1000 resultados para Condomínio Oriente
With the intention of studying and developing the design process based on a specific methodology, the object of this work is to present the design of a gated condominium community in Natal based on the application of principles of shape grammar, used in their design process. The shape grammar is a design method developed in the 1970s by George Stiny and James Gips. It is used for the analysis of the project as well as for its synthesis, with the goal of creating a "formal vocabulary" through mathematical and/or geometrical operations. Here, the methodology was used in the synthesis of the design process, through the relationship between formal subtractions and the houses’ architectural planning. As a result, five dwellings configurations were proposed, each one different from the other with respect to their shape and architectural programming, distributed in three twin groups, which are repeated until the final total of nine architectural volumes. In addition to studies of the condominium’s ventilation and the buildings’ shading simulations, studies of spatial flexibility and acoustic performance were also performed. The mapping of the design process, one of the specific objectives of the dissertation, was composed not only by the record of formal constraints (the preparation and application of rules), but also by physical, environmental, legal and sustainability aspects in relation to, on one hand, the optimization of the shading and passive ventilation for hot and humid climates, and, on the other hand, the modulation and rationalization of the construction.
The conflict of borderlines unfolds itself as a natural path in history of human thought. It becomes clear only through an explicit cultural clash, which conveys distinct conceptual formatting. Thinking this conflict might enlighten the bindings responsible for development of contemporary way of thought. This thesis intent to analyse, in a first moment, the history of thought as Metaphysics, presenting a diagnostic towards the way through which the West impinges its categorical logic. Thereafter, presents the tradition of Negativity, showing a thinking beyond Classic Ontology through a Henology and a Meontology in Neoplatonism and Medieval Mysticism. At the end, exposes the Far Eastern thought as possibility of contemporary reception of Negativity and escape from the Westernizer formatting of contemporary philosophy
The focus of this study is to draw attention to the intergenerational family’s lifestyles and their various ways of cohabitation, in special to those families which are made by individuals of different generations, these families being constituted of, two or more individuals, or, two or more smaller families, which live under the same roof and have the elderly person as referential in their cohabitation. In those types of families, as for their ways of organization, it is interesting to note that the researches and productions done by inner architects and inner designers do not include this type of family arrangement because their studies do not cover this kind of structuralization nor was this type of organization put together with any of the ways of cohabitation. Therefore there is a theoretical concept void which is propositional, interventional and does not relate to the empirical reality. In observation to these remarks, the research starts a theoretic challenge of deconstruct or reconstruct our modern only habitational template, which is used today in all families configurations which out any regards to where this template will be used, unfitting to the intergenerational families who have elders. This study is then meant to give an differential analysis of the various domestic space’s templates in regards to the new families formats, their basic and special necessities, the home identities of those families which indicates the differential gap in housing and lifestyle from the higher social classes in comparison to the lower social classes. The interdisciplinary method was chosen in order to describe arrangements found in the lifestyles and the ways of cohabitation of the intergenerational families, this method is used for its knowledge base that better articulates the procedure method and the inductive reflexive approach made possible after an qualitative research. In order to accomplish that, an geographical space which tow real possibilities was selected, that is, the space where the people of great social and anthropological proximity are concentrated and the people which are the researcher kinships and friends, in between those are the habitants of Capim Macio’s, Candelária’s, Tirol’s and Petrópolis’s, neighborhoods, located in the south west zone of her home city Natal. It has been noticed that, meanwhile these intergenerational spaces do not claim their said spaces, because of their habits, necessities and relations in between generations and gender, their arrangements of said space are extremely creative. That means that alterations in the concepts of planning, construction and utilization of built spaces are imperative.
The focus of this study is to draw attention to the intergenerational family’s lifestyles and their various ways of cohabitation, in special to those families which are made by individuals of different generations, these families being constituted of, two or more individuals, or, two or more smaller families, which live under the same roof and have the elderly person as referential in their cohabitation. In those types of families, as for their ways of organization, it is interesting to note that the researches and productions done by inner architects and inner designers do not include this type of family arrangement because their studies do not cover this kind of structuralization nor was this type of organization put together with any of the ways of cohabitation. Therefore there is a theoretical concept void which is propositional, interventional and does not relate to the empirical reality. In observation to these remarks, the research starts a theoretic challenge of deconstruct or reconstruct our modern only habitational template, which is used today in all families configurations which out any regards to where this template will be used, unfitting to the intergenerational families who have elders. This study is then meant to give an differential analysis of the various domestic space’s templates in regards to the new families formats, their basic and special necessities, the home identities of those families which indicates the differential gap in housing and lifestyle from the higher social classes in comparison to the lower social classes. The interdisciplinary method was chosen in order to describe arrangements found in the lifestyles and the ways of cohabitation of the intergenerational families, this method is used for its knowledge base that better articulates the procedure method and the inductive reflexive approach made possible after an qualitative research. In order to accomplish that, an geographical space which tow real possibilities was selected, that is, the space where the people of great social and anthropological proximity are concentrated and the people which are the researcher kinships and friends, in between those are the habitants of Capim Macio’s, Candelária’s, Tirol’s and Petrópolis’s, neighborhoods, located in the south west zone of her home city Natal. It has been noticed that, meanwhile these intergenerational spaces do not claim their said spaces, because of their habits, necessities and relations in between generations and gender, their arrangements of said space are extremely creative. That means that alterations in the concepts of planning, construction and utilization of built spaces are imperative.
