1000 resultados para Cosgrove, Denis


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A composição, abundância e riqueza de Trichoptera imaturos foram estudadas em 12 tributários da bacia do rio Suiá-Miçú, afluente do rio Xingu, um mosaico de áreas alagadas, córregos e rios na área de transição Cerrado - Floresta Amazônica na região leste de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Larvas de insetos aquáticos foram amostradas em transectos nas margens de tributários lênticos e lóticos com tamanho e níveis de conservação variáveis, em três períodos entre 2007 e 2008. Foram coligidas 867 larvas (sete famílias, 17 gêneros, 45 morfoespécies), sendo Hydropsychidae e Leptoceridae as famílias mais abundantes e ricas, e Leptonema sparsum a espécie mais abundante (n=370). Houve perda de riqueza de espécies em ambientes impactados e naqueles de maior porte ou de fluxo lêntico. Foi possível detectar variações na composição relacionadas ao fluxo, tipo de vegetação e na interação entre o nível de conservação e fluxo. O nível de conservação, a largura e o índice quantitativo de integridade de hábitat (IIH) não influenciaram a composição de Trichoptera isoladamente. Estes resultados podem fomentar novas investigações dos efeitos dos impactos sobre a composição da entomofauna aquática na transição entre o Cerrado e a Floresta Amazônica.


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Analisamos a estrutura dos grupos funcionais alimentares de Ephemeroptera em cinco tipos de substratos (folhiço em corredeira, folhiço em remanso, madeira, pedras e raízes) de trechos de primeira a quinta ordens da bacia do rio Pindaíba, estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil. Verificamos, ainda, a preferência de táxons por substratos específicos através da especificidade e frequência dos organismos, e se a abordagem funcional reflete as variações dentro da comunidade. Nossos resultados agregam informações a respeito da classificação funcional dos efemerópteros e mostram que os raspadores foram os mais abundantes e os coletores-apanhadores comportam uma maior riqueza de táxons. Os córregos de terceira ordem foram os mais ricos e abundantes enquanto que as distribuições dos grupos funcionais alimentares corroboram as predições do Conceito do Continuum fluvial. Além disso, as comunidades estudadas foram muito mais estruturadas taxonomicamente do que funcionalmente. Esse fato atesta a importância da biologia dos organismos para a seleção dos substratos. A preferência de alguns gêneros por substrato específico corrobora esta importância.


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ABSTRACT The biology and morphology of the immature stages of Heliconius sara apseudes (Hübner, [1813]) are still little known. External features of the egg, larvae and pupa of H. sara apseudes are described and illustrated, based upon light and scanning electron microscopy. Eggs with smooth carina, first instar larva with scaly setae, and body of second to fifth instars covered with scattered pinnacles distinguish H. sara apseudes from other heliconiine species.


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El present projecte té per motiu l’anàlisi de l’estat ambiental dels càmpings a l’entorn del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu. L’estudi del Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental (DGQA) suposa en aquest àmbit una eina d’estudi més que una finalitat, en la qual es basa el projecte per l’anàlisi proposat.


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The goal of the present work was assess the feasibility of using a pseudo-inverse and null-space optimization approach in the modeling of the shoulder biomechanics. The method was applied to a simplified musculoskeletal shoulder model. The mechanical system consisted in the arm, and the external forces were the arm weight, 6 scapulo-humeral muscles and the reaction at the glenohumeral joint, which was considered as a spherical joint. The muscle wrapping was considered around the humeral head assumed spherical. The dynamical equations were solved in a Lagrangian approach. The mathematical redundancy of the mechanical system was solved in two steps: a pseudo-inverse optimization to minimize the square of the muscle stress and a null-space optimization to restrict the muscle force to physiological limits. Several movements were simulated. The mathematical and numerical aspects of the constrained redundancy problem were efficiently solved by the proposed method. The prediction of muscle moment arms was consistent with cadaveric measurements and the joint reaction force was consistent with in vivo measurements. This preliminary work demonstrated that the developed algorithm has a great potential for more complex musculoskeletal modeling of the shoulder joint. In particular it could be further applied to a non-spherical joint model, allowing for the natural translation of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Ethique de la biologie, mais aussi éthique de la science, des affaires, des assurances, de lentreprise, du corps et de la sexualité, de la communication, de lenvironnement, de la famille... Les champs dapplication de léthique sont sans limites. ... Composé de trois parties, cet ouvrage présente dabord les grandes options philosophiques (libéralisme, utilitarisme, éthique de la discussion, etc.) et les grandes figures (Aristote, Kant, Spinoza, Heidegger, Foucault, etc.) en matière déthique, puis les différents domaines concernés, et enfin les grands débats (pour ou contre la pornographie, le clonage, l'euthanasie, l'éducation, l'avortement...). Écrit de façon pédagogique, il donne une bibliographie très actuelle pour chaque entrée, un index des thèmes et des noms. L'ouvrage rassemble plus de cinquante intervenants francophones. ...


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Neue medizinische Entwicklungen lösen zugleich Hoffnungen und Ängste aus. Immer werden dabei auch Fragen zur ethischen Verantwortbarkeit dieser neuen Möglichkeiten aufgeworfen. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt, der gelegentlich die Grenzen erprobten medizinischen Handelns erreicht, und materiellen Allokationsfragen wird das Bedürfnis nach einer «Ethik in der Medizin» immer stärker. Das vorliegende, auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der Schweiz ausgerichtete Buch schliesst hier eine grosse Lücke.


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L'éthicien Denis Müller présente ici une généalogie, une critique et une reconstruction théologique de l'éthique protestante. Dans un premier moment, l'auteur réfléchit à la transformation considérable qui semble affecter aujourd'hui la situation de l'éthique théologique. Dans un deuxième temps est abordée la problématique de la post-modernité dans sa dynamique de déconstruction qui affecte évidemment les modèles éthiques antérieurs. Dans une troisième partie, coeur de l'ouvrage, Denis Müller propose un modèle de reconstruction de l'éthique théologique où sont abordées des questions centrales pour toute sensibilité protestante et chrétienne: la tradition, la signification de l'herméneutique, l'usage de la Bible.


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Aside from ethical considerations, the primary requirement for usage of human tissues in basic or translational research is the thorough characterization of tissues. The second, but equally essential, requirement is that tissues be collected, processed, annotated, and preserved in optimal conditions. These requirements put the pathologist at the center of tissue banking activities and of research aimed at discovering new biomarkers. Pathologists not only provide information identifying the specimen but also make decisions on what materials should be biobanked, on the preservation conditions, and on the timeline of events that precede preservation and storage. This central position calls for increased recognition of the role of the pathologist by the biomolecular community and places new demands on the pathologist's workload and scope of scientific activities. These questions were addressed by an Expert Group Meeting of the European Biological and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure (BBMRI). While detailed recommendations are published elsewhere (Bevilacqua et al., Virchows Archivs, 2010, in press), this article outlines the strategic and technological issues identified by the Expert Group and identifies ways forward for better integration of pathology in the current thrust for development of biomarker-based "personalized medicine.


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Le temps des tours d'ivoire est révolu, constate Denis Müller, professeur d'éthique à l'Université de Lausanne.Il plaide pour une véritable complémentarité entre sciences humaines et sciences de la vie.