973 resultados para Drug Interactions.
Two distinct, TATA box-containing promoters regulate the transcriptional activity of the Xenopus vitellogenin A1 gene. These two promoters are of different strength and are separated by 1.8 kilobase pairs of untranslated sequence. Estrogen receptor (ER) and its ligand, 17beta-estradiol, induce the activity of both promoters. The estrogen response elements (EREs) are located proximal to the downstream i promoter while no ERE-like sequences have been identified in the vicinity of the upstream io promoter. We show here, that transcriptional activity of the upstream io promoter is Sp1-dependent. Moreover, we demonstrate that estrogen inducibility of the io promoter results from functional interactions between the io bound Sp1 and the ER bound at the proximity of i. Functional interactions between Sp1 and ER do not require the presence of a TATA box for transcriptional activation, as is demonstrated using the acyl-CoA oxidase promoter. The relative positions that ER and Sp1 occupy with respect to the initiation site determines whether these two transcription activators can synergize for transcription initiation.
Work on the interaction of aerial plant parts with pathogens has identified the signaling molecules jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) as important players in induced defense of the plant against invading organisms. Much less is known about the role of JA and SA signaling in root infection. Recent progress has been made in research on plant interactions with biotrophic mutualists and parasites that exclusively associate with roots, namely arbuscular mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbioses on one hand and nematode and parasitic plant interactions on the other hand. Here, we review these recent advances relating JA and SA signaling to specific stages of root colonization and discuss how both signaling molecules contribute to a balance between compatibility and defense in mutualistic as well as parasitic biotroph-root interactions.
The in vivo bilirubin-albumin binding interaction of ceftriaxone (CRO) was investigated in 14 non-jaundiced newborns, aged 33-42 weeks of gestation, during the first few days of life after they had reached stable clinical condition. CRO (50 mg/kg) was infused intravenously over 30 min. The competitive binding effect of CRO on the bilirubin-albumin complex was estimated by determining the reserve albumin concentration (RAC) at baseline, at the end of CRO infusion, and at 15 and 60 min thereafter. Immediately after the end of drug administration, RAC decreased from 91.9 (+/- 25.1) mumol/l to 38.6 (+/- 10.1) mumol/l (P = 0.0001). At the same time the plasma bilirubin toxicity index (PBTI) increased from 0.64 (+/- 0.40) before drug infusion to 0.96 (+/- 0.44) thereafter (P = 0.0001). The highest displacement factor (DF) was calculated to be 2.8 (+/- 0.6) at the end of drug infusion. Average total serum bilirubin concentrations decreased from a baseline value of 59.6 (+/- 27.0) mumol/l to 55.2 (+/- 27.1) mumol/l (P = 0.026). Sixty minutes after the end of CRO infusion, RAC was 58.3 (+/- 21.7) mumol/l, PBTI regained baseline, but DF was still 1.9 (+/- 0.2). No adverse events were recorded. Our results demonstrate significant competitive interaction of CRO with bilirubin-albumin binding in vivo. Thus, ceftriaxone should not be given to the neonate at risk of developing bilirubin encephalopathy.
Multitrophic interactions mediate the ability of fungal pathogens to cause plant disease and the ability of bacterial antagonists to suppress disease. Antibiotic production by antagonists, which contributes to disease suppression, is known to be modulated by abiotic and host plant environmental conditions. Here, we demonstrate that a pathogen metabolite functions as a negative signal for bacterial antibiotic biosynthesis, which can determine the relative importance of biological control mechanisms available to antagonists and which may also influence fungus-bacterium ecological interactions. We found that production of the polyketide antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) was the primary biocontrol mechanism of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Q2-87 against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici on the tomato as determined with mutational analysis. In contrast, DAPG was not important for the less-disease-suppressive strain CHA0. This was explained by differential sensitivity of the bacteria to fusaric acid, a pathogen phyto- and mycotoxin that specifically blocked DAPG biosynthesis in strain CHA0 but not in strain Q2-87. In CHA0, hydrogen cyanide, a biocide not repressed by fusaric acid, played a more important role in disease suppression.
