906 resultados para Electrical bias


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This study details a method to statistically determine, on a millisecond scale and for individual subjects, those brain areas whose activity differs between experimental conditions, using single-trial scalp-recorded EEG data. To do this, we non-invasively estimated local field potentials (LFPs) using the ELECTRA distributed inverse solution and applied non-parametric statistical tests at each brain voxel and for each time point. This yields a spatio-temporal activation pattern of differential brain responses. The method is illustrated here in the analysis of auditory-somatosensory (AS) multisensory interactions in four subjects. Differential multisensory responses were temporally and spatially consistent across individuals, with onset at approximately 50 ms and superposition within areas of the posterior superior temporal cortex that have traditionally been considered auditory in their function. The close agreement of these results with previous investigations of AS multisensory interactions suggests that the present approach constitutes a reliable method for studying multisensory processing with the temporal and spatial resolution required to elucidate several existing questions in this field. In particular, the present analyses permit a more direct comparison between human and animal studies of multisensory interactions and can be extended to examine correlation between electrophysiological phenomena and behavior.


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The pursuit of high response rates to minimise the threat of nonresponse bias continues to dominate decisions about resource allocation in survey research. Yet a growing body of research has begun to question this practice. In this study, we use previously unavailable data from a new sampling frame based on population registers to assess the value of different methods designed to increase response rates on the European Social Survey in Switzerland. Using sampling data provides information about both respondents and nonrespondents, making it possible to examine how changes in response rates resulting from the use of different fieldwork methods relate to changes in the composition and representativeness of the responding sample. We compute an R-indicator to assess representativity with respect to the sampling register variables, and find little improvement in the sample composition as response rates increase. We then examine the impact of response rate increases on the risk of nonresponse bias based on Maximal Absolute Bias (MAB), and coefficients of variation between subgroup response rates, alongside the associated costs of different types of fieldwork effort. The results show that increases in response rate help to reduce MAB, while only small but important improvements to sample representativity are gained by varying the type of effort. These findings lend further support to research that has called into question the value of extensive investment in procedures aimed at reaching response rate targets and the need for more tailored fieldwork strategies aimed both at reducing survey costs and minimising the risk of bias.


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As the list of states adopting the HWTD continues to grow, there is a need to evaluate how results are utilized. AASHTO T 324 does not standardize the analysis and reporting of test results. Furthermore, processing and reporting of the results among manufacturers is not uniform. This is partly due to the variation among agency reporting requirements. Some include only the midpoint rut depth, while others include the average across the entire length of the wheel track. To eliminate bias in reporting, statistical analysis was performed on over 150 test runs on gyratory specimens. Measurement location was found to be a source of significant variation in the HWTD. This is likely due to the nonuniform wheel speed across the specimen, geometry of the specimen, and air void profile. Eliminating this source of bias when reporting results is feasible though is dependent upon the average rut depth at the final pass. When reporting rut depth at the final pass, it is suggested for poor performing samples to average measurement locations near the interface of the adjoining gyratory specimens. This is necessary due to the wheel lipping on the mold. For all other samples it is reasonable to only eliminate the 3 locations furthest from the gear house. For multi‐wheel units, wheel side was also found to be significant for poor and good performing samples. After eliminating the suggested measurements from the analysis, the wheel was no longer a significant source of variation.


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In the vast majority of bottom-up proteomics studies, protein digestion is performed using only mammalian trypsin. Although it is clearly the best enzyme available, the sole use of trypsin rarely leads to complete sequence coverage, even for abundant proteins. It is commonly assumed that this is because many tryptic peptides are either too short or too long to be identified by RPLC-MS/MS. We show through in silico analysis that 20-30% of the total sequence of three proteomes (Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Homo sapiens) is expected to be covered by Large post-Trypsin Peptides (LpTPs) with M(r) above 3000 Da. We then established size exclusion chromatography to fractionate complex yeast tryptic digests into pools of peptides based on size. We found that secondary digestion of LpTPs followed by LC-MS/MS analysis leads to a significant increase in identified proteins and a 32-50% relative increase in average sequence coverage compared to trypsin digestion alone. Application of the developed strategy to analyze the phosphoproteomes of S. pombe and of a human cell line identified a significant fraction of novel phosphosites. Overall our data indicate that specific targeting of LpTPs can complement standard bottom-up workflows to reveal a largely neglected portion of the proteome.


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Total disc replacement (TDR) clinical success has been reported to be related to the residual motion of the operated level. Thus, accurate measurement of TDR range of motion (ROM) is of utmost importance. One commonly used tool in measuring ROM is the Oxford Cobbometer. Little is known however on its accuracy (precision and bias) in measuring TDR angles. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of the Cobbometer to accurately measure radiographic TDR angles. An anatomically accurate synthetic L4-L5 motion segment was instrumented with a CHARITE artificial disc. The TDR angle and anatomical position between L4 and L5 was fixed to prohibit motion while the motion segment was radiographically imaged in various degrees of rotation and elevation, representing a sample of possible patient placement positions. An experienced observer made ten readings of the TDR angle using the Cobbometer at each different position. The Cobbometer readings were analyzed to determine measurement accuracy at each position. Furthermore, analysis of variance was used to study rotation and elevation of the motion segment as treatment factors. Cobbometer TDR angle measurements were most accurate (highest precision and lowest bias) at the centered position (95.5%), which placed the TDR directly inline with the x-ray beam source without any rotation. In contrast, the lowest accuracy (75.2%) was observed in the most rotated and off-centered view. A difference as high as 4 degrees between readings at any individual position, and as high as 6 degrees between all the positions was observed. Furthermore, the Cobbometer was unable to detect the expected trend in TDR angle projection with changing position. Although the Cobbometer has been reported to be reliable in different clinical applications, it lacks the needed accuracy to measure TDR angles and ROM. More accurate ROM measurement methods need to be developed to help surgeons and researchers assess radiological success of TDRs.


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BACKGROUND: Practicing physicians are faced with many medical decisions daily. These are mainly influenced by personal experience but should also consider patient preferences and the scientific evidence reflected by a constantly increasing number of medical publications and guidelines. With the objective of optimal medical treatment, the concept of evidence-based medicine is founded on these three aspects. It should be considered that there is a high risk of misinterpreting evidence, leading to medical errors and adverse effects without knowledge of the methodological background. OBJECTIVES: This article explains the concept of systematic error (bias) and its importance. Causes and effects as well as methods to minimize bias are discussed. This information should impart a deeper understanding, leading to a better assessment of studies and implementation of its recommendations in daily medical practice. CONCLUSION: Developed by the Cochrane Collaboration, the risk of bias (RoB) tool is an assessment instrument for the potential of bias in controlled trials. Good handling, short processing time, high transparency of judgements and a graphical presentation of findings that is easily comprehensible are among its strengths. Attached to this article the German translation of the RoB tool is published. This should facilitate the applicability for non-experts and moreover, support evidence-based medical decision-making.


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INTRODUCTION: Inhibitory control refers to our ability to suppress ongoing motor, affective or cognitive processes and mostly depends on a fronto-basal brain network. Inhibitory control deficits participate in the emergence of several prominent psychiatric conditions, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or addiction. The rehabilitation of these pathologies might therefore benefit from training-based behavioral interventions aiming at improving inhibitory control proficiency and normalizing the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms. The development of an efficient inhibitory control training regimen first requires determining the effects of practicing inhibition tasks. METHODS: We addressed this question by contrasting behavioral performance and electrical neuroimaging analyses of event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded from humans at the beginning versus the end of 1 h of practice on a stop-signal task (SST) involving the withholding of responses when a stop signal was presented during a speeded auditory discrimination task. RESULTS: Practicing a short SST improved behavioral performance. Electrophysiologically, ERPs differed topographically at 200 msec post-stimulus onset, indicative of the engagement of distinct brain network with learning. Source estimations localized this effect within the inferior frontal gyrus, the pre-supplementary motor area and the basal ganglia. CONCLUSION: Our collective results indicate that behavioral and brain responses during an inhibitory control task are subject to fast plastic changes and provide evidence that high-order fronto-basal executive networks can be modified by practicing a SST.


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The electrical stimulation of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord exerts a dual analgesic and vasodilatory effect on ischemic tissues. It is increasingly considered a valuable method to treat severe and otherwise intractable coronary and peripheral artery disease. The quality of the results depends from both a strict selection of the patients by vascular specialists and the frequency and quality of the follow-up controls. However the indications, limits, mode of action and results of spinal cord stimulation are still poorly understood. This article, based on a personal experience of 164 implantations for peripheral and coronary artery disease, aims to draw attention to this technique and to provide information on recent and future developments.


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Surface-based ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistance tomography (ERT) are common tools for aquifer characterization, because both methods provide data that are sensitive to hydrogeologically relevant quantities. To retrieve bulk subsurface properties at high resolution, we suggest incorporating structural information derived from GPR reflection data when inverting surface ERT data. This reduces resolution limitations, which might hinder quantitative interpretations. Surface-based GPR reflection and ERT data have been recorded on an exposed gravel bar within a restored section of a previously channelized river in northeastern Switzerland to characterize an underlying gravel aquifer. The GPR reflection data acquired over an area of 240×40 m map the aquifer's thickness and two internal sub-horizontal regions with different depositional patterns. The interface between these two regions and the boundary of the aquifer with then underlying clay are incorporated in an unstructured ERT mesh. Subsequent inversions are performed without applying smoothness constraints across these boundaries. Inversion models obtained by using these structural constraints contain subtle resistivity variations within the aquifer that are hardly visible in standard inversion models as a result of strong vertical smearing in the latter. In the upper aquifer region, with high GPR coherency and horizontal layering, the resistivity is moderately high (N300 Ωm). We suggest that this region consists of sediments that were rearranged during more than a century of channelized flow. In the lower low coherency region, the GPR image reveals fluvial features (e.g., foresets) and generally more heterogeneous deposits. In this region, the resistivity is lower (~200 Ωm), which we attribute to increased amounts of fines in some of the well-sorted fluvial deposits. We also find elongated conductive anomalies that correspond to the location of river embankments that were removed in 2002.


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Background: The arrangement of regulatory motifs in gene promoters, or promoterarchitecture, is the result of mutation and selection processes that have operated over manymillions of years. In mammals, tissue-specific transcriptional regulation is related to the presence ofspecific protein-interacting DNA motifs in gene promoters. However, little is known about therelative location and spacing of these motifs. To fill this gap, we have performed a systematic searchfor motifs that show significant bias at specific promoter locations in a large collection ofhousekeeping and tissue-specific genes.Results: We observe that promoters driving housekeeping gene expression are enriched inparticular motifs with strong positional bias, such as YY1, which are of little relevance in promotersdriving tissue-specific expression. We also identify a large number of motifs that show positionalbias in genes expressed in a highly tissue-specific manner. They include well-known tissue-specificmotifs, such as HNF1 and HNF4 motifs in liver, kidney and small intestine, or RFX motifs in testis,as well as many potentially novel regulatory motifs. Based on this analysis, we provide predictionsfor 559 tissue-specific motifs in mouse gene promoters.Conclusion: The study shows that motif positional bias is an important feature of mammalianproximal promoters and that it affects both general and tissue-specific motifs. Motif positionalconstraints define very distinct promoter architectures depending on breadth of expression andtype of tissue.


