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Chez les plantes à fleurs, lâovaire est lâorgane reproducteur femelle et il interagit de façon importante avec les gamètes mâles durant la croissance, le guidage, la réception et la rupture du tube pollinique ainsi que la fusion des gamètes. Le processus débute lorsque de nombreux gènes de lâovule sont activés à longue distance lors de la réception du pollen sur le stigmate. Afin dâexplorer les signaux provenant de lâovule ayant un impact important sur les interactions pollenâpistil, particulièrement les molécules sécrétées impliquées dans la signalisation espècespécifique, lâexpression génique des ovules sous forme dâARNm ainsi et la sécrétion protéique ont été étudiées chez Solanum chacoense, une espèce diploïde de pomme de terre sauvage. S. chacoense a subi beaucoup dâhybridation interspécifique avec dâautres espèces sympathiques de solanacées, facilitant ainsi grandement lâétude des interactions pollenâovule de façon espècespécifique ainsi que leur évolution. Dans ce projet, des ovules provenant de trois conditions différentes ont été comparés: des ovules matures de type sauvage, des ovules légèrement immatures, récoltés deux jours avant lâanthèse et des ovules provenant du mutant frk1 pour lesquels le sac embryonnaire est absent. Un séquençage dâARN à haut débit a dâabord été effectué sur les ovules de type sauvage de S. chacoense afin de générer un assemblage de référence comprenant 33852 séquences codantes. Dâautres séquençages ont été effectués sur les trois conditions dâovules et sur les feuilles afin de faire une analyse dâexpression différentielle des gènes. En comparaison avec les ovules de type sauvage, 818 gènes sont réprimés dans les ovules du mutant frk1. Un sous-groupe de 284 gènes, étaient également sous-exprimés dans les ovules légèrement immatures, suggérant un rôle spécifique dans les stades tardifs de la maturation du sac embryonnaire (stade de développent FG6 à FG7) ainsi que du guidage du tube pollinique, puisque ni les ovules du mutant frk1 ni ceux légèrement immatures ne sont capables dâattirer les tubes polliniques lors dâessais de croissance semi in vivo. De plus, 21% de ces gènes sont des peptides riches en cystéines (CRPs). En utilisant un transcriptome assemblé de novo provenant de deux proches parents de S. chacoense, S. gandarillasii et S. tarijense, une analyse dâorthologie a été effectuée sur ces CRPs, révélant une grande variabilité et une évolution rapide chez les solanacées. De nouveaux motifs de cystéine uniques à cette famille ont également été découverts. En comparant avec des études similaires chez Arabidopsis, le sac embryonnaire de S. chacoense montre un transcriptome fortement divergent, particulièrement en en ce qui a trait à la catégorisation fonctionnelle des gènes et de la similarité entre les gènes orthologues. De plus,même si la glycosylation nâest pas requise lors du guidage mycropylaire du tube pollinique chez Arabidopsis, Torenia ou le maïs, des extraits dâovules glycosylés de S. chacoense sont capables dâaugmenter la capacité de guidage de 18%. Cette étude est donc la première à montrer une corrélation entre glycosylation et le guidage du tube pollinique par lâovule. En complément à lâapproche transcriptomique, une approche protéomique portant sur les protéine sécrétées par lâovule (le secrétome) a été utilisée afin dâidentifier des protéines impliquées dans lâinteraction entre ovule et tube pollinique. Des exsudats dâovules matures (capables dâattirer le tube pollinique) et dâovules immatures (incapables dâattirer le tube pollinique) ont été récoltés en utilisant une nouvelle méthode dâextraction par gravité permettant de réduire efficacement les contaminants cytosoliques à moins de 1% de lâéchantillon. Un total de 305 protéines sécrétées par les ovules (OSPs) ont été identifiées par spectrométrie de masse, parmi lesquelles 58% étaient spécifiques aux ovules lorsque comparées avec des données de protéines sécrétées par des tissus végétatifs. De plus, la sécrétion de 128 OSPs est augmentée dans les ovules matures par rapport aux ovules immatures. Ces 128 protéines sont donc considérées en tant que candidates potentiellement impliquées dans la maturation tardive de lâovule et dans le guidage du tube pollinique. Cette étude a également montré que la maturation du sac embryonnaire du stade FG6 au stade FG7 influence le niveau de sécrétion de 44% du sécrétome total de lâovule. De façon surprenante, la grande majorité (83%) de ces protéines nâest pas régulée au niveau de lâARN, soulignant ainsi lâimportance de cette approche dans lâétude du guidage du tube pollinique comme complément essentiel aux études transcriptomiques. Parmi tous les signaux sécrétés par lâovule et reliés au guidage, obtenus à partir des approches transcriptomiques et protéomiques décrites ci-haut, nous avons spécifiquement évalué lâimplication des CRPs dans le guidage du tube pollinique par lâovule chez S. chacoense, vu lâimplication de ce type de protéine dans les interactions pollen-pistil et le guidage du tube pollinique chez dâautres espèces. Au total, 28 CRPs étaient présentes dans les ovules capables dâattirer le tube pollinique tout en étant absentes dans les ovules incapables de lâattirer, et ce, soit au niveau de lâARNm et/ou au niveau du sécrétome. De celles-ci, 17 CRPs ont été exprimées dans un système bactérien et purifiées en quantité suffisante pour tester le guidage. Alors que des exsudats dâovules ont été utilisés avec succès pour attirer par chimiotactisme le tube pollinique, les candidats exprimés dans les bactéries nâont quant à eux pas été capables dâattirer les tubes polliniques. Comme lâutilisation de systèmes dâexpression hétérologue eucaryote peut permettre un meilleur repliement et une plus grande activité des protéines, les candidats restants seront de nouveau exprimés, cette fois dans un système de levure ainsi que dans un système végétal pour produire les peptides sécrétés. Ceux-ci seront ensuite utilisés lors dâessais fonctionnels pour évaluer leur capacité à guider les tubes polliniques et ainsi isoler les attractants chimiques responsable du guidage du tube pollinique chez les solanacées comme S. chacoense.


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The functional basis of diabetes-mellitus to a certain extent, can be elucidated by studying diabetes-induced changes in metabolic enzymes. Malate dehydrogenase (MDH), is an enzyme directly involved in glucose metabolism. The kinetic parameters of MDH and its purified cytosolic isozyme, S-MDH, have been studied in the liver of streptozotocin- diabetic rats; also the potential of the leaf extract of A. marmelose as an was investigated. The Km of the liver enzyme increased significantly, in both crude and purified preparations in the diabetic state when compared to Lhe respective controls. Insulin as well as leaf- â¢extract treatment of the diabetic rats brought about a reversal of K. values to near normal. Vmax of purified S-MDH was significantly higher in the diabetic state when compared to the control. Insulin and leaf extract treatment did not reverse this change. Since MDH is an important enzyme in glucose metabolism, the variation in its quantitative and qualitative nature may contribute to the pathological status of diabetes. The fact that leaf extract of A. marmelose was found to be as effective as insulin in restoration of blood glucose and body weight to normal levels, the use of A. marmelose as potential hypoglycemic agent is suggested.


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Die an der Glutathionsynthese im Chloroplasten von Spinatblättern beteiligten Enzyme sind auf eine lichtabhängige Regulation durch Thioredoxine (Trx) und Glutaredoxine (Grx) hin untersucht worden. Dazu wurde eine neue, vereinfachte Methode zur Aktivitätsbestimmung für die gamma-Glutamylcystein- und Glutathionsynthetase auf der Kapillarelektrophorese entwickelt. Untersuchungen mit den homologen Thioredoxinen Trx m und Trx f aus Spinatchloroplasten und mit dem E.coli Trx und E.coli Grx 1 zeigten, dass bei beiden Enzymen keine Redoxmodulation durch diese Proteine stattfindet. Weitere Untersuchungen mit der Glutathionsynthetase zeigten keinen Einfluss von Dithiothreit, Sulfit-Ionen und Ascorbat auf die Enzymaktivität. Nur H2O2, in unphysiologischen Konzentrationen, bewirkte eine leichte Abnahme der Ausgangsaktivität. Im Fall der gamma-Glutamylcysteinsynthetase konnten verschiedene Einflüsse ausgemacht werden. So war mit Dithiothreit und H2O2 bei niedrigen Konzentrationen eine Stimulation und bei hÃheren Konzentration eine Inhibition der Enzymaktivität festzustellen: Sulfit-Ionen zeigten eine starke Stimulierung der gamma-Glutamylcysteinsynthetase über einen weiten Konzentrationsbereich, wobei eine starke pH-Wert-Abhängigkeit der Stimulation zu beobachten war. Ascorbat zeigte, wie bei der Glutathionsynthetase, keinen Einfluss auf die Enzymaktivität der gamma-Glutamyl-cysteinsynthetase. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit über die Glutaredoxine des Spinats konnte ein 12,4 kDa Protein mit Thioltransferase-Aktivität, das bisher als cytosolisches Glutaredoxin beschrieben wurde, aufgereinigt und mittels N-terminaler Sequenzierung eindeutig als ein Glutaredoxin identifiziert werden. Ãœberdies konnte ein noch nicht beschriebenes 12,8 kDa Protein mit Thioltransferase-Aktivität aus Spinatchloroplasten aufgereinigt werden. Durch Peptid-Sequenzierung gelang es dieses Protein auch als ein Glutaredoxin zu identifizieren. Beide pflanzlichen Glutaredoxine zeigten keine Modulation der Aktivitäten der chloroplastidären Fructosebisphosphatase (FbPase) und NADPH-Malatdehydrogenase (NADPH-MDH). Auch war mit beiden Glutaredoxinen keine Dehydroascorbatreduktase-Aktivität, oder eine Stimulation der Ribonucleotidreduktase aus Lactobacillus leichmannii festzustellen.


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A Pb-mine site situated on acidic soil, but comprising of Ca-enriched islands around derelict buildings was used to study the spatial pattern of genetic diversity in Lumbricus rubellus. Two distinct genetic lineages ('A' and 'B'), differentiated at both the mitochondrial (mtDNA COII) and nuclear level (AFLPs) were revealed with a mean inter-lineage mtDNA sequence divergence of approximately 13%, indicative of a cryptic species complex. AFLP analysis indicates that lineage A individuals within one central 'ecological island' site are uniquely clustered, with little genetic overlap with lineage A individuals at the two peripheral sites. FTIR microspectroscopy of Pb-sequestering chloragocytes revealed different phosphate profiles in residents of adjacent acidic and calcareous islands. Bioinformatics found over-representation of Ca pathway genes in ESTPb libraries. Subsequent sequencing of a Ca-transport gene, SERCA, revealed mutations in the protein's cytosolic domain. We recommend the mandatory genotyping of all individuals prior to field-based ecotoxicological assays, particularly those using discriminating genomic technologies.


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BACKGROUND: Flavonoid metabolites remain in blood for periods of time potentially long enough to allow interactions with cellular components of this tissue. It is well-established that flavonoids are metabolised within the intestine and liver into methylated, sulphated and glucuronidated counterparts, which inhibit platelet function. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrate evidence suggesting platelets which contain metabolic enzymes, as an alternative location for flavonoid metabolism. Quercetin and a plasma metabolite of this compound, 4'-O-methyl quercetin (tamarixetin) were shown to gain access to the cytosolic compartment of platelets, using confocal microscopy. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) showed that quercetin was transformed into a compound with a mass identical to tamarixetin, suggesting that the flavonoid was methylated by catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) within platelets. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Platelets potentially mediate a third phase of flavonoid metabolism, which may impact on the regulation of the function of these cells by metabolites of these dietary compounds.


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Benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and butylphenylmethylpropional (Lilial) are added to bodycare cosmetics used around the human breast. We report here that all three compounds possess oestrogenic activity in assays using the oestrogen-responsive MCF7 human breast cancer cell line. At 3 000 000-fold molar excess, they were able to partially displace [H-3]oestradiol from recombinant human oestrogen receptors ER alpha and ER beta, and from cytosolic ER of MCF7 cells. At concentrations in the range of 5 x 10(-5) to 5 x 10(-4) M, they were able to increase the expression of a stably integrated oestrogen-responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) and of the endogenous oestrogen-responsive pS2 gene in MCF7 cells, albeit to a lesser extent than with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol. They increased the proliferation of oestrogen-dependent MCF7 cells over 7 days, which could be inhibited by the antioestrogen fulvestrant, suggesting an ER-mediated mechanism. Although the extent of stimulation of proliferation over 7 days was lower with these compounds than with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol, given a longer time period of 35 days the extent of proliferation with 10(-4) M benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate or butylphenylmethylpropional increased to the same magnitude as observed with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol over 14 days. This demonstrates that benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and butylphenylmethylpropional are further chemical components of cosmetic products which give oestrogenic responses in a human breast cancer cell line in culture. Further research is now needed to investigate whether oestrogenic responses are detectable using in vivo models and the extent to which these compounds might be absorbed through human skin and might enter human breast tissues. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Plant annexins are ubiquitous, soluble proteins capable of Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent binding to endomembranes and the plasma membrane. Some members of this multigene family are capable of binding to F-actin, hydrolysing ATP and GTP, acting as peroxidases or cation channels. These multifunctional proteins are distributed throughout the plant and throughout the life cycle. Their expression and intracellular localization are under developmental and environmental control. The in vitro properties of annexins and their known, dynamic distribution patterns suggest that they could be central regulators or effectors of plant growth and stress signalling. Potentially, they could operate in signalling pathways involving cytosolic free calcium and reactive oxygen species.


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We hypothesized that the hepatotoxicity that develops after the induction of oxidative stress (induced by d-galactosamine [GalN]) can be ameliorated by alpha-tocopherol (ATC) and the soy isoflavone daidzein. To test this, we ranked and assigned male Wistar rats into 6 groups, which involved pretreatment (ATC or daidzein) for 1 hour followed by treatment (GalN) for 23 hours. Histopathologic analysis showed that GalN administration induced marked necrosis (P < .001), steatosis (P < .001), both lobular and portal inflammations (P < .001), overall histopathologic score (P < .001), and activation of caspase-3 in the liver (P < .001). Immunohistochemical staining of malondialdehyde-protein adducts, a measure of oxidative stress, was increased in response to GalN (P < .001). Paradoxically, there were increases in total (P < .05) and cytosolic superoxide dismutase (P < .001) activities after GalN administration, indicative of an up-regulation of antioxidant defenses. The concentration of total protein (P < .001), albumin (P < .01), and globulin fractions (P < .001) in the plasma, as well as the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (P < .001), was significantly perturbed after GalN treatment, reflective of overall acute hepatic injury. Administration of daidzein showed a significant amelioration of the Ga1N-induced increase in malondialdehyde-protein adducts (P < .01) and cytosolic superoxide dismutase activities (P < .01) in the liver. However, all other variables were not significantly altered in response to daidzein. In response to ATC pretreatment, the total histopathologic score (P < .05), degree of necrosis (P < .05), and both lobular (P < .05) and portal (P = .05) inflammations were significantly ameliorated. To conclude, both daidzein and ATC protect the liver against oxidative damage possibly via different pathways.


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Bacteria commonly utilise a unique type of transporter, called Feo, to specifically acquire the ferrous (Fe2+) form of iron from their environment. Enterobacterial Feo systems are composed of three proteins: FeoA, a small, soluble SH3-domain protein probably located in the cytosol; FeoB, a large protein with a cytosolic N-terminal G-protein domain and a C-terminal integral inner-membrane domain containing two 'Gate' motifs which likely functions as the Fe2+ permease; and FeoC, a small protein apparently functioning as an [Fe-S]-dependent transcriptional repressor. We provide a review of the current literature combined with a bioinformatic assessment of bacterial Feo systems showing how they exhibit common features, as well as differences in organisation and composition which probably reflect variations in mechanisms employed and function.


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Previous studies have compared the oestrogenic properties of phytoestrogens in a wide variety of disparate assays. Since not all phytoestrogens have been tested in each assay, this makes inter-study comparisons and ranking oestrogenic potency difficult. In this report, we have compared the oestrogen agonist and antagonist activity of eight phytoestrogens (genistein, daidzein, equol, miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, 8-prenylnaringenin, coumestrol and resveratrol) in a range of assays all based within the same receptor and cellular context of the MCF7 human breast cancer cell line. The relative binding of each phytoestrogen to oestrogen receptor (ER) of MCF7 cytosol was calculated from the molar excess needed for 50 % inhibition of [H-3]oestradiol binding (IC50), and was in the order coumestrol (35x)/8-prenylnaringenin (45 x)/deoxymiroestrol (50 x) > miroestrol (260x) > genistein (1000x) > equol (4000x) > daidzein (not achieved: 40 % inhibition at 10(4)-fold molar excess) > resveratrol (not achieved: 10 % inhibition at 10(5)-fold molar excess). For cell-based assays, the rank order of potency (estimated in terms of the concentration needed to achieve a response equivalent to 50 % of that found with 17 beta-oestradiol (IC50)) remained very similar for all the assays whether measuring ligand ability to induce a stably transfected oestrogen-responsive ERE-CAT reporter gene, cell growth in terms of proliferation rate after 7 days or cell growth in terms of saturation density after 14 days. The IC50 values for these three assays in order were for 17 beta-oestradiol (1 x 10-(11) M, 1 x 10-(11) M, 2 x 10(-11) M), and in rank order of potency for the phytoestrogens, deoxymiroestrol (1 x 10(-10) M, 3 x 10(-11) M, 2 x 10(-11) M) > miroestrol (3 x 10(-10) M, 2 x 10(-11) M, 8 x 10(-11) M) > 8-prenylnaringenin (1 x 10(-9) M, 3 x 10(-10) M, 3 x 10(-10) M) > cournestrol (3 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M, 3 x 10(-8) M) > genistein (4 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M, 1 x 10(-8) M)/equol (1 x 10(-7) M, 3 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M) > daidzein (3 x 10(-7) M, 2 x 10(-7) M, 4 x 10(-8) M) > resveratrol (4 x 10(-6) M, not achieved, not achieved). Despite using the same receptor context of the MCF7 cells, this rank order differed from that determined from receptor binding. The most marked difference was for cournestrol and 8-prenylnaringenin which both displayed a relatively potent ability to displace [3H]oestradiol from cytosolic ER compared with their much lower activity in the cell-based assays. Albeit at varying concentrations, seven of the eight phytoestrogens (all except resveratrol) gave similar maximal responses to that given by 17 beta-oestradiol in cell-based assays which makes them full oestrogen agonists. We found no evidence for any oestrogen antagonist action of any of these phytoestrogens at concentrations of up to 10(-6) M on either reporter gene induction or on stimulation of cell growth. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper addresses the question of whether p-hydroxybenzoic acid, the common metabolite of parabens, possesses oestrogenic activity in human breast cancer cell lines. The alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) are used widely as preservatives in consumer products to which the human population is exposed and have been shown previously to possess oestrogenic activity and to be present in human breast tumour tissue, which is an oestrogen-responsive tissue. Recent work has shown p-hydroxybenzoic acid to give an oestrogenic response in the rodent uterotrophic assay. We report here that p-hydroxybenzoic acid possesses oestrogenic activity in a panel of assays in human breast cancer cell lines. p-Hydroxybenzoic acid was able to displace [H-3]oestradiol from cytosolic oestrogen receptor of MCF7 human breast cancer cells by 54% at 5 x 10(6)-fold molar excess and by 99% at 10(7)-fold molar excess. It was able to increase the expression of a stably integrated oestrogen responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) at a concentration of 5 x 10(-4) M in MCF7 cells after 24 h and 7 days, which could be inhibited by the anti-oestrogen ICI 182 780 (Faslodex, fulvestrant). Proliferation of two human breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, ZR-75-1) could be increased by 10(-5) M p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Following on from previous studies showing a decrease in oestrogenic activity of parabens with shortening of the linear alkyl chain length, this study has compared the oestrogenic activity of p-hydroxybenzoic acid where the alkyl grouping is no longer present with methylparaben, which has the shortest alkyl group. Intrinsic oestrogenic activity of p-hydroxybenzoic acid was similar to that of methylparaben in terms of relative binding to the oestrogen receptor but its oestrogenic activity on gene expression and cell proliferation was lower than that of methylparaben. It can be concluded that removal of the ester group from parabens does not abrogate its oestrogenic activity and that p-hydroxybenzoic acid can give oestrogenic responses in human breast cancer cells. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The DcuS-DcuR system of Escherichia coli is a two-component sensor-regulator that controls gene expression in response to external C-4-dicarboxylates and citrate. The DcuS protein is particularly interesting since it contains two PAS domains, namely a periplasmic C-4-dicarboxylate-sensing PAS domain (PASp) and a cytosolic PAS domain (PASc) of uncertain function. For a study of the role of the PASc domain, three different fragments of DcuS were overproduced and examined: they were PASc-kinase, PASc, and kinase. The two kinase-domain-containing fragments were autophosphorylated by [gamma-P-32]ATP. The rate was not affected by fumarate or succinate, supporting the role of the PASp domain in C-4-dicarboxylate sensing. Both of the phosphorylated DcuS constructs were able to rapidly pass their phosphoryl groups to DcuR, and after phosphorylation, DcuR dephosphorylated rapidly. No prosthetic group or significant quantity of metal was found associated with either of the PASc-containing proteins. The DNA-binding specificity of DcuR was studied by use of the pure protein. It was found to be converted from a monomer to a dimer upon acetylphosphate treatment, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis suggested that it can oligomerize. DcuR specifically bound to the promoters of the three known DcuSR-regulated genes (dctA, dcuB, and frdA), with apparent K(D)s of 6 to 32 muM for untreated DcuR and less than or equal to1 to 2 muM for the acetylphosphate-treated form. The binding sites were located by DNase I footprinting, allowing a putative DcuR-binding motif [tandemly repeated (T/A)(A/T)(T/C)(A/T)AA sequences] to be identified. The DcuR-binding sites of the dcuB, dctA, and frdA genes were located 27, 94, and 86 bp, respectively, upstream of the corresponding +1 sites, and a new promoter was identified for dcuB that responds to DcuR.


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Platelets perform a central role in haemostasis and thrombosis. They adhere to subendothelial collagens exposed at sites of blood vessel injury via the glycoprotein (GP) 1b-V-IX receptor complex, GPV1 and integrin alpha(2)beta(1)-These receptors perform distinct functions in the regulation of cell signalling involving non-receptor tyrosine kinases (e.g. Src, Fyn, Lyn, Syk and Btk), adaptor proteins, phospholipase C and lipid kinases such as phosphoinositide 3-kinase. They are also coupled to an increase in cytosolic calcium levels and protein kinase C activation, leading to the secretion of paracrine/autocrine platelet factors and an increase in integrin receptor affinities. Through the binding of plasma fibrinogen and von Willebrand Factor to integrin alphaIIbbeta(3), a platelet thrombus is formed. Although increasing evidence indicates that each of the adhesion receptors GPIb-V-IX and GPV1 and integrins alpha(2)beta(1) and alpha(IIb)beta(3) contribute to the signalling that regulates this process, the individual roles of each are only beginning to be dissected. By contrast, adhesion receptor signalling through platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1) is implicated in the inhibition of platelet function and thrombus formation in the healthy circulation. Recent studies indicate that understanding of platelet adhesion signalling mechanisms might enable the development of new strategies to treat and prevent thrombosis.


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Previous work has demonstrated that the alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) possess oestrogenic activity, which increases with length of alkyl chain from methylparaben to n-butylparaben and with branching in the alkyl chain from n-butylparaben to isobutylparaben. This study reports on the oestrogenic activity of benzylparaben in a variety of assays in vitro and in vivo. Benzylparaben was able to displace [H-3]oestradiol from cytosolic oestrogen receptor (ER) of MCF7 human breast cancer cells by 22% at 1000-fold molar excess, by 40% at 10000-fold molar excess, by 57% at 100000-fold molar excess and by 100% at 1000000-fold molar excess. It was able to increase expression of a stably transfected oestrogen responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) in MCF7 cells after 24 h at 10(-5)M/10(-4)M and after 7 days at 10(-6)M/10(-5)M/10(-4)M. Proliferation of MCF7 cells could be increased by 10(-6)M/10(-5)M benzylparaben and this could be inhibited by 10(-7)M pure anti-oestrogen ICI 182,780, indicating that growth effects were ER mediated. Further evidence for ER-mediation was provided from the ability of benzylparaben to increase the growth of a second oestrogen-dependent human breast cancer cell line ZR-75-1, but not the oestrogen-insensitive NIDA-MB-231 cell line. When tested in the presence of 10(-10)M 17beta-oestradiol, benzylparaben gave no antagonist response on the growth of either MCF7 or ZR-75-1 cells. Finally, benzylparaben could increase uterine weight in the immature mouse following topical application of three daily doses of 33 mg to dorsal skin. These results demonstrate that the oestrogenicity of methylparaben can be increased by the addition of an aryl group as well as by lengthening or branching the alkyl grouping. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Cellular actions of isoflavones may mediate the beneficial health effects associated with high soy consumption. We have investigated protection by genistein and daidzein against oxidative stress-induced endothelial injury. Genistein but not daidzein protected endothelial cells from damage induced by oxidative stress. This protection was accompanied by decreases in intracellular glutathione levels that could be explained by the generation of glutathionyl conjugates of the oxidised genistein metabolite, 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyisoflavone. Both isoflavones evoked increased protein expression of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase-heavy subunit (gamma-GCS-HS) and increased cytosolic accumulation and nuclear translocation of Nrf2. However, only genistein led to increases in the cytosolic accumulation and nuclear translocation of Nrf1 and the increased expression of and activity of glutathione peroxidase. These results suggest that genistein-induced protective effects depend primarily on the activation of glutathione peroxidase mediated by Nrf1 activation, and not on Nrf2 activation or increases in glutathione synthesis. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.