998 resultados para Comportamentos sexuais
O fenômeno da prostituição não se configura como uma classe homogênea de comportamentos e/ou identidades sexuais e de gênero. Este estudo de caso, qualitativo-descritivo, teve por objetivo geral investigar as concepções sobre a prostituição sob o ponto de vista de quem realiza os programas. Os relatos de um profissional do sexo foram obtidos por meio de entrevista e foram agrupados nas seguintes categorias temáticas: (1) Construção identitária e relações familiares, (2) Caracterização sobre a atividade da prostituição e (3) Aspectos sociais: reflexos do estigma e do preconceito. A análise evidencia uma relação conflituosa e ambivalente entre machismo, homofobia e construção da masculinidade na atividade da prostituição viril que se revela, na sociedade machista, circunscrita a um território recoberto pela vergonha, preconceito e homofobia.
This study, based on the model of Positive Behavior Support, aims to identify how 40 primary school directors describe the process of development, application, and evaluation of educational strategies for pupils with behavioral problems. The results from a questionnaire indicated that 77.5% of the directors had pupils with behavioral problems. The most commonly used educational strategies of intervention were to speak with the child (13.3%) or with the parents (13.3%). The most common action for evaluation was observation of the child (27.6%). In general, the study verified that the strategies were employed informally and unsystematically. These findings indicate that research about the inclusion of children with behavioral problems is needed and challenge to rethink about the educators professional training.
The school and its teachers have great responsibility in the formation of gender identities. Ten teachers of a public schools participated in a semi-structured interview for the analysis of the content. The teachers perceive gender relations among the students, by their behaviors in the classroom: how quickly are the boys and the whim of the girls, the choice of colors and academic performance distinguished. They also have a concerned about the supposed homosexuality of some boys. The justification on perceived gender differences in students were assigned to the influence of family and to the reproduction of hegemonic standards of gender. Most teachers believe that school has little responsibility in gender issues, highlighting the poor training they had to work with sexual education of their students.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper presents a non-heterosexual young lady s Narrative Life History. By presenting it, we aim to understanding how desire, (in)visibility and the processes of exclusion are articulated in relation to the experience of homoeroticism, especially within the family. By this, we are able to point out some homophobic aspects, modes of how the device of closet operates and how some expectations and demands exert pressures over a non-heterosexual member in the family. In this case study, the way her family lived her sexuality depended on a strong family ties, such as: the secret about sexuality. Such secret, according to our hypothesis, was produced and preserved by homophobia which served as the major aspect on the construction of gender and (dis)unity of the family. This work is part of a in progress doctoral thesis, sponsored by FAPESP Fundação para o Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Opinião de professores sobre a sexualidade e a educação sexual de alunos com deficiência intelectual
Using a questionnaire for quantitative and qualitative analysis, this descriptive study investigated the opinion of 451 teachers about sexuality and sexual education of students with intellectual disabilities. The majority (94.2%) perceives the sexuality of their students with intellectual disabilities, identifies their desire to date (38.3%), occurrence of questions (35.8%), sexual games and masturbation (19.6%) and the inappropriate behavior (6.3%); before that, they have positive feelings (37.5%) and negative (53.8%). Teachers believe they can contribute to the sexual education of their students (87.8%), however, they considered necessary the own training (39.9%) or the support of the school and the family (24.4%). It is important to invest in continuous training in sexual education for teachers working in inclusive schools.
Influência da violência no esporte sobre espectadores de MMA: análise de percepções e comportamentos
Modern society lives daily with groups of human beings who have high rates of aggression and violence. Scholars in the field point to the influence of certain environmental condition for the development of aggressive behavior. Among such circumstances, we can quote various aspects including the influence of media, and more specifically, the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). The MMA is now one of the world's most popular sport, having international visibility through your largest organization, the UFC® (Ultimate Fighting Championship). The sport's global coverage is surely source of influence for our children and adolescents, who without the correct direction, can take the scenes seen in the sport as common facts of everyday life, making aggression and violence acceptable behaviors in their lives. Many studies show behavioral changes related to violent practices in virtue of exposure of individuals to aggression scenes by media. Works provide some interesting theoretical models to explain the observational learning. Under such aspects, the determined reality brings a need for in-depth studies on the subject addressed, looking for a better understanding of relations between the sport's violence and your influences on social behavior of individuals in this context, and then, look for possible solutions to deal with the problem pre supposed
Em cativeiro, Pinguins-de-Magalhães, Spheniscus magellanicus (Forster, 1781) (Sphenisciformes, Aves) são descritos como sedentários, obesos, pouco interativos e apáticos, costumam apresentar pododermatite e baixo índice de reprodução. Atualmente, existem poucos estudos relacionados a pinguins de cativeiro, dificultando o trabalho de manejo e conservação. Diferentes parâmetros podem ser utilizados para avaliação do bem estar animal, dentre eles a diversidade comportamental e repertório típico da espécie. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o orçamento temporal e o padrão de distribuição do comportamento de um grupo de seis animais ao longo do dia e em épocas do ano distintas, e relacionar os comportamentos aos indicadores do estado de saúde dos pinguins. Foram estudados animais residentes no Parque Escola SABINA, em Santo André, SP, nos meses de janeiro, março, maio e julho de 2014. O comportamento dos animais locais foi observado por dois dias nos seguintes horários: 8h-8h50min, 9h25- 10h15min, 10h50min-11h40, 12h20-13h10, 13h40-14h30, 15h05-15h55. As lesões de pododermatite foram classificadas seguindo o escore padronizado de 1 a 3 para a classificação de pododermatite nos pinguins. Foi observado que nenhum animal apresentou lesões avançadas de calosidades nas patas, porém quatro demonstraram evolução no bumblefoot. Os animais passaram mais tempo nos seguintes comportamentos: repouso em pé, repouso deitado, nadar, banho, arrumar penas. A duração dos comportamentos variou entre os meses: no mês de julho os pinguins passaram mais tempo nadando e banhando-se e houve uma tendência de redução do repouso. A distribuição dos comportamentos entre os períodos da manhã e da tarde foi distinta dependendo do mês. Em geral, os pinguins passaram mais tempo banhando-se e nadando pela manhã e em repouso à tarde. Dessa forma, os animais apresentaram variação sazonal que seria esperada em condição de vida livre,...
This dissertation shows a new tool in the process of producing specialized printed media: desktop publishing. Because it is an important tool to this communication media, the visualization of its evolutionary journey began in the pre-history of informative vehicle, advancing to the informatics society. And it was just in this last social stage that desktop publishing legitimized its function, resulting in impacts on the production of these media and conditioned new styles. At the presentation of this new post-industrial society, a change of work and leisure sphere was verified, whose fusion is present and in this interaction, desktop publishing arose at home, in the little bureaus. In this journey, desktop publishing became an object of reflection because of its conditioning aspects that fostered moments of observation in relation to a possible threat to creativity, thanks to its facilities and clichés. On the other hand, different positive aspects of desktop we also shown, at the same time, its conditioning aspects resulting into a restudy of its execution in different printed media, showing its effects and sharing points of view. So, new styles and a editorial way of production were seen too. Add to this aspect desktop publishing – in general meaning – the computerization of magazine articles – has been producing resignation of journalists, which is another important aspect in the presenting dissertation.
Este estudo discute os efeitos dos comportamentos verbais vocais do terapeuta, em específico, orientação, interpretação e empatia, sobre os comportamentos do cliente de resistência e cooperação. Examina-se diferentes sistemas de categorização de comportamentos do terapeuta e cliente e como tais sistematizações permitem o estudo da interação terapêutica na terapia analítico-comportamental. São apresentadas diferentes pesquisas sobre as categorias orientação, empatia e interpretação, bem como as divergências e convergências de conclusões com relação aos efeitos positivos e negativos sobre os resultados da terapia. Constata-se que resultados discordantes sejam produzidos a partir de diferenças quanto aos procedimentos de coleta e análise dos dados utilizados. Por fim, discute-se que o impacto de categorias de comportamentos do terapeuta esteja condicionado à etapa do processo terapêutico e comportamentos precedentes do cliente e do terapeuta.
The objectives this research are: (a) describing positive interactions established between teacher and student, considering clinical group to behavior problems and non-clinical one; (b) describing behavior repertoire (social skills and behavior problems) of children with and without clinical classification to behavior problems, according to TRF, teacher version. The participants this study were 16 female teachers who indicated and evaluated 32 students - 16 of them presented behavior problems (with BP – clinical group), whereas the other 16 did not (without BP – non clinical group). Students aged 6 years were enrolled in the first year of elementary school. Data collection was conducted through the application of three instruments: TRF, RE-HSE-Pr and QRSH-Pr, as an interview with teachers. Data were categorized and analyzed to compare the clinical and nonclinical groups (Mann-Whitney Test). Overall, this research found that female teachers exert different practices among students who have behavior problems that do not show, being more skilled in the interactions with children without behavior problems and more agressive to those with behavioral problems. Implications for interventions and public policies are discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV