975 resultados para Copy editing
Goodspeed 12.
Goodspeed 13, Ford 613.
Goodspeed 18, Ford 617.
One-leaf account of the disbursements of the estate of Andrew Croswell presented to the judge of probate for Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
This copy of a receipt documents funds received by Harvard College from Samuel Sewall and William Welsteed, the executors of the estate of Bridget Usher, for the purchase of books for the College Library.
Two leaves containing a two-page handwritten copy of the letter from Professor Edward Wigglesworth to John Lowell dated January 3, 1781 (HUM 86 Box 1, Folder 1), and a one-page handwritten copy of the letter from Professor Samuel William to John Lowell dated October [14], 1782 (HUM 86 Box 1, Folder 2).
Two leaves containing two one-page handwritten copies of letters from Harvard College Treasurer Ebenezer Storer both dated October 31, 1782. The first letter outlines the salaries of several College officers and their funding sources. The second letter details the portion of the salaries received from the rents of the College and the assessments on students. The verso of the second leaf contains a note about the document written by one of John Lowell's sons.
Two octavo-sized leaves with four half-page columns containing a handwritten copy, made by President Leverett, of an October 17, 1721 a paper composed by Nicholas Sever and William Welsteed to Judge Samuel Sewall.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a two-page handwritten copy of the June 21, 1723 petition of Sever and Welsteed requesting the question of non-resident Fellows in the Corporation be readdressed by the General Court, and a one-page handwritten copy of the answer to the petition passed by the General Court on August 7, 1723. The text of the petition begins "Sheweth that we have formerly represented to the Overseers of the College the Difficulty we were under in the business of it by reason of our not being vested with the power of its Charter..." The petition is incorrectly dated as "June 24th 1722" instead of 1723.
One leaf containing a two-page handwritten copy of the Harvard College Charter of 1650 with thirteen numbered annotations in President Leverett's hand. The annotations summarize the duties and powers assigned to the President in the Charter.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a four-page copy of the Harvard College Charter of 1650.
Photostat copy of a petition from ferrymen James Heyden and Francis Hudson requesting compensation for unpaid fares of "magistrates & deputyes" using the ferry.
Photostat copy of a petition from ferrymen Francis Hudson and John Burrage requesting the General Court coin twopenny and fourpenny pieces for change so the ferrymen could accommodate customers attempting to pay with larger currency denominations.
Handwritten copy on one leaf of a vote of the Faculty suspending George Watson Brimmer (Harvard AB 1803) for neglect of his studies.