839 resultados para Data security
Recent work has begun exploring the characterization and utilization of provenance in systems based on the Service Oriented Architecture (such as Web Services and Grid based environments). One of the salient issues related to provenance use within any given system is its security. In a broad sense, security requirements arise within any data archival and retrieval system, however provenance presents unique requirements of its own. These requirements are additionally dependent on the architectural and environmental context that a provenance system operates in. We seek to analyze the security considerations pertaining to a Service Oriented Architecture based provenance system. Towards this end, we describe the components of such a system and illustrate the security considerations that arise within it. Concurrently, we outline possible approaches to address them.
This article develops a life-cycle general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents who make choices of nondurables consumption, investment in homeowned housing and labour supply. Agents retire from an specific age and receive Social Security benefits which are dependant on average past earnings. The model is calibrated, numerically solved and is able to match stylized U.S. aggregate statistics and to generate average life-cycle profiles of its decision variables consistent with data and literature. We also conduct an exercise of complete elimination of the Social Security system and compare its results with the benchmark economy. The results enable us to emphasize the importance of endogenous labour supply and benefits for agents' consumption-smoothing behaviour.
Internal and external computer network attacks or security threats occur according to standards and follow a set of subsequent steps, allowing to establish profiles or patterns. This well-known behavior is the basis of signature analysis intrusion detection systems. This work presents a new attack signature model to be applied on network-based intrusion detection systems engines. The AISF (ACME! Intrusion Signature Format) model is built upon XML technology and works on intrusion signatures handling and analysis, from storage to manipulation. Using this new model, the process of storing and analyzing information about intrusion signatures for further use by an IDS become a less difficult and standardized process.
The scope of this paper was to analyze the association between homicides and public security indicators in Sao Paulo between 1996 and 2008, after monitoring the unemployment rate and the proportion of youths in the population. A time-series ecological study for 1996 and 2008 was conducted with Sao Paulo as the unit of analysis. Dependent variable: number of deaths by homicide per year. Main independent variables: arrest-incarceration rate, access to firearms, police activity. Data analysis was conducted using Stata. IC 10.0 software. Simple and multivariate negative binomial regression models were created. Deaths by homicide and arrest-incarceration, as well as police activity were significantly associated in simple regression analysis. Access to firearms was not significantly associated to the reduction in the number of deaths by homicide (p>0,05). After adjustment, the associations with both the public security indicators were not significant. In Sao Paulo the role of public security indicators are less important as explanatory factors for a reduction in homicide rates, after adjustment for unemployment rate and a reduction in the proportion of youths. The results reinforce the importance of socioeconomic and demographic factors for a change in the public security scenario in Sao Paulo.
In this paper, we perform a thorough analysis of a spectral phase-encoded time spreading optical code division multiple access (SPECTS-OCDMA) system based on Walsh-Hadamard (W-H) codes aiming not only at finding optimal code-set selections but also at assessing its loss of security due to crosstalk. We prove that an inadequate choice of codes can make the crosstalk between active users to become large enough so as to cause the data from the user of interest to be detected by other user. The proposed algorithm for code optimization targets code sets that produce minimum bit error rate (BER) among all codes for a specific number of simultaneous users. This methodology allows us to find optimal code sets for any OCDMA system, regardless the code family used and the number of active users. This procedure is crucial for circumventing the unexpected lack of security due to crosstalk. We also show that a SPECTS-OCDMA system based on W-H 32(64) fundamentally limits the number of simultaneous users to 4(8) with no security violation due to crosstalk. More importantly, we prove that only a small fraction of the available code sets is actually immune to crosstalk with acceptable BER (<10(-9)) i.e., approximately 0.5% for W-H 32 with four simultaneous users, and about 1 x 10(-4)% for W-H 64 with eight simultaneous users.
The development of cloud computing services is speeding up the rate in which the organizations outsource their computational services or sell their idle computational resources. Even though migrating to the cloud remains a tempting trend from a financial perspective, there are several other aspects that must be taken into account by companies before they decide to do so. One of the most important aspect refers to security: while some cloud computing security issues are inherited from the solutions adopted to create such services, many new security questions that are particular to these solutions also arise, including those related to how the services are organized and which kind of service/data can be placed in the cloud. Aiming to give a better understanding of this complex scenario, in this article we identify and classify the main security concerns and solutions in cloud computing, and propose a taxonomy of security in cloud computing, giving an overview of the current status of security in this emerging technology.
