927 resultados para Enfermagem Ensino auxiliado por computador
Ps-graduao em Geografia - IGCE
Ps-graduao em Geografia - IGCE
Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC
Pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem Fenomenolgica, que utilizou como referencial terico-metodolgico a filosofia de Martin Heidegger expressa em sua obra Ser e Tempo. Estudo realizado na Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Par no segundo semestre de 2013 e teve como objetivo revelar os sentidos e sentimentos que os docentes enfermeiros do segundo e do terceiro semestres do curso de graduao em enfermagem da UFPA expressam sobre a sade mental no cotidiano de ser docente. Participaram dessa pesquisa nove enfermeiros docentes das atividades curriculares Introduo a Enfermagem (3) Ateno Integral a Sade da Mulher, Criana e Adolescente (2), Ateno Integral a Sade do Idoso (2), Processo Educativo I (1) e Exerccio Profissional (1). O expresso pelos docentes foi captado por meio da entrevista fenomenolgica agendada com cada docente e analisado pela instncia ntica que diz respeito compreenso vaga e mediana. Cinco Unidades de Significados emergiram: US1 sade mental fenmeno natural que se manifesta na liberdade para o modo de ser e estar com o outro numa relao equilibrada. US2 a significao da sade mental como essncia das experincias vividas manifestada na possibilidade de acesso s coisas do mundo. US3 sade mental revela-se no cotidiano da prtica em enfermagem nas diferentes fases da vida numa ocupao simplesmente dada. US4 sade mental manifestada no processo de formao como acontecimento secundrio. US5 o modo de ser docente em sua experincia de vida influencia as relaes com o outro no processo de formao. O revelado no estudo, por meio do que foi falado, percebido e vivido, expressa que a preocupao com a sade mental um acontecimento, no entanto esta no se constitui como possibilidades, ou seja, no h uma ocupao antecipada da sade mental como contedo formal desta ou daquela Atividade Curricular. possvel que o docente em seu modo de ser possa abrir-se ao novo, lanar-se no mundo e promover mudanas no cotidiano da formao de enfermeiros, ocupando-se da sade mental, pois mesmo sem o contedo presente nos planos de ensino h o reconhecimento de sua existncia e de sua importncia na temporalidade da vida das pessoas.
Ps-graduao em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of leadership to undergraduate nursing students and the expectation related to their professional practice. Phenomenology was used as theoretical framework. Fifteen undergraduate nursing students were recruited as subjects and answered the following question: What do you understand by leadership, and how can it be applied in your professional practice? The topics which were revealed and analyzed, Leadership Styles and Leadership Exercise, enabled us to understand that the meaning attributed to leadership is unveiled as a dynamic process, and the style adopted is the form to lead a team; therefore, an ideal leadership style does not exist. In teaching, the leadership style began to be discussed when the participant forms of personnel management were approached. In leadership practice, the dissociation between leadership theory and practice is emphasized, pointing out that integration with practice is relevant for leadership learning.
Ps-graduao em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Today statistics are one of the most important bases of the engineer formation. Statistics are used indirectly every day for engineers in a large panel of sectors like construction, mechanical engineering, biological engineering, electrical engineering, computer science etc. The main goal of this report is to compare different ways the engineers of tomorrow are formed in order to show which engineering is the best practice. The comparison will be done on different universities in France, Brazil and the US on Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and Production branches. We will compare the amount of courses required, the degree of knowledge needed and the mains subjects
Com o passar do tempo e com a maior evoluo da informtica devido criao de computadores cada vez mais potentes foram feitos diversos investimentos em ferramentas para transmisso de informaes a distncia. Dentre essas ferramentas esto softwares para interao usurio-mquina, programas que auxiliam a realizao de processos de maneira eficaz e automatizada e a internet, que possibilitou conectar vrios usurios em todo o mundo. O uso da informtica cada vez mais necessrio em todas as reas e isso no diferente na educao. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as condies de 10 escolas localizadas em trs cidades do Estado de So Paulo: Campinas, Leme e Botucatu, com relao utilizao da informtica no processo de aprendizagem dos alunos e como recurso aos professores e funcionrios para o auxilio a informatizao do ambiente escolar e desenvolvimento de novas prticas de ensino. Por meio das respostas foi possvel fazer um levantamento das condies do uso da informtica nas escolas visitadas identificando as deficincias ainda encontradas com relao utilizao dos computadores. Nota-se ainda nas escolas, um equvoco sobre a real funo do computador que muitas vezes confundido como simples entretenimento ao invs de um grande mecanismo para o processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo e aprendizagem.
The technological advances of recent decades combined with digital inc1usion in Brazil sparked the country's population to the constant use of computers to perform tasks in many different natures. Whether it's for communication, entertainment, work or school, computers are tools with increasing numbers in Brazilian homes. Along with this evolution the Brazilian Physics teaching should be aware of the use of teaching tools that relate directly to the computer to student learning. Highlighting in this work we have scanned the contents of the Wikipedia community, a wide variety of educational videos placed on YouTube, educational games that try to teach the player in a fun way and a variety educational softwares placed on the World Wide Web. It is with special attention to educational softwares as tools for teaching physics, which describe some strategies for use of these software, combined with the textbooks, to illustrate some ways to introduce the use of educational softwares directly in the classroom
The financial health of a family is one of the main generators of quality of life, and this is only possible through financial planning, which is nothing more than save and analyze before contracting debts. To do this, students must have notion of financial mathematics, especially of that used by the banks on overdraft interest, in investments and in the short-term and longterm loans, that is, compound interest, equivalent rates, depreciation and others. Starting from the knowledge of arithmetic and geometric progressions and, based on real situations which allow the application of the content learned, one intends to develop activities applied to high education. To start from real situations is one of the main lines of thought of the Problem Solving Methodology, in which the student is the active agent in the construction of his or her knowledge. As the National Curricular Parameters point out, the practice in the use of computers is essential for gaining a job. Therefore, this project proposes an activity where knowledge of Financial Mathematics can to be practiced, associated with the use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
We know that studies on reading and writing take place within the Linguistic for several decades and, with de computer, the language entered the network and this is opening a learning space for writing classes, no more reduced to a classroom but expanded to a universe that has no geographical boundaries, namely de Internet. Our research fits into this context and is part of the project The discourse on writing practices in contemporary Brazilian media: the art making, the pedagogical practice, and the production of meaning to develop discourse analysis on the practice of writing on sites dedicated to teaching and learning of this practice. The main objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between school attendance of redaction - made here as discourse gender, as you know Bakhtin - and the discourse of the sites that constitute our corpus. We set out the hypothesis that the sites are intended for the teaching/learning of writing seeking to create virtually teaching imaginarily conditions similar to those that exist in school attendance of the Portuguese language. We are interested in, therefore, observe, discursively, as the image is created of the interlocutors to which they are intended considering that the enunciators are not in front of those who occupy the place of real students, because they are virtual students. We, too, to know as the gender class manifested itself in those sites, as these sites dialogue with the face-to-face class in relation to ideology, the function of the teacher, the conception of language and writing. The constitution of the corpus was from search tools on the internet. The sites that we analyzed were: alunosonline.com.br, brasilescola.com.br, coladaweb.com.br, guiadoestudante.com.br, infoescola.com.br, mundoeducao.com.br, mundovestibular.com.br, portugus.com.br, professorjuscelino.com.br and redaodissertativa.com.br. The selection was qualitative, considering the...
The use of computers in childhood education makes it possible for them to acquire knowledge in a fun way through games. This paper describes the experience of implementing the course Computers for Children, which is part of a University Extension Program at the School of Dentistry at UNESP - Araraquara. This course is offered to children aged 5-7 years old and it aims, not only, to offer children, via computer, a direct contact with new teaching technologies, but also, to help them develop both their motor and logical thinking abilities through educational games. The children that participated in this course are from the Childrens Center Casinha de Abelha at the UNESP -Araraquara and also from the Municipal Recreation and Educational Centers also in Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The software resources used in this course to teach computer skills are the educational games Coelho Sabido Maternal, A Estrela Cintilante and Festa dos Dentinhos. The childrens learning and the level of difficulty in using the computer as a tool were evaluated. It was possible to conclude that the course has been contributing to the digital inclusion of children aged 5-7 years old, in addition to training their visual and audio perception, their motor coordination and memorization, hence developing skills that are essential to the childrens literacy process.