692 resultados para Colonisation -- Vanuatu


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Cet article présente une étude, commencée en 2007, sur le développement de l'edelweiss dans deux alpages du val Ferret (VS). A moyen terme, cette étude vise à estimer la capacité de résistance à la pâture des moutons de l'espèce et à mieux connaître la dynamique de ses populations dans l'idée d'améliorer sa conservation. L'article présente les deux sites d'études (conditions écologiques, importance des populations d'edelweiss) et s'intéresse principalement à la composition du tapis végétal. Cette première étape est avant tout descriptive mais elle est d'importance primordiale pour pouvoir interpréter les observations de multiplication et de colonisation de l'edelweiss in situ. Des méthodes de l'écologie numérique sont utilisées pour explorer la variabilité de la composition spécifique des parcelles d'étude, subdivisées en groupes homogènes. On cherche ensuite les variables environnementales qui expliquent le mieux la composition floristique des groupes retenus.


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A noticeable increase in mean temperature has already been observed in Switzerland and summer temperatures up to 4.8 K warmer are expected by 2090. This article reviews the observed impacts of climate change on biodiversity and consider some perspectives for the future at the national level. The following impacts are already evident for all considered taxonomic groups: elevation shifts of distribution toward mountain summits, spread of thermophilous species, colonisation by new species from warmer areas and phenological shifts. Additionally, in the driest areas, increasing droughts are affecting tree survival and fish species are suffering from warm temperatures in lowland regions. These observations are coherent with model projections, and future changes will probably follow the current trends. These changes will likely cause extinctions for alpine species (competition, loss of habitat) and lowland species (temperature or drought stress). In the very urbanised Swiss landscape, the high fragmentation of the natural ecosystems will hinder the dispersal of many species towards mountains. Moreover, disruptions in species interactions caused by individual migration rates or phenological shifts are likely to have consequences for biodiversity. Conversely, the inertia of the ecosystems (species longevity, restricted dispersal) and the local persistence of populations will probably result in lower extinction rates than expected with some models, at least in 21st century. It is thus very difficult to estimate the impact of climate change in terms of species extinctions. A greater recognition by society of the intrinsic value of biodiversity and of its importance for our existence will be essential to put in place effective mitigation measures and to safeguard a maximum number of native species.


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L'exposition aux bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques, en particulier à Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méthicilline (SARM (1)) sur le lieu de travail, a été montrée comme étant un facteur de risque pour la santé des opérateurs, la fréquence des contacts avec cette bactérie augmentant la probabilité d'en devenir porteur. En plus du fait que les SARM augmentent d'un facteur 4 le risque d'infection chez le porteur, le choix du traitement antibiotique en cas d'infection est fortement limité. C'est pourquoi il est important d'identifier les environnements de travail et les conditions qui favorisent la transmission de cette bactérie de l'animal à l'Homme. La résistance à la méthicilline est conférée au S. aureus par un élément génétique mobile, appelé « staphylococcal cassette chromosome » mec (SCCmec), qui contient le gène de résistance à la méthicilline, mecA. SCCmec a cinq formes (I, II, III, IV and V) qui ont été acquises et intégrées dans le génome de S. aureus lors d'événements indépendants de transfert horizontal. Certaines de ces lignées spécifiquement associées au bétail traité aux antibiotiques (tel que le complexe clonal 398, CC398 (2)), peuvent également coloniser le nez humain. Ainsi, la colonisation nasale ou contamination a été constatée chez 23 à 86 % des agriculteurs et vétérinaires ayant un contact direct avec des porcs, ainsi que chez un à cinq pour cent des personnes ayant une exposition indirecte (par exemple les membres de la famille d'agriculteurs, les visiteurs de la ferme). La pathogénicité du SARM CC398 pour l'Homme a été documentée dans une série de rapports décrivant des cas d'endocardite, d'otomastoïdite et de pneumonie. En outre, le SARM CC398 a été introduit dans des structures de santé (hôpitaux, cliniques, etc.) situées principalement dans les zones d'élevage à forte densité. Si les porcs sont des vecteurs bien connus de transmission de CC398 à l'Homme, d'autres animaux peuvent l'être également, tels que les dindes en Allemagne, comme illustré par le premier article cité dans cette note. Par ailleurs, la propagation de ces souches résistantes aux antibiotiques est inquiétante. Le deuxième article de cette note révèle l'apparition de souches de CC398 dans le lait de vache au Royaume-Uni pays où, jusqu'alors, la surveillance n'en avait pas détecté.


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An ecological-evolutionary classification of Amazonian triatomines is proposed based on a revision of their main contemporary biogeographical patterns. Truly Amazonian triatomines include the Rhodniini, the Cavernicolini, and perhaps Eratyrus and some Bolboderini. The tribe Rhodniini comprises two major lineages (pictipes and robustus). The former gave rise to trans-Andean (pallescens) and Amazonian (pictipes) species groups, while the latter diversified within Amazonia (robustus group) and radiated to neighbouring ecoregions (Orinoco, Cerrado-Caatinga-Chaco, and Atlantic Forest). Three widely distributed Panstrongylus species probably occupied Amazonia secondarily, while a few Triatoma species include Amazonian populations that occur only in the fringes of the region. T. maculata probably represents a vicariant subset isolated from its parental lineage in the Caatinga-Cerrado system when moist forests closed a dry trans-Amazonian corridor. These diverse Amazonian triatomines display different degrees of synanthropism, defining a behavioural gradient from household invasion by adult triatomines to the stable colonisation of artificial structures. Anthropogenic ecological disturbance (driven by deforestation) is probably crucial in the onset of the process, but the fact that only a small fraction of species effectively colonises artificial environments suggests a role for evolution at the end of the gradient. Domestic infestation foci are restricted to drier subregions within Amazonia; thus, populations adapted to extremely humid rainforest microclimates may have limited chances of successfully colonising the slightly drier artificial microenvironments. These observations suggest several research avenues, from the use of climate data to map risk areas to the assessment of the synanthropic potential of individual vector species.


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En 2004, en Hollande, une souche particulière de Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méthicilline (MRSA2 pour Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) a été découverte chez des personnes en contact avec des porcs. Après investigations, il s'est avéré que 39 % des porcs hollandais et 23 % des éleveurs de porcs étaient porteurs (dans leur conduit nasal) de cette souche dont le profil génétique obtenu par la technique MLST3 (ST398) est différent des clones MRSA habituellement responsables des infections nosocomiales (Maugat et al. 2009 ; Lucet et al. 2005). Depuis, un nombre croissant d'études concernant l'émergence de cette souche dans d'autres pays (Canada, France, Allemagne, Angleterre, Belgique, Italie, Espagne, Danemark et Singapour) et chez d'autres animaux (chevaux, chiens, vaches et poulets) ont été publiées. En janvier 2009, une étude rapporte que cette souche vient d'être isolée aux USA lors du contrôle de deux très grands élevages de porcs. Les souches MRSA ST398 ont été retrouvées chez 70 % des animaux et chez 9 des 14 des employés de l'un des deux élevages concernés. En Hollande, la proportion des éleveurs de porcs colonisés par ces MRSA est passée de 23 % en 2004 à 50 % en 2008 (contre 0,03 % dans la population générale, c'est-à-dire sans contact avec des animaux de ferme). Dans plusieurs pays, la possibilité d'une transmission de l'animal à l'homme, puis inter-humaine a été confirmée par plusieurs études et concernerait en premier lieu les éleveurs, leur famille et les vétérinaires (Khanna et al. 2008 ; Smith et al. 2008 ; Wulf et al. 2008). Dès lors, les élevages de porcs sont susceptibles de constituer un réservoir4 important de MRSA qui peuvent se propager à d'autres animaux et à l'homme. L'apparition de cette nouvelle zoonose peut avoir de graves impacts sur la santé publique et constitue un risque professionnel émergent pour les éleveurs de porcs. En effet, si dans la très grande majorité des cas, la colonisation nasale de l'homme par ces MRSA reste asymptomatique, l'implication de ces MRSA ST398 dans des complications infectieuses (endocardite, pneumonie, septicémie et infection de la peau) a déjà été observée. Les deux articles proposés dans cette note traitent de la problématique de ces complications infectieuses. [Auteur]


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The investigation of the genetic variation and population structure of Chrysomya species is of great interest for both basic and applied research. However, very limited genetic information is available for this genus across its geographical distribution. Here, we describe 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from Chrysomya putoria with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.1402-0.8312. These markers are of potential applied interest for forensic entomologists and for the characterisation of the genetic structure of C. putoria from recently colonised regions, with great promise for understanding the colonisation dynamics and spread of the genus Chrysomya in the New World.


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Over the last 10 years, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil have been certified as being free from disease transmission by Triatoma infestans, the main domiciliated vector for Chagas disease in the Southern Cone countries. This demonstrates that programmes addressing the vector for the disease's transmission are effective. These programmes have resulted in a dramatic decrease in the incidence of Chagas disease in Latin America. Guatemala was certified a few months ago as being free from disease transmission by Rhodnius prolixus, the main domiciliated vector for Chagas disease in Central American countries. However, the main concern for different countries' current control programmes is the continuity and sustainability of future vector control actions. The prevalence and incidence figures for individuals infected by Trypanosoma cruzi in Mexico and Andean and Central American countries highlights the need for broadened strategies in the struggle against the disease and its vectors. A number of triatomine insects are parasite vectors, each with a different life history. Therefore, it is important that new vector control strategies be proposed, keeping in mind that some species are found in peridomiciliary areas and wild ecotopes. The only viable control strategy is to reduce human interactions with vector insects so that the re-infestation and re-colonisation of human habitats will not take place.


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The aim of this paper was to analyse the active dispersal of Triatoma infestans and the role of chickens as passive carriers of this insect in peridomestic areas of La Rioja, Argentina. To measure active dispersal, monthly catches were made on six consecutive nights for five months (in the warm season) using light traps (for flying insects) and sticky dispersal barriers (for walking insects). The nutritional and reproductive states of adults were evaluated. Over the course of the sampling period, a total of eight flying adults, six walking nymphs and 10 walking adults of the species T. infestans were captured, as well as specimens of Triatoma guasayana, Triatoma eratyrusiformis and Triatoma platensis. Our data demonstrate for the first time that females of T. infestans can disperse by walking. This may be an adaptive strategy because it allows them to move with eggs and/or with good blood reserves, which are not possible when flying. All flying and walking individuals of both genders were of an appropriate physiological state that would allow for colonisation of the target habitat. However, manual inspection of 122 chickens suggests that it is unlikely that these animals passively transport T. infestans. Finally, the dispersal activity of T. infestans was compared with other triatomines using a dispersion index.


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An entomological study of triatomine species was carried out to assess their prevalence in 10 localities of the state of Michoacán, Mexico. Entomological indices were calculated to estimate the risk for vector-borne transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi to the human population in this area. Four triatomine species (Triatoma barberi, Triatoma dimidiata, Meccus pallidipennis and Meccus longipennis) were collected from the study area. This is the first report of M. longipennis and T. dimidiata in Michoacán. M. pallidipennis was significantly (p < 0.05) more abundant than any of the other species collected in the study area. Infection indices were greater than 50% for each of the four collected triatomine species. Significantly more triatomines were collected from intradomiciliary areas than from peridomiciliary or sylvatic areas. Infestation, crowding and density indices were low, whereas colonisation indices were high in five localities. The current vectorial conditions in the study area require continuous entomological and serological surveillance to diminish the risk of T. cruzi transmission to human populations.


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The sandfly Phlebotomus perniciosus is the most widespread vector of Leishmania infantum in Spain. Laboratory colonisation represents the most feasible source of information on the biology of these insects, but in conducting any study, the density of individuals in the colony may drop to such an extent that it is sometimes difficult to recover the initial population levels. A new technique was tested for the recovery of sandfly eggs in three different colonies; the recovery rate was studied by comparing the standard method of mass rearing with this new method of colony management. The results demonstrate a mean increase of 18.4% in adult production, a growth in colony productivity that justifies the inclusion of this process in the routine maintenance of any colony of sandflies.


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The increasing population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on Madeira Island (Portugal) resulted in the first autochthonous dengue outbreak, which occurred in October 2012. Our study establishes the first genetic evaluation based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4)] and knockdown resistance ( kdr ) mutations exploring the colonisation history and the genetic diversity of this insular vector population. We included mosquito populations from Brazil and Venezuela in the analysis as putative geographic sources. The Ae. aegypti population from Madeira showed extremely low mtDNA genetic variability, with a single haplotype for COI and ND4. We also detected the presence of two important kdr mutations and the quasi-fixation of one of these mutations (F1534C). These results are consistent with a unique recent founder event that occurred on the island of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes that carry kdr mutations associated with insecticide resistance. Finally, we also report the presence of the F1534C kdr mutation in the Brazil and Venezuela populations. To our knowledge, this is the first time this mutation has been found in South American Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Given the present risk of Ae. aegypti re-invading continental Europe from Madeira and the recent dengue outbreaks on the island, this information is important to plan surveillance and control measures.


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This review investigates ancient infectious diseases in the Americas dated to the pre-colonial period and considers what these findings can tell us about the history of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. It gives an overview, but focuses on four microbial pathogens from this period: Helicobacter pylori, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Trypanosoma cruzi and Coccidioides immitis, which cause stomach ulceration and gastric cancer, tuberculosis, Chagas disease and valley fever, respectively. These pathogens were selected as H. pylori can give insight into ancient human migrations into the Americas, M. tuberculosis is associated with population density and urban development, T. cruzi can elucidate human living conditions and C. immitis can indicate agricultural development. A range of methods are used to diagnose infectious disease in ancient human remains, with DNA analysis by polymerase chain reaction one of the most reliable, provided strict precautions are taken against cross contamination. The review concludes with a brief summary of the changes that took place after European exploration and colonisation.


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Dans les multiples réécritures à travers lesquelles se manifeste un mythe, l'anthroponyme des héros semble constituer l'élément le plus stable. La présente étude est centrée sur une réécriture théâtrale du mythe antique de Médée, Asie d'Henri-René Lenormand, qui précisément s'autorise à modifier systématiquement les anthroponymes des protagonistes. Cette opération est d'autant plus audacieuse que l'anthroponyme «Médée» constitue, depuis la Médée de Sénèque surtout, un élément richement investi sémantiquement, qui paraît contenir en lui-même l'identité de l'héroïne. Dans la pièce de Lenormand, le changement des noms des protagonistes participe d'une série de transpositions dans le temps et dans l'espace et d'une resémantisation profonde du mythe. Cette resémantisation, qui prolonge une tendance observable depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle, fait de la confrontation entre les protagonistes une opposition ethnique, raciale et culturelle qui s'inscrit ici dans le contexte contemporain de la colonisation française de l'Indochine.