920 resultados para Economies of scope


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La presente investigación tiene por objeto considerar los cluster en la industria farmacéutica Colombiana, como un mecanismo para la disminución de los sobrecostos de los medicamentos, que han impactado de forma importante, entre otras causas, al sistema de salud, con unos recobros (por concepto de medicamentos No POS) que superan el billón de pesos, situación que dada la crisis que enfrenta al respecto, el Estado Colombiano, ha propuesto una quinta reforma que cursa actualmente en el Congreso de la República. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa tipo estudio de caso, en la que se presenta el modelo Colombiano de Salud y las cifras de recobros de las Empresas Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (EPS), cantidad que representó el 0.4% del PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) en el 2009. Para tal fin se analizará el comportamiento de los recobros durante el año 2012, en cuarenta y una (41) EPS reconocidas del sector. Subsecuentemente se estudian las diferentes estrategias para la generación de economías de escala y dentro de ellas, los clusters como un posible modelo a seguir hacia la disminución de estos costos en salud, se analizan sus componentes y su posible constitución dentro del entorno Colombiano. Al final del estudio se establece como conclusión, que existen suficiente evidencia para apoyar la implementación de un cluster farmacéutico dentro del territorio Colombiano.


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La monografía pretende demostrar que el Plan Estratégico Exportador para Asia y Australia con Japón fue diseñado con base en la complementariedad de las economías, donde la dependencia de los mercados naturales y tradicionales, el desarrollo en la competitividad del comercio internacional.


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La globalización y la competitividad como realidad de las empresas, implica que los gerentes preparen a sus empresas de la mejor manera para sobrevivir en este mundo tan inestable y cambiante. El primer paso consta de investigar y medir como se encuentra la empresa en cada uno de sus componentes, tales como recurso humano, mercadeo, logística, operación y por último y más importante las finanzas. El conocimiento de salud financiera y de los riesgos asociados a la actividad de las empresas, les permitirá a los gerentes tomar las decisiones correctas para ser rentables y perdurables en el mundo de los negocios inmerso en la globalización y competitividad. Esta apreciación es pertinente en Avianca S.A. esto teniendo en cuenta su progreso y evolución desde su primer vuelo el 5 de diciembre de 1919 comercial, hasta hoy cuando cotiza en la bolsa de Nueva York. Se realizó un análisis de tipo descriptivo, acompañado de la aplicación de ratios y nomenclaturas, dando lugar a establecer la salud financiera y los riesgos, no solo de Avianca sino también del sector aeronáutico. Como resultado se obtuvo que el sector aeronáutico sea financieramente saludable en el corto plazo, pero en el largo plazo su salud financiera se ve comprometida por los riegos asociados al sector y a la actividad desarrollada.


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Este documento tiene como objeto analizar las oportunidades de Colombia frente a diferentes mercados como Japón e Israel, países con lo que desde el inicio de este proyecto se encuentran en negociaciones de acuerdos de libre comercio. Con el fin de realizar un análisis más específico, el trabajo se centra en la investigación de los productos que actualmente se exportan a dichos mercados, la participación de los mismos y la definición de aquellos que tienen potencial una vez entre en vigor el tratado. De igual forma, se examina la historia y acercamiento hasta el momento entre las economías de Japón y Colombia, como de Israel y Colombia, que permite sugerir estrategias y propuestas que potencialicen los productos con los cuales Colombia puede llegar a competir en dichos mercados. Finalmente, se evalúan perfiles de mercado de las economías de interés, con el fin de determinar y describir la situación actual en términos comerciales de Colombia y dichos países. El objetivo de este documento es servir de guía a empresarios colombianos que planean acceder a los mercados previamente mencionados.


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El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es analizar el cambio de la política económica y comercial mexicana en Asia Pacífico, mediante la implementación de la diplomacia económica de 2000 a 2012. Para ello, se identificaron dos factores claves. El primero, se deriva del traspaso de poder de un partido a otro; el segundo está dado por el ascenso de las economías de Asia Pacífico y su desempeño en la arquitectura económica y financiera global. Asimismo, se determinó cómo ha sido el proceso de implementación de la diplomacia económica, por parte del Estado mexicano, teniendo como referente la teoría de la interdependencia compleja, propuesta por Robert Keohane y Joseph Nye. Finalmente, se analizaron los aspectos que resultaron de la implementación de la diplomacia económica, como acuerdos comerciales, memorándum de entendimiento, entre otros.


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La tesis se centra en los artículos “On Denoting” y “On Referring” de Bertrand Russell y Peter Strawson respectivamente. Se afirma que Russell es consciente de la importancia del contexto y las circunstancias de enunciación de las oraciones.


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The spatial dimension appears as a fundamental to board the urban employment generation topics. The space plays a key role on the location decisions made by the agents due to not all places offer the same levels of utility and profitability. The existence of a number of advantages in certain places such as the agglomeration, economies of scale, variety, and accessibility among others, may contribute to explain why and where urban employment is generated. From a theoretical model of preferences for variety, data analysis space exploration (ESDA) and spatial econometrics, it is shown how such spatial advantages can affect the employment generation using Bogot´a as a casestudy.


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The causality between international trade and industrialization is still ambiguous. We consider a model of international trade with the Home Market Effect - with differences in income and productivity between sectors and between countries - in order to identify additional channels for determining the effects of international trade on industrialization. Introducing non-homothetic preferences and differences in productivity aids in the interpretation of any apparent paradoxes within international trade, such as the commercial relations between more populated countries like China and India and large economies such as the U.S. Population size, demand composition and productivity levels constitute the three main channels for determining the effects of international trade. Interactions among these channels define the results obtained in terms of industrialization, while welfare levels are always higher in relation to autarky.


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The main purpose of this paper is to focus discussion around the concept of “enterprise” as a reality which, together with other production units located in urban areas, could generate economies of agglomeration. These in turn play a role of enormous importance to local and regional level. By this route was thought to introduce a multidisciplinary approach in the debate about territory.


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Goa commemorated in 2011 the golden jubilee of the end of colonialism (19 December 1961) and the beginning of its participation in the democratic institutions of India. The administrative decentralization known as Panchayati Raj is an ancient tradition in India, but it suffered dilution and breaks during centuries of Muslim and British domination. During the early years of Independence, the Union government was more worried about security concerns, and hence the policies of centralization. However, the second five-year plan and during the decades of 50 and 60 one could notice greater openness towards decentralization. This was done through Constitution Amendment Act nº 73 (1992) and the inclusion of article 243 in Part IX of the Constitution. The present essay seeks to clarify how the Panchayati Raj is the key to the success of the Indian democracy in the context of its demographic magnitude and ethnic, religious and linguistic diversities. Obviously, the challenges persist, but a country like India would be ungovernable without a democratic functionality at its bottom. It would be interesting to reflect and discover if Portugal has anything to benefit from the democratic experience of India and one of the fast growing emergent economies of the world.


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El artículo es un análisis de la crisis económica que mira hacia sus efectos sobre las relaciones de clase social. Se comprueba que la desigualdad ha crecido de manera importante en Norte América y Gran Bretaña en la época neoliberal, y se sugiere que, desde la perspectiva del consenso político actual, la tendencia se agudiza. El posible efecto sobre el orden social poscrisis y su impacto sobre la política, están en discusión.


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Built environment programmes in West African universities; and research contributions from West Africa in six leading international journals and proceedings of the WABER conference are explored. At least 20 universities in the region offer degree programmes in Architecture (86% out of 23 universities); Building (57%); Civil Engineering (67%); Estate Management (52%); Quantity Surveying (52%); Surveying and Geoinformatics (55%); Urban and Regional Planning (67%). The lecturer-student ratio on programmes is around 1:25 compared to the 1:10 benchmark for excellence. Academics who teach on the programmes are clearly research active with some having published papers in leading international journals. There is, however, plenty of scope for improvement particularly at the highest international level. Out of more than 5000 papers published in six leading international peer-reviewed journals since each of them was established, only 23 of the papers have come from West Africa. The 23 papers are published by 28 academics based in 13 universities. Although some academics may publish their work in the plethora of journals that have proliferated in recent years, new generation researchers are encouraged to publish in more established journals. The analyses of 187 publications in the WABER conference proceedings revealed 18 research-active universities. Factors like quality of teaching, research and lecturer-student ratio, etc count in the ranking of universities. The findings lay bare some of the areas that should be addressed to improve the landscape of higher education in West Africa.