La presente tesis titulada Arte y Filosofía: Correlaciones entre el pensamiento estético de Jacques Rancière y Alain Badiou y el arte político de los colectivos artísticos Claire Fontaine, Raqs Media Collective y Estrella del Oriente, tiene como objetivo evidenciar y sostener, en la actualidad, un vínculo entre el arte y la filosofía, no mirando al arte como objeto de la filosofía, sino analizando las similitudes que se establecen cuando, tanto el arte como la filosofía, persiguen las mismas cosas. Para propiciar dicho vínculo nos amparamos en el pensamiento filosófico de Jacques Rancière y Alain Badiou, y en la práctica artística contemporánea de los siguientes colectivos: Claire Fontaine, Raqs Media Collective y Estrella del Oriente. En primer lugar hemos analizado y relacionado el pensamiento estético de ambos filósofos, indagando en lo han dicho sobre el arte y analizando también los conceptos claves y los cruces posibles entre sus teorías estéticas. Y en segundo lugar hemos pensado las prácticas del arte contemporáneo desde las ideas y ciertas categorías filosóficas presentes en ambos autores, sumando también las propias ideas que se desligan del pensamiento de los artistas y del análisis de sus obras. Consideramos que de esta forma hacemos un recorrido teórico en relación a lo que dicen los filósofos sobre el arte, lo que dicen los artistas sobre sus obras y lo que dicen las obras sobre el orden de las cosas...
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Fil: Mailhe, Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.
Fil: Mailhe, Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.
Deposits of manganese ore have been found in five of the six provinces of Cuba and have been reported from the sixth. Only Oriente and Pinar del Rio provinces have more than a few known deposits and only the deposits of Oriente have yielded any appreciable amount of ore. In this area the Cobre formation, of late Cretaceous(?) to middle Eocene age, overlies the Vinent formation but their stratigraphie relations are unknown. The Cobre overlies unconformably the Habana(?) formation. The Cobre formation consists of andesitic, basaltic, and dacitic tuff, agglomerate, and lavas with minor amounts of marine clastic and limestone deposits, and a prominent limestone bed, the Charco Redondo limestone member, at the top of the formation. All productive manganese deposits of Oriente are in the Cobre formation, usually within a few tens of meters above or below the base of the Charco Redondo limestone member.
El recorrido histórico por la política exterior de la URSS/Rusia hacia Oriente Medio en el último siglo presenta una línea de continuidad, apenas alterada por las dinámicas espaciotemporales vividas por el país. Rusia ha ejecutado una política exterior más orientada a responder a los movimientos norteamericanos en la región que a consolidar una presencia activa, de iniciativas propias. Sin embargo, la situación creada tras los levantamientos de 2011 y el conflicto sirio le han permitido a Moscú recuperar una activa presencia regional en temas político-militares y obtener ventajas económicas y comerciales. Con una limitada intervención militar en Siria, Rusia ha consolidado su posición mundial de gran jugador estratégico, y ha obtenido unas ventajas político-diplomáticas que le permiten ejecutar una política exterior dictada por el carácter instrumental de sus propios intereses.
Résumé : L'imagerie par résonance magnétique pondérée en diffusion est une modalité unique sensible aux mouvements microscopiques des molécules d'eau dans les tissus biologiques. Il est possible d'utiliser les caractéristiques de ce mouvement pour inférer la structure macroscopique des faisceaux de la matière blanche du cerveau. La technique, appelée tractographie, est devenue l'outil de choix pour étudier cette structure de façon non invasive. Par exemple, la tractographie est utilisée en planification neurochirurgicale et pour le suivi du développement de maladies neurodégénératives. Dans cette thèse, nous exposons certains des biais introduits lors de reconstructions par tractographie, et des méthodes sont proposées pour les réduire. D'abord, nous utilisons des connaissances anatomiques a priori pour orienter la reconstruction. Ainsi, nous montrons que l'information anatomique sur la nature des tissus permet d'estimer des faisceaux anatomiquement plausibles et de réduire les biais dans l'estimation de structures complexes de la matière blanche. Ensuite, nous utilisons des connaissances microstructurelles a priori dans la reconstruction, afin de permettre à la tractographie de suivre le mouvement des molécules d'eau non seulement le long des faisceaux, mais aussi dans des milieux microstructurels spécifiques. La tractographie peut ainsi distinguer différents faisceaux, réduire les erreurs de reconstruction et permettre l'étude de la microstructure le long de la matière blanche. Somme toute, nous montrons que l'utilisation de connaissances anatomiques et microstructurelles a priori, en tractographie, augmente l'exactitude des reconstructions de la matière blanche du cerveau.
A chegada a Macau dos navegadores portugueses, em meados do séc. XVI, lançou as bases de quase cinco séculos de contacto ininterrupto entre o Ocidente e o Oriente. Macau é, muitas vezes, caracterizado como um ponto de encontro, de coexistência harmoniosa e de intercâmbio multicultural (principalmente entre a cultura oriental e portuguesa). Existe variada literatura que tem Macau como objeto de reflexão, nomeadamente no subsistema infantojuvenil. Este trabalho pretende, por meio de uma análise sistemática de uma coletânea de contos infantojuvenis de temática oriental, da autoria de Alice Vieira e com ilustrações de Alain Corbel, caracterizar as representações do Oriente que surgem no contexto da literatura portuguesa contemporânea para a infância, refletindo sobre as imagens mais recorrentes e as simbologias mais significativas.
El presente trabajo realiza una medición básica de los niveles de competitividad del Oriente antioqueño, relacionados con los pilares de tamaño de los mercados, sofisticación y diversificación, e innovación y dinámica empresarial, enmarcados en el Índice Departamental de Competitividad generado y publicado por el Consejo Privado de Competitividad y la metodología del Índice Global de Competitividad del Foro Económico Mundial -- El impacto que tienen el crecimiento empresarial y el desarrollo del comercio exterior durante los últimos años en la estructura económica de esta subregión de Antioquia, generan una gran necesidad de monitorear el comportamiento de variables e indicadores que permitan identificar las tendencias y niveles de evolución competitiva del territorio, estas mediciones soportan el desarrollo del esquema metodológico aplicado en los pilares seleccionados, los cuales involucran variables como el PIB, exportaciones, tasas de natalidad empresarial, densidad empresarial, entre otros -- Para su desarrollo se consultan fuentes de información pública como el DANE, PROCOLOMBIA, Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, Alcaldías Municipales del Oriente antioqueño y Gobernación de Antioquia, las cuales se complementan con la información del Sistema de Información Integrado de Confecámaras, del cual se puede extraer la información relacionada con la actividad empresarial de la subregión del Oriente antioqueño -- Los resultados muestran una subregión con una gran dinámica exportadora, pero concentrada solo en 10 municipios de los 23 que la componen, con un índice de diversificación por mercados, destinos de exportaciones de 2.878 y un índice de diversificación de la canasta exportadora de 1.147; este desarrollo de la actividad exportadora se soporta en un crecimiento de su tejido empresarial, el cual muestra una tasa de natalidad de empresas de 49,96 nuevas empresas por cada 10.000 habitantes, una densidad empresarial de 22 empresas por cada 1.000 habitantes y una participación de las medianas y grandes empresas del 1,42% sobre el total del tejido empresarial -- Todas estas cifras pueden ser orientadas a la estructuración de políticas públicas y estrategias privadas que lleven al mejoramiento de los indicadores -- Así mismo, se busca que la información sea fuente de consulta para los empresarios e inversionistas que ven esta subregión como destino de inversión y asentamiento de sus empresas
El presente estudio, se realizó con el objetivo de: investigar el impacto de la terapia ocupacional como área de apoyo en el manejo emocional específicamente depresión en pacientes con problemas de cervicalgia y lumbalgia del sexo femenino entre las edades de 20 a 55 años que asisten al Centro de Rehabilitación Integral de Oriente, en el periodo comprendido de septiembre a noviembre de 2007. Es muy importante especificar el hecho de que el aspecto emocional no ha sido tomado en cuenta en la rehabilitación integral del usuario que adolece de cervicalgia y lumbalgia y es aquí donde radica el porque y para que la realización de la investigación; también, los beneficios que este traerá como son: Mejor condición física y estabilidad emocional para el paciente lo que contribuirá al mejor desenvolvimiento de sus roles en la sociedad.