956 resultados para Dermal allograft
Our purposes are to determine the impact of histological factors observed in zero-time biopsies on early post transplant kidney allograft function. We specifically want to compare the semi-quantitative Banff Classification of zero time biopsies with quantification of % cortical area fibrosis. Sixty three zero-time deceased donor allograft biopsies were retrospectively semiquantitatively scored using Banff classification. By adding the individual chronic parameters a Banff Chronic Sum (BCS) Score was generated. Percentage of cortical area Picro Sirius Red (%PSR) staining was assessed and calculated with a computer program. A negative linear regression between %PSR/ GFR at 3 year post-transplantation was established (Y=62.08 +-4.6412X; p=0.022). A significant negative correlation between arteriolar hyalinosis (rho=-0.375; p=0.005), chronic interstitial (rho=0.296; p=0.02) , chronic tubular ( rho=0.276; p=0.04) , chronic vascular (rho= -0.360;P=0.007), BCS (rho=-0.413; p=0.002) and GFR at 3 years were found. However, no correlation was found between % PSR, Ci, Ct or BCS. In multivariate linear regression the negative predictive factors of 3 years GFR were: BCS in histological model; donor kidney age, recipient age and black race in clinical model. The BCS seems a good and easy to perform tool, available to every pathologist, with significant predictive short-term value. The %PSR predicts short term kidney function in univariate study and involves extra-routine and expensive-time work. We think that %PSR must be regarded as a research instrument.
Background: Proteinuria (PT) with SRL appears not only after conversion from a calcineurin inhibitor (CI), but also in de novo patients. The PT may be related to a hemodynamic effect of CI withdrawal or to a direct effect of SRL in glomerulus (GL). Recently an association between PT in SRL patients and FSGS lesions has been described. It is also known that SRL decrease VEGF synthesis and experimental data suggest that VEGF is essential to podocyte survival and differentiation. Aim: To determine if glomerular lesions and PT in SRL patients could be related to altered glomerular VEGF expression. Material and methods: We evaluated glomerular VEGF expression in 10 biopsies: A-allograft kidney in backtable (n=3); B-native normal kidney (n=1); C-native kidney with FSGS lesions (n=2); D-allograft kidney with FSGS lesions from proteinuric patients under SRL after conversion from CI (n=3); E-allograft kidney in proteinuric patient under SRL with a membranous glomerulonephritis (n=1). We employed indirect immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded sections using a mouse monoclonal antibody against human VEGF-C1 (Santa Cruz). Results: The controls biopsies (A; B) showed normal global VEGF expression, with strong podocyte staining. The VEGF expression in the group C was similar to the controls, although no FSGS lesions were observed in the stained GL. The group D showed normal VEGF expression in the apparently normal GL, hypertrophied podocytes with reduction of VEGF in anomalous GL, and no staining in slcerotic lesions. We observed a gradual reduction of VEGF expression with progressive dedifferentiation of podocytes. In the group E the VEGF was globally reduced, with some hypertrophied podocytes expressing decreased VEGF. Conclusion: We confirmed the diminished VEGF expression in injured podocytes of SRL patients.This decreased expression may result from a direct effect of SRL and precede the appearance of FSGS lesions and PT. Further studies are needed with greater number of cases and controls, including early biopsies of patients under SRL.
A 31 year old male Caucasian received a renal cadaveric allograft. Reconstruction of an inferior polar artery was corrected pre-implantation. Delayed graft function occurred leading to dialysis support for one month. Graft biopsies(days 7, 15) showed acute tubular necrosis(ATN) and no rejection. Serial ultrasound (US), performed on average weekly, were compatible with ATN. On day 31, Doppler US and a CAT scan suggested for the first time a pseudoaneurysm adjacent to the implantation of the graft artery on the external iliac artery. For clinical and technical reasons, arteriography was only performed on day 67, when serum creatinine was 3.3 mg/dl. It showed a large pseudoaneurysm with an arteriovenous fistula to the right common iliac vein. Compression of the right external iliac artery was clear. In an attempt to close the arteriovenous fistula, the communication with the pseudoaneurysm was embolised with gelfoam and metallic coils with partial success. One week later, by right femoral approach a covered wallstent was placed immediately below the origin of the graft artery.Subsequent Doppler US and arteriography con-firmed closure of the communication with thepseudoaneurysm and of the arteriovenous fistula. The calibre of the right external iliac artery was then normal. By month 18, serum creatinine is stable at 2.1 mg/dl. We can only speculate on the origin of thepseudoaneurysm and of the AV fistula, whichwere not evident until one month post-transplantation. Backtable surgery was performed on thepolar not the main graft artery. Invasive angiography was irreplaceable in this unusual clinical situation.
Renal transplant in highly sensitised patients is associated with increased morbidity. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical evolution of 30 highly sensitised deceased donor kidney transplants and the influence of different timing of B cell directed treatment and its importance in the outcome of these patients. All recipients had negative complement dependent lymphocytotoxicity cytotoxic T cell crossmatch and no identified anti human leucocyte antigen class I donor specific antibodies. T cell flow crossmatch was performed within 24h of transplantation with serum obtained pretransplant (historic, recent or baseline). Posttransplant flow crossmatch were performed prospectively starting on the 3rd posttransplantation day. The immunosuppressive regime included thymoglobulin, tacrolimus, mycofenolate mofetil and steroids. Positive flow crossmatch occurred in 20/29 patients by the 3rd posttransplantation day, and in 17/27 patients after the 3rd posttransplantation day. All patients were started on intravenous immunoglobulin before transplantation: in nine patients (group A) at 400mg/kg/day for five days; in the remaining 21 patients (group B), as a continued infusion of 2g/kg during 48h. In group A, Rituximab was added only in the presence of antibody mediated rejection; in group B, introduced on the 3rd posttransplantation day whenever a positive flow crossmatch (with serum obtained pre or posttransplant) was reported. Antibody mediated rejection was observed in 44.4% of patients in group A, and 19% of those in group B. Mean follow-up was 12.2±5.5 months. Overall allograft survival was 76.6%, 81% in group B, and 66.6% in group A. At last follow up, mean serum creatinine was 1.3±0.6 mg/dl. Renal transplantation with pretransplant positive flow crossmatch is highly associated with antibody mediated rejection, despite introduction of intravenous immunoglobulin pretransplantation. However high dose intravenous immunoglobulin for 48h plus Rituximab by the 3rd posttransplantation day reduce the incidence of antibody mediated rejection by more than 50% and allowed for allograft survival of 81% at one year, with an excellent renal function.
Polyomavirus nephropathy is a major complication in renal transplantation, associated with renal allograft loss in 14 to 80% of cases. There is no established treatment, although improvement has been reported with a variety of approaches. The authors report two cases of polyomavirus infection in renal allograft recipients. In the first case, a stable patient presented with deterioration of renal function, worsening hypertension and weight gain following removal of ureteral stent placed routinely at the time of surgery. Ultrasound examination and radiology studies revealed hydronephrosis due to ureteral stenosis. A new ureteral stent was placed, but renal function did not improve. Urinary cytology revealed the presence of decoy cells and polyomavirus was detected in blood and urine by qualitative polymerase chain reaction. Renal biopsy findings were consistent with polyomavirus -associated nephropathy. In the second case, leucopaenia was detected in an asymptomatic patient 6 months after transplantation. Mycophenolate mophetil dosage was reduced but renal allograft function deteriorated, and a kidney biopsy revealed polyomavirus -associated nephropathy, also with SV40 positive cells. In both patients immunosuppression with tacrolimus was reduced, mycophenolate mophetil stopped and intravenous immune globulin plus ciprofloxacin started. As renal function continued to deteriorate, therapy with leflunomide (40 mg/day) was associated and maintained during 5 and 3 months respectively. In the first patient, renal function stabilised within one month of starting leflunomide and polymerase chain reaction was negative for polyomavirus after 5 months. A repeated allograft biopsy 6 months later showed no evidence of polyomavirus nephropathy. In the second patient, polyomavirus was undetectable in blood and urine by polymerase chain reaction after 3 months of leflunomide treatment, with no evidence of polyomavirus infection in a repeated biopsy 6 months after beginning treatment.
