931 resultados para Criterion-related validity


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Most populations and some species of ticks of the genera Boophilus (5 spp.) and Rhipicephalus (ca. 75 spp.) cannot be distinguished phenotypically. Moreover, there is doubt about the validity of species in these genera. I studied the entire second internal transcribed spacer (ITS 2) rRNA of 16 populations of rhipicephaline ticks to address these problems: Boophilus,microplus from Australia, Kenya, South Africa and Brazil (4 populations); Boophilus decoloratus from Kenya; Rhipicephalus appendiculatus from Kenya, Zimbabwe and Zambia (7 populations); Rhipicephalus zambesiensis from Zimbabwe (3 populations); and Rhipicephalus evertsi from Kenya. Each of the 16 populations had a unique ITS 2, but most of the nucleotide variation occurred among species and genera. ITS 2 rRNA can be used to distinguish the populations and species of Boophilus and Rhipicephalus studied here. Little support was found for the hypothesis that B. microplus from Australia and South Africa are different species. ITS 2 appears useful for phylogenetic inference in the Rhipicephalinae because in genetic distance, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony analyses, most branches leading to species had >95% bootstrap support. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and R, zambeziensis are closely related, yet their ITS 2 sequences could be distinguished unambiguously. This lends weight to a previous proposal that Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus, and Rhipicephalus pumlilio and Rhipicephalus camicasi, respectively, are conspecific, because each of these pairs of species had identical sequences for ca. 250 bp of ITS 2 rRNA.


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We present finite element simulations of temperature gradient driven rock alteration and mineralization in fluid saturated porous rock masses. In particular, we explore the significance of production/annihilation terms in the mass balance equations and the dependence of the spatial patterns of rock alteration upon the ratio of the roll over time of large scale convection cells to the relaxation time of the chemical reactions. Special concepts such as the gradient reaction criterion or rock alteration index (RAI) are discussed in light of the present, more general theory. In order to validate the finite element simulation, we derive an analytical solution for the rock alteration index of a benchmark problem on a two-dimensional rectangular domain. Since the geometry and boundary conditions of the benchmark problem can be easily and exactly modelled, the analytical solution is also useful for validating other numerical methods, such as the finite difference method and the boundary element method, when they are used to dear with this kind of problem. Finally, the potential of the theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to coupled flow problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock masses. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Past studies have shown that apoptosis mediated by TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is regulated by the expression of two death receptors [TRAIL receptor 1 (TRAIL-RI) and TRAIL-R2] and two decoy receptors (TRAIL-R3 and TRAIL-R4) that inhibit apoptosis, In previous studies, me have shown that TRAIL but not other members of the tumor necrosis factor family induce apoptosis in approximately two-thirds of melanoma cell lines. Here, we examined whether the expression of TRAIL-R at the mRNA and protein level in a panel of 28 melanoma cell lines and melanocytes correlated with their sensitivity to TRAIL-induced apoptosis, We report that at least three factors appear to underlie the variability in TRAIL-induced apoptosis. (a) Pour of nine cell lines that were insensitive to TRAIL-induced apoptosis failed to express death receptors, and in two instances, lines were devoid of all TRAIL-Rs. Southern analysis suggested this was due to loss of the genes for the death receptors, (b) Despite the presence of mRNA for the TRAIL-R, some of the lines failed to express TRAIL-R protein on their surface. This was evident for TRAIL-RI and more so for the TRAIL decoy receptors TRAIL-R3 and -R4, Studies on permeabilized cells revealed that the receptors were located within the cytoplasm and redistribution from the cytoplasm may represent a posttranslational control mechanism. (c) Surface expression of TRAIL-RI and -R2 (but not TRAIL-R3 and -R4) showed an overall correlation with TRAIL-induced apoptosis. However, certain melanoma cell lines and clones were relatively resistant to TRAIL-induced apoptosis despite the absence of decoy receptors and moderate levels of TRAIL-RI and -R2 expression. This may indicate the presence of inhibitors within the cells, but resistance to apoptosis could not be correlated with expression of the caspase inhibitor FLICE-inhibitory protein. mRNA for another TRAIL receptor, osteoprotegerin, was expressed in 22 of the melanoma lines but not on melanocytes. Its role in induction of apoptosis remains to be studied. These results appear to have important implications for future clinical studies on TRAIL.


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Movement-related cortical potentials recorded from the scalp reveal increasing cortical activity occurring prior to voluntary movement. Studies of set-related cortical activity recorded from single neurones within premotor and supplementary motor areas in monkeys suggest that such premovement activity may act to prime activity of appropriate motor units in readiness to move, thereby facilitating the movement response. Such a role of early stage premovement activity in movement-related cortical potentials was investigated by examining the relationship between premovement cortical activity and movement initiation or reaction times. Parkinson's disease and control subjects performed a simple button-pressing reaction time task and individual movement-related potentials were averaged for responses with short compared with long reaction times. For Parkinson's disease subjects but not for the control subjects, early stage premovement cortical activity was significantly increased in amplitude for faster reaction times, indicating that there is indeed a relationship between premovement cortical activity amplitude and movement initiation or reaction times. In support of studies of set-related cortical activity in monkeys, it is therefore suggested that early stage premovement activity reflects the priming of appropriate motor units of primary motor cortex, thereby reducing movement initiation or reaction times. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Under certain soil conditions, e.g. hardsetting clay B-horizons of South-Eastern Australia, wheat plants do not perform as well as would be expected given measurements of bulk soil attributes. In such soils, measurement indicates that a large proportion (80%) of roots are preferentially located in the soil within 1 mm of macropores. This paper addresses the question of whether there are biological and soil chemical effects concomitant with this observed spatial relationship. The properties of soil manually dissected from the 1-3 mm wide region surrounding macropores, the macropore sheath, were compared to those that are measured in a conventional manner on the bulk soil. Field specimens of two different soil materials were dissected to examine biological differentiation. To ascertain whether the macropore sheath soil differs from rhizosphere soil, wheat was grown in structured and repacked cores under laboratory conditions. The macropore sheath soil contained more microbial biomass per unit mass than both the bulk soil and the rhizosphere. The bacterial population in the macropore sheath was able to utilise a wider range of carbon substrates and to a greater extent than the bacterial population in the corresponding bulk soil. These differences between the macropore sheath and bulk soil were almost non-existent in the repacked cores. Evidence for larger numbers of propagules of the broad host range fungus Pythium in the macropore sheath soil were also obtained.


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Hypokinetic movement can be greatly improved in Parkinson's disease patients by the provision of external cues to guide movement. It has recently been reported, however, that movement performance in parkinsonian patients can be similarly improved in the absence of external cues by using attentional strategies, whereby patients are instructed to consciously attend to particular aspects of the movement which would normally be controlled automatically. To study the neurophysiological basis of such improvements in performance associated with the use of attentional strategies, movement-related cortical potentials were examined in Parkinson's disease and control subjects using a reaction time paradigm. One group of subjects were explicitly instructed to concentrate on internally timed responses to anticipate the presentation of a predictably timed go signal. Other subjects were given no such instruction regarding attentional strategies. Early-stage premovement activity of movement-related potentials was significantly increased in amplitude and reaction times were significantly faster for Parkinson's disease subjects when instructed to direct their attention toward internally generating responses rather than relying on external cues. It is therefore suggested that the use of attentional strategies may allow movement to be mediated by less automatic and more conscious attentional motor control processes which may be less impaired by basal ganglia dysfunction, and thereby improve movement performance in Parkinson's disease.


