815 resultados para Consensus Panel


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OBJECTIVE: Clinical indicators are increasingly used to assess safety of patient care. In obstetrics, only a few indicators have been validated to date and none is used across specialties. The purpose of this study was to identify and assess for face and content validity a group of safety indicators that could be used by anaesthetists, obstetricians and neonatologists involved in labour and delivery units. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We first conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify potential measures. Indicators were then validated by a panel of 30 experts representing all specialties working in labour and delivery units. We used the Delphi method, an iterative questionnaire-based consensus seeking technique. Experts determined on a 7-point Likert scale (1=most representative/7=less representative) the soundness of each indicator as a measure of safety and their possible association with errors and complications caused by medical management. RESULTS: We identified 44 potential clinical indicators from the literature. Following the Delphi process, 13 indicators were considered as highly representative of safety during obstetrical care (mean score</=2.3). Experts ranked 6 of these indicators as being strongly associated to potential errors and complications. CONCLUSIONS: We identified and validated for face and content, a group of six clinical indicators to measure potentially preventable iatrogenic complications in labour and delivery units.


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Thirty monoclonal antibodies from eight laboratories exchanged after the First Workshop on Monoclonal Antibodies to Human Melanoma held in March 1981 at NIH were tested in an antibody-binding radioimmunoassay using a panel of 28 different cell lines. This panel included 12 melanomas, three neuroblastomas, four gliomas, one retinoblastoma, four colon carcinomas, one lung carcinoma, one cervical carcinoma, one endometrial carcinoma, and one breast carcinoma. The reactivity pattern of the 30 monoclonal antibodies tested showed that none of them were directed against antigens strictly restricted to melanoma, but that several of them recognize antigenic structures preferentially expressed on melanoma cells. A large number of antibodies were found to crossreact with gliomas and neuroblastomas. Thus, they seem to recognize neuroectoderm associated differentiation antigens. Four monoclonal antibodies produced in our laboratory were further studied for the immunohistological localization of melanoma associated antigens on fresh tumor material. In a three-layer biotin-avidin-peroxidase system each antibody showed a different staining pattern with the tumor cells, suggesting that they were directed against different antigens.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The structured IBD Ahead 'Optimised Monitoring' programme was designed to obtain the opinion, insight and advice of gastroenterologists on optimising the monitoring of Crohn's disease activity in four settings: (1) assessment at diagnosis, (2) monitoring in symptomatic patients, (3) monitoring in asymptomatic patients, and (4) the postoperative follow-up. For each of these settings, four monitoring methods were discussed: (a) symptom assessment, (b) endoscopy, (c) laboratory markers, and (d) imaging. Based on literature search and expert opinion compiled during an international consensus meeting, recommendations were given to answer the question 'which diagnostic method, when, and how often'. The International IBD Ahead Expert Panel advised to tailor this guidance to the healthcare system and the special prerequisites of each country. The IBD Ahead Swiss National Steering Committee proposes best-practice recommendations adapted for Switzerland. METHODS: The IBD Ahead Steering Committee identified key questions and provided the Swiss Expert Panel with a structured literature research. The expert panel agreed on a set of statements. During an international expert meeting the consolidated outcome of the national meetings was merged into final statements agreed by the participating International and National Steering Committee members - the IBD Ahead 'Optimized Monitoring' Consensus. RESULTS: A systematic assessment of symptoms, endoscopy findings, and laboratory markers with special emphasis on faecal calprotectin is deemed necessary even in symptom-free patients. The choice of recommended imaging methods is adapted to the specific situation in Switzerland and highlights the importance of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging besides endoscopy. CONCLUSION: The recommendations stress the importance of monitoring disease activity on a regular basis and by objective parameters, such as faecal calprotectin and endoscopy with detailed documentation of findings. Physicians should not rely on symptoms only and adapt the monitoring schedule and choice of options to individual situations. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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INTRODUCTION. A two-step assessment (readiness to wean (RW) followed by spontaneousbreathing trial (SBT)) of predefined criteria is recommended before planned extubation(PE)1.OBJECTIVES. We aimed to evaluate if compliance to all guideline criteria was associatedwith better respiratory outcome within 48 h after PE.METHODS. The data (extracted from our clinical information system) of 458 consecutivepatients who underwent PE after C48 h of invasive ventilation in our medico-surgical ICUwere analyzed. We evaluated compliance with guidelines [1] regarding respiratory rate, tidalvolume, PaO2, FiO2, PEEP, PaCO2, pH, heart rate, systolic arterial pressure and arrhythmiaduringRWand SBT assessment (RW and SBT within 2 h). A patient was classified as RW+ ifallRWcriteria were fulfilled andRW-if at least 1 criterion was violated. The same approachwas used to define SBT+ and SBT- patients. During the 48 h following PE, we assessed theoccurrence of post-PE respiratory failure (PRF) (defined as the presence of at least 1 consensuscriterion of respiratory failure [1]), reintubation (after NIV failure or because of immediateintubation criteria) and cumulative duration of post-PE ventilation (PPEV = Post-PE invasive+ non-invasive ventilation). ICU mortality was recorded. Comparisons for variousoutcomes were performed by Chi-square and t tests.RESULTS. All consensus criteria were fulfilled in 77.3% of the patients during RW and in68.1% of the patients during SBT.[Compliance to weaning criteria and outcome]N = 458 PRF (%) Reintubation (%) PPEV (min) ICU mortality (%)All patients 53.5 10.0 542 ± 664 6.1RW+ 50.0 9.3 490 ± 626 5.4RW- 65.4* 12.5 718 ± 757** 8.7SBT+ 52.6 8.0 498 ± 594 6.7SBT- 55.5 14.4*** 637 ± 788**** 4.8Occurrence of PRF only was not associated with increased ICU mortality: 4.2 versus 7.8%,p = 0.11. By contrast, ICU mortality was significantly increased in patients requiring reintubation:21.7 versus 4.4%. p\0.001; * p = 0.006 RW+ versus RW-; ** p = 0.003RW+ versus RW-; *** p = 0.035 SBT+ versus SBT-; **** p = 0.030 SBT+ versusSBTCONCLUSIONS.In our ICU, compliance to all criteria of the two-step published approach ofrespiratory weaning was not optimal but reintubation rate was comparable to published data.Compliance with consensus conference guidelines was associated with lower reintubation rateand shorter PPEV but not with ICU mortality. As mortality was increased by reintubation,more sensitive and specific criteria to predict the risk of reintubation are probably needed.REFERENCE. Boles JM, et al. Eur Respir J 2007;29:1033-56.