In Amazonian Brazil, the Cebus apella monkey (Primates: Cebidae) has been associated with the enzootic cycle of Leishmania (V.) shawi, a dermotropic parasite causing American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). It has also been successfully used as animal model for studying cutaneous leishmaniasis. In this work, there has been investigated its susceptibility to experimental Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi-infection, the etiologic agent of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). There were used ten C. apella specimens, eight adult and two young, four males and six females, all born and raised in captivity. Two experimental infection protocols were performed: i) six monkeys were inoculated, intra-dermal via (ID), into the base of the tail with 2 x 10(6) promastigotes forms from the stationary phase culture medium; ii) other four monkeys were inoculated with 3 x 10(7) amastigotes forms from the visceral infection of infected hamsters by two different via: a) two by intravenous via (IV) and, b) other two by intra-peritoneal via (IP). The parameters of infection evaluation included: a) clinical: physical exam of abdomen, weigh and body temperature; b) parasitological: needle aspiration of the bone-marrow for searching of amastigotes (Giemsa-stained smears) and promastigotes forms (culture medium); c) immunological: Indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and, Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). In the six monkeys ID inoculated (promastigotes forms) all parameters of infection evaluation were negative during the 12 months period of follow-up. Among the four monkeys inoculated with amastigotes forms, two IV inoculated showed the parasite in the bone-marrow from the first toward to the sixth month p.i. and following that they cleared the infection, whereas the other two IP inoculated were totally negative. These four monkeys showed specific IgG-antibody response since the third month p.i. (IP: 1/80 and IV: 1/320 IgG) toward to the 12th month (IP: 1/160 and IV: 1/5120). The DTH-conversion occurred in only one IV inoculated monkey with a strong (30 mm) skin reaction. Considering these results, we do not encourage the use of C. apella monkey as animal model for studying the AVL.
É de senso comum que os nutrientes são fundamentais à vida e que a subnutrição leva à acumulação de gorduras que pode chegar a casos de obesidade, tendo como consequência inúmeras complicações de saúde. Diferentes estruturas neuroanatómicas do cérebro têm um papel essencial no comportamento digestivo. A ação de várias moléculas de sinalização (hormonas, neurotransmissores e neuropéptidos) resulta na regulação da ingestão de alimentos, sendo que, por exemplo, algumas hormonas podem aumentar a sensação de saciedade podendo diminuir o apetite e a ingestão calórica. A descoberta de hormonas envolvidas no balanço energético proporcionou novas oportunidades para desenvolver meios para o tratamento da obesidade. A transferência de medicação antiobesidade por via tópica ou transdérmica é um desafio pois a pele funciona como uma barreira natural e protetora. Sendo uma barreira com uma grande área de superfície e de fácil acessibilidade, a pele tem potencial interesse na libertação de fármacos específicos a cada terapia. Vários métodos têm sido estudados de modo a permitir um aumento da permeabilidade de moléculas terapêuticas para o interior da pele e através da pele. As biotecnologias transdérmicas são um campo de interesse cada vez maior, devido as aplicações dérmicas e farmacêuticas que lhes estão subjacentes. Existem vários modelos computacionais e matemáticos em uso que permite uma visão mais abrangente de puros dados experimentais e até mesmo permite a extrapolação prática de novas metodologias de difusão dérmica. Contudo, eles compreendem uma complexa variedade de teorias e suposições que atribuem a sua utilização para situações específicas. Este trabalho, primeiramente analisa, de forma extensiva, as várias metodologias teóricas para o estudo da difusão dérmica e sistematiza as suas características, realizando depois a fase prévia duma nova abordagem computacional para o estudo da difusão dérmica, que determina características microscópicas de moléculas capazes de provocar a perda de peso, tais como a Leptina e/ou os seus agonistas.
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor is a rare, highly aggressive systemic neoplasm for which effective therapies have not yet been established. We describe a 73-year-old man with multiple nodules and patches emerging on the trunk and limbs. Lesional skin biopsy revealed a plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor with dense dermal infiltrate of tumor cells with blastoid features. No apparent systemic involvement was identified in the initial stage. The patient was treated with prednisone daily, with notorious improvement of the skin lesions, although no complete remission was obtained. During the six-month follow-up period, no disease progression was documented, but fatal systemic progression occurred after that period of time.
