967 resultados para Curriculum planning--Zimbabwe.
The Nursing and Midwifery Resource – Towards Workforce Planning The past five years have seen a dramatic change in the composition and organisation of the nursing and midwifery workforce in Ireland. For many years we had a constant supply of newly qualified nurses and midwives, with strong competition for every available post. Click here to download PDF 1.5mb
The Department of Health’s strategy, Shaping a Healthier Future – A Strategy for Effective Healthcare in the 1990s stated that “to provide the firmest possible basis for the planning of services in the longer-term, the Department of Health will commission a study on the implications for the health services of the projected increase in the elderly population over the next ten years Download the Report here
The Conference, which took place on 4th June 1999 in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, marked the publication of the Councilâ?Ts latest report â?" An Action Plan for Dementia. The Action Plan takes as its guiding principle the recognition of the individuality of the person with dementia and of his or her needs. It outlines an approach to developing available, accessible and high quality services in the context of existing resources and public expenditure constraints. Its aim is to describe a best practice model of dementia care in Ireland â?" a model which may inform and guide policy makers and others involved in planning service provision, and which may give support and assistance to those who endeavour to provide flexible services at the local level. Download the Report here
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An Integrated Work Force Planning Strategy For The Health Services 2009 – 2012 Click here to download PDF 1.6mb
Notre étude consiste en une recherche longitudinale pour laquelle une cohorte d'élèves a été suivie depuis la Grande Section de l'école maternelle française (élèves de 5-6 ans) jusqu'au Cours Élémentaire 1re année de l'école élémentaire française (élèves de 7-8 ans) dans des situations ordinaires de classe. À ces niveaux scolaires, l'un des principaux objectifs du curriculum est l'apprentissage de la lecture. Nous considérons que l'élève construit les compétences de lecture à acquérir, i.e. les compétences caractérisant son développement potentiel, en s'appuyant sur les compétences caractérisant son développement actuel (Vygotski, 1934/1997). Lorsqu'il apprend à lire, l'élève a à sa disposition des moyens sémiotiques relatifs à la connaissance des objets et leurs usages, ainsi qu'aux gestes et leur signification (Moro & Rodriguez, 2005), ce que nous appelons globalement la matérialité. En conséquence, dans cette recherche, nous faisons l'hypothèse que ces premières habiletés relatives à la matérialité, constituent une ressource dans les situations d'enseignement- apprentissage de la lecture. Nous réalisons une étude de cas dont le recueil des données, à caractère ethnographique, est constitué de moments de classe enregistrés en vidéo, et ce, quatre fois par année scolaire. Ces douze enregistrements vidéo sont complétés par deux entretiens semi-directifs et un entretien d'auto- confrontation ; ils sont aussi mis en lien avec les Instructions officielles (programmes scolaires). L'analyse est à la fois macrogénétique et microgénétique. Pour chaque observation, concernant l'analyse macrogénétique, nous réalisons le synopsis à partir duquel nous sélectionnons des épisodes significatifs porteurs de matérialité. Les épisodes significatifs sont constitués des événements remarquables dont les analyses microgénétiques nécessitent l'utilisation d'outils, à savoir les tableaux des matérialités et les photogrammes. Notre étude montre que la matérialité permet aux élèves de devenir lecteurs et que les formes de cette matérialité changent en fonction de l'avancée des acquisitions des élèves et des dimensions de la lecture (code et compréhension) à apprendre. - Our research consists of a longitudinal study in which one group of pupils in ordinary classroom situations has been followed from the top level of French pre-elementary school (5- to 6 year-old pupils) to the second level of French primary school (7- to 8 year-old pupils). For these three school grades, one of the main objectives in the curriculum is learning to read. We consider that pupils build their new reading skills, i.e. the skills characterizing their potential development, by relying on skills characterizing their actual development (Vygotski, 1934/1997). When learning to read, pupils yet have at their disposal semiotic abilities related to knowledge both of material objects and their uses, and of basic gestures and their meaning (Moro & Rodriguez, 2005), all of this we sum up under the term of materiality. Consequently, in our research, we make the hypothesis that the children's basic abilities related to materiality constitute a resource in teaching-learning situations. We have chosen to carry out a case study. The data collected consist of videos of class sequences carried out four times a year for three years. These twelve videos are supplemented by two semi- structured interviews with the teacher, one "self-confronting" interview in which the teacher is brought to discuss her actions and by the analysis of the ministry's school curricula. Our analysis is both macrogenetic and microgenetic. For each teaching sequence, on the level of macrogenetic analysis, we have made up the synopsis from which we have selected significant episodes in terms of materiality. The significant episodes are composed of remarkable events the microgenetic analysis of which requires the use of tools such as materiality boards and photograms. Our study shows that materiality enables pupils to develop reading skills and that the forms that materiality takes on change according to the pupils' acquisition progress and the aspects of reading (code and comprehension) still to be learned.
The Department for Communities and Local Government has published National Planning Practice Guidance which recognises the importance of local infrastructure planning in the development of healthy communities. The guidance supports the National Planning Policy Framework and now includes a section on health and wellbeing. This guidance sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied by local authorities. A significant development in the guidance is the recognition of the important role the planning system can play in facilitating social interaction and creating healthy, inclusive communities. Local planning authorities should ensure that health and wellbeing, and health infrastructure are considered in local and neighbourhood plans and in planning decision making.
Workforce planning identifies the composition of the workforce required to deliver health service goals. It encompasses a range of human resource activities aimed at the short, medium and long-term. Workforce planning that is integrated with service and financial planning offers the best opportunity for linking human resource decisions to the strategic goals for the health services. Systems and structures are required to support and develop workforce planning activities
Alzheimer’s Australia recently commissioned research group Access Economics to model different scenarios for the supply of aged care, to identify strategies to increase consumer choice and to promote service flexibility, and to identify funding options for a sustainable aged care system into the future. The report, Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050, found that the number of people with dementia will quadruple by 2050 to nearly 1 million.Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050
This planning guide provides a range of ideas, information and tools for developing a comprehensive plan for creating a healthy, active city by enhancing physical activity in the urban environment. By developing, improving and supporting opportunities in the built and social environments, city leaders and their partners can enable all citizens to be physically active in day-to-day life.