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This paper compares data on rates of opiate overdose mortality in the UK and Australia between 1985 and 1995. Data on rates of ICD 9-coded overdose mortality were obtained from the Office of National Statistics in the UK and from the Australian Bureau of Statistics mortality register. The proportion of all deaths attributed to opioid overdose increased in both countries between 1985 and 1995. The proportion of all deaths attributed to opioid overdose was substantially higher in Australia than in the UK, but methadone appeared to contribute to more opioid overdose deaths in the UK (50%) than in Australia (18%). Given deficiencies in the available data, the reasons for these differences between the two countries are uncertain but a plausible hypothesis is that the greater availability and ease of access to methadone maintenance in the UK contributes to both the lower rate of opioid overdose mortality and the greater apparent contribution that methadone makes to opioid overdose deaths in that country. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hypoechinorhynchus robustus sp. n. is described from Notolabrus parilus (Richardson) (Labridae) from Pt Peron, Western Australia. It has a proboscis with 30 hooks arranged in ten longitudinal rows: 5 rows of a small apical spine, a large anterior hook and a small posterior spine, 5 rows of a large anterior hook, a middle spine and a posterior spine. The new species is distinguished from other species of the genus by having a set of 5 small apical spines anterior to the large hooks on the proboscis, by having lemnisci that barely extend beyond the proboscis receptacle and testes which are more adjacent than tandem. H. robustus also has robust trunk spines anteriorly. Re-examination of Hypoechinorhynchus alaeopis Yamaguti, 1939 (type species) revealed trunk spines that had been overlooked previously. The Hypoechinorhynchidae is made a junior synonym of Arhythmacanthidae because there is considerable overlap between the two family diagnoses, particularly in that both families have a proboscis armature that changes abruptly from small basal spines to large apical (or subapical if present) hooks. The genus Hypoechinorhynchus is placed in the subfamily Arhythmacanthinae because it has trunk spines and a spherical proboscis with few hooks (relative to other arhythmacanthid genera). It is also proposed that Heterosentis magellanicus (Szidat, 1950) be returned to the genus Hypoechinorhynchus since it was transferred to Heterosentis primarily because it had trunk spines. The other hypoechinorhynchid genus contained only Bolborhynchoides exiguus (Achmerov et Dombrowskaja-Achmerova, 1941) Achmerov, 1959 and is relegated to incertae sedis.


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This paper presents preliminary analysis of the endorsement of the CIDI Psychosis Screening items in a large Australian community sample. CIDI interviews were completed on a representative sample of 10,641 individuals living in private dwellings in Australia. The items examined constructs related to thought control/interference (G1), ideas of reference (G2), and special powers (G3). If endorsed, each item had a follow-up probe (G1A telepathy; G2A things arranged with special meaning; G3A -- group acceptability). The final item (G4) asked if the respondent had been told that they had schizophrenia. This paper presents the frequency of endorsement, and examines the impact of age and sex on these items. Endorsement of the items was G1 =5.86°/,,, G1A=0.70%, G2=4.84%, G2A=l.31%, G3=3.41%, G3A=2.65%, and G4=0.65%. If screen-positives are defined as two or more 'hits', then 0.41% of the sample met this criterion. Younger participants were significantly more likely to be screen-positive. Items G1, G1A, G2 and G2A were endorsed more frequently by younger participants while there were no significant age effects identified in items G3 or G4. There was a nonsignificant trend for females to endorse item G1 more frequently than males (p = 0.07), but there were no signficant gender differences on the other items. Many individuals who were 'screen-negative' for psychosis endorsed CIDI items related to thought controls, ideas of reference and special powers, suggesting that there may be a 'continuum' of experiences in the population. The impact of age on the distribution of these measures suggests either differential biological vulnerability to these experiences and/or differential cultural factors influencing endorsement of the items. The implications of these findings on our understanding of the symptoms of psychosis will be discussed. The survey was funded by the Commonwealth Dept. of Health and Family Services. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.


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The 32-residue peptide, RK-1, a novel kidney-derived three disulfide-bonded member of the antimicrobial alpha-defensin family, was synthesized by the continuous now Fmoc-solid phase method. The crude, cleaved and S-reduced Linear peptide was both efficiently folded and oxidized in an acidic solution of aqueous dimethyl sulfoxide. Following purification of the resulting product, it was shown by a variety of analytical techniques, including matrix assisted laser desorption time of flight mass spectrometry, to possess a very high degree of purity. The disulfide bond pairing of the synthetic peptide was determined by H-1-NMR spectroscopy and confirmed to be a Cys(1)-Cys(6), Cys(2)-Cys(4), Cys(3)-Cys(5) arrangement similar to other mammalian alpha-defensin peptides. The synthetic RK-1 was also shown to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli type strain NCTC 10418, Copyright (C) 2000 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Induction of apoptosis in cells by TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), a member of the TNF family, is believed to be regulated by expression of two death-inducing and two inhibitory (decoy) receptors on the cell surface. In previous studies we found no correlation between expression of decoy receptors and susceptibility of human melanoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis, In view of this, we studied the localization of the receptors in melanoma cells by confocal microscopy to better understand their function. We show that the death receptors TRAIL-R1 and R2 are located in the trans-Golgi network, whereas the inhibitory receptors TRAIL-R3 and -R4 are located in the nucleus. After exposure to TRAIL, TRAIL-R1 and -R2 are internalized into endosomes, whereas TRAIL-R3 and -R4 undergo relocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and cell membranes. This movement of decoy receptors was dependent on signals from TRAIL-R1 and -R2, as shown by blocking experiments with Abs to TRAIL-R1 and -R2, The location of TRAIL-R1, -R3, and -R4 in melanoma cells transfected with cDNA for these receptors was similar to that in nontransfected cells, Transfection of TRAIL-R3 and -R4 increased resistance of the melanoma lines to TRAIL-induced apoptosis even in melanoma lines that naturally expressed these receptors. These results indicate that abnormalities in decoy receptor location or function may contribute to sensitivity of melanoma to TRAIL-induced apoptosis and suggest that further studies are needed on the functional significance of their nuclear location and TRAIL-induced movement within cell.


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Objective: To determine which sociodemographic factors. health-related behaviours and physical health conditions are associated with non-drinking, binge drinking and hazardous/harmful drinking in young Australian women. Methods: Cross-sectional data were obtained from the baseline survey of 14,762 young women (aged 18-23 years) enrolled in the Women's Health Australia study in 1996. Associations between a range of drinking patterns and sociodemographic factors, health-related behaviours and health conditions were examined. Results: Half the women were 'low intake' drinkers, a third 'rarely drank' and 9% were non-drinkers; however, 70% reported binge drinking with one-quarter of the binge drinkers doing so at least weekly. Nondrinkers were more likely than drinkers to be married, pregnant, non-smokers, born in non-English speaking countries, to live in the Northern Territory, and to have lower levels of education, employment, and private health insurance. Low intake/binge weekly' drinkers (12%) and 'hazardous/ harmful' drinkers (5%) were more likely than 'low risk' drinkers to be unmarried; to live in shared accommodation, alone or with their parents; to live in rural or remote areas; to have ever had any sexually transmitted infection; to be current smokers or ex-smokers and to have used unhealthy weight-control practices. Conclusions: The results confirm findings from other countries about the importance of social conditions as determinants of alcohol consumption by young women. Implications: Health promotion to reduce young women's alcohol consumption needs to be carefully targeted to take account of their demographies, living environments and beliefs.


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Objective: A number, of studies have consistently found that a mother's mental health (particularly her level of depression) is a strong predictor of mental health problems experienced by her child(ren). However, the validity of this finding is in doubt because the majority of these studies have relied on maternal reports as indicators of children's behavior. Method: This prospective, longitudinal study examines data an the mental health of the mother from prior to the birth of her child to when the child reaches 14 years of age. Child behavior is measured at 14 years of age using reports from mother and child. Mother and child responses are compared to provide an indication of the possible magnitude of maternal observation bias in the reporting of child behavior problems. Results: Anxious and/or depressed mothers tend to report more cases of child behavior problems than do their mentally healthy counterparts or children themselves. Differences between mothers and youths In reporting behavior problems appear to be related to the mothers' mental health. Conclusions: Current maternal mental health impairment appears to have a substantial effect on the reporting of child behavior problems by the mother, thereby raising questions about the validity of reports of child behavior by persons who are currently emotionally distressed.


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The public-health attention given to deaths caused by illicit drug use in general, and by drug overdose in particular, should be commensurate with their contribution to premature death. For too long these deaths have been regarded as an unavoidable hazard of illicit drug use, their neglect abetted by the implicit view that the lives of illicit drug users are less deserving of being saved than those of others. In its report published this week,1 the UK Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) has rejected these implicit assumptions. Its view is that “drug-related deaths can, will and must in the near future be radically reduced in number”. It points out that the effort that society expends on preventing premature deaths “should apply no less to drug misusers than it does to other classes of people”.1