Transplant glomerulopathy is a sign of chronic kidney allograft damage. It has a distinct morphology and is associated with poor allograft survival. We aimed to assess the prevalence and clinic-pathologic features of transplant glomerulopathy, as well as determine the functional and histological implications of its severity. We performed a single-centre retrospective observational study during an eight-year period. Kidney allograft biopsies were diagnosed and scored according to the Banff classification, coupled with immunofluorescence studies. The epidemiology, clinical presentation, outcomes (patient and graft survival) and anti-HLA alloantibodies were evaluated. Transplant glomerulopathy was diagnosed in 60 kidney transplant biopsies performed for clinical reasons in 49 patients with ABO compatible renal transplant and a negative T-cell complement dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch at transplantation. The estimated prevalence of transplant glomerulopathy was 7.4% and its cumulative prevalence increased over time. C4d staining in peritubular capillaries (27.6%) was lower than the frequency of anti-HLA antibodies (72.5%), the majority against both classes I and II. Transplant glomerulopathy was associated with both acute (mainly glomerulitis and peritubular capillaritis) and chronic histologic abnormalities. At diagnosis, 30% had mild, 23.3% moderate and 46.7% severe transplant glomerulopathy. The severity of transplant glomerulopathy was associated with the severity of interstitial fibrosis. Other histological features, as well as clinical manifestations and graft survival, were unrelated to transplant glomerulopathy severity.
Background: Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis (CNCH) is a benign, painful, indurated inflammatory nodule arising on the pinna. Different treatment modalities have been used with varying efficacy rates. Despite lower efficacy, conservative methods are most desirable. Case reports: Three patients diagnosed with CNCH were treated with 0.4% topical nitroglycerin ointment, twice daily. These included two women and one man, aged 66, 86, and 60-years-old, respectively. Two painful nodules were located on the antihelix, and one on the helix. One patient had been previously treated with intralesional corticosteroids, and another with intralesional corticosteroids, CO2 laser and photodynamic therapy. All three patients experienced significant clinical and symptomatic improvement with topical nitroglycerin. No side effects were reported. Discussion: The etiology of CNCH is uncertain. Dermal and chondral ischemia arising from perichondrial arterial narrowing has been recently described as a possible cause for this benign condition, hence the potential of nitroglycerin as a smooth muscle relaxant and vasodilator. A previous report described significant improvement in twelve patients treated with 2% topical nitroglycerin. Conclusion: Topical nitroglycerin ointment appears to be a noninvasive alternative for the treatment of CNCH. A lower concentration (0.4%) may be as effective and with fewer side effects, but more studies are warranted.
Pseudoaneurysms of the ascending aorta are a rare complication of cardiac surgery. However, the poor prognosis associated with this condition if untreated makes early diagnosis and treatment important. We present the case of a 66-year-old woman who had undergone mitral valvuloplasty 12 days previously, who was admitted with a diagnosis of new-onset atrial fibrillation. The transthoracic echocardiogram showed a clot in the right atrium and anticoagulation was initiated, followed by antibiotic therapy. After further investigation, the patient was diagnosed with a pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta and underwent surgical repair, followed by six weeks of antibiotic therapy. She was readmitted six months later for an abscess of the lower sternum and mediastinum. After a conservative approach with antibiotics and local drainage failed, recurrence of a large pseudoaneurysm compressing the superior vena cava was documented. A third operation was performed to debride the infected tissue and to place an aortic allograft. There were no postoperative complications.
A 50-year-old post-menopausal recipient of a kidney allograft with bone pain, osteoporosis, persistent hypercalcaemia and elevated parathormone (PTH) levels, despite a satisfactory graft function, was treated with bisphosphonates and cinacalcet starting, respectively, 5 and 6 months after renal transplantation (RT). Sixteen months after treatment, there was improvement of bone mineral density (BMD) measured by dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). A bone biopsy was taken, unveiling a surprising and worrisome result. Post-RT bone disease is different from classic CKD-MBD and should be managed distinctly, including, in some difficult cases, an invasive evaluation through the performance of a bone biopsy, as suggested in the KDIGO guidelines.