Bacterial factors may contribute to the global emergence and spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). Only a few studies have reported on the interactions between different bacterial factors. We studied drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from a nationwide study conducted from 2000 to 2008 in Switzerland. We determined quantitative drug resistance levels of first-line drugs by using Bactec MGIT-960 and drug resistance genotypes by sequencing the hot-spot regions of the relevant genes. We determined recent transmission by molecular methods and collected clinical data. Overall, we analyzed 158 isolates that were resistant to isoniazid, rifampin, or ethambutol, 48 (30.4%) of which were multidrug resistant. Among 154 isoniazid-resistant strains, katG mutations were associated with high-level and inhA promoter mutations with low-level drug resistance. Only katG(S315T) (65.6% of all isoniazid-resistant strains) and inhA promoter -15C/T (22.7%) were found in molecular clusters. M. tuberculosis lineage 2 (includes Beijing genotype) was associated with any drug resistance (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 3.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7 to 5.6; P < 0.0001). Lineage 1 was associated with inhA promoter -15C/T mutations (OR, 6.4; 95% CI, 2.0 to 20.7; P = 0.002). We found that the genetic strain background influences the level of isoniazid resistance conveyed by particular mutations (interaction tests of drug resistance mutations across all lineages; P < 0.0001). In conclusion, M. tuberculosis drug resistance mutations were associated with various levels of drug resistance and transmission, and M. tuberculosis lineages were associated with particular drug resistance-conferring mutations and phenotypic drug resistance. Our study also supports a role for epistatic interactions between different drug resistance mutations and strain genetic backgrounds in M. tuberculosis drug resistance.
The PHO1 protein is involved in loading inorganic phosphate (Pi) to the root xylem. Ten genes homologous to AtPHO1 are present in the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyn genome. From this gene family, transcript levels of only AtPHO1, AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 were increased by Pi-deficiency. While the up-regulation of AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 by Pi deficiency followed the same rapid kinetics and was dependent on the PHR1 transcription factor, phosphite only strongly suppressed the expression of AtPHO1;H1 and had a minor effect on AtPHO1;H10. Addition of sucrose was found to increase transcript levels of both AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1 in Pi-sufficient or Pi-deficient plants, but to suppress AtPHO1:H10 under the same conditions. Treatments of plants with auxin or cytokinin had contrasting effect depending on the gene and on the Pi status of the plants. Thus, while both hormones down-regulated expression of AtPHO1 independently of the plant Pi status, auxin and cytokinin up-regulated AtPHO1;H1 and AtPHO1;H10 expression in Pi-sufficient plants and down-regulated expression in Pi-deficient plants. Treatments with abscisic acid inhibited AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1 expression in both Pi-sufficient and Pi-deficient plants, but increased AtPHO1;H10 expression under the same conditions. The inhibition of expression by abscisic acid of AtPHO1 and AtPHO1;H1, and of the Pi-starvation responsive genes AtPHT1;1 and AtIPS1, was dependant on the ABI1 type 2C protein phosphatase. These results reveal that various levels of cross talk between the signal transduction pathways to Pi, sucrose and phytohormones are involved in the regulation of expression of the three AtPHO1 homologues.