The times following international or civil conflicts but also violent revolutions often come with unequal share of the peace dividend for men and women. Delusions for women who gained freedom of movement and of roles during conflict but had to step back during reconstruction and peace have been recorded in all regions of the world. The emergence of peacebuilding as a modality for the international community to ensure peace and security has slowly incorporated gender sensitivity at the level of legal and policy instruments. Focusing on Rwanda, a country that has obtained significant gender advancement in the years after the genocide while also obtaining to not relapse into conflict, this research explores to what extent the international community has contributed to this transformation. From a review of evaluations, findings are that many of the interventions did not purse gender equality, and overall the majority understood gender and designed actions is a quite superficial way which would hardly account for the significative advancement in combating gender discrimination that the Government, for its inner political will, is conducting. Then, after a critique from a feminist standpoint to the concept of human security, departing from the assumption (sustained by the Governemnt of Rwanda as well) that domestic violence is a variable influencing level of security relevant at the national level, a review of available secondary data on GBV is conducted an trends over the years analysed. The emerging trends signal a steep increase in prevalence of GBV and in domestic violence in particular. Although no conclusive interpretation can be formulated on these data, there are elements suggesting the increase might be due to augmented reporting. The research concludes outlining possible further research pathways to better understand the link in Rwanda between the changing gender norms and the GBV.
Nel mondo della sicurezza informatica, le tecnologie si evolvono per far fronte alle minacce. Non è possibile prescindere dalla prevenzione, ma occorre accettare il fatto che nessuna barriera risulterà impenetrabile e che la rilevazione, unitamente ad una pronta risposta, rappresenta una linea estremamente critica di difesa, ma l’unica veramente attuabile per poter guadagnare più tempo possibile o per limitare i danni. Introdurremo quindi un nuovo modello operativo composto da procedure capaci di affrontare le nuove sfide che il malware costantemente offre e allo stesso tempo di sollevare i comparti IT da attività onerose e sempre più complesse, ottimizzandone il processo di comunicazione e di risposta.
This work presents first a study of the national and international laws in the fields of safety, security and safeguards. The international treaties and the recommendations issued by the IAEA as well as the national regulations in force in France, the United States and Italy are analyzed. As a result of this, a comparison among them is presented. Given the interest of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency for the aspects of criminal penalties and monetary, also the Japanese case is analyzed. The main part of this work was held at the JAEA in the field of proliferation resistance (PR) and physical protection (PP) of a GEN IV sodium fast reactor. For this purpose the design of the system is completed and the PR & PP methodology is applied to obtain data usable by designers for the improvement of the system itself. Due to the presence of sensitive data, not all the details can be disclosed. The reactor site of a hypothetical and commercial sodium-cooled fast neutron nuclear reactor system (SFR) is used as the target NES for the application of the methodology. The methodology is applied to all the PR and PP scenarios: diversion, misuse and breakout; theft and sabotage. The methodology is applied to the SFR to check if this system meets the target of PR and PP as described in the GIF goal; secondly, a comparison between the SFR and a LWR is performed to evaluate if and how it would be possible to improve the PR&PP of the SFR. The comparison is implemented according to the example development target: achieving PR&PP similar or superior to domestic and international ALWR. Three main actions were performed: implement the evaluation methodology; characterize the PR&PP for the nuclear energy system; identify recommendations for system designers through the comparison.
In this work we will discuss about a project started by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government regarding the manage of the public transport. In particular we will perform a data mining analysis on the data-set of this project. After introducing the Weka software used to make our analysis, we will discover the most useful data mining techniques and algorithms; and we will show how these results can be used to violate the privacy of the same public transport operators. At the end, despite is off topic of this work, we will spend also a few words about how it's possible to prevent this kind of attack.
