939 resultados para Directional imbalance of freight rates
Rice is a major staple in many countries. Weed control is one of the factors limiting higher rice yield. ALS (acetolactate synthase)-inhibiting herbicides are desirable weed control herbicides because of their high efficacy, low toxicity to mammalians, and low rates used. An important herbicide characteristic is high selectivity to the crop, since it facilitates fast crop establishment and greater crop advantage over the weeds. The objectives of this work were to study the effects of increasing rates of the ALS-inhibiting herbicide penoxsulam on seed integrity and germination, and seedling and plant development of rice cv. BRS Pelota under controlled laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The results showed that penoxsulam affected rice germination and seedling and plant growth at rates above 54 g a.i. ha-1, and that penoxsulam is safe for rice seedling development at the currently recommended rates.
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The sentiment that the euro is now in real danger is based in large part on the widespread conviction that interest rates of 6-7% are simply unsustainable for both Italy and Spain., After taking a closer look at the fundamentals, however, Daniel Gros concludes in this new Policy Brief that both countries should be able to live with this level of interest rates for quite some time, but only if they mobilize domestic savings, which remain strong in both countries. For Spain, some debt/equity swaps are also needed.
In this paper we examine the order of integration of EuroSterling interest rates by employing techniques that can allow for a structural break under the null and/or alternative hypothesis of the unit-root tests. In light of these results, we investigate the cointegrating relationship implied by the single, linear expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates employing two techniques, one of which allows for the possibility of a break in the mean of the cointegrating relationship. The aim of the paper is to investigate whether or not the interest rate series can be viewed as I(1) processes and furthermore, to consider whether there has been a structural break in the series. We also determine whether, if we allow for a break in the cointegration analysis, the results are consistent with those obtained when a break is not allowed for. The main results reported in this paper support the conjecture that the ‘short’ Euro-currency rates are characterised as I(1) series that exhibit a structural break on or near Black Wednesday, 16 September 1992, whereas the ‘long’ rates are I(1) series that do not support the presence of a structural break. The evidence from the cointegration analysis suggests that tests of the expectations hypothesis based on data sets that include the ERM crisis period, or a period that includes a structural break, might be problematic if the structural break is not explicitly taken into account in the testing framework.
We test whether there are nonlinearities in the response of short- and long-term interest rates to the spread in interest rates, and assess the out-of-sample predictability of interest rates using linear and nonlinear models. We find strong evidence of nonlinearities in the response of interest rates to the spread. Nonlinearities are shown to result in more accurate short-horizon forecasts, especially of the spread.
The functional response between ingestion rate and food concentration was determined for each larval stage of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Artemia franciscana nauplii were supplied at 2,4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 per milliliter. The nauplii were counted by sight using a Pasteur pipette and transferred to Petri dishes containing 40 ml of brackish water (12 parts per thousand) lying on the top of black plastic. One larva at each stage was individually placed into each Petri dish containing different food density. After 24 h, each larva was removed from the Petri dish and the leftover nauplii were counted. The amount consumed was determined by the difference between the initial and final number of nauplii. Ingestion rate (I) increased as food density (P) increased and was defined by the model I=I-m(1-e(-kP)). The results suggest four levels of ingestion during larval development. The first level includes stages II, III and IV, with average maximum consumption of about 40 nauplii/day; the second level includes stages V and VI, with consumption of approximately 55 nauplii/day; the third level includes stages VII and VIII, with consumption of 80-100 nauplii/day. The fourth level includes stages IX, X and XI, in which the high values for maximum ingestion (Im) exceed the load capacity of the medium. The low values for constant k (that may correspond to the adaptability of the food to prey characteristics, such as, size, mobility, etc.) obtained for stages IX, X and XI indicated that Artemia is not an adequate prey and there is necessity of a supplementary diet. The best relationship between predator and prey seemed to occur during stage IV Results obtained in the present work may subsidize future researches and serve as a guideline for practical considerations of feeding rates. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Includes bibliography
Experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of thermal parameters on the columnar to equiaxed transition during the horizontal unsteady-state directional solidification of Al-Si alloys. The parameters analyzed include the heat transfer coefficients, growth rates, cooling rates, temperature gradients and composition. A combined theoretical and experimental approach is developed to determine the solidification thermal variables considered. The increasing solute content in Al-Si alloys was not found to affect significantly the experimental position of the CET which occurred for cooling rates in the range between 0.35 and 0.64 K/s for any of three alloy compositions examined. A comparative analysis between the results of this work and those from the literature proposed to analyze the CET during upward vertical solidification of Al-Si alloys is reported and the results have shown that the end of the columnar region during horizontal directional solidification is abbreviated as a result of about six times higher thermal gradient than that verified during upward unidirectional solidification of alloys investigated.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO:Gestações complicadas pelo diabetes estão associadas com aumento das complicações neonatais e maternas. A complicação mais grave materna é o risco de desenvolver diabetes tipo 2 após 10-12 anos do parto. Para o controle rigoroso da glicose no sangue, as mulheres grávidas são tratadas de forma ambulatorial ou com internações hospitalares. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a efetividade do tratamento ambulatorial versus hospitalização em gestações complicadas por diabetes ou hiperglicemia.TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL:Revisão sistemática conduzida em hospital universitário público.MÉTODOS:Uma revisão sistemática da literatura foi realizada e as principais bases de dados eletrônicas foram pesquisadas. A data da pesquisa mais recente foi 4 de setembro de 2011. Dois autores selecionaram independentemente os ensaios clínicos relevantes, avaliaram a qualidade metodológica e extraíram os dados.RESULTADOS:Apenas três estudos foram selecionados, com tamanho de amostra pequeno. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o tratamento ambulatorial versus hospitalização em relação à mortalidade em nenhuma das subcategorias analisadas: mortes perinatais e neonatais, (risco relativo [RR] 0,65; 95% de intervalo de confiança [IC] 0,11-3,84, P = 0,63); morte neonatal (RR 0,29, IC 95% 0,01-6,07, P = 0,43), e óbitos infantis (RR 0,29, IC 95% 0,01-6,07, P = 0,43).CONCLUSÕES:Com base em estudos com risco de viés alto ou moderado, esta revisão demonstrou que não há diferença estatisticamente significante entre o tratamento ambulatorial comparado com o hospitalar na redução das taxas de mortalidade em gestações complicadas por diabetes ou hiperglicemia. Esta revisão sistemática também sugere a necessidade de mais ensaios clínicos randomizados sobre o assunto.
Studies about natural and artificial radionuclides in areas such as the Antarctic are key to understand natural and dynamic processes in marine environments. These studies are important to determine levels of radioactive elements and local sedimentation rates. Five marine sediment cores were collected in different points of Admiralty Bay, in the Antarctic Peninsula. The purpose of this study was to determine 137Cs, 226Ra and 210Pb and sedimentation rates at each site. 137Cs, 210Pb and 226Ra were assayed by gamma-counting through direct measurement of the peak at 661 keV, 47 keV and 609 keV, respectively. Sedimentation rates were obtained by 137Cs and 210Pb (CIC and CRS). The activities for 137Cs ranged from 0.84 to 7.09 Bq kg-1; to 226Ra from 6.77 to 31.07 Bq kg-1 and for 210Pb ranged from 1.10 to 36.90 Bq kg-1. The sedimentation rates obtained by the three models ranged from 0.11±0.01 cm y-1 to 0.46±0.05 cm y-1. The levels of 137Cs registered in this study, as well as in other studies in the Antarctic region indicate that global fallout is the main cause of artificial radionuclides present in this environment, since the Antarctic has not suffered a direct action of human activities that released radioactive elements. The possible grain size variations that occur in the studied points of Admiralty Bay may explain the differences found in the vertical distribution of radionuclides, because of the different values of sedimentation rates and respective dating determined in their profiles
The rate of ice-sheet thickness change is calculated for 10 sites in Greenland by comparing measured values of ice vertical velocity and snow-accumulation rate. Vertical velocities are derived from repeat surveys of markers using precision global positioning system techniques, and accumulation rates are determined from stratigraphic analysis of firn cores. The results apply to time-scales covered by the firn-core records, which in most cases are a few decades. A spectrum of thickness-change rates is obtained, ranging from substantial thinning to slow thickening. The sites where ice-sheet thinning is indicated are located near the ice-sheet margin or in outlet glacier catchments. Interior and high-elevation sites are predominantly in balance or thickening slowly. Uncertainties in the rates of thickness change are dominated by errors in the determination of accumulation rates. The results of this work are broadly comparable with regional estimates of mass balance obtained from the analysis of catchment input vs discharge.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Smoking is a crucial environmental factor in inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]. However, knowledge on patient characteristics associated with smoking, time trends of smoking rates, gender differences and supportive measures to cease smoking provided by physicians is scarce. We aimed to address these questions in Swiss IBD patients. METHODS Prospectively obtained data from patients participating in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study was analysed and compared with the general Swiss population [GSP] matched by age, sex and year. RESULTS Among a total of 1770 IBD patients analysed [49.1% male], 29% are current smokers. More than twice as many patients with Crohn's disease [CD] are active smokers compared with ulcerative colitis [UC] [UC, 39.6% vs CD 15.3%, p < 0.001]. In striking contrast to the GSP, significantly more women than men with CD smoke [42.8% vs 35.8%, p = 0.025], with also an overall significantly increased smoking rate compared with the GSP in women but not men. The vast majority of smoking IBD patients [90.5%] claim to never have received any support to achieve smoking cessation, significantly more in UC compared with CD. We identify a significantly negative association of smoking and primary sclerosing cholangitis, indicative of a protective effect. Psychological distress in CD is significantly higher in smokers compared with non-smokers, but does not differ in UC. CONCLUSIONS Despite well-established detrimental effects, smoking rates in CD are alarmingly high with persistent and stagnating elevations compared with the GSP, especially in female patients. Importantly, there appears to be an unacceptable underuse of supportive measures to achieve smoking cessation.
Background. Hepatitis B virus infection is one of major causes of acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatitis B and its long term consequences are major health problems in the United States. Hepatitis B virus can be vertically transmitted from mother to infant during birth. Hepatitis B vaccination at birth is the most effective measure to prevent the newborn from HBV infection and its consequences, and is part of any robust perinatal hepatitis B prevention program following ACIP recommendations. Universal vaccination of the new born will prevent HBV infection during early childhood and, assuming that children receive the three dosages of the vaccine, it will also prevent adolescent and adult infections. Hepatitis B vaccination is now recommended as part of a comprehensive strategy to eliminate HBV transmission in the United States. ^ Objective. (1)To assess if the hepatitis B vaccination rates of newborn babies have improved after the 2005 ACIP recommendations. (2) To identify factors that affects the implementation of ACIP recommendation for hepatitis B vaccination in newborn babies. These factors will encourage ongoing improvement by identifying successful efforts and pinpointing areas that fall short and need attention. Additional focus areas may be identified to accelerate progress in eliminating perinatal HBV transmission.^ Methods. This review includes information from all pertinent articles, reviews, National immunization survey (NIS) surveys, reports, peer reviewed literature and web sources that were published after 1991.The key words to be used for selecting the articles are: "Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention program", "Universal Hepatitis B vaccination of newborn babies", "ACIP Recommendations." The data gathered will be supplemented with an analysis of vaccination rates using the National Immunization Survey (NIS) birth dose coverage data.^ Results. The data collected in the NIS of 2009 reveals that the national coverage for birth dose of HepB increased to 60.8% from 50.1% in 2006. The largest increase observed for the birth dose in the past 5 years is from 2008 which increased from 55.3 % to 60.8% in 2009. By state, coverage ranged from 22.8% in Vermont to 80.7% in Michigan. %. Overall, in 2009 the estimated vaccination rates are in higher ranges for most states compared to the estimated vaccination rates in 2006. States vary widely in hepatitis B vaccination rates and in their compliance with the 2005 ACIP recommendation. There are many factors at various stages that might affect the successful implementation of the new ACIP recommendation as revealed in literature review. ^ Conclusions. HBV perinatal transmission can be eliminated, but it requires identifying the gaps and measures taken to increase the current vaccination coverage, ensuring timely administration of post exposure immunoprophylaxis and continued evaluations of the impact of immunization recommendations.^