977 resultados para Commencement Speaker
El uso universal de síntesis de voz en diferentes aplicaciones requeriría un desarrollo sencillo de las nuevas voces con poca intervención manual. Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de datos multimedia disponibles en Internet y los medios de comunicación, un objetivo interesante es el desarrollo de herramientas y métodos para construir automáticamente las voces de estilo de varios de ellos. En un trabajo anterior se esbozó una metodología para la construcción de este tipo de herramientas, y se presentaron experimentos preliminares con una base de datos multiestilo. En este artículo investigamos más a fondo esta tarea y proponemos varias mejoras basadas en la selección del número apropiado de hablantes iniciales, el uso o no de filtros de reducción de ruido, el uso de la F0 y el uso de un algoritmo de detección de música. Hemos demostrado que el mejor sistema usando un algoritmo de detección de música disminuye el error de precisión 22,36% relativo para el conjunto de desarrollo y 39,64% relativo para el montaje de ensayo en comparación con el sistema base, sin degradar el factor de mérito. La precisión media para el conjunto de prueba es 90.62% desde 76.18% para los reportajes de 99,93% para los informes meteorológicos.
One of the biggest challenges in speech synthesis is the production of contextually-appropriate naturally sounding synthetic voices. This means that a Text-To-Speech system must be able to analyze a text beyond the sentence limits in order to select, or even modulate, the speaking style according to a broader context. Our current architecture is based on a two-step approach: text genre identification and speaking style synthesis according to the detected discourse genre. For the final implementation, a set of four genres and their corresponding speaking styles were considered: broadcast news, live sport commentaries, interviews and political speeches. In the final TTS evaluation, the four speaking styles were transplanted to the neutral voices of other speakers not included in the training database. When the transplanted styles were compared to the neutral voices, transplantation was significantly preferred and the similarity to the target speaker was as high as 78%.
This Droppin' Knowledge Lecture Series will challenge the audience to "defy the impossible". Dr. Venus Opal Reese will offer insight on how to achieve success on Thursday, September 17, at 6:30pm in Martin Luther King Hall-Thomas Pawley Theature, 812 E. Dunklin Street. Reese, an inspirational speaker, business mentor and marketing strategist, offers training to professionals, particularly entrepreneurs and executives, on how to "defy their impossible" to reach million-dollar success. Reese has consulted for O Magazines, and appeared on ABC and CBS News. For more information on Dr. Venus Opal Reese, please visit http://defyimpossible.com.
Handwritten itemized list of costs for food and supplies purchased for the 1781 Commencement dinner. Signed by Caleb Gannett.
One-page handwritten draft of a law created by the president and tutors requiring juniors to inform the Faculty of their intent to stay in dormitory rooms following Commencement. The document is undated and unsigned, but appears to be in the hand of President Edward Holyoke, and has a note in shorthand in the left margin. The text is included in College Book IV and was presented at a meeting of the Harvard Corporation on September 6, 1742.
A handwritten list of some of the subjects included in the Harvard Commencement of 1828.
Paper-notebook copy lacking covers with a copy of John Davis's 1781 Commencement poem. The Harvard College Library stamp is on the front page.
Folio-sized paper unattributed copy of John Davis's 1781 Commencement poem. The last page is no longer attached. The last page is inscribed “From your Humble Ser’t David Daniells" and the verso has the phrases: "The amiableness of religions" and "Constantinople burnt to ashes."
Paper notebook lacking covers with an unattributed copy of John Davis's 1781 Commencement poem. There are sums calculated on the back cover verso.
One-page handwritten copy of a letter of acceptance by Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin to join Judge Samuel Phillip (Harvard AB 1771) at the Harvard Commencement where his son John Phillips (Harvard AB 1795) was graduating.