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Transcatheter (or percutaneous) renal denervation is a novel technique developed for the treatment of resistant hypertension. So far, only one randomised controlled trial has been published, which has shown a reduction of office blood pressure. The Swiss Society of Hypertension, the Swiss Society of Cardiology, The Swiss Society of Angiology and the Swiss Society of Interventional Radiology decided to establish recommendations to practicing physicians and specialists for good clinical practice. The eligibility of patients for transcatheter renal denervation needs (1.) confirmation of truly resistant hypertension, (2.) exclusion of secondary forms of hypertension, (3.) a multidisciplinary decision confirming the eligibility, (4.) facilities that guarantee procedural safety and (5.) a long-term follow-up of the patients, if possible in cooperation with a hypertension specialist. These steps are essential until long-term data on safety and efficacy are available.


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Abstract: As a part of an innovation project funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highways for LIFE program, a full-depth precast, ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) waffle deck panel and appropriate connections suitable for field implementation of waffle decks were developed. Following a successful full-scale validation test on a unit consisting of two panels with various types of connections under laboratory conditions, the waffle deck was installed successfully on a replacement bridge in Wapello County, Iowa. The subsequent load testing confirmed the desirable performance of the UHPC waffle deck bridge. Using the lessons from the completed project and outcomes from a series of simple and detailed finite element analyses of waffle decks, this report was developed to serve as a guide for broadening the design and installation of the UHPC waffle deck panel in new and existing bridges. Following an introduction to UHPC and waffle deck panels and a summary of completed work, this document presents information on waffle deck design, design of connections, redecking using waffle deck panels, and guidance on precast fabrication, construction, and installation of UHPC waffle deck panels.


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This document summarizes the available evidence and provides recommendations on the use of home blood pressure monitoring in clinical practice and in research. It updates the previous recommendations on the same topic issued in year 2000. The main topics addressed include the methodology of home blood pressure monitoring, its diagnostic and therapeutic thresholds, its clinical applications in hypertension, with specific reference to special populations, and its applications in research. The final section deals with the problems related to the implementation of these recommendations in clinical practice.


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La recherche « Le sens des messages préventifs du sida » a été dirigée par une équipe de spécialistes relevant de domaines distincts - linguistique (Pr Pascal Singy), santé publique (Dre Brenda Spencer), médecine psychosociale (Pr Patrice Guex). Partant du constat que les langues naturelles n'existent que sous la forme de variétés, il a été postulé que le registre lexical du VIH/sida et de sa prévention n'échappe pas au principe de variabilité sémantique qui veut que, séparés par la multiplicité de leurs identités (sexe, appartenance socioculturelle, âge, etc.), les membres d'une « même » communauté linguistique tendent à associer à une unité lexicale donnée des significations différentes, voire antagonistes. Menée entre 2004 et 2006 en Suisse romande, la recherche « Le sens des messages préventifs du sida » s'appuie sur une approche sémantique de la prévention. Elle interroge les limites d'une communication préventive différée - par voie d'affiches et de brochures, en particulier - qui suppose que le destinataire ou récepteur d'un message en prend connaissance en l'absence de celui qui l'a émis. Les différents mécanismes conversationnels d'ajustement faisant à l'évidence défaut dans ce type de situation de communication, la variabilité sémantique peut dès lors apparaître problématique. S'agissant de l'objectif de cette recherche, il a essentiellement tenu dans la mise en évidence du degré de consensus que montrent les récepteurs (la population générale) ainsi que les émetteurs des messages préventifs à propos des significations attachées à des unités constitutives du lexique du VIH/sida et de sa prévention. Cette mise en évidence a par ailleurs permis d'évaluer la convergence des résultats obtenus pour les premiers et pour les seconds. Du point de vue méthodologique, un corpus de documents préventifs a été constitué - des brochures, principalement, publiées en français entre 1996 et 2004 - et analysé. Soixante et une unités lexicales, relevant du français commun ou spécialisé, ont alors été sélectionnées. L'ensemble de ces unités a été soumis à soixante représentants de la population générale vaudoise ainsi qu'à trente professionnels vaudois de la prévention dans le cadre d'entretiens en face à face. Ces entretiens ont permis de dégager les significations que ces deux populations attachent à une partie des unités lexicales (N=21) et le niveau d'intelligibilité/utilisation de l' autre partie des unités (N=40) - cf. infra *. Sur la base des résultats obtenus pour la population générale vaudoise, quinze unités lexicales apparues particulièrement problématiques ont été sélectionnées et soumises par le moyen d'une enquête téléphonique (CATI) à cinq cents Romands. Mêlant techniques qualitatives et quantitatives, la recherche « Le sens des messages préventifs du sida » apporte des résultats intéressant non plus seulement les agents de la prévention du VIH/sida, mais également les patients de celle-ci, c'est-à-dire la population générale. Des résultats qui se trouvent susceptibles de renforcer la portée de la prévention du VIH/sida en particulier dans la partie francophone de la Suisse. *Les unités lexicales sélectionnées sont les suivantes : abstinence, anus, caresses, coït anal, contact sexuel, contamination par voie sexuelle, coucher avec, cunnilingus, dépistage, « évitez le contact de la bouche avec du sperme ou du sang », faire l'amour, fellation, fidèle, gai, gay, immunisé, infection sexuellement transmissible, IST, liquides biologiques, maladies vénériennes, menstruation, MST, muqueuses, muqueuse buccale, muqueuses génitales, « pas de sperme dans la bouche », pathogène, pénétration, plaie ouverte, préservatif, préservatif féminin, prophylaxie de post-exposition [PEP], rapport bucco-génital, rapport sexuel, rapports sexuels non protégés, rapports sexuels oraux, rectum, relation anale, relation stable, relation vaginale, safer sex, sécrétions sexuelles, sécrétions vaginales, séronégatif, séropositif, sexe à moindre risque, sexe anal, sida, sperme, surcontamination, symptôme, système immunitaire, test d'anticorps VIH, test VIH, traitements antirétroviraux combinés, traitement combiné, trithérapies, urètre, vaginal, VIH, virus IH.


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We produced three monoclonal antibodies, BF7, GE2 and CG12, against cultured human glioma cells. Their specificity was tested by an indirect antibody-binding radioimmunoassay on a panel of glial and non-glial tumor cell lines. BF7 and GE2 react preferentially with glioma cells and, except for one colon carcinoma line, they do not bind to the control non-neuroectodermal cells; they appear to be directed against common malignant glioma associated antigens. CG12, the third monoclonal antibody, binds to the great majority of tumor cell lines of neuroectodermal origin and does not bind to any other cell lines tested.


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Introduction: The development of novel therapies and the increasing number of trials testing management strategies for luminal Crohn's disease (CD) have not filled all the gaps in our knowledge. Thus, in clinical practice, many decisions for CD patients need to be taken without high quality evidence. For this reason, a multidisciplinary European expert panel followed the RAND method to develop explicit criteria for the management of individual patients with active, steroid-dependent (ST-D) and steroid-refractory (ST-R) CD. Methods: Twelve international experts convened in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2007, to rate explicit clinical scenarios, corresponding to real daily practice, on a 9-point scale according to the literature evidence and their own expertise. Median ratings were stratified into three categories: appropriate (7-9), uncertain (4-6) and inappropriate (1-3). Results: Overall, panelists rated 296 indications pertaining to mild-to-moderate, severe, ST-D, and ST-R CD. In anti-TNF naïve patients, budesonide and prednisone were found appropriate for mildmoderate CD, and infliximab (IFX) when those had previously failed or had not been tolerated. In patients with prior success with IFX, this drug with or without co-administration of a thiopurine analog was favored. Other anti-TNFs were appropriate in case of intolerance or resistance to IFX. High doses steroids, IFX or adalimumab were appropriate in severe active CD. Among 105 indications for ST-D or ST-R disease, the panel considered appropriate the thiopurine analogs, methotrexate, IFX, adalimumab and surgery for limited resection, depending on the outcome of prior therapies. Anti-TNFs were generally considered appropriate in ST-R. Conclusion: Steroids, including budesonide for mild-to-moderate CD, remain first-line therapies in active luminal CD. Anti-TNFs, in particular IFX with respect to the amount of available evidence, remain second-line for most indications. Thiopurine analogs are preferred to anti-TNFs when steroids are not appropriate, except when anti-TNFs were previously successful. These recommendations are available online (www.epact.ch). A prospective evaluation of these criteria in a large database in Switzerland in underway to validate these criteria.