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : La stimulation électrique représente une nouvelle modalité thérapeutique de divers troubles digestifs. Dans la constipation par exemple, le péristaltisme colique peut être activé par un système électrique alimenté par une batterie. La présente étude a pour but de démontrer l'impact d'une stimulation électrique directe du côlon sur le temps de transit moyen, en utilisant un modèle expérimental chronique porcin. L'effet de la stimulation et du matériel implanté dans la paroi colique est également évalué. Matériel et méthode : Trois paires d'électrodes ont été implantées dans la paroi cæcale de douze porcs anesthésiés. Avant implantation, un temps de transit colique de référence a été déterminé chez chaque animal par utilisation de marqueurs radio-opaques. Cette évaluation a été répétée quatre semaines après implantation, sous stimulation factice, et cinq semaines après implantation, sous stimulation électrique. Des trains séquentiels et aboraux de stimulation (10 V ; 120 Hz ; 1 ms) ont été appliqués quotidiennement durant six jours, en utilisant un stimulateur externe fonctionnant sur batteries. Pour chaque série de marqueurs, une valeur moyenne a été calculée à partir du temps de transit individuel des porcs. Un examen microscopique du cæcum a été systématiquement entrepris après sacrifice des animaux. Résultats : Une réduction du temps de transit moyen a été observée après stimulation électrique (19h ± 13 ; moyenne ± DS), comparativement au temps de référence (34h ± 7 ; p=0.045) et au temps de transit après stimulation factice (36h ± 9 ; p=0.035). L'examen histologique a montré la présence d'une inflammation chronique minime, autour des électrodes. Conclusion : Le temps de transit colique porcin peut être réduit, en conditions expérimentales chroniques, par une stimulation électrique directe et séquentielle de l'intestin. Des lésions tissulaires limitées ont été occasionnées par la stimulation ou le matériel implanté. La stimulation électrique colique représente certainement une approche prometteuse du traitement de certains troubles spécifiques du côlon, avant tout fonctionnels.


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The Electrical Examining Board is responsible for overseeing the licensing, permitting, inspection and continuing education requirements of the statewide electrician and electrical contractor program in Iowa. This issue review provides a summary of the program and a review of the current situation.


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : La stimulation électrique représente une nouvelle modalité thérapeutique de divers troubles digestifs. Dans la constipation par exemple, le péristaltisme colique peut être activé par un système électrique alimenté par une batterie. La présente étude a pour but de démontrer l'impact d'une stimulation électrique directe du côlon sur le temps de transit moyen, en utilisant un modèle expérimental chronique porcin. L'effet de la stimulation et du matériel implanté dans la paroi colique est également évalué. Matériel et méthode : Trois paires d'électrodes ont été implantées dans la paroi cæcale de douze porcs anesthésiés. Avant implantation, un temps de transit colique de référence a été déterminé chez chaque animal par utilisation de marqueurs radio-opaques. Cette évaluation a été répétée quatre semaines après implantation, sous stimulation factice, et cinq semaines après implantation, sous stimulation électrique. Des trains séquentiels et aboraux de stimulation (10 V ; 120 Hz ; 1 ms) ont été appliqués quotidiennement durant six jours, en utilisant un stimulateur externe fonctionnant sur batteries. Pour chaque série de marqueurs, une valeur moyenne a été calculée à partir du temps de transit individuel des porcs. Un examen microscopique du cæcum a été systématiquement entrepris après sacrifice des animaux. Résultats : Une réduction du temps de transit moyen a été observée après stimulation électrique (19h ± 13 ; moyenne ± DS), comparativement au temps de référence (34h ± 7 ; p=0.045) et au temps de transit après stimulation factice (36h ± 9 ; p=0.035). L'examen histologique a montré la présence d'une inflammation chronique minime, autour des électrodes. Conclusion : Le temps de transit colique porcin peut être réduit, en conditions expérimentales chroniques, par une stimulation électrique directe et séquentielle de l'intestin. Des lésions tissulaires limitées ont été occasionnées par la stimulation ou le matériel implanté. La stimulation électrique colique représente certainement une approche prometteuse du traitement de certains troubles spécifiques du côlon, avant tout fonctionnels.