988 resultados para Contralateral teeth


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of the presence of both adjacent teeth on the level of alveolar bony crest at sites where implants were installed into the socket immediately after tooth extraction.Material and methods: Six Labrador dogs were used. Extractions of all teeth from the second premolar to the first molar were performed in the right side of the mandible, after full-thickness flap elevation. In the left side of the mandible, an endodontic treatment of the mesial root of the third and fourth premolars was performed. Full-thickness flaps were elevated, the teeth hemisected, and the distal roots removed. Immediately after, implants were bilaterally installed with the margin flush to the buccal bony crest. The implants were placed in the center of the alveolus at the third premolars and toward the lingual bony plate of the alveolus at the fourth premolars. After 3 months of healing, the animals were euthanized.Results: All implants were integrated in mature bone. More bone resorption was observed at the test compared to the control sites. At the buccal aspect, a resorption of 2.8 +/- 0.5 and 1.6 +/- 0.4 mm at the third premolars and of 2.4 +/- 0.6 and 0.8 +/- 0.7 mm at the fourth premolars were found, at the test and control sites, respectively. At the lingual aspect, the bony crest was apically located in relation to the implant shoulder 1.5 +/- 0.3 and 0.5 +/- 0.5 mm at the third premolars and 1.6 +/- 0.6 and 0.3 +/- 1.1 mm at the fourth premolars, at the test and control sites, respectively. A lower buccal bone resorption was found at the control implants placed lingually.Conclusion: Multiple extractions of teeth adjacent to a socket into which implants were installed immediately after, tooth extraction induced more alveolar bone recession compared to sites where the adjacent teeth were preserved. Moreover, an implant placed more lingually yielded less recession of the buccal aspect of the implant.


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The evaluation of the growth of incisor teeth of rats as influenced by colchicine (doses of 25, 50, 100 and 200 μg/kg) injected during 10 and 18 days is performed using a multivariated variance analysis, which allowed a global view of the results, showing that: there are differences in the growth of teeth of control group (untreated rats) and those treated with colchicine, in the measurements made at the 4th, 7th and 10th days of experiment); there is no difference in the growth of the teeth between the groups treated during 10 and 18 days, except in the measurements made at the 7th day; there is no influence of the doses of colchicine in the group treated during 10 days and in the group treated during 18 days - only at the 7th day is observed an influence of the doses used; and there was no significant interaction between treatment and days of measurement, showing the similarity of the groups during the experiment.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate radiographically and bacteriologically apical and periapical repair in dogs' teeth with induced chronic periapical lesions with the use of two different operative techniques (techniques 1 and 2). The study was conducted on 40 root canals of upper and lower premolars from two dogs aged approximately 12 months. Periapical lesions were induced by leaving the root canals exposed to the oral environment for 5 days and then sealing them with zinc oxide-eugenol for 45 days. After this period, radiographic examination revealed the occurrence of a radiolucent lesion and endodontic treatment was started. The two techniques did not differ in terms of chemomechanical preparation, final filling, or type of cement, but differed in terms of irrigating solution and the presence of an antibacterial dressing. Thus 4% to 6% hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide (10 volumes) were used in technique 1 during chemomechanical preparation and an antibacterial dressing based on calcium hydroxide was applied between sessions, whereas Dakin's fluid (0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution) and a final filling with no antibacterial dressing were used in technique 2. After chemomechanical preparation, the root canals were filled with gutta-percha cones and Sealapex (Sealapex-Sybron, Kerr, Sao Paulo, Brazil), and the animals were killed 270 days after the final filling. Blocks were cut into 6-μm sections and stained by the Brown and Brenn method. Radiographic, histomicrobiologic and statistical analysis permitted us to conclude the following: radiographically there was a marked reduction or even the disappearance of the radiolucent area present before treatment with greater success in the group treated with technique 1 (group I) than in the group treated with technique 2 (group II); the extent of bacterial invasion of dentinal tubules was greater and more intense in group II than in group I; and the amount of microorganisms detected in the ramifications of the apical delta and in the lumen of the root canal was intense in group II and mild or absent in group I. © 1994.


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Pulpal and periodontal tissues of immature incisors of 10 dogs were radiographically and histopathologically evaluated immediately, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after experimental intrusion induced by mechanical blows. Forty upper central and mesial lateral incisors showing incomplete root formation on radiographs were submitted to intrusive force. After the observation periods, the dogs were killed, two at a time. The hemi-maxilas were removed and processed for histopathologic examination. The traumatized teeth showed accelerated apical formation with reduced radicular length. Pulpal vitality was maintained and the subjacent tissues did not present irreversible changes. All traumatized teeth re-erupted spontaneously.


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Aiming to assess the presence of selected anaerobic microorganisms in root canals of human teeth with chronic apical periodontitis, 25 central and lateral upper incisors presenting with radiographic evidence of chronic apical periodontitis were studied. The pulp chamber was opened under aseptic conditions and samples of the root canal content were collected with sterile absorbent paper points, which were placed and dispersed in test tubes containing reduced transport medium (RTF). Aliquots were dried on glass slides and stained by indirect immunofluorcscencc for detection of Actinomyces viscosus, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia. The results showed a positive indirect immunofluorescence reaction in 24 of the 25 samples. Fourteen were positive for the specie Actinomyces viscosus, 12 for Prevotella intermedia, 10 for Fusobacterium nucleatum and 4 for Porphyromonas gingivalis. A semiquantitative assay was easily implemented for assessment of degree of infection by the organisms in individual cases. © Munksgaard, 1996.


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The natal teeth are defined as the presence of teeth at birth and the etiology is rather obscure. Clinically, the teeth show normal size and shape, although they reveal an immature appearance. The histological aspect show enamel with the possibility of presenting normal mineralization or being hypoplastic. The dentin may show alterations. The incidence of natal teeth varies greatly, with a predisposition for the female sex. This paper relates a case report of two partially erupted natal teeth in a female baby 9 days-old. The presence of teeth made the parents anxious. In their mind, that meant the child was abnormal. On the radiograph the erupted teeth showed little radioopacity, without a radicular formation. The therapy utilized was the keeping of the teeth and a periodic monitoring, cleaning and daily topical applications sodium fluoride. The case was monitored by monthly consultations. At 9 months of age the primary central lower did not present mobility. On the radiograph examination incomplete radicular formation was observed.


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Teeth with induced chronic periradicular periodontitis in dogs were root canal treated. After the biomechanical preparation, using K files and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigant solution, all root canals were dressed with an antibacterial dressing based on calcium hydroxide, which was left in place for 7 days. After this time, the root canals were obturated with lateral condensation of cold gutta-percha with either a calcium hydroxide root canal filling material (Sealapex) or a zinc oxide-eugenol sealer (Fill Canal). After 270 days, histopathological analysis showed better apical and periapical repair in the teeth obturated with Sealapex (P < 0.05).


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The subject of this paper was to study the behavior of the periapical tissues of dogs' teeth after biopulpectomy and dressing with calcium hydroxide or a corticosteroid-antibiotic association, before root canal filling with zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) or Sealapex sealers. The teeth were overinstrumented and dressed for 7 days before the root canal filling. The animals were sacrificed 180 days after treatment and the specimens were prepared for morphological analysis. Specimens treated with Sealapex presented a higher number of cases with biological closure than ZOE. When the root canals were filled with ZOE, better results were observed with the use of the Ca(OH)2 dressing.


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This study was conducted to observe the reaction of apical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with gutta-percha and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or a glass ionomer (Ketac-Endo) as a sealer. The root canals were instrumented and filled by the lateral condensation technique with the sealers studied. Animals were killed 6 months later, and the specimens were removed and prepared for histological analysis. Results showed no inflammatory reaction of apical tissue and total closure of the apical foramen of all the teeth sealed with MTA. The teeth sealed with Ketac-Endo showed two cases of partial closure and different degrees of chronic inflammatory reaction. In conclusion, MTA exhibited better biological properties than Ketac-Endo. Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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Utilization of contemporary post and core systems has facilitated the aesthetic restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Light transmission and biocompatibility have been enhanced by the introduction of metal-free post systems. The periodontal and endodontic status, root length, and histological structure of the devitalized teeth must be considered in order to achieve successful restoration following endodontic treatment. This article presents various restorative criteria for the aesthetic placement and buildup of post and core materials, as well as the preservation of maximum coronal and root structure.


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Purpose: This investigation studied the effects of 3 surface treatments on the shear bond strength of a light-activated composite resin bonded to acrylic resin denture teeth. Materials and Methods: The occlusal surfaces of 30 acrylic resin denture teeth were ground flat with up to 400-grit silicon carbide paper. Three different surface treatments were evaluated: (1) the flat ground surfaces were primed with methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer for 180 seconds; (2) light-cured adhesive resin was applied and light polymerized according to the manufacturer's instructions; and (3) treatment 1 followed by treatment 2. The composite resin was packed on the prepared surfaces using a split mold. The interface between tooth and composite was loaded at a cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min until failure. Results: Analysis of variance indicated significant differences between the surface treatments. Results of mean comparisons using Tukey's test showed that significantly higher shear bond strengths were developed by bonding composite resin to the surfaces that were previously treated with MMA and then with the bonding agent when compared to the other treatments. Conclusion: Combined surface treatment of MMA monomer followed by application of light-cured adhesive resin provided the highest shear bond strength between composite resin and acrylic resin denture teeth.


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The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate marginal leakage in class V restorations in primary teeth restored with amalgam, using three different techniques. Thirty maxillary anterior primary teeth, clinically sound and naturally exfoliated, were used. In group 1 (n = 10), two thin layers of a copal varnish (Cavitine) were applied. In group 2 (n = 10), Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus, a dual adhesive system, was used according to manufacturer instructions. In group 3 (n = 10), One-Step adhesive system in combination with a low-viscosity resin (Resinomer) were used according to manufacturer instructions. All samples were restored with a high-copper dental amalgam alloy (GS 80, SDI). After restoration, the samples were stored in normal saline at 37 degrees C for 72 h. The specimens were polished, thermocycled (500 cycles, 5 degrees and 55 degrees C, 30-s dwell time) and impermeabilized with fingernail polish to within 1.0 mm of the restoration margins. The teeth were then placed in 0.5% methylene blue for 4 h. Finally, the samples were sectioned and evaluated for marginal leakage. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the filled adhesive resin (group 3) had the least microleakage. There was no significant difference between groups 1 and 2.


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Eighty-four root canals of premolars from six dogs were left open for 7 days, and then sealed and followed for 45 days until periradicular periodontitis developed. The root canals were then treated endodontically using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigating solution. After instrumentation, all root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide-based antibacterial dressing (Calen PMCC or Calasept) that was left in place for 30 days. After this period the root canals were filled with gutta-percha cones and a root canal sealer (Sealapex or AH Plus)-group I: Calen PMCC + Sealapex; group II: Calasept + Sealapex; group III: Calen PMCC + AH Plus; and group IV: Calasept + AH Plus. Periapical radiographs of the teeth were made after root canal filling and after 90, 180, 270, and 360 days. Radiographic images were digitalized by scanning, and the Mocha program was used to measure the periapical lesions. Analysis showed that the lesions of groups I to III were statistically similar reduction in size, whereas group IV had a smaller reduction in lesion size (p < 0.05). Copyright © 2001 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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Child development from conception through the first years of life is marked by many changes. Tooth eruption follows a chronology corresponding to the date when the tooth erupts into the oral cavity. These dates have been established in the literature and are subjected to small variations depending on hereditary, endocrine and environmental features. At times, however, the chronology of tooth eruption suffers a more significant alteration in terms of onset, and the first teeth may be present at birth or arise during the first month of life. The expectations about the eruption of the first teeth are great and even greater when the teeth appear early in the oral cavity. The objective of the present study was to present a review of the literature with important aspects about natal and neonatal teeth.