340 resultados para DELINQUENCY


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Het doel van dit onderzoek betrof het verkrijgen van meer zicht op de relatie tussen de opvoedstijl en externaliserend probleemgedrag en de mediërende rol van het zelfbeeld daarbij bij dak- en thuisloze jongeren in Utrecht in de leeftijd van 18 tot en met 25 jaar. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd middels een ad hoc survey met een eenmalige meting onder dak- en thuisloze jongeren in Utrecht in de leeftijd van 18 tot en met 25 jaar. De respondenten zijn benaderd bij een voorziening in Utrecht waar ambulante hulp wordt geboden aan deze doelgroep in deze leeftijdscategorie. In totaal namen 89 respondenten deel aan het onderzoek waarvan er 79 overbleven na het verwijderen van respondenten met missende data. De populatie bestond uit 51 jongens met een gemiddelde leeftijd van 23 jaar en 28 meisjes met een gemiddelde leeftijd van 22 jaar. Het zelfbeeld is gemeten met de Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1989), het externaliserende probleemgedrag met de Self-Report Delinquency Scale (SRD; West & Farrington, 1973), en de verkregen opvoedstijl met de Parenting Style Index (PSI; Steinberg, Lamborn, Darling, Mounts & Dornbusch,1994). Uit de resultaten van het onderzoek kwam bij de relatie van ouderlijke steun met externaliserend probleemgedrag een partiële mediatie naar voren door het zelfbeeld. Bij de relatie van ouderlijke controle met externaliserend probleemgedrag bleek geen mediatie op te treden door het zelfbeeld. Een hoge mate van ouderlijke steun leidde tot een hoger zelfbeeld, maar ouderlijke controle had geen effect op het zelfbeeld. Daarnaast werd gevonden dat een hoge mate van ouderlijke steun en controle, alsmede het hebben van een hoog zelfbeeld leidde tot minder externaliserend probleemgedrag.


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For the past three decades or so, criminal justice policies have been enacted under the assumption that individuals who have been convicted of a sex offense are life course persistent sex offenders. In that context, research has been heavily focused on the assessment of risk and the prediction of sexual recidivism.Simultaneously, little to no attention has been given to the majority of individuals convicted of sex offenses who are not arrested or convicted again.Researchers have witnessed a growing gap between scientific knowledge and the sociolegal response to sexual violence and abuse. The current legal landscapecarries important social implications and significant life course impact for a growing number of individuals. More recently, theoretical and research breakthroughs in the study of desistance from crime and delinquency have been made that can help shed some light on desistance from sex offending. Desistance research, in the context of sex offending, however, represents serious theoretical, ethical, legal, and methodological challenges. To that end, this article introduces a special issue exploring current themes in desistance research by examining the life course of individuals convicted of a sexual offense while contextualizing their experiences of desistance.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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A presente tese foca-se na violência e consumo de drogas nas escolas da cidade do Porto. O consumo de drogas, a violência e a delinquência juvenil, tem vindo a preocupar a sociedade, dai a necessidade de compreender que a influência têm estes comportamentos um nos outros. Mais concretamente, este estudo tem como objetivos a obtenção de um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre o fenómeno do consumo de drogas e do comportamento violento em adolescentes na cidade do Porto. Este é um estudo de autorrelato, uma vez que utiliza o questionário International Self-Report Delinquency Study. No mesmo participam 560 estudantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos. Quanto aos resultados da amostra, no que respeita as diferenças de género e consumo não há diferenças estatisticamente significativas, já no que se refere a idade nota-se um aumento gradual do consumo de drogas, atingindo o seu pico aos 17 anos e logo de seguida um decréscimo acentuado do mesmo. Uma vez comparado o comportamento impulsivo e o consumo de drogas obteve-se resultados estatisticamente significativos, assim como o consumo de drogas e a associação com um grupo de pares que pratica atos ilegais. Comprovando assim o que a literatura nos diz quanto aos fatores de risco.


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Effective school discipline practices are essential to keeping schools safe and creating an optimal learning environment. However, the overreliance of exclusionary discipline often removes students from the school setting and deprives them of the opportunity to learn. Previous research has suggested that students are being introduced to the juvenile justice system through the use of school-based juvenile court referrals. In 2011, approximately 1.2 million delinquency cases were referred to the juvenile courts in the United States. Preliminary evidence suggests that an increasing number of these referrals have originated in the schools. This study investigated school-based referrals to the juvenile courts as an element of the School-to-Prison Pipeline (StPP). The likelihood of school-based juvenile court referrals and rate of dismissal of these referrals was examined in several states using data from the National Juvenile Court Data Archives. In addition, the study examined race and special education status as predictors of school-based juvenile court referrals. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression and odds ratio, were used to analyze the data, make conclusions based on the findings and recommend appropriate school discipline practices.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Criminologia


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Criminologia


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Criminologia


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Stressful life events early in life, including symptoms of mental disorders or childhood maltreatment, may increase risk for worse mental and physical health outcomes in adulthood. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the effects of childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms and maltreatment experience on two adult outcomes: obesity and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Mediational effects of adolescent characteristics were explored. This dissertation used Waves I, III, and IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. In Paper 1 (Chapter 3), we investigated the association between multiple types of child maltreatment and adult objective (body mass index; BMI) and subjective (self-rated) obesity, as well as mediating effects by adolescent characteristics including depressive symptoms and BMI. Results showed that after adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, and maternal education, physical maltreatment was moderately associated with adulthood obesity as measured by BMI and self-reported obesity, while sexual maltreatment was more strongly associated with the objective measure but not the subjective measure. The indirect effects of mediation of adolescent BMI and depressive symptoms were statistically significant. In Paper 2 (Chapter 4), the objective was to examine mediation by adolescent depressive symptoms, alcohol consumption, peer alcohol consumption, and delinquency in the relationship between ADHD symptoms and adult AUD. The indirect effects of mediation of adolescent delinquency, alcohol consumption, and peer alcohol consumption were statistically significant in single and multiple mediator models. In Paper 3 (Chapter 5), the objective was to assess the joint effects of maltreatment/neglect on adult AUD. After adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, child maltreatment, and parental AUD, ADHD symptoms were significantly associated with increased odds of AUD. There was no strong evidence of multiplicative interaction by maltreatment. This association was stronger for males than females, although the interaction term was not statistically significant. This dissertation adds to the literature by examining relationships between several major public health problems: ADHD symptoms, childhood maltreatment, AUD, depressive symptoms, and obesity. This project has implications for understanding how early life stress increases risk for later physical and mental health problems, and identifying potential intervention targets for adolescents.


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Durant les dernières décennies, les différences intersexes en matière de conduite avec les capacités affaiblies par l’alcool (CCAA) ont suscité l’attention, alors que le comportement est en augmentation chez les femmes tandis qu’il diminue chez les hommes. Les données suggèrent que, chez les femmes, la CCAA s’associe à des caractéristiques psychologiques différentes de celles qui se retrouvent chez les contrevenants masculins (c.-à-d. davantage de problèmes liés à l’alcool et aux drogues et de psychopathologies, mais moins de recherche de sensations et de comportements délinquants). Malgré ce profil différentiel, les femmes contrevenantes de la CCAA demeurent une population hautement méconnue, particulièrement en ce qui a trait au profil des récidivistes. Alors que chez les hommes, des données émergentes indiquent que des limitations cognitives sont présentes chez les récidivistes et qu’elles constituent potentiellement un mécanisme sous-jacent au comportement, le profil cognitif des femmes récidivistes demeure inexploré. Des données exploratoires obtenues chez les contrevenantes et la documentation de champs de recherche connexes suggèrent que les femmes se distinguent notamment en ce qui concerne leur fonctionnement exécutif qui pourrait être préservé, alors que leur fonctionnement visuospatial serait déficitaire en comparaison de leurs vis-à-vis masculins. L’objectif de la présente thèse est d’approfondir les connaissances sur les caractéristiques des femmes récidivistes, ce qui permettra de mieux comprendre l’hétérogénéité de cette population et de générer des hypothèses au regard des mécanismes cognitifs sous-jacents à la répétition du comportement de CCAA. Plus spécifiquement, la thèse a pour objectif premier d’étudier les différences entre les sexes en matière de fonctionnement visuospatial et de mémoire visuelle, d’attention et de fonctionnement exécutif (c.-à-d. flexibilité cognitive, abstraction, inhibition). L’objectif secondaire consiste à comparer ces contrevenants au regard de leurs caractéristiques psychologiques (problèmes liés à l’alcool et aux drogues, impulsivité, recherche de sensations, traits antisociaux, anxiété et dépression). L’hypothèse examinée soutient que les femmes et les hommes récidivistes de la CCAA performent moins bien que les femmes et les hommes non-contrevenants en termes de fonctionnement visuospatial, attentionnel et exécutif. En outre, il est attendu que les femmes récidivistes présentent des performances inférieures à celles des hommes récidivistes en ce qui a trait aux fonctions visuospatiales. Par ailleurs, l’hypothèse prévoit que les hommes récidivistes aient des performances inférieures à celles des femmes récidivistes sur le plan exécutif et attentionnel. En matière de caractéristiques psychologiques, il est attendu que les femmes et les hommes récidivistes présentent significativement plus de problèmes liés à l’alcool et aux drogues, d’impulsivité, de recherche de sensations et d’indices de psychopathologies (tendance antisociale, dépression, anxiété) que les non-contrevenants. En outre, il est attendu que les femmes récidivistes présentent plus de problèmes liés à l’alcool et aux drogues et d’indices de dépression et d’anxiété que les hommes récidivistes. Enfin, il est attendu que les hommes récidivistes présentent significativement plus d’impulsivité, de recherche de sensations et de traits antisociaux que les femmes récidivistes. Ces hypothèses se confirment partiellement, alors que les hommes récidivistes (n = 39) présentent des performances inférieures à celles des hommes non-contrevenants (n = 20) et des femmes récidivistes (n = 20) sur le plan attentionnel et exécutifs. Toutefois, les femmes récidivistes ne se distinguent pas des femmes non-contrevenantes (n = 20) en matière de fonctionnement neuropsychologique. En ce qui a trait aux caractéristiques psychologiques, les résultats soutiennent partiellement les hypothèses. La discussion met en lumière que les femmes et des hommes récidivistes présentent des caractéristiques similaires, hormis en ce qui a trait au fonctionnement attentionnel et exécutif qui semble jouer un rôle dans la récidive au masculin, alors que cela n’apparaît pas être le cas chez les femmes chez qui le comportement pourrait être davantage situationnel. La nécessité que des études futures soient réalisées au moyen de devis expérimentaux, de même que les difficultés inhérentes au recrutement des femmes récidivistes sont discutées.


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Belief in a Just World research found evidence that one feels threatened whenever one witnesses an innocent victim suffering, often resorting to secondary victimization to neutralize the observed injustice. However, literature has neglected the explanatory power of adolescent deviant behavior in victimization processes. This study (n = 284 students) aims to determine the impact of the adolescents' deviant behavior, BJW and victim's innocence on secondary victimization. Additionally, we analyzed juvenile deviant behavior's impact on victim identification. Juveniles who committed more deviant behaviors identified less with the victim than those with lower deviance levels. The interaction effects show that juveniles who are strong just world believers and have higher delinquency engaged significantly more in secondary victimization when confronted with an innocent victim. These results clarify the role played by adolescent deviant behavior and BJW in secondary victimization judgments regarding situations with innocent and non-innocent victims.


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O presente documento apresenta uma etnografia, realizada numa freguesia de Vila Nova de Gaia, sobre o uso, em contexto de rua, de substâncias denominadas "pesadas". Partindo de uma linha teórico­ metodológica que se demarca dos paradigmas tradicionais que perspectivam o fenómeno droga através das dimensões da delinquência ou da patologia, procedemos a uma análise, em contexto natural, dos espaços e actores relacionados com o psicotropismo. Concluímos que uma relação de dependência com as drogas emerge de uma dimensão processual, para a qual contribui o contexto sociocultural e o quadro relacional onde o indivíduo se insere. Daí, recorrermos ao conceito de itinerário de consumo na abordagem das relações estabelecidas com as substâncias. ABSTRACT; This document presents an ethnography, developed in Vila Nova de Gaia, about consumption, in street environment, of as common sense defines "hard" drugs. Through a theoretical and methodological approach that makes a difference among the traditional paradigms, which conceive the drug phenomenon under the delinquency and pathological dimensions, we analyse, in natural environment, the places and the actors which are involved in the drug scene. We concluded that the drug addiction relationship comes from a sequential dimension, in which sociocultural environment and relationship background make a contribution. Is that the reason why we use consumption itinerary concept to approach the relations between individual and drugs.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialidade Psicologia Social


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This research is based on the hypothesis that law and order model is displacing the procedura justice system in Spain. After a thorough review of the international literature, one can observe that the traditional structure of the penal system does not seem to be capable of containing the new forms of crime. The new penal model assumes that public opinion is alarmed and unwilling to understand rational approaches to crime, so it will be likely to accept measures aimed at calming the fear of crime, through extensive control policies and penal tools to manage uncivil behavior. Objectives and methodology A measuring instrument has been developed to confirm this hypothesis, consisting of ten features that characterize the law and order model. This instrument has been used to identify examples of its ten features in the rules and practices developed at each phase of the Spanish criminal justice system. The analysis has focused specifically on public discourse about delinquency, criminal policy decisions, legislative processes, police routines, judicial dynamics, and prison system practices. Main results The investigation has shown that there are many processes and practices indicating that the law and order model is consolidating itself in the Spanish penal system. Nevertheless this process has a different intensity at each phase, being stronger at the legislative stage and softer in the penitentiary enforcement phase. One of the main conclusions is, therefore, that the designed instrument is ideal for measuring the degree of penetration of the model throughout the system. Some of the most striking results of the reasearch will be presented at the conference. Finally, proposals arise that could prevent the new model is fully seated in our criminal justice system, finding that the trend toward more severe penalties shown already unsustainable.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Études Supérieures des arts et sciences, Département de criminologie, en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise (M. Sc.) en criminologie, option intervention