934 resultados para Drets humans -- Xina


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PURPOSE: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a leading cause of blindness, yet pertinent animal models are uncommon. The sand rat (Psammomys obesus), exhibiting diet-induced metabolic syndrome, might constitute a relevant model. METHODS: Adult P. obesus (n = 39) were maintained in captivity for 4 to 7 months and fed either vegetation-based diets (n = 13) or standard rat chow (n = 26). Although plant-fed animals exhibited uniform body weight and blood glucose levels over time, nearly 60% of rat chow-raised animals developed diabetes-like symptoms (test group). Animals were killed, and their eyes and vitreous were processed for immunochemistry. RESULTS: Compared with plant-fed animals, diabetic animals showed many abnormal vascular features, including vasodilation, tortuosity, and pericyte loss within the blood vessels, hyperproteinemia and elevated ratios of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic growth factors in the vitreous, and blood-retinal barrier breakdown. Furthermore, there were statistically significant decreases in retinal cell layer thicknesses and densities, accompanied by profound alterations in glia (downregulation of glutamine synthetase, glutamate-aspartate transporter, upregulation of glial fibrillar acidic protein) and many neurons (reduced expression of protein kinase Cα and Cξ in bipolar cells, axonal degeneration in ganglion cells). Cone photoreceptors were particularly affected, with reduced expression of short- and mid-/long-wavelength opsins. Hypercaloric diet nondiabetic animals showed intermediate values. CONCLUSIONS: Simple dietary modulation of P. obesus induces a rapid and severe phenotype closely resembling human type 2 DR. This species presents a valuable novel experimental model for probing the neural (especially cone photoreceptor) pathogenic modifications that are difficult to study in humans and for screening therapeutic strategies.


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γ-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is an endogenous short-chain fatty acid popular as a recreational drug due to sedative and euphoric effects, but also often implicated in drug-facilitated sexual assaults owing to disinhibition and amnesic properties. Whilst discrimination between endogenous and exogenous GHB as required in intoxication cases may be achieved by the determination of the carbon isotope content, such information has not yet been exploited to answer source inference questions of forensic investigation and intelligence interests. However, potential isotopic fractionation effects occurring through the whole metabolism of GHB may be a major concern in this regard. Thus, urine specimens from six healthy male volunteers who ingested prescription GHB sodium salt, marketed as Xyrem(®), were analysed by means of gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry to assess this particular topic. A very narrow range of δ(13)C values, spreading from -24.810/00 to -25.060/00, was observed, whilst mean δ(13)C value of Xyrem(®) corresponded to -24.990/00. Since urine samples and prescription drug could not be distinguished by means of statistical analysis, carbon isotopic effects and subsequent influence on δ(13)C values through GHB metabolism as a whole could be ruled out. Thus, a link between GHB as a raw matrix and found in a biological fluid may be established, bringing relevant information regarding source inference evaluation. Therefore, this study supports a diversified scope of exploitation for stable isotopes characterized in biological matrices from investigations on intoxication cases to drug intelligence programmes.


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Objectif : Le monoxyde d'azote (NO) régule la pression artérielle en modulant le tonus vasculaire périphérique et l'activité sympathique vasoconstrictrice. La synthèse du NO est altérée dans plusieurs maladies cardiovasculaires importantes. La perte de l'effet vasodilatateur du NO et de son effet freinateur sur la décharge sympathique pourrait entraîner une réponse vasopressive exagérée au stress mental. Méthodes : Nous avons donc comparé les réponses sympathique (activité nerveuse musculaire sympathique) et hémodynamique au stress mental pendant une perfusion isotonique de NaCI et lors de l'administration d'un inhibiteur systémique de la NO- synthase (NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, L-NMMA). Résultats : Le résultat principal est que le stress mental qui pendant la perfusion saline augmente l'activité nerveuse sympathique d'environ 50% et la pression artérielle moyenne d'environ 15%, n'a eu aucun effet sympathoexcitateur et vasopresseur détectable lors de la perfusion de L-NMMA. Ces observations ne sont pas liées à une atteinte généralisée de la réponse hémodynamique et/ou sympathique lors de la perfusion de L-NMMA, car ces réponses étaient conservées lors de l'immersion de la main dans de l'eau glacée. Conclusions : Le stress mental induit des effets vasopresseurs et sympathoexcitateurs chez l'homme qui sont médiés par le NO. Ces résultats laissent penser que, contrairement à ce qui a été généralement supposé, le NO peut dans certaines circonstances augmenter la pression artérielle in vivo.


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Euglycemic hyperinsulinemia stimulates both sympathetic nerve activity and blood flow to skeletal muscle, but the mechanism is unknown. Possible mechanisms that may stimulate muscle blood flow include neural, humoral, or metabolic effects of insulin. To determine whether such insulin-induced vasodilation is modulated by stimulation of adrenergic or cholinergic mechanisms, we obtained, in eight healthy lean subjects, plethysmographic measurements of calf blood flow during 3 h of hyperinsulinemic (1 mU.kg-1.min-1) euglycemic clamp performed alone or during concomitant beta-adrenergic (propranolol infusion), cholinergic (atropine infusion), or alpha-adrenergic (prazosin administration) blockade. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemia alone increased calf blood flow by 38 +/- 10% (means +/- SE) and decreased vascular resistance by 27 +/- 4% (P < 0.01). The principal new observation is that these insulin-induced vasodilatory responses were not attenuated by concomitant propranolol or atropine infusion, nor were they potentiated by prazosin administration. In conclusion, these findings provide evidence that during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia in lean healthy humans stimulation of muscle blood flow is not mediated primarily by beta-adrenergic or cholinergic mechanisms. Furthermore, alpha-adrenergic mechanisms do not markedly limit insulin-induced stimulation of muscle blood flow.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu principal de la recerca és determinar si l'exili franquista afectà l'obra poètica de Mercè Rodoreda i, conseqüentment, en quin grau està present en les seves composicions. Així, doncs, es pretén analitzar la influència del transterrament a partir dels temes, paisatges, metàfores, imatges i símbols existents en els seus sonets. La metodologia emprada per elaborar la recerca es basa, inicialment, en un buidatge bibliogràfic d'articles i d'altres documents que tracten el tema de l'exili en la lírica catalana. Seguidament, es confecciona una llista amb possibles poetes a tractar i s'escull Mercè Rodoreda, amb la consegüent lectura i elecció d'obres poètiques a analitzar. Paral•lelament, s'elaboren fitxes on es fa constar la temàtica i els símbols recurrents de les composicions. Finalment, es posa en comú la informació extreta, tot elaborant una anàlisi simbolicoliterària i mitocrítica per extreure’n conclusions. Es pot afirmar que la lírica de Mercè Rodoreda està completament supeditada a les seves vivències d'exili. Tot i que la poeta no explicita el dolor provocat per la diàspora en cap composició, la seva antologia és plena de vocables amb connotació fosca i imatges ombrívoles. La poesia rodorediana es basa en l'evocació de sentiments tristos, melangiosos, dolorosos, d'angoixa vital i de mort, es basa en la lírica de l'eterno dolore, on hi impera una profunda imprecació elegíaca.


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PURPOSE: To report the clinical and genetic study of two families of Egyptian origin with clinical anophthalmia. To further determine the role of the retina and anterior neural fold homeobox gene (RAX) in anophthalmia and associated cerebral malformations. METHODS: Three patients with clinical anophthalmia and first-degree relatives from two consanguineous families of Egyptian origin underwent full ophthalmologic, general and neurologic examination, and blood tests. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in the index cases of both families. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes, and direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of RAX was performed after PCR amplification. RESULTS: Clinical bilateral anophthalmia was observed in all three patients. General and neurologic examinations were normal; obesity and delay in psychomotor development were observed in the isolated case. Orbital MRI showed a hypoplastic orbit with present but rudimentary extraocular muscles and normal lacrimal glands. Cerebral MRI showed agenesis of the optic nerves, optic tracts, and optic chiasma. In the index case of family A, the absence of the frontal and sphenoidal sinuses was also noted. In the index case of family B, only the sphenoidal sinus was absent, and there was significant cortical atrophy. The three patients carried a novel homozygous c.543+3A>G mutation (IVS2+3A>G) in RAX. Parents were healthy heterozygous carriers. No mutations were detected in orthodenticle homeobox 2 (OTX2), ventral anterior homeobox 1 (VAX1), or sex determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a homozygous splicing RAX mutation associated with autosomal recessive bilateral anophthalmia. To our knowledge, only two isolated cases of anophthalmia, three null and one missense case affecting nuclear localization or the DNA-binding homeodomain, have been found to be caused by compound heterozygote RAX mutations. A novel missense RAX mutation was identified in three patients with bilateral anophthalmia and a distinct systemic and neurologic phenotype. The mutation potentially affects splicing of the last exon and is thought to result in a protein that has an aberrant homeodomain and no paired-tail domain. Functional consequences of this change still need to be characterized.


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Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome (OAS), also known as Waardenburg Anophthalmia syndrome, is defined by the combination of eye malformations, most commonly bilateral anophthalmia, with post-axial oligosyndactyly. Homozygosity mapping and subsequent targeted mutation analysis of a locus on 14q24.2 identified homozygous mutations in SMOC1 (SPARC-related modular calcium binding 1) in eight unrelated families. Four of these mutations are nonsense, two frame-shift, and two missense. The missense mutations are both in the second Thyroglobulin Type-1 (Tg1) domain of the protein. The orthologous gene in the mouse, Smoc1, shows site- and stage-specific expression during eye, limb, craniofacial, and somite development. We also report a targeted pre-conditional gene-trap mutation of Smoc1 (Smoc1(tm1a)) that reduces mRNA to ∼10% of wild-type levels. This gene-trap results in highly penetrant hindlimb post-axial oligosyndactyly in homozygous mutant animals (Smoc1(tm1a/tm1a)). Eye malformations, most commonly coloboma, and cleft palate occur in a significant proportion of Smoc1(tm1a/tm1a) embryos and pups. Thus partial loss of Smoc-1 results in a convincing phenocopy of the human disease. SMOC-1 is one of the two mammalian paralogs of Drosophila Pentagone, an inhibitor of decapentaplegic. The orthologous gene in Xenopus laevis, Smoc-1, also functions as a Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) antagonist in early embryogenesis. Loss of BMP antagonism during mammalian development provides a plausible explanation for both the limb and eye phenotype in humans and mice.


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OBJECTIVE: Nitric oxide (NO) regulates arterial pressure by modulating peripheral vascular tone and sympathetic vasoconstrictor outflow. NO synthesis is impaired in several major cardiovascular disease states. Loss of NO-induced vasodilator tone and restraint on sympathetic outflow could result in exaggerated pressor responses to mental stress. METHODS: We, therefore, compared the sympathetic (muscle sympathetic nerve activity) and haemodynamic responses to mental stress performed during saline infusion and systemic inhibition of NO-synthase by NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) infusion. RESULTS: The major finding was that mental stress which during saline infusion increased sympathetic nerve activity by ~50 percent and mean arterial pressure by ~15 percent had no detectable sympathoexcitatory and pressor effect during L-NMMA infusion. These findings were not related to a generalised impairment of the haemodynamic and/or sympathetic responsiveness by L-NMMA, since the pressor and sympathetic nerve responses to immersion of the hand in ice water were preserved during L-NMMA infusion. CONCLUSION: Mental stress causes pressor and sympathoexcitatory effects in humans that are mediated by NO. These findings are consistent with the new concept that, in contrast to what has been generally assumed, under some circumstances, NO has a blood pressure raising action in vivo.


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Whether different brain networks are involved in generating unimanual responses to a simple visual stimulus presented in the ipsilateral versus contralateral hemifield remains a controversial issue. Visuo-motor routing was investigated with event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using the Poffenberger reaction time task. A 2 hemifield x 2 response hand design generated the "crossed" and "uncrossed" conditions, describing the spatial relation between these factors. Both conditions, with responses executed by the left or right hand, showed a similar spatial pattern of activated areas, including striate and extrastriate areas bilaterally, SMA, and M1 contralateral to the responding hand. These results demonstrated that visual information is processed bilaterally in striate and extrastriate visual areas, even in the "uncrossed" condition. Additional analyses based on sorting data according to subjects' reaction times revealed differential crossed versus uncrossed activity only for the slowest trials, with response strength in infero-temporal cortices significantly correlating with crossed-uncrossed differences (CUD) in reaction times. Collectively, the data favor a parallel, distributed model of brain activation. The presence of interhemispheric interactions and its consequent bilateral activity is not determined by the crossed anatomic projections of the primary visual and motor pathways. Distinct visuo-motor networks need not be engaged to mediate behavioral responses for the crossed visual field/response hand condition. While anatomical connectivity heavily influences the spatial pattern of activated visuo-motor pathways, behavioral and functional parameters appear to also affect the strength and dynamics of responses within these pathways.


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To extend the understanding of host genetic determinants of HIV-1 control, we performed a genome-wide association study in a cohort of 2,554 infected Caucasian subjects. The study was powered to detect common genetic variants explaining down to 1.3% of the variability in viral load at set point. We provide overwhelming confirmation of three associations previously reported in a genome-wide study and show further independent effects of both common and rare variants in the Major Histocompatibility Complex region (MHC). We also examined the polymorphisms reported in previous candidate gene studies and fail to support a role for any variant outside of the MHC or the chemokine receptor cluster on chromosome 3. In addition, we evaluated functional variants, copy-number polymorphisms, epistatic interactions, and biological pathways. This study thus represents a comprehensive assessment of common human genetic variation in HIV-1 control in Caucasians.


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Purpose Carbon-13 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C-MRS) is challenging because of the inherent low sensitivity of 13C detection and the need for radiofrequency transmission at the 1H frequency while receiving the 13C signal, the latter requiring electrical decoupling of the 13C and 1H radiofrequency channels. In this study, we added traps to the 13C coil to construct a quadrature-13C/quadrature-1H surface coil, with sufficient isolation between channels to allow simultaneous operation at both frequencies without compromise in coil performance. Methods Isolation between channels was evaluated on the bench by measuring all coupling parameters. The quadrature mode of the quadrature-13C coil was assessed using in vitro 23Na gradient echo images. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was measured on the glycogen and glucose resonances by 13C-MRS in vitro, compared with that obtained with a linear-13C/quadrature-1H coil, and validated by 13C-MRS in vivo in the human calf at 7T. Results Isolation between channels was better than â^'30 dB. The 23Na gradient echo images indicate a region where the field is strongly circularly polarized. The quadrature coil provided an SNR enhancement over a linear coil of 1.4, in vitro and in vivo. Conclusion It is feasible to construct a double-quadrature 13C-1H surface coil for proton decoupled sensitivity enhanced 13C-NMR spectroscopy in humans at 7T. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The role of lipase in the regulation of upper gastrointestinal function is poorly understood. We studied the effect of orlistat, a new, potent, and highly specific lipase inhibitor, on gastric emptying, cholecystokinin (CCK) release, and pancreaticobiliary secretion. Three groups of studies were performed in nine healthy volunteers, using the double-indicator technique with a triple-lumen duodenal tube, polyethylene glycol 4000 as a duodenal perfusion marker, and 99mTc-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid as a meal marker. Gastric emptying, pancreaticobiliary output, and postprandial plasma CCK levels were measured after ingestion of the following isocaloric 500-ml liquid meals with or without 200 mg orlistat: 1) a pure fat meal (10% Intralipid), 2) a meal containing free fatty acids, or 3) an albumin-glucose meal. All experiments were performed in a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design. Orlistat markedly inhibited lipase activity in all three experiments. Orlistat given with the fat meal reduced CCK release and output of lipase, trypsin, and bilirubin and accelerated the rate of gastric emptying (P < 0.05). After ingestion of the free fatty acid or albumin-glucose meal, orlistat had no significant effect on any of these parameters. We conclude that lipase plays an important, nutrient-specific role in the regulation of gastric emptying and pancreaticobiliary secretion after ingestion of fatty meals in humans.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Lactate is central for the regulation of brain metabolism and is an alternative substrate to glucose after injury. Brain lactate metabolism in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage has not been fully elucidated. METHODS: Thirty-one subarachnoid hemorrhage patients monitored with cerebral microdialysis (CMD) and brain oxygen (PbtO(2)) were studied. Samples with elevated CMD lactate (>4 mmol/L) were matched to PbtO(2) and CMD pyruvate and categorized as hypoxic (PbtO(2) <20 mm Hg) versus nonhypoxic and hyperglycolytic (CMD pyruvate >119 μmol/L) versus nonhyperglycolytic. RESULTS: Median per patient samples with elevated CMD lactate was 54% (interquartile range, 11%-80%). Lactate elevations were more often attributable to cerebral hyperglycolysis (78%; interquartile range, 5%-98%) than brain hypoxia (11%; interquartile range, 4%-75%). Mortality was associated with increased percentage of samples with elevated lactate and brain hypoxia (28% [interquartile range 9%-95%] in nonsurvivors versus 9% [interquartile range 3%-17%] in survivors; P=0.02) and lower percentage of elevated lactate and cerebral hyperglycolysis (13% [interquartile range, 1%-87%] versus 88% [interquartile range, 27%-99%]; P=0.07). Cerebral hyperglycolytic lactate production predicted good 6-month outcome (odds ratio for modified Rankin Scale score, 0-3 1.49; CI, 1.08-2.05; P=0.016), whereas increased lactate with brain hypoxia was associated with a reduced likelihood of good outcome (OR, 0.78; CI, 0.59-1.03; P=0.08). CONCLUSIONS: Brain lactate is frequently elevated in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients, predominantly because of hyperglycolysis rather than hypoxia. A pattern of increased cerebral hyperglycolytic lactate was associated with good long-term recovery. Our data suggest that lactate may be used as an aerobic substrate by the injured human brain.