The decrease in the number of cadaveric donors has proved a limiting factor in the number of liver transplants, leading to the death of many patients on the waiting list. The living donor liver transplantation is an option that allows, in selected cases, increase the number of donors. One of the most serious complications in liver transplantation is hepatic artery thrombosis, in the past considered potentially fatal without urgent re-transplantation. A white male patient, 48 years old, diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic liver failure caused by hepatitis B virus, underwent living donor liver transplantation (right lobe). Doppler echocardiography performed in the immediate postoperative period did not identify arterial flow in the right branch, having been confirmed thrombosis of the right hepatic artery in CT angiography. Urgent re-laparotomy was performed, which consisted of thrombectomy and re-anastomosis of the hepatic artery with segmental splenic artery allograft interposition. The patient started anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid. Serial evaluation with Doppler echocardiography showed hepatic artery patency. At present, the patient is asymptomatic. One of the most devastating complications in liver transplantation, and particularly in living liver donor, is thrombosis of the hepatic artery; thus, early diagnosis and treatment is vital. The rapid intervention for revascularization of the graft avoids irreversible ischemia of the bile ducts and hepatic parenchyma, thus avoiding the need for re-transplantation.
A direct immunofluorescent antibody (DIFMA) test using a Leishmania genus- specific monoclonal antibody was evaluated in the routine diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Ecuador. This test was compared with the standard diagnostic techniques of scrapings, culture and histology. Diagnostic samples were taken from a total of 90 active dermal ulcers from patients from areas of Ecuador known to be endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis. DIFMA was positive in all lesions. It was shown to be significantly superior to standard diagnostic methods either alone or in combination. The sensitivity of DIFMA did not diminish with chronicity of lesions. This test proved to be extremely useful in the routine diagnosis of CL because it is highly sensitive, is easy to use and produces rapid results.
RESUMO: O transplante hepático ortotópico é uma terapêutica aceite para casos selecionados de falência hepática terminal. O procedimento tem-‐se aperfeiçoado, evidenciado pelo aumento da taxa de sobrevida de 30 para 75% aos 5 anos, mas cerca de 13 a 27% dos enxertos desenvolve falência primária (PNF) ou disfunção primária (DF) após o transplante. As consequências são devastadoras para a sobrevida do doente e do enxerto. A sua etiologia é multifactorial, incluindo factores relacionados com o dador e o receptor, tempos de isquémia, agressões cirúrgicas, bem como características anatomopatológicas do enxerto. A lesão de isquémia/reperfusão mantem-‐se como um factor de risco intra operatório, com implicações directas sobre toda a evolução do transplante : existe uma relação íntima entre a PNF e a DF, a preservação do enxerto, a lesão de isquémia/reperfusão, e a falência do transplante. Além disso, está comprovada evidência que sugere que a lesão de I/R torna um aloenxerto mais vulnerável por aumento da imunogenicidade, aumentando a probabilidade de episódios de rejeição precoce e tardia. Com base na prática clínica quotidiana do CHBPT HCC, estudaram-‐se 54 casos de transplante hepático, agrupados segundo grupos por alocação do enxerto respectivo: Grupo 1(n=27): dador cadáver para receptor cirrótico, Grupo 2 (n=15): dador cadáver para receptor PAF, Grupo 3 (n=12): dador PAF para receptor cirrótico. Observaram-‐se as alterações histológicas e moleculares sobre o enxerto até ao final da operação do receptor, e as suas consequências clínicas,avaliando: -‐ As diferentes capacidades de resistência e cada enxerto à lesão de isquémia/reperfusão. -‐ As situações em que os factores do receptor se sobrepõem às do enxerto na definição do prognóstico, e vice versa. -‐ A relevância das lesões histológicas e moleculares precoces no tecido hepático na evolução do enxerto e do receptor. Foram colhidas biópsias por agulha dos 54 enxertos hepáticos,42 provenientes de cadáver com coração batente(morte cerebral) e 12 provenientes de dador vivo com PAF, em três tempos diferentes do processo de colheita e transplante hepático: ‐ A primeira(T0)antes da clampagem da aorta do dador -‐ A segunda (T1) no final da isquémia fria -‐ A terceira (T2) após a reperfusão do enxerto, durante o encerramento da parede abdominal. A estas amostras foi extraído RNA total, convertido em cDNA por transcrição reversa e feita a análise da expressão dos genes da CTLA4, IL-‐1β, IL-‐4, IL-‐6, IL-‐13, TNF-‐α, Perforina, Selectina, (SELE), Fas-‐ligando, Granzima-‐B, Heme-‐Oxigenase 1(HO1)e Óxido Nítrico Sintetase(iNOS2A)por PCR quantitativo segundo o método do Ct comparativo, utilizando como referência a expressão dos genes da amostra não-‐isquémica –T0. Os fragmentos de todas as biópsias foram seccionados, para envio de amostra comparativa para processamento histológico habitual, sem qualquer alteração ao protocolo seguido habitualmente na Unidade de Transplantação do Hospital Curry Cabral. A presença de alguns parâmetros histológicos definidos, como esteatose, necrose, vacuolização, congestão sinusoidal e infiltração neutrofílica, foi registada e contabilizada numa classificação numérica. O seguimento clínico e laboratorial, bem como o acompanhamento de eventuais complicações, foi registado e correlacionado com os dados das colheitas de órgãos e com os dados das biópsias. Foram consideradas as seguintes variáveis, como as mais relevantes e objectivas para a interpretação da evolução clínica, tendo sido comparadas estatisticamente com os dados recolhidos, laboratoriais e clínicos: disfunção do enxerto, 207 pós operatórias, número de internamentos igual ou superior a 2 e rejeição crónica e/ou morte do receptor. Foram identificadas características clínicas menos favoráveis, a considerar, nalgumas circunstâncias: género feminino do receptor (sobretudo associado a enxerto masculino, p=0,077), isquémia fria superior a 500 minutos (p=0,074), isquémia quente superior a 90 minutos (p=0,099). Na análise laboratorial, distinguiram-‐se duas características histológicas desfavoráveis e irreversíveis, como índice de mau prognóstico: a necrose e a balonização (p=0,029); no painel genético escolhido neste estudo,a expressão basal de IL-‐1β(p=0,028), de SELE p=0,013)e de FAS-‐L (p=0,079)relacionaram-‐se com pior prognóstico. Algumas características protectoras intrínsecas dos enxertos só se revelaram indirectamente, como menor infiltração neutrofílica e maior expressão de HO1 e de iNOS nos enxertos PAF, não tendo sido possível provar uma interferência directa nos resultados clínicos. Não se obteve expressão mensurável de genes anti-‐ inflamatórios nas biopsias hepáticas processadas neste estudo, como a IL13 e a I 4: assim, com a metodologia utilizada, não foi possível obter um perfil de expressão genética associado a boa evolução clínica. O perfil inverso foi sugerido apenas pela expressão basal dos 3 genes mencionados (FAS-‐L,IL-‐1β e SELE)no mesmo painel, com o protocolo seguido neste conjunto de 54 doentes. As características do receptor sobrepuseram-‐se às do enxerto no caso de: -‐ diagnóstico de PAF no receptor, que determinou uma maior predisposição para a disfunção do enxerto, o que, por sua vez, determina uma menor sobrevida. No entanto, o diagnóstico de PAF no receptor exibe uma curva de sobrevida mais favorável. -‐ receptores com um baixo balanço de risco (BAR)definiram características favoráveis para enxertos com níveis baixos e moderados de esteatose, fazendo que esta característica, definida como um risco acrescido, não só não se manifestasse clinicamente,como parecesse um factor favorável. As características do enxerto sobrepuseram-‐se às do receptor no caso de: -‐ tempo de isquémia fria superior a 500 minutos -‐ balonização, necrose, FAS-‐L,IL-‐1β e SELE em T0 A integração dos resultados moleculares e morfológicos com a evolução clínica, realça o papel da mobilização precoce de neutrófilos nos desempenhos menos favoráveis do enxerto hepático. -------------ABSTRACT: Orthotopic liver transplantation is na accepted therapeutic procedure for selected cases of terminal liver failure. The procedure has been improved, evidenced by the rise of survival rates from 30 to 70% at 5 years, but 13 to 27% of the liver grafts develops primary non function (PNF) or primary dysfunction (PDF) after transplantation. The consequences are devastating for the survival of the patient and of the graft. Its etiology is multifactorial, including factos related with the donor and with the recipient, ischemic times, surgical aggressions, as well as the histological characteristics of the graft. The ischemia/reperfusion lesion is still an intraoperative risk factor, with direct implications in the whole transplant outcome: there is a close interrelation between PNF and DF, graft preservation, ischemia / reperfusion lesion and graft failure. Beyond his, there is proved evidence that suggests that I/R lesion turns the allograft more vulnerable by increasing its immunogenity, increasing the probability of precocious and late rejection episodes. Based on the daily clinical practice at CHBPT /HCC, 54 cases of hepatic transplantation have been studied, grouped by allocation of each graft: Group (n=27):deceased do nortocirrhotic recipient, Group 2 (n=15): deceased donor to FAP recipient, Group 3 (n=12): FAP living donor to cirrhotic recipient. The histologic and molecular changes in the liver graft were observed until the end of the recipiente operation,together with its clinical consequences, evaluating:-‐The different capacity of resistance of each graft to the ischemia / reperfusion lesion -‐ The situations where the recipiente factos overlap the ones of the graft, in the definition of prognosis, and vice versa.-‐ The relevance of the precocious histologic and molecular lesions of the hepatic tissue in the clinical outcome of the graft and the recipient. Needle biopsies were obtained from 54 liver grafts, 42 deceased brain dead donors and 12 from FAP living donors, at three diferente times of the harvesting and the hepatic transplantation: The first one (T0) before clamping the donor aorta -‐ The second one (T2) in the end of cold ischemia time -‐ The third one (T) after the reperfusion of the graft, during the closure of the abdominal wall. Total RNAwas extracted to these samples, converted to cDNA by reverse transcription and the analysis of gene expression was made for CTLA4,IL-‐1β,IL-‐4,IL-‐6,IL-‐13,TNF-‐α,Perforin,E Selectin (SELE),Fas-‐ligand,Granzyme-‐B,Heme-‐oxigenase 1 (HO1) and Nitric Oxide Sintetase (iNOS2A) by quantitative PCR, according with the Ct comparative method, using the expression of the non ischemic sample – T0. The fragments of all the biopsies were divided, to send a comparative sample to the usual histologic processement, keeping the same usual protocol at the Transplantation Unit of Curry Cabral Hospital. The presence of some defined histologic parameters, such as steatosis, necrosis, vacuolization, sinusoidal congestion and neutrophilic infiltration, was registered and catalogued in a numeric classification. The clinical and laboratory follow-‐up, as well as the following of eventual complications, was registered and correlated with the data from organ procurement operations and with the data from the biopsies. The following variables were considered as the most relevant and objective ones, to the interpretation of the clinical evolution, being statistically compared with the clinical and laboratorial collected data: graft dysfunction, post-‐operative complications, number of readmissions of 2 or more and chronic rejection and /or recipiente death. There were identified some unfavorable clinical characteristics, to be considered under certain circumstances: recipiente female gender (specially associated with malegraft, p=0,077), cold ischemia time of more than 500 minutes (p=0,074), warm ischemia time of more than 90 minutes (p=0,099). In the laboratory analysis, two histologic characteristics were identified as unfavorable and irreversible, associated with bad prognosis: necrosis and balonization (p=0,029); in the gene panel selected in this study, the basal expression of IL-‐1β (p=0,028), SELE (p=0,013) and FAS-‐L (p=0,079)were related with worse prognosis.Some intrinsic protective characteristics of the grafts were only indirectly revealed, such as less neutrophilic infiltration and bigger expression of HO1 and iNOS in FAP grafts, being impossible to prove any direct inte ference in the clinical results. A relevant and measurable expression of the anti inflammatory genes IL13 and IL4 was not obtained: with the used methodology, it was impossible to obtain a gene expression profile associated with a favorable clinical outcome.The inverse profile was suggested only by the basal expression of the three mentioned genes (FAS-‐L, IL-‐ 1β e SELE) in the same gene panel, according with the followed protocol in this group of 54 patients. The characteristics of the recipient overlapped those from the graft, in the case of :-‐ FAP diagnosis in the recipient, which determined a bigger predisposition to graft dysfunction, which by itself determines a shorter survival. However, FAP diagnosis in the recipiente depicts a more favorable survival curve. -‐ Recipients with a low balance risk índex (BAR) defined favorable characteristics to grafts with low and moderate grades of steatosis, making that this characteristic, associated with bad prognosis, looked like a favorable factor, and with no clinical interference. The graft characteristics overlapped those from the receptor in the case of: -‐ Cold ischemic time more than 500 minutes -‐ Balonization, necrosis, FAS-‐L, IL-‐1β and SELE at T0. The integration of molecular and morphologic results with the clinical evolution, stresses the role of a precocious neutrophils mobilization in the worse outcomes of liver grafts.