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Bushmeat is a large but largely invisible contributor to the economies of west and central African countries. Yet the trade is currently unsustainable. Hunting is reducing wildlife populations, driving more vulnerable species to local and regional extinction, and threatening biodiversity. This paper uses a commodity chain approach to explore the bushmeat trade and to demonstrate why an interdisciplinary approach is required if the trade is to be sustainable in the future.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess and highlight the approach taken towards the legal control of illicit money laundering taken in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in particular, the role played by an amnesty on the legalisation of illicit funds. This is particularly important as a basis for a wider discussion about the proper limits of the “criminalising” approaches commonly taken in anti-money laundering regulations. Design/methodology/approach The discussion and evaluation in the paper is based upon a conceptual analysis of the money laundering regime in Kazakhstan, in particular, the legal framework and policies of implementation adopted. Findings The paper demonstrates that the problems that are posed by the shadow economy in post-Soviet transition societies can make the blanket criminalisation of money laundering a self-defeating approach, unless accompanied by measures which allow for the achievement of “market-constituting” effects. Research limitations/implications The paper draws on experience and practice in one jurisdiction only (Kazakhstan); it also limits its focus to one particular example of a money laundering amnesty policy. Both of these limitations, therefore, suggest avenues for further comparative research. Originality/value The paper’s conclusions about the interactions between the shadow economies of transitional societies and the global anti-money laundering agenda have wider application in assessments of international law in this area.


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Wholesale trade has an intermediate position between manufacturing and retail in the distributional channel. In modern economies, consumers buy few, if any, products directly from manufacture or producer. Instead, it is a wholesaler, who is in direct contact with producers, buying goods in larger quantities and selling them in smaller quantities to retailers. Traditionally, the main function of a wholesaler has been to push goods along the distributional channel from producer to retailer, or other nonend user. However, the function of wholesalers usually goes beyond the process of the physical distribution of goods. Wholesalers also arrange storage, perform market analyses, promote trade or provide technical support to consumers (Riemers 1998). The existence of wholesalers (and other intermediaries) in the distributional channel is based on the effective and efficient performance of distribution services, that are needed by producers and other members of the supply chain. Producers usually do not enjoy the economies of scale that they have in production, when it comes to providing distributional services (Rosenbloom 2007) and this creates a space for wholesalers or other intermediaries. Even though recent developments in the distributional channel indicate that traditional wholesaling activities now also compete with other supply chain organizations, wholesaling still remains an important activity in many economies (Quinn and Sparks, 2007). In 2010, the Swedish wholesale trade sector consisted of approximately 46.000 firms and generated an annual turnover of 1 300 billion SEK (Företagsstatistiken, Statistics Sweden). In terms of turnover, wholesaling accounts for 20% of the gross domestic product and is thereby the third largest industry. This is behind manufacturing and a composite group of firms in other sectors of the service industry but ahead of retailing. This indicates that the wholesale trade sector is an important part of the Swedish economy. The position of wholesaling is further reinforced when measuring productivity growth. Measured in terms of value added per employee, wholesaling experienced the largest productivity growth of all industries in the Swedish economy during the years 2000 through 2010. The fact that wholesale trade is one of the important parts of a modern economy, and the positive development of the Swedish wholesale trade sector in recent decades, leads to several questions related to industry dynamics. The three topics that will be examined in this thesis are firm entry, firm relocation and firm growth. The main question to be answered by this thesis is what factors influence new firm formation, firm relocation and firm growth in the Swedish wholesale trade sector?