In this present thesis Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) with 9 nm in diameter were selected as nanocarriers in order to study their potential application as drug delivery systems. Therefore the aim of the study was to demonstrate the proof of concept by establishing an efficient system of drug delivery, which would be a valuable tool in biomedical applications, such as the treatement of cancer, by reducing the side effects due to administration of a high concentration of therapeutic agents. As demonstrated in a previous study, the uptake of SPIONs by tumoral human cells was enhanced by the presence of amino groups on their surface. The stabilization of SPIONs were then performed and optimized by the coating of poly(vinylalcohol) and poly(vinylalcohol/vinylamine). Such nanoparticles were known as aminoPVA-SPIONs. The toxicity and the inflammatory reaction of aminoPVA-SPIONs were evaluated in order to establish their potentiel use in the human body. The results demonstrated that the human cells were able to invaginate aminoPVA-SPIONS without revealing any toxicity and inflammatory reaction. The analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cryo-TEM, confocal microscopy and histological staining (i.e. Prussian Blue) showed that the iron oxide core of SPIONs were located in the cytoplasm of cells and concentrated in vesicles. The evaluation of the mechanism of uptake of aminoPVA-SPIONs revealed that their uptake by monolayer cell culture was performed via an active mechanism, which was achieved by a clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Consequently, it was suggested that aminoPVA-SPIONs were good candidates as nanocarriers in drug delivery systems, which were able to reach the cytoplasm of cells. Their incubation with three-dimensional models mimicing tissues, such as differentiated rat brain cell-derived aggregates and spheroids, revealed that aminoPVA-SPIONs were able to invade into deep cell layers according to the stage of growth of these models. In the view of these promising results, drug-SPIONs were prepared by the functionalization of aminoPVA-SPIONs via a biological labile chemical bond by one of these three antineoplastic agents, which are widely used in clinical practice: 5-fluorourdine (Fur) (an antimetabolite), or camptothecin (CPT) (a topoisomerase inhibitor) or doxorubicin (DOX) (an anthracycline which interfere with DNA). The results shown that drug-SPIONs were internalized by human melanoma cells, as it was expected due the previous results with aminoPVA-SPIONs, and in addition they were active as anticancer agents, suggesting the efficient release of the drug from the drug-SPIONs. The results with CPT-SPIONs were the most promising, whereas DOX- SPIONs did not demonstrate a prononced activity of DOX. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles are a promising tool in order to deliver therapeutic agents. - Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, les nanoparticules superparamagnétiques d'oxyde de fer (SPIONs) ayant un diamètre de 9 nm ont été choisies, afin d'étudier leur éventuelle utilisation dans un système de délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques. Ainsi le but de la thèse est de démontrer la faisabilité de fabriquer un système efficace de délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques, qui serait un outil intéressant dans le cadre d'une utilisation biomédicale, par exemple lors du traitement du cancer, qui pourrait réduire les effets secondaires provoqués par le dosage trop élevé de médicaments. Comme il a été démontré dans une précédente étude, l'invagination des SPIONs par des cellules humaines cancéreuses est améliorée par la présence de groupes fonctionnels amino à leur surface. La stabilisation des SPIONs est ainsi effectuée et optimisée par l'enrobage de poly(vinylalcool) et de (poly(vinylalcool/vinylamine), qui sont connues sous le nom de aminoPVA-SPIONs. La toxicité et la réaction inflammatoire des aminoPVA-SPIONs ont été évaluées dans le but de déterminer leur potentielle utilisation dans le corps humain. Les résultats démontrèrent que les cellules humaines sont capables d'invaginer les aminoPVAS-SPIONs sans induire une réaction toxique ou inflammatoire. L'analyse par la microscopie électronique en transmission électronique (TEM), la microscopie électronique à balayage (SEM), le cryo-microscopie électronique (SEM), la microscopie confocale et la coloration histologique (par ex, le bleu de Prusse) a montré que l'oxyde de fer des SPIONs est localisé dans le cytoplasme des cellules et est concentré dans des vesicules. L'évaluation du méchanisme d'invagination des aminoPVA-SPIONs ont révélé que leur invagination par des monocultures de cellules est effectué par un méchanisme actif, contrôlé par une endocytose induite par les clathrins. Par conséquent, les aminoPVA-SPIONs sont de bons candidats en tant que transporteurs (nanocamers) dans un système de délivrance d'agents thérapeuthique, capable d'atteindre le cytoplasme des cellules. Leur incubation avec des modèles tridimenstionnels imitant les tissues, tels que les aggrégats de cellules de cerveau différenciées et les sphéroïdes, a montré que les aminoPVA-SPIONs sont capable de pénétrer dans les couches profondes des modèles, selon l'état d'avancement de leur croissance. En vue de ces résultats prometteurs, les drug-SPIONs ont été préparés en fonctionalisant les aminoPVA-SPIONs par le biai d'une liaison chimique labile par un des trois agents thérapeutiques, déjà utilisé en pratique : 5-fluorourdine (Fur) (un antimétabolite), or camptothecin (CPT) (un inhibiteur de la topoisomerase) or doxorubicin (DOX) (un anthracycline qui interfère avec le DNA). Les résultats ont montré que les drug-SPIONs sont capable d'être internalisés par les mélanomes, comme il a été attendu d'après les résultats obtenus précédemment avec les aminoPVA-SPIONs, et de plus, les drug-SPIONs sont actifs, ce qui suggère un relargage efficace de l'agent thérapeutique du drug-SPIONs. Les résultats obtenus avec les CPT-SPIONs sont les plus prometteurs, tandis que ceux avec les DOX-SPIONs, ce n'est pas le cas, dont l'activité thérapeutique de DOX n'a pas été aussi efficace. En conclusion, les résultats ont pu démontrer que les nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer fonctionnalisées sont un outil prometteur dans la délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques.
Dopaminergic, serotonergic and noradrenergic nuclei form the trimonoamine modulating system (TMMS). This system modulates emotional/motivational activities mediated by the limbic circuitry, where glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter. Two main concepts are the basis of this review. First, since 1950 and the discovery of the antipsychotic activity of the dopamine D2 receptor antagonist chlorpromazine, it appears that drugs that can modulate the TMMS possess therapeutic psychiatric properties. Second, the concept of glutamate/trimonoamine imbalance in the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop that has been so successful in explaining the pathophysiology of Parkinson disease has been applied in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. This review will focus on the complex interactions between the fast synaptic glutamatergic transmission and the TMMS in specific parts of the limbic lobe and we will try to link these interactions to some psychiatric disorders, mainly depression, schizophrenia and drug addiction.
In this review, we first summarize the structure and properties of biological membranes and the routes of passive drug transfer through physiological barriers. Lipophilicity is then introduced in terms of the intermolecular interactions it encodes. Finally, lipophilicity indices from isotropic solvent systems and from anisotropic membrane-like systems are discussed for their capacity to predict passive drug permeation across biological membranes such as the intestinal epithelium, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) or the skin. The broad evidence presented here shows that beyond the predictive power of lipophilicity parameters, the various intermolecular forces they encode allow a mechanistic interpretation of passive drug permeation.
Biodegradable microspheres may represent a potential tool for the delivery of combination vaccines. We demonstrate strong immunogenicity of five co-encapsulated antigens after a single subcutaneous inoculation in guinea pigs. Tetanus- and diphtheria-specific antibodies were not significantly affected by the presence of either antigen or by the presence of pertussis or Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) antigens. Microsphere formulations gave better protection against diphtheria toxin than did two injections of a licensed tetravalent vaccine. Finally, a synthetic malaria peptide antigen (PfCS) also encapsulated in PLGA microspheres increased diphtheria and tetanus-specific immunity and improved protection against diphtheria. These findings demonstrate the potential of microspheres as an alternative and promising strategy for combination vaccines with a further aptitude in reducing the number of inoculations required to gain functional immunity.
Stable protein-DNA complexes can be assembled in vitro at the 5' end of Xenopus laevis vitellogenin genes using extracts of nuclei from estrogen-induced frog liver and visualized by electron microscopy. Complexes at the three following sites can be identified on the gene B2: the transcription initiation site, the estrogen responsive element (ERE) and in the first intron. The complex at the transcription initiation site is stabilized by dinucleotides and thus represents a ternary transcription complex. The formation of the complexes at the two other sites is enhanced by estrogen and is reduced by tamoxifen, an antagonist of estrogen, while this latter effect is reversed by adding an excess of hormone. No sequence homology is apparent between the site containing the ERE and the binding site in intron I and functional tests in MCF-7 cells suggest that these two sites are not equivalent. Finally, we made use of previously characterized deletion mutants of the 5' flanking region of the gene B1, a close relative of the gene B2, to demonstrate that the 13-bp palindromic core element of the ERE is involved in the formation of the complexes observed upstream of the transcription initiation site.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the differences of protein binding of NAMI-A, a new ruthenium drug endowed with selective antimetastatic properties, and of cisplatin and to ascertain the possibility to use two drugs based on heavy metals in combination to treat solid tumour metastases. For this purpose, we have developed a technique that allows the proteins, to which metal drugs bind, to be identified from real protein mixtures. Following incubation with the drugs, the bands containing platinum and/or ruthenium are separated by native PAGE, SDS-PAGE and 2D gel electrophoresis, and identified using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Both drugs interact with essentially the same proteins which, characterised by proteomics, are human serum albumin precursor, macroglobulin alpha 2 and human serotransferrin precursor. The interactions of NAMI-A are largely reversible whereas cisplatin forms stronger interactions that are less reversible. These data correlate well with the MCa mammary carcinoma model on which full doses of NAMI-A combined with cisplatin show additive effects as compared to each treatment taken alone, independently of whether NAMI-A precedes or follows cisplatin. Furthermore, the implication from this study is that the significantly lower toxicity of NAMI-A, compared to cisplatin, could be a consequence of differences in the mode of binding to plasma proteins, involving weaker interactions compared to cisplatin.
Positive and negative reinforcing systems are part of the mechanism of drug dependence. Drugs with abuse potential may change the manner of response to negative emotional stimuli, activate positive emotional reactions and possess primary reinforcing properties. Catecholaminergic and peptidergic processes are of importance in these mechanisms. Current research needs to understand the types of adaptations that underlie the particularly long-lived aspects of addiction. Presently, glutamate is candidate to play a role in the enduring effects of drugs of abuse. For example, it participates in the chronic pathological changes of corticostriatal terminals produced by methamphetamine. At the synaptic level, a link between over-activation of glutamate receptors, [C(a2+)](i) increase and neuronal damage has been clearly established leading to neurodegeneration. Thus, neurodegeneration can start after an acute over-stimulation whose immediate effects depend on a diversity of calcium-activated mechanisms. If sufficient, the initial insult results in calcification and activation of a chronic on-going process with a progressive loss of neurons. At present, long-term effects of drug dependence underlie an excitotoxicity process linked to a polysynaptic pathway that dynamically regulates synaptic glutamate. Retaliatory mechanisms include energy capability of the neurons, inhibitory systems and cytoplasmic calcium precipitation as part of the neuron-glia interactions. This paper presents an integrated view of these molecular and cellular mechanisms to help understand their relationship and interdependence in a chronic pathological process that suggest new targets for therapeutic intervention.
Integrins are cell surface adhesion and signaling receptors. Cells use integrins to attach to the extracellular matrix and to other cells, as well as for sensing their environment. In addition to adhesion and migration, integrins have been shown to be important for many biological processes including apoptosis, cell proliferation, and differentiation into specific tissues. Many important next generation biological drugs inhibit integrin functions. Thus, research into interactions between integrins and their ligands under different physiological and pathological conditions is not only of academic interest, but is also important for the field of drug discovery. In this Ph.D. project, the functions of integrin-ligand interactions were studied under different physiologically interesting conditions including 1) human echovirus 1 binding to integrin α2β1, 2) integrin α2β1 binding to collagen under flow conditions, 3) integrin α2β1 binding to a ligand in the presence of the angiogenesis inhibitor histidine rich glycoprotein (HRG) and 4) integrin binding to posttranslationally citrullinated ligands. As a result of the project, we could show that for each condition the integrin-ligand interaction is somewhat unconventional. 1) Echovirus 1 binds only to non-activated conformations of integrin α2β1. 2) Surprisingly, the non-activated conformation is also the primary conformation of integrin α2β1 when it binds to collagen under flow conditions, like when platelets adhere to subendothelial collagen in vascular injuries. In addition, the pre-activation of integrin α2β1 does not increase adhesion under flow. 3) HRG binds to integrin α2β1 through a low-affinity interaction that inhibits integrin binding to collagen. This shows that low affinity interactions could be biologically relevant and possibly regulate angiogenesis. 4) The citrullination of collagen, a posttranslational modification reported to occur in rheumatoid arthritis, specifically inhibits the binding of integrin α10β1 and α11β1, but does not affect the binding of α1β1 ja α2β1. On the other hand, the citrullination of isoDGR in fibronectin and RGD in pro-TGF- β:n inhibit integrin binding completely. Citrullination seems to be an inflammation related process and integrin ligands become citrullinated frequently in vivo. This Ph.D. thesis suggests that unconventional interaction mechanisms between integrins and their ligands, such as posttranslational modifications, low affinity interactions, and non-activated integrin conformations, can have an important role in pathological processes. The study of these kinds of integrin-ligand interactions is important for understanding biological phenomena more deeply. The research might also be beneficial for the development of integrin based therapies for treating diseases.
Mesoporous metal oxides are nowadays widely used in various technological applications, for instance in catalysis, biomolecular separations and drug delivery. A popular technique used to synthesize mesoporous metal oxides is the nanocasting process. Mesoporous metal oxide replicas are obtained from the impregnation of a porous template with a metal oxide precursor followed by thermal treatment and removal of the template by etching in NaOH or HF solutions. In a similar manner to the traditional casting wherein the product inherits the features of the mold, the metal oxide replicas are supposed to have an inverse structure of the starting porous template. This is however not the case, as broken or deformed particles and other structural defects have all been experienced during nanocasting experiments. Although the nanocasting technique is widely used, not all the processing steps are well understood. Questions over the fidelity of replication and morphology control are yet to be adequately answered. This work therefore attempts to answer some of these questions by elucidating the nanocasting process, pin pointing the crucial steps involved and how to harness this knowledge in making wholesome replicas which are a true replication of the starting templates. The rich surface chemistry of mesoporous metal oxides is an important reason why they are widely used in applications such as catalysis, biomolecular separation, etc. At times the surface is modified or functionalized with organic species for stability or for a particular application. In this work, nanocast metal oxides (TiO2, ZrO2 and SnO2) and SiO2 were modified with amino-containing molecules using four different approaches, namely (a) covalent bonding of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES), (b) adsorption of 2-aminoethyl dihydrogen phosphate (AEDP), (c) surface polymerization of aziridine and (d) adsorption of poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) through electrostatic interactions. Afterwards, the hydrolytic stability of each functionalization was investigated at pH 2 and 10 by zeta potential measurements. The modifications were successful except for the AEDP approach which was unable to produce efficient amino-modification on any of the metal oxides used. The APTES, aziridine and PEI amino-modifications were fairly stable at pH 10 for all the metal oxides tested while only AZ and PEI modified-SnO2 were stable at pH 2 after 40 h. Furthermore, the functionalized metal oxides (SiO2, Mn2O3, ZrO2 and SnO2) were packed into columns for capillary liquid chromatography (CLC) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC). Among the functionalized metal oxides, aziridinefunctionalized SiO2, (SiO2-AZ) showed good chemical stability, and was the most useful packing material in both CLC and CEC. Lastly, nanocast metal oxides were synthesized for phosphopeptide enrichment which is a technique used to enrich phosphorylated proteins in biological samples prior to mass spectrometry analysis. By using the nanocasting technique to prepare the metal oxides, the surface area was controlled within a range of 42-75 m2/g thereby enabling an objective comparison of the metal oxides. The binding characteristics of these metal oxides were compared by using samples with different levels of complexity such as synthetic peptides and cell lysates. The results show that nanocast TiO2, ZrO2, Fe2O3 and In2O3 have comparable binding characteristics. Furthermore, In2O3 which is a novel material in phosphopeptide enrichment applications performed comparably with standard TiO2 which is the benchmark for such phosphopeptide enrichment procedures. The performance of the metal oxides was explained by ranking the metal oxides according to their isoelectric points and acidity. Overall, the clarification of the nanocasting process provided in this work will aid the synthesis of metal oxides with true fidelity of replication. Also, the different applications of the metal oxides based on their surface interactions and binding characteristics show the versatility of metal oxide materials. Some of these results can form the basis from which further applications and protocols can be developed.