Dall'analisi dei big data si possono trarre degli enormi benefici in svariati ambiti applicativi. Uno dei fattori principali che contribuisce alla ricchezza dei big data, consiste nell'uso non previsto a priori di dati immagazzinati in precedenza, anche in congiunzione con altri dataset eterogenei: questo permette di trovare correlazioni significative e inaspettate tra i dati. Proprio per questo, il Valore, che il dato potenzialmente porta con sè, stimola le organizzazioni a raccogliere e immagazzinare sempre più dati e a ricercare approcci innovativi e originali per effettuare analisi su di essi. L’uso fortemente innovativo che viene fatto dei big data in questo senso e i requisiti tecnologici richiesti per gestirli hanno aperto importanti problematiche in materia di sicurezza e privacy, tali da rendere inadeguati o difficilmente gestibili, gli strumenti di sicurezza utilizzati finora nei sistemi tradizionali. Con questo lavoro di tesi si intende analizzare molteplici aspetti della sicurezza in ambito big data e offrire un possibile approccio alla sicurezza dei dati. In primo luogo, la tesi si occupa di comprendere quali sono le principali minacce introdotte dai big data in ambito di privacy, valutando la fattibilità delle contromisure presenti all’attuale stato dell’arte. Tra queste anche il controllo dell’accesso ha riscontrato notevoli sfide causate dalle necessità richieste dai big data: questo elaborato analizza pregi e difetti del controllo dell’accesso basato su attributi (ABAC), un modello attualmente oggetto di discussione nel dibattito inerente sicurezza e privacy nei big data. Per rendere attuabile ABAC in un contesto big data, risulta necessario l’ausilio di un supporto per assegnare gli attributi di visibilità alle informazioni da proteggere. L’obiettivo di questa tesi consiste nel valutare fattibilità, caratteristiche significative e limiti del machine learning come possibile approccio di utilizzo.
With today's prevalence of Internet-connected systems storing sensitive data and the omnipresent threat of technically skilled malicious users, computer security remains a critically important field. Because of today's multitude of vulnerable systems and security threats, it is vital that computer science students be taught techniques for programming secure systems, especially since many of them will work on systems with sensitive data after graduation. Teaching computer science students proper design, implementation, and maintenance of secure systems is a challenging task that calls for the use of novel pedagogical tools. This report describes the implementation of a compiler that converts mandatory access control specification Domain-Type Enforcement Language to the Java Security Manager, primarily for pedagogical purposes. The implementation of the Java Security Manager was explored in depth, and various techniques to work around its inherent limitations were explored and partially implemented, although some of these workarounds do not appear in the current version of the compiler because they would have compromised cross-platform compatibility. The current version of the compiler and implementation details of the Java Security Manager are discussed in depth.
File system security is fundamental to the security of UNIX and Linux systems since in these systems almost everything is in the form of a file. To protect the system files and other sensitive user files from unauthorized accesses, certain security schemes are chosen and used by different organizations in their computer systems. A file system security model provides a formal description of a protection system. Each security model is associated with specified security policies which focus on one or more of the security principles: confidentiality, integrity and availability. The security policy is not only about “who” can access an object, but also about “how” a subject can access an object. To enforce the security policies, each access request is checked against the specified policies to decide whether it is allowed or rejected. The current protection schemes in UNIX/Linux systems focus on the access control. Besides the basic access control scheme of the system itself, which includes permission bits, setuid and seteuid mechanism and the root, there are other protection models, such as Capabilities, Domain Type Enforcement (DTE) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), supported and used in certain organizations. These models protect the confidentiality of the data directly. The integrity of the data is protected indirectly by only allowing trusted users to operate on the objects. The access control decisions of these models depend on either the identity of the user or the attributes of the process the user can execute, and the attributes of the objects. Adoption of these sophisticated models has been slow; this is likely due to the enormous complexity of specifying controls over a large file system and the need for system administrators to learn a new paradigm for file protection. We propose a new security model: file system firewall. It is an adoption of the familiar network firewall protection model, used to control the data that flows between networked computers, toward file system protection. This model can support decisions of access control based on any system generated attributes about the access requests, e.g., time of day. The access control decisions are not on one entity, such as the account in traditional discretionary access control or the domain name in DTE. In file system firewall, the access decisions are made upon situations on multiple entities. A situation is programmable with predicates on the attributes of subject, object and the system. File system firewall specifies the appropriate actions on these situations. We implemented the prototype of file system firewall on SUSE Linux. Preliminary results of performance tests on the prototype indicate that the runtime overhead is acceptable. We compared file system firewall with TE in SELinux to show that firewall model can accommodate many other access control models. Finally, we show the ease of use of firewall model. When firewall system is restricted to specified part of the system, all the other resources are not affected. This enables a relatively smooth adoption. This fact and that it is a familiar model to system administrators will facilitate adoption and correct use. The user study we conducted on traditional UNIX access control, SELinux and file system firewall confirmed that. The beginner users found it easier to use and faster to learn then traditional UNIX access control scheme and SELinux.