993 resultados para Charles III, of Durazzo, 1345-1386.


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Die Expression des PKC-Hauptsubstrates MARCKS (myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate) wird in Swiss 3T3-Fibroblasten in Abhängigkeit des Zellzyklus durch Variation der mRNA-Stabilität reguliert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Beteiligung der 3' nichttranslatierten Region (3'UTR) der MARCKS-mRNA an der Stabilitätskontrolle analysiert. Durch Einsatz der RNase/EMSA-Technik konnten zwei cis-Elemente der MARCKS 3'UTR identifiziert und lokalisiert werden, die mit RNA-bindenden Swiss 3T3-Proteinen (trans-Faktoren) interagieren. Diese neu identifizierten cis-Elemente sind AU-reiche Elemente (ARE) der Klasse III, da sie sehr große Sequenzhomologie zu ARE dieser Klasse aufweisen und der MARCKS 3'UTR, wie für ARE typisch, Instabilität vermitteln.Durch UV-crosslinking wurden vier Proteine mit Molekülmassen von 55, 40, 36 und 30 kDa nachgewiesen, die spezifisch an das 52nt lange Haupt-ARE (MARCKS 52nt) mit unterschiedlicher Affinität binden konnten. Mit Hilfe von rekombinant hergestellten ELAV/Hu-Proteinen und einem ELAV/Hu-spezifischen, affinitätsgereinigten Antiserum konnte eines der vier Proteine (p36) als das ELAV/Hu-Protein HuR identifiziert werden. Die Funktion der ELAV/Hu-Proteine für die Stabilitätskontrolle der MARCKS-mRNA ließ sich durch transiente und stabile Transfektion von HuR und neuronenspezifischem HuD mit dem Tetracyclin induzierbaren Expressionssystem (Tetoff) in Swiss 3T3- bzw. MEF/3T3-Tetoff-Zellen verdeutlichen: Durch Überexpression von HuR und HuD wurde die wachstumsinduzierte Destabilisierung der MARCKS-mRNA bei Wiedereintritt der Zellen in den Zellzyklus unterbunden.


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H2 demand is continuously increasing since its many relevant applications, for example, in the ammonia production, refinery processes or fuel cells. The Water Gas Shift (WGS) reaction (CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 DeltaH = -41.1 kJ.mol-1) is a step in the H2 production, reducing significantly the CO content and increasing the H2 one in the gas mixtures obtained from steam reforming. Industrially, the reaction is carried out in two stages with different temperature: the first stage operates at high temperature (350-450 °C) using Fe-based catalysts, while the second one is performed at lower temperature (190-250 °C) over Cu-based catalysts. However, recently, an increasing interest emerges to develop new catalytic formulations, operating in a single-stage at middle temperature (MTS), while maintaining optimum characteristics of activity and stability. These formulations may be obtained by improving activity and selectivity of Fe-based catalysts or increasing thermal stability of Cu-based catalysts. In the present work, Cu-based catalysts (Cu/ZnO/Al2O3) prepared starting from hydrotalcite-type precursors show good homogeneity and very interesting physical properties, which worsen by increasing the Cu content. Among the catalysts with different Cu contents, the catalyst with 20 wt.% of Cu represents the best compromise to obtain high catalytic activity and stability. On these bases, the catalytic performances seem to depend on both metallic Cu surface area and synergetic interactions between Cu and ZnO. The increase of the Al content enhances the homogeneity of the precursors, leading to a higher Cu dispersion and consequent better catalytic performances. The catalyst with 20 wt.% of Cu and a molar ratio M(II)/M(III) of 2 shows a high activity also at 250 °C and a good stability at middle temperature. Thus, it may be considered an optimum catalyst for the WGS reaction at middle temperature (about 300 °C). Finally, by replacing 50 % (as at. ratio) of Zn by Mg (which is not active in the WGS reaction), better physical properties were observed, although associate with poor catalytic performances. This result confirms the important role of ZnO on the catalytic performances, favoring synergetic interactions with metallic Cu.


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Das humane Enzym PON2 ist in eine Vielzahl pathophysiologischer Prozesse involviert und ist durch zwei Funktionen gekennzeichnet - eine enzymatische Laktonase-Aktivität und eine anti-oxidative Aktivität. Durch die Laktonase-Aktivität hydrolysiert PON2 vorwiegend das bakterielle Signalmolekül 3oxoC12. PON2 ist als Bestandteil des angeborenen Immunsystems anzusehen und trägt wahrscheinlich zur Immunabwehr gegen Infektionen mit den human-pathogenen Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bakterien bei. Durch die anti-oxidative Aktivität vermindert PON2 oxidative Schäden und verringert redox-abhängige pro-apoptotische Stimulation. Diese einzigartige Funktion von PON2 ist jedoch ambivalent zu betrachten, da hohe PON2-Spiegel zwar Arteriosklerose reduzieren können, aber im Verdacht stehen Tumorzellen zu stabilisieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden die noch unbekannten Mechanismen und der Zusammenhang der enzymatischen und der anti-oxidativen Aktivität analysiert. In diesem Rahmen wurde gezeigt, dass PON2 spezifisch die Superoxidfreisetzung an Komplex I und III der Atmungskette in der inneren Mitochondrienmembran reduzieren kann. PON2 veränderte dabei weder die Aktivitäten der Superoxiddismutasen noch die Cytochrom C-Expression. Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit erstmals gezeigt werden, dass PON2 O2- nicht direkt abbaut, sondern vielmehr dessen Bildung verhindert. Diese Erkenntnisse implizieren, dass PON2 die anti-oxidative Aktivität über eine Beeinflussung des Quinon-Pools vermittelt. Anhand von verschiedenen Punktmutationen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Histidinreste-114 und -133 für die Laktonase-Aktivität essentiell sind. Weiterhin wurden die Glykosylierungsstellen von PON2 identifiziert und gezeigt, dass die Glykosylierung, nicht aber der natürliche Polymorphismus Ser/Cys311 für die Laktonase-Aktivität von Bedeutung ist. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist, dass keine dieser Mutationen die anti-oxidative Aktivität beeinflusste, wodurch erstmals die Unabhängigkeit der beiden Funktionen von PON2 gezeigt werden konnte. rnEs war bekannt, dass PON2 gegen intrinsische und ER-Stress-induzierte Apoptose schützt. Die Spezifität der anti-oxidativen / anti-apoptotischen Wirkung wurde hier an einem weiteren pathophysiologischen Modell untersucht. 7-Ketocholesterol (7-KC) ist der Hauptbestandteil des pro-arteriosklerotischen oxLDL und verursacht in Zellen des Gefäßsystems ER-Stress, oxidativen Stress und Apoptose. Unerwarteterweise konnte PON2 Endothelzellen nicht gegen den 7-KC-induzierten Zelltod schützen. Mehrere unabhängige experimentelle Ansätze belegen, dass 7-KC in Endothelzellen im Gegensatz zu Gefäßmuskelzellen den Zelltod über Autophagie und nicht über ER-Stress oder intrinsische Apoptose bewirkt. Weiterhin führt 7-KC, wie auch 3oxoC12 und Thapsigargin zu einem Abbau der PON2-mRNA, die über die 5’UTR der PON2-mRNA vermittelt wird. Diese Arbeit vermittelt detaillierte mechanistische Einsichten in die Funktionen von PON2, die für ihre Rolle bei Arteriosklerose, in der körpereigenen Immunabwehr und bei Krebs entscheidend sind.rn


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Il lavoro intende dimostrare che lo sviluppo giurisprudenziale del principio di equilibrio istituzionale, il rapporto tra detto principio e il principio di leale cooperazione, il riconoscimento istituzionale e giurisprudenziale dell’importanza della scelta della base giuridica nella tutela dell’equilibrio istituzionale hanno concorso a determinare la dinamicità dell’evoluzione dell’assetto interistituzionale della Comunità e dell’Unione. Focalizzata l’attenzione sulle nuove basi giuridiche introdotte dal Trattato di Lisbona, sono stati definiti gli assetti del nuovo equilibrio istituzionale analizzando, da un lato, il nuovo quadro istituzionale definito dal titolo III del Trattato sull’Unione europea e, in particolare la “costituzionalizzazione” del principio orizzontale di leale cooperazione. In conclusione, si rileva che con l´entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona le dimensioni politica e giuridica dell’equilibrio istituzionale sono state interessate da due mutamenti di ampia portata. In primo luogo, il completamento del processo di revisione dei trattati apertosi con la dichiarazione di Laeken ha definito un nuovo quadro istituzionale, che si è riflesso in rinnovati meccanismi di funzionamento dell’architettura istituzionale. In secondo luogo, la risposta dell’Unione alla crisi economica e finanziaria ha messo al centro dell’agenda il suo bilancio, la programmazione pluriennale e l’Unione economica. Nel primo caso un’analisi dell’articolo 295 TFUE ha costituito la base di una riflessione sulle modalità di codificazione delle relazioni istituzionali attraverso accordi e sul rapporto tra questi ultimi e il titolo III TUE. Si è rilevata, in particolare, un’incongruenza tra gli obblighi di leale cooperazione orizzontale sanciti dall’articolo 13(2) TUE e gli strumenti finalizzati alla loro istituzionalizzazione. Nel secondo caso, invece, è stato evidenziato come il preminente ruolo del Consiglio europeo, al quale il Trattato di Lisbona ha riconosciuto lo status d'istituzione, abbia modificato gli equilibri, determinando un ritorno del ricorso all’integrazione differenziata rispetto a politiche disciplinate dai Trattati.


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Die durch eine männchenspezifisch auftretende heterochromatische Bande und ein hemizygotes Cla-Element-Cluster gekennzeichnete geschlechtsbestimmende Region („sex determining region“: SDR) auf Chromosom III von C. riparius stellt ein frühes Stadium in der Evolution von Geschlechtschromosomen dar. Diese eindeutig lokalisierte chromosomale Region, die den molekular noch unbekannten männchen¬bestimmenden Faktor M enthalten muss, ist im Vergleich zu den Y-Chromosomen anderer Dipterenarten wie unter anderem M. domestica, die ebenfalls einen dominanten Männchenbestimmer besitzen, relativ klein. Aus diesem Grund bietet die SDR von C. riparius eine Möglichkeit, den männchenbestimmenden Faktor einzugrenzen und zu identifizieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte ein Bereich einer Größe von ca. 200 kb aus der SDR von C. riparius charakterisiert und analysiert werden. Durch bioinformatische Sequenzanalysen konnten an 20 Stellen der SDR mögliche Genstrukturen nachgewiesen werden. Von den gefundenen möglichen Genen ist bisher die Funktion in C. riparius unbekannt. Bei den Genen mit vermuteter Funktion deutet nichts eindeutig auf eine Beteiligung an der Geschlechtsbestimmung von C. riparius hin. Da allerdings davon auszugehen ist, dass für die Funktion des Männchenbestimmers M ein Gen rekrutiert wurde, welches zur Interaktion mit dem nachgeschalteten Gen der Geschlechts¬bestimmungskaskade fähig ist, muss die geschlechtsbestimmende Funktion des Gens M nicht unbedingt offensichtlich sein. Aus geschlechtsbestimmenden Genkaskaden anderer Dipteren bekannte Gene wie transformer und doublesex konnten im analysierten Bereich nicht nachgewiesen werden, obwohl zumindest zu doublesex homologe Gene im Genom von C. riparius vorkommen. Um möglicherweise proto-X- und proto-Y-Chromosom miteinander vergleichen zu können und einen Hinweis auf die chromosomale Herkunft der analysierten Sequenzen aus der SDR zu erlangen, wurden Sequenzen von 31 teilweise parallel liegenden BAC-Klonen aus der untersuchten Region verglichen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Klone zwei Gruppen bilden, deren Sequenzen sich durch 500 SNPs und 110 Indels unterschiedlicher Größe (1-800 Bp) unterscheiden, was für eine Herkunft von zwei sich erst seit kurzer Zeit unterscheidenden Geschlechtschromosomen spricht. Die zwölf größten dieser Indels wurden auf geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede hin untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Klongruppen zwar im 30 Jahre alten Laborstamm, der auch für die Konstruktion der durchsuchten BAC-Bibliotheken verwendet wurde, tatsächlich geschlechtsspezifisch sind, in zwei Wildfangpopulationen jedoch keine derartige Geschlechtsspezifität aufweisen. Somit kann keine Aussage zur Herkunft der untersuchten Klone aus der SDR von C. riparius getroffen werden, und es bleibt unklar, ob die analysierten Sequenzen vom proto-X oder vom proto-Y-Chromosom stammen.


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With respect to localization, oligodendrogliomas are characterized by a marked preponderance of the cerebral hemispheres. Outside these typical sites, any tumor histopathologically reminiscent of oligodendroglioma a priori is likely to represent one of its morphological mimics, including clear cell ependymoma, neurocytoma, pilocytic astrocytoma or glioneuronal tumors. This is particularly relevant as several of the latter are in principle curable by surgery. Among extrahemispherical sites, bona fide oligodendroglioma - as characterized by loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of chromosome arms 1p and 19q - so far has not been documented to occur in the brain stem. Here, we report the case of a 55-year-old female patient with an anaplastic oligodendroglioma (WHO grade III) of the brain stem and cerebellum diagnosed by stereotactic biopsy and featuring combined LOH of 1p and 19q. A morphological peculiarity was a population of interspersed tumor giant cells, a phenomenon that has been referred to as polymorphous oligodendroglioma. Our findings confirm the notion that - although very infrequently - true oligodendrogliomas do occur in the infratentorial compartment.


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Why Pentose- and Not Hexose-Nucleic Acids? Purine-Purine Pairing in homo-DNA: Guanine,Isoguanine, 2,6-Diaminopurine, and Xanthine This paper concludes the series of reports in this journal [1–4] on the chemistry of homo-DNA, the constitutionally simplifie dmodel system of hexopyranosyl-(6′ → 4′)-oligonucleotide systems stidued in our laboratory as potentially natural-nucleic-acid alternatives in the context of a chemical aetiology of nucleic-acid structure. The report describes the synthesis and pairing properties of homo-DNA oligonucleotides which contain as nucleobases exclusively purines, and gives, together with part III of the series [3], a survey of what we know today about purine-purine pairingin homo-DNA. In addition, the paper discusses those aspects of the chemistry of homo-DNA which, we think, influence the way how some of the structural features of DNA (and RNA) are to be interpreted on a qualitative level. Purine-purine pairing occurs in the homo-DNA domain in great variety. Most prominent is a novel tridentate Watson-Crick pair between guanine and isoguanine, as well as one between 2,6-diaminopurine and xanthinone, both giving rise to very stable duplexes containing the all-purine strands in antiparallel orientation. For the guanine-isoguanine pair, constitutional assignment is based on temperature-dependent UV and CD spectroscopy of various guanine- and isoguanine-containg duplexes in comparison with duplexes known to be paired in the reverse guanine is replaced by 7-carbauguanine. Isoguanine and 2,6-diaminopurine also have the capability of self-pariring in the reverse-Hoogsteen mode, as previously observed for adenine and guanine [3]. In this type of pairing, the interchangeably. Fig. 36 provides an overall survey of the relative strength of pairing in all possible purine-purine combinations. Watson-Crick pairing of isoguanine with guanine demands the former to participate in its 3H-tautomeric form; hitherto this specific tautomer had not been considered in the pairing chemistry of isoguanine. Whereas (cumulative) purine-purine pairing in DNA (reverse-Hoogsten or Hoogsteen) seems to occur in triplexes and tetrapalexes only, its occurrence in duplexes in a characteristic feature of homo-DNA chemistry. The occurrence of purine-purine Watson-Crick base pairs is probably a consequence of homo-DNA's quasi-linear ladder structure [1][4]. In a double helix, the distance between the two sugar C-atoms, on which a base pair is anchored, is expected to be constrained by the dimensions of the helix; in a linear duplex, however, there would be no restrictions with regard to base-pair length. Homo-DNA's ladder-like model also allows one to recognize one of the reasons why nucleic-acid duplexes prefer to pair in antiparallel, rather than parallel strand orientation: in homo-DNA duplexes, (averaged) backbone and base pair axes are strongly inclined toward one another [4]; the stronger this inclination, the higher the preference for antiparallel strand orientation is expected to be (Fig. 16). In retrospect, homo-DNA turns out to be one of the first artificial oligonucleotide systems (cf. Footnote 65) to demonstrate in a comprehensive way that informational base pairing involving purines and pyrimidines is not a capability unique to ribofuranosyl systems. Stability and helical shape of pairing complexes are not necessary conditions of one another; it is the potential for extensive conformational cooperativity of hte backbone structure with respect to the constellational demands of base pairing and base stacking that determines whether or nor a given type of base-carrying backbone structure is an informational pairing system. From the viewpoint of the chemical aetiology of nucleic-acid structure, which inspired our investigations on hexopyranosyl-(6′ → 4′)-oligonucleotide systems in the first place, the work on homo-DNA is only an extensive model study, because homo-DNA is not to be considered a potential natural-nucleic-acid altenratie. In retrospect, it seems fortunate that the model study was carried out, because without it we could hardly have comprehended the pairing behavior of the proper nucleic-acid alternatives which we have studied later and which will be discussed in Part VI of this series. The English footnotes to Fig. 1–49 provide an extension of this summary.


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Academic and industrial research in the late 90s have brought about an exponential explosion of DNA sequence data. Automated expert systems are being created to help biologists to extract patterns, trends and links from this ever-deepening ocean of information. Two such systems aimed on retrieving and subsequently utilizing phylogenetically relevant information have been developed in this dissertation, the major objective of which was to automate the often difficult and confusing phylogenetic reconstruction process. ^ Popular phylogenetic reconstruction methods, such as distance-based methods, attempt to find an optimal tree topology (that reflects the relationships among related sequences and their evolutionary history) by searching through the topology space. Various compromises between the fast (but incomplete) and exhaustive (but computationally prohibitive) search heuristics have been suggested. An intelligent compromise algorithm that relies on a flexible “beam” search principle from the Artificial Intelligence domain and uses the pre-computed local topology reliability information to adjust the beam search space continuously is described in the second chapter of this dissertation. ^ However, sometimes even a (virtually) complete distance-based method is inferior to the significantly more elaborate (and computationally expensive) maximum likelihood (ML) method. In fact, depending on the nature of the sequence data in question either method might prove to be superior. Therefore, it is difficult (even for an expert) to tell a priori which phylogenetic reconstruction method—distance-based, ML or maybe maximum parsimony (MP)—should be chosen for any particular data set. ^ A number of factors, often hidden, influence the performance of a method. For example, it is generally understood that for a phylogenetically “difficult” data set more sophisticated methods (e.g., ML) tend to be more effective and thus should be chosen. However, it is the interplay of many factors that one needs to consider in order to avoid choosing an inferior method (potentially a costly mistake, both in terms of computational expenses and in terms of reconstruction accuracy.) ^ Chapter III of this dissertation details a phylogenetic reconstruction expert system that selects a superior proper method automatically. It uses a classifier (a Decision Tree-inducing algorithm) to map a new data set to the proper phylogenetic reconstruction method. ^


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Background. Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) measurement is a means of monitoring cardiac function in a noninvasive way, but little is known about ABP in heart failure (HF) patients. Blood pressure (BP) declines during sleep as protection from consistent BP load, a phenomenon termed "dipping." The aims of this study were (1) to compare BP dipping and physical activity between two groups of HF patients with different functional statuses and (2) to determine whether the strength of the association between ambulatory BP and PA is different between these two different functional statuses of HF. ^ Methods. This observational study used repeated measures of ABP and PA over a 24-hour period to investigate the profiles of BP and PA in community-based individuals with HF. ABP was measured every 30 minutes by using a SpaceLabs 90207, and a Basic Motionlogger actigraph was used to measure PA minute by minute. Fifty-six participants completed both BP and physical activity for a 24-hour monitoring period. Functional status was based on New York Heart Association (NYHA) ratings. There were 27 patients with no limitation of PA (NYHA class I HF) and 29 with some limitation of PA but no discomfort at rest (NYHA class II or III HF). The sample consisted of 26 men and 30 women, aged 45 to 91 years (66.96 ± 12.35). ^ Results. Patients with NYHA class I HF had significantly greater dipping percent than those with NYHA class II/III HF after controlling their left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). In a mixed model analysis (PROC MIXED, SAS Institute, v 9.1), PA was significantly related to ambulatory systolic and diastolic BP and mean arterial pressure. The strength of the association between PA and ABP readings was not significantly different for the two groups of patients. ^ Conclusions. These preliminary findings demonstrate differences between NYHA class I and class II/III of HF in BP dipping status and ABP but not PA. Longitudinal research is recommended to improve understanding of the influence of disease progression on changes in 24-hour physical activity and BP profiles of this patient population. ^ Key Words. Ambulatory Blood Pressure; Blood Pressure Dipping; Heart Failure; Physical Activity. ^


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En el presente artículo tenemos como soporte el Libro III del De docta ignorantia de Nicolás de Cusa (1401-1464) y buscamos mostrar como el referido texto ya demonstra el necesario equilíbrio entre affectus y intellectus, poniendo en relieve, sin embargo, la importancia del amor como instancia importante para el ser humano a buscar Dios.


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En una perspectiva interdisciplinaria (musical y literