999 resultados para Descritores ambientais


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Foram utilizados dados de 66.035 animais das raças Nelore, Hereford, Angus e mestiços Nelore x Angus e Nelore x Hereford, para avaliar a influência da idade da vaca, idade do bezerro e data juliana de nascimento sobre o ganho médio diário dos bezerros no período pré-desmama (GMD). A análise estatística revelou que estas três covariáveis tiveram efeito significativo sobre o GMD. Observou-se também que o ajuste linear para idade à desmama não foi suficiente para retirar o seu efeito sobre o GMD. Estes resultados mostram que tais fatores ambientais podem ser importantes fontes de variação para esta característica nos programas de melhoramento genético.


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The objective of the work was to investigate, from the vision of travel agents, the importance of environmental practices as a decision factor in the purchase of a tourist package. For in such a way, it was established as target population, the travel agencies and tourism linked to he Brazilian Association of Travel agencies ABAV, hearing the Brazilian travel agents that exerted the function in Natal, city in 2005. The election of the sample was accomplished using the simple random sampling technique. The amount of agents effectively searched was of 150 agents being distributed 150 questionnaires, with closed and opened questions, applied during the month of November in 2005. Results showed great variability of interviewed answers in that if it relates for sale of package tourist where the customer demonstrates enviromental concern with the environmental quality. Through multiple regression analyses, it was environmental concern with the environmental quality of the place and the perception of the practical importance of the existence environmental practices in the place as important factor in the decision of tourist package purchase


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This work investigates the importance of Eco-Materiais applied in the civil construction and the necessity of knowledge of the real estate market, showing the importance of application of recycled products where inserted inside of a bigger scope of the sustainable development which has the subjects as the ambient management. In the theoretical referencial boarded the recycled and perfectly ecological products that demonstrate the applicability of this type of products in the sector of the civil construction, beyond the economic and social placesThe main popouse of the real estate sector is to show the awareness and demonstration in the negotiation of property constructed with these products, therefore, already it is practised by the market of the civil construction where much time sao commercialized by real estate and the its correctors lacking in same knowledge that is more deepened on these materials, having this evidence been made with statistical application of questionnaire and analyzed with base. We finish showing the statistical results with application of 142 questionnaires in a universe of 145 real estate from Natal/RN. With this, we may say that today exists a very strong concern with the environmental laws and the generated ambient impact in the civil construction and that the real estate sector has a feeling that the necessity of if inserting in this process, therefore, the real estate market in our State is in expansion and sensible to the necessity of changes, since the Natal/RN meets in the script of the tourism the International demanding of the professional that a globalized knowledge works with property, so the necessity of understanding the environmental laws and understanding application of the echo-materias used in the construction will give a better quality of life and at the same time to protect the nature


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The objective of this work was to investigate the factors that inhibit the use of Environmental Techniques in the Gas Station of the city of Natal/RN. For this, a survey with the aid of a questionnaire was used like research instrument. It s used a sample for convenience, not probabilistic. For collection of the data, it was used directly application of the questionnaire to the Managers or Assistant managers of the gas station, in accordance with its availability or presence. The data was collected in all the regions of Natal (North, South, East and West). The population in accordance with the data of the ANP of September 2005 is of 111 ranks and the collected sample was of 86. To carry through the analysis of the data of this research had been used softwares Excel and Statistic version 5.0, for Windows. The analysis of data is divided in two parts; descriptive analysis and analysis of groupings (clusters). The results showed that bigger part of the interviewed ones has between 30 and 39 years of age; they have second grade completed; they had declared to have little between and reasonable knowledge how much to the use of Clean Technology (CT) in gas station; and a small part of the interviewed ones had informed to have much knowledge how much the resolutions of the CONAMA established for the Gas Station. Of the searched ranks, the majority is national(76.7%); the most accurate practice environmental used in the gas station are: it collects selective of oil used or contaminated and ecological tanks - coated with strengthened fibre glass; great part of the interviewed ones (33.8%) informed that never the TL makes planning of referring future action; about of the half of the interviewed ones (84.9%) they had more declared that its employees have of none to a reasonable level of training for deal with problems that compromise the environment; the majority of the ranks (72.1%) functions has for more then six years. It is observed that almost all the interviewed ones (96.5%) evaluate as being important or very important the implantation of CT in Gas Station and the great majority (82.1%) evaluates the difficulty in if implanting these technologies in Gas Station as being easy or very easy. In the analysis of cluster, it was verified existence of two groupings (as much in the variable of the barriers and benefits), being that inside of each clusters exists homogeneity and between clusters exists heterogeneity. In reality, everything is important or very important in the opinion of the interviewed ones. There only exists a small significant difference that separates them in clusters


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The search for a sustainable development is result of the exhaustion of the natural resources of the planet that demands globalizated politics with practical of compatible economic development with the protection of the quality of life for the future generations. This work presents a study on the thematic on the environmental liabilities in the organizations with focus in the industry of the oil and the production of oil in land in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Some types of environmental liabilities are presented, as well as, some estimates techniques. Moreover, this work presents surveys of some variable that stimulate the organizations to implant technologies of reduction of the impacts in the environment as: the environmental legislation, costs, the main impacts of the production of oil in land. On the basis of the bibliographical research and in the identified variable, it was carried a case study with state and municipal technician that act in the sectors of fiscalization (IBAMA-RN and IDEMA-RN) with the objective to deepen the discussion regarding the impacts of the industry of the oil, the effectiveness of the current law, the performance of the institutions the federal level and how to prevent impacts in the environment. It was observed that the environmental liabilities are a little spread subject in the organizations, perhaps to be unknown and of few theoretical referencees at the national level, regarding to the evaluation techniques. At the same time, absentee in the national politics that conducts the oil exploration


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With the rapid growth of databases of various types (text, multimedia, etc..), There exist a need to propose methods for ordering, access and retrieve data in a simple and fast way. The images databases, in addition to these needs, require a representation of the images so that the semantic content characteristics are considered. Accordingly, several proposals such as the textual annotations based retrieval has been made. In the annotations approach, the recovery is based on the comparison between the textual description that a user can make of images and descriptions of the images stored in database. Among its drawbacks, it is noted that the textual description is very dependent on the observer, in addition to the computational effort required to describe all the images in database. Another approach is the content based image retrieval - CBIR, where each image is represented by low-level features such as: color, shape, texture, etc. In this sense, the results in the area of CBIR has been very promising. However, the representation of the images semantic by low-level features is an open problem. New algorithms for the extraction of features as well as new methods of indexing have been proposed in the literature. However, these algorithms become increasingly complex. So, doing an analysis, it is natural to ask whether there is a relationship between semantics and low-level features extracted in an image? and if there is a relationship, which descriptors better represent the semantic? which leads us to a new question: how to use descriptors to represent the content of the images?. The work presented in this thesis, proposes a method to analyze the relationship between low-level descriptors and semantics in an attempt to answer the questions before. Still, it was observed that there are three possibilities of indexing images: Using composed characteristic vectors, using parallel and independent index structures (for each descriptor or set of them) and using characteristic vectors sorted in sequential order. Thus, the first two forms have been widely studied and applied in literature, but there were no records of the third way has even been explored. So this thesis also proposes to index using a sequential structure of descriptors and also the order of these descriptors should be based on the relationship that exists between each descriptor and semantics of the users. Finally, the proposed index in this thesis revealed better than the traditional approachs and yet, was showed experimentally that the order in this sequence is important and there is a direct relationship between this order and the relationship of low-level descriptors with the semantics of the users


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present work deals with an evaluation of the environmental impacts arised from a typical ceramics industry located in the Seridó region of Rio Grande do Norte State. That region contains the largest State s producing basin of red ceramics. The district of Parelhas stands out as the largest producing nucleus. The studied company is located in the rural zone of Parelhas, it was selected as study object because it possesses a great part of the representative characteristics of the Region s ceramics park as a whole. Impacts produced at the implantation and operation phases of the Company had been evaluated, being this last phase subdivided in stages of the productive process. Among found adverse impacts, they are distinguished: losses in air quality, undesirable noises, microclimatic alterations, impoverishment of the ground, elimination of the vegetal covering, agricultural exodus, crisis in cattle agriculture and, superficial and underground water contamination, beyond risks ocupational diseases and industrial accidents. The Leopold s interactive matrix, that summarizes results of the work, was presented in form of 15 (fifteen) tables that display impacts classified in qualitative and quantitative way. Totally, 175 (one hundred and seventy-five) significant impacts produced by this Company had been identified, being 114 (one hundred and fourteen) negative, 38 (thirty-eight) positive and 23 (twenty-three) among mixed, indefinite and inert ones. In the work, before the evaluation of impacts properly said, it was constructed a diagnostic table of the ambient situation at a previous moment to implantation of the Company, elaborated on basis of inferences and historical researches. It was proposed still, mitigative steps for adverse impacts identified, as also elaborated a program to accompaniment and observing that the fulfilment of indicated mitigative steps guarantees. The final part of the work contemplates conclusions and suggestions that aim to influence positively the presented sight in terms of environmental management


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Este estudo teve como objetivos monitorar a distribuição de populações de Brachiaria subquadripara e caracterizar seu ambiente de ocorrência em duas épocas (seca e águas). As coletas foram realizadas em julho de 2004 e janeiro de 2005 em pontos previamente selecionados e georreferenciados, os quais se constituíram de 13 pontos no reservatório Barra Bonita (sete pontos no braço do rio Piracicaba e seis no braço do rio Tietê). Foram realizadas coletas de solo nas margens dos rios, sedimento, água e plantas. A distribuição em relação à área de infestação das populações de B. subquadripara observada na estação chuvosa foi influenciada pela variação sazonal, a qual ocorreu de forma heterogênea em relação à densidade populacional. O rio Tietê foi considerado um ambiente mais eutrófico do que o rio Piracicaba tanto em relação ao solo quanto em relação à coluna d'água. As amostras de água coletadas no rio Tietê apresentaram valores médios de pH na estação seca de 7,02 a 7,82, e na estação das águas registrou-se maior amplitude de variação (6,80 a 8,0). A maioria dos pontos amostrados apresentou altos teores de matéria orgânica no sedimento, sendo observados teores menores que 1,3% em dois pontos de coleta na época da seca e em cinco pontos na época das águas.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência do herbicida fluridone no controle de plantas aquáticas submersas (Egeria densa, Egeria najas e Ceratophyllum demersum), assim como seus efeitos sobre algumas características ambientais. A pesquisa foi conduzida no reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica Eng. Souza Dias (Jupiá), região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, em uma reentrância denominada lagoa Vírgula. A lagoa foi dividida em nove faixas e seis delas receberam uma aplicação inicial de fluridone para se obter uma concentração de 20 ppb. As aplicações subseqüentes foram dimensionadas para recompor esta concentração. Para o estudo do carreamento do herbicida pelo fluxo de água, foi efetuado o monitoramento das suas concentrações nas nove faixas da lagoa (com e sem aplicação) e em áreas a jusante e a montante. Foram analisados os efeitos do fluridone sobre características ambientais como: turbidez, temperatura da água, condutividade elétrica, concentração de oxigênio, pH e resíduos de fluridone. A eficácia do controle foi avaliada visualmente (pelos sintomas de fitointoxicação nas três espécies estudadas) e pela amostragem de biomassa. Observou-se que o fluridone controlou de forma satisfatória E. najas e E. densa. Quando cessou o efeito do fluridone, aconteceu a reinfestação de E. densa e E. najas. Não houve controle de C. demersum. O fluridone não produziu efeitos adversos sobre as características de qualidade ambiental estudadas.


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Environmental impacts are defined as the processes of social and ecological changes caused by nuisance ambient. In agriculture are diverse, and the intensive use of land and inappropriate agricultural practices causes negative effect on the environment besides affecting crop productivity and quality of life of man. So this study was objective to analyze parameters indicators of environmental impacts in the Cruzeta the Discrict Irrigation. During the period July 2007 to March 2008 samples were collected in lot 01 and 02 of the irrigation district. The monitoring was conducted in four sampling points, three (3) located in the irrigation channels and 1 (one) located in a cacimbão. Were monitored pH, CE, STD, SS, NO3-, OD, DT, PST, RAS, CT, Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+ and K+ and heavy metals. Analysis was performed, soil fertility, determining the infiltration rate, moisture content of soil and flow measurement. The results showed that the parameters considered most effective in evaluating the indicators of environmental impacts were: Suspended solid, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and Coliform termotelerantes. The concentrations of nitrate were below the limit established by CONAMA (2005). High levels of STD were found in the point P4. The risk of salinity in cacimbão Lot 02, the water was classified as Class II, or medium risk of salinity in the remaining points was classified as Class I. The iron and aluminum were found high concentrations in four sampling points independent of the dry or rainy. On the ground, found high levels of phosphorus in both samples collected in the batch 01, as the lot 02. The pH levels found in samples of soil, the soil can be classified as neutral and moderate alkalinity. The high infiltration rate obtained in the tests performed in lots 01 and 02 indicated the high permeability of soil at these points


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The growing accumulation of people in urban centers caused chronic problems of the cities to begin to take an increasingly unsustainable. Primarily related to lack of infrastructure coupled with sanitation and lack of investment in critical sectors such as health, education, housing and transportation, these problems start to deteriorate markedly the quality of life of city dwellers and put into test management policies of the spaces urbanized. To reverse this situation, shows is essential to the use of tools (highlighting this harvest rates and environmental indicators) that help in assessing the current conditions and may assist in predicting future scenarios. From the information listed above, now put the research seeks to present an index called ISBA Environmental (Sanitation Index) which looks at the four urban systems (water, sewer, solid waste and urban drainage) from the viewpoint of application in a geographical cutout specific - in this case the Drainage Basin XII, defined by the Plan of Urban Drainage Stormwater in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. This index, together with analysis of other factors sought to trace the current conditions of the basin and thus, assist in proposing the best solutions. For the preparation of the index was applied a questionnaire with a sample of 384 (three hundred eighty-four) households that aimed to study two variables: access to services and satisfaction of the population in relation to these. The ISBA has shown that the system is the most deficient collection and disposal of effluents (ICE = 47.66%), followed by the drainage of rainwater (IDAP = 54.17%), water supply (AAI = 61, 36) and solid waste collection (IRS = 78.28). With the ISBA was possible to verify that the qualitative data shows whose subjectivity is evident (as is the case of user satisfaction) can be of great importance when an assessment, since we obtained the correlation coefficient between the variables "Access" and " Satisfaction "equal to 0.8234, showing a strong correlation between the existence / quality of service offered and the impressions of the population that receives them


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The simulation of SES-Natal Ponta Negra: mitigation of environmental risks and predictive maintenance strategy was developed in the context of several operational irregularities in the pumping stations and sewage systems in the system Ponta Negra. Thus, the environmental risks and complaints against the company due to overflows of sewage into the public thoroughfare became common. This neighborhood has shown in recent years an increase of resident higher than the initial expectation of growth. In this sense presumed the large population growth and generation of sewers higher than expected, associated to the use of corrective maintenance and misuse of the system may be the main causes of operational failures occurring in the SES. This study aimed at analyzing the hydraulic behavior of SES Ponta Negrathrough numerical simulation of its operation associated to future scenarios of occupation. The SES Ponta Negra has a long lengthof collection networks and 6 pumping stations interconnected, being EE 1, 2, 4 coastal way, and beach Shopping interconnected EE3 to receives all sewers pumped from the rest pumping station and pumped to the sewage treatment station of neighborhood which consists of a facultative pond followed by three maturation ponds with disposal of treated effluent into infiltration ditches. Oncethey are connected with each other, the study was conducted considering the days and times of higher inflow for all lifts. Furthermore, with the aim of measuring the gatherer network failures were conducted data survey of on the networks. Thephysical and operational survey data was conducted between January/2011 and janeiro/2012. The simulation of the SES was developed with the aim ofdemonstrating its functioning, eithercurrently and in the coming years, based in population estimates and sewage flow. The collected data represents the current framework of the pumping stations of the SES Ponta Negra and served as input to the model developed in MS Excel ® spreadsheet which allowed simulating the behavior of SES in future scenarios. The results of this study show thatBeach Shopping Pumping Station is actually undersized and presents serious functioning problemsthatmay compromise the environmental quality of surrounding area. The other pumping stations of the system will reach itsmaximum capacity between 2013 and 2015, although the EE1 and EE3 demonstrateoperation capacity, even precariously, until 2017. Moreover, it was observed that the misuse of the network system, due to the input of both garbage and stormwater, are major factors of failures that occur in the SES. Finally, it was found that the corrective maintenance appliance, rather than predictive,has proven to beinefficient because of the serious failuresin the system, causing damage to the environment and health risks to users


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La enseñanza de las estaciones es fundamental para la comprensión de muchos ciclos naturales de la Tierra y, por consiguiente, debe integrar una educación en astronomía comprometidos con una educación ambiental más amplio. Sin embargo, la literatura en la educación científica ha puesto de manifiesto durante mucho tiempo la existencia de asociaciones erróneas de las estaciones astronómicas con características contradictorias de los ambientes que experimentamos en nuestro país. Los estudios de los autores de la historia de la astronomía y la astronomía cultural sugieren que la corrección de este error requiere la sistematización de los conocimientos sobre el comportamiento anual del medio ambiente local y, al mismo tiempo, la comprensión de los diferentes puntos de vista en el que las estaciones estaban y se cree por diferentes culturas, en particular, pero sin limitarse, a la perspectiva que utiliza como referencia el movimiento anual del Sol como base para la división del año en cuatro estaciones. Agregado a la reflexión sobre el enfoque humanista a la enseñanza de la astronomía, estos estudios sirvieron de base para la realización de investigaciones con los pescadores de la playa de Ponta Negra, durante los meses de mayo, junio y julio de 2012 y mayo-agosto en 2013; con el fin de conocer sus percepciones sobre el ambiente de la playa e investigar las posibles referencias que tienen del cielo durante el año. Más allá de la contextualización y reflexiones desarrolladas en la tesis, se presentan como un producto de la investigación el material educativo que consiste en el video "Las estaciones del mar de Ponta Negra" para ser utilizado como apoyo en talleres o cursos para estudiantes universitarios y profesores, que implica el tema de las estaciones . El material se utiliza la percepción de los pescadores en la playa dirigidas a contribuir así al diálogo entre la ciencia y el conocimiento cotidiano, y para reducir la brecha del conocimiento sistematizado sobre las características y los cambios anuales en el entorno de Natal / RN, en particular en el contexto de la enseñanza de las Ciencias. Al mismo tiempo, se espera favorecer la mirada del los profesores y futuros profesores para el medio ambiente local y la variedad que las diferentes culturas perciben los ciclos anuales y sus entornos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior