalyptus is the dominant and most productive planted forest in Brazil, covering around 3.4 million ha for the production of charcoal, pulp, sawtimber, timber plates, wood foils, plywood and for building purposes. At the early establishment of the forest plantations, during the second half of the 1960s, the eucalypt yield was 10 m(3) ha(-1) y(-1). Now, as a result of investments in research and technology, the average productivity is 38 m3 ha(-1) y(-1). The productivity restrictions are related to the following environmental factors, in order of importance: water deficits > nutrient deficiency > soil depth and strength. The clonal forests have been fundamental in sites with larger water and nutrient restrictions, where they out-perform those established from traditional seed-based planting stock. When the environmental limitations are small the productivities of plantations based on clones or seeds appear to be similar. In the long term there are risks to sustainability, because of the low fertility and low reserves of primary minerals in the soils, which are, commonly, loamy and clayey oxisols and ultisols. Usually, a decline of soil quality is caused by management that does not conserve soil and site resources, damages soil physical and chemical characteristics, and insufficient or unbalanced fertiliser management. The problem is more serious when fast-growing genotypes are planted, which have a high nutrient demand and uptake capacity, and therefore high nutrient output through harvesting. The need to mobilise less soil by providing more cover and protection, reduce the nutrient and organic matter losses, preserve crucial physical properties as permeability ( root growth, infiltration and aeration), improve weed control and reduce costs has led to a progressive increase in the use of minimum cultivation practices during the last 20 years, which has been accepted as a good alternative to keep or increase site quality in the long term. In this paper we provide a synthesis and critical appraisal of the research results and practical implications of early silvicultural management on long-term site productivity of fast-growing eucalypt plantations arising from the Brazilian context.
Sugar and ethanol production are key components of Brazil`s rural development and energy strategies, yet in recent years sugar production has been widely criticized for its environmental and labor practices. This study examines the relationship between rural development and sugarcane, ethanol, and cattle production in the state of Sao Paulo. Our results suggest that the value added components of sugarcane production, which include sugar refining and ethanol production, may have a strong positive affect on local human development in comparison to primary agricultural production activities and other land uses. These results imply that sugar production, when accompanied by a local processing industry can stimulate rural development. However, this paper also highlights the significant environmental and social harms generated by the sugar industry at large, which may undermine its development benefits if not addressed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tree-rings have frequently been used for dating of trees and to determine annual growth increments and forest dynamics, but little is known in tropical conditions about their utilization for environmental monitoring. This paper presents the results of Araucaria columnaris tree-ring characterization by wood anatomy and X-ray densitometric analysis and the determination of Pb concentration. Core samples from twelve araucaria trees were extracted from two sites exposed to air pollution due to intense traffic of vehicles and industrial activities. The tree-rings distinctly presented radial variation in early-latewood thickness and density, and characteristics of juvenile and mature wood. Anatomical and X-ray densitometric analysis were useful to delimit the tree-ring boundaries and to date the tree-rings, as well as to prove the annual formation. The lead concentration in annual araucaria tree-rings, analyzed with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, indicated the seasonal presence of the heavy metal in the environment during the 30 years studied, although the Pb did not affect tree growth. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The increased use of marginal quality water with drip irrigation requires sound fertigation practices that reconcile environmental concerns with viable crop production objectives. We conducted experiments to characterize dynamics and patterns of soil solution within wet bulb formed by drip irrigation. Time-domain reflectometry probes were used to monitor the distribution of potassium nitrate (KNO(3)) and water distribution from drippers discharging at constant flow rates of 2, 4 and 8 L h(-1) in soil-filled containers. Considering results from different profiles, we observed greater solute storage near the dripper decreasing gradually towards the wetting front. About half of the applied KNO(3) solution (48%) was stored in the first layer (0-0.10 m) for all experiments, 29% was stored in the next layer (0.10-0.20 m). Comparing different dripper flow rates, we observed higher solution storage for 4 L h(-1), with 45, 53 and 47% of applied KNO(3) solution accumulating in the first layer (0-0.10 m) for dripper flow rates of 2, 4 and 8 L h(-1), respectively. The results suggest that based on the volume and frequency used in this experiment, it would be advantageous to apply small amounts of solution at more frequent intervals to reduce deep percolation losses of applied water and solutes.
Precision agriculture (PA) technologies are being applied to crops in Brazil, which are important to ensure Brazil`s position in agricultural production. However, there are no studies available at present to indicate the extent to which PA technologies are being used in the country. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to investigate how the sugar-ethanol industry in So Paulo state, which produces 60% of the domestic sugarcane, is adopting and using these techniques. For this purpose, primary data were used, which were obtained from a questionnaire sent to all companies operating in the sugar-ethanol industry in the region. The aim was to determine to what extent these companies are adopting and using PA technologies, and also to promote a more in-depth discussion of the topic within the sugar-ethanol industry. Information was obtained on the features of the companies, on sources of information that they use for adopting these technologies, on their impacts on these companies and on obstacles hindering their adoption. The main conclusions of this research suggest that companies that adopt and use PA practices reap benefits, such as managerial improvements, higher yields, lower costs, minimization of environmental impacts and improvements in sugarcane quality.
This study evaluates the impacts of Brazilian highway conditions on fuel consumption and, consequently, on carbon dioxide (COO emissions. For the purpose of this study, highway conditions refer to the level of highway maintenance: the incidence of large potholes, large surface cracks, uneven sections, and debris. Primary computer collected data related to the fuel consumption of three types of trucks were analyzed. The data were derived from 88 trips taken over six routes, each route representative of one of two highway conditions: better or worse. Study results are initially presented for each type of truck being monitored. The results are then aggregated to approximate the entire Brazilian highway network. In all cases, results confirmed environmental benefits resulting from travel over the better routes. There was found to be an increase in energy efficiency from traveling better roads, which resulted in lower fuel consumption and lower CO(2) emissions. Statistical analysis of the results suggests that, in general, fuel consumption data were significant at *P < 0.05, rejecting the null hypothesis that average fuel consumption from traveling the better routes is statistically equal to average fuel consumption from traveling the worse routes. Improved Brazilian road conditions would generate economic benefits, reduce dependency on and consumption of fossil fuels (due to the increase in energy efficiency), and reduce CO(2) emissions. These findings may have additional relevancy if Brazil needs to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to reach future Kyoto Protocol`s emissions targets, which should take effect in January 2013. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Solanum lycocarpum (lobeira) is a typical and abundant species of brazilian Cerrado, which occupies mainly surrounding disturbed areas. It has interesting characteristics from the point of view of reproductive biology, that probably are favoring the large occupation of habitats by the species. Based on the fact that the species produces flowers and fruit during all the year, the present study had the purpose to verify the association between flower and fruit production with environmental variables (temperature, relative humidity and precipitation), aiming to support future studies referring to reproductive biology and ecology of plant species from Cerrado biome. A population of S. lycocarpum composed of 34 plants in reproductive phase, situated in Morrinhos, south of the State of Goias, Brazil,, was evaluated. All the plants were geographically referenced with a GPS receptor. Observations were made monthly during 13 months (June, 2005 to July, 2006) quantifying open flowers and fruits produced in the intervals between the observations. It was possible suggest high conversion of flowers in fruits. The Spearman rank correlation showed positive correlation of flower number with precipitation and relative humidity. Fruit number was not correlated with the environmental variables.
Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to assess the stress conditions in water hyacinth along the Paraiba do Sul River (PSR), an important River in southeastern Brazil. The data were obtained at the end of the dry season of 2005 and at the end of the wet season of 2006. Changes in F-o and F-m parameters were observed as differentiated responses, depending on the season. Non-photochemical dissipation (qN and NPQ) from plants was greater in the most industrialized region of the PSR in both seasons. However, F-v/F-m for all samples ranged between 0.77 and 0.81, showing that high maximum quantum yield was maintained. Although the F-v/F-m suggests that the plants were exhibiting normal photochemical activities, ultrastructural changes in chloroplasts showed thylakoids disorganization. Plants from the most industrialized region showed non-stacking grana thylakoids disposition. In spite of these alterations, the membrane integrity was maintained, suggesting an adaptation to adjustment to adverse environmental conditions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Faced with new challenges, such as emerging diseases, shortening of orchard longevity, and larger social and environmental demands from consumers, practices such as rootstock diversification, irrigation and high density plantings have become relevant for the Brazilian citrus industry. This research had the objective to evaluate the performance of irrigated and non-irrigated `Tahiti` lime trees grafted on 12 rootstocks and one interstock. Plots were distributed following a randomized block design, with four replicates and one plant per plot. Rootstocks influenced plant vigor, especially `Flying Dragon` trifoliate, which reduced tree height by approximately 47% compared to the `Rangpur lime. Trees that were budded on more vigorous rootstocks showed higher yield when grown without irrigation than with irrigation. The `1646` citradia and `Morton` citrange rootstocks performed particularly well. On the other hand, the plants on less vigorous rootstocks showed better performance in terms of yield under irrigation than the same combinations without irrigation, especially those grafted on the tetraploid `Carrizo` and `Troyer` citranges, `Swingle` citrumelo, `Davis A` trifoliate and `Flying Dragon` trifoliate. Plants budded on the `1708` citradia had high yields under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The effect of interstock on plant vigor was dependent of rootstock. Interstocked plants on `Davis A` trifoliate were higher than those without interstock. On the other hand, interstocked plants on Catania 2 `Volkamer` lemon were less vigorous than those without interstock. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The assessment of bacterial communities in soil gives insight into microbial behavior under prevailing environmental conditions. In this context, we assessed the composition of soil bacterial communities in a Brazilian sugarcane experimental field. The experimental design encompassed plots containing common sugarcane (variety SP80-1842) and its transgenic form (IMI-1 - imazapyr herbicide resistant). Plants were grown in such field plots in a completely randomized design with three treatments, which addressed the factors transgene and imazapyr herbicide application. Soil samples were taken at three developmental stages during plant growth and analyzed using 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA)-based PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and clone libraries. PCR-DGGE fingerprints obtained for the total bacterial community and specific bacterial groups - Actinobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria - revealed that the structure of these assemblages did not differ over time and among treatments. Nevertheless, slight differences among 16S rRNA gene clone libraries constructed from each treatment could be observed at particular cut-off levels. Altogether, the libraries encompassed a total of eleven bacterial phyla and the candidate divisions TM7 and OP10. Clone sequences affiliated with the Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Acidobacteria were, in this order, most abundant. Accurate phylogenetic analyses were performed for the phyla Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia, revealing the structures of these groups, which are still poorly understood as to their importance for soil functioning and sustainability under agricultural practices.
This article reports major results from collaborative research between France and Brazil on soil and water systems, carried out in the Upper Amazon Basin. It reveals the weathering processes acting in the partly inundated, low elevation plateaus of the Basin, mostly covered by evergreen forest. Our findings are based on geochemical data and mineral spectroscopy that probe the crystal chemistry of Fe and Al in mineral phases (mainly kaolinite, Al- and Fe-(hydr)oxides) of tropical soils (laterites). These techniques reveal crystal alterations in mineral populations of different ages and changes of metal speciation associated with mineral or organic phases. These results provide an integrated model of soil formation and changes (from laterites to podzols) in distinct hydrological compartments of the Amazon landscapes and under altered water regimes. (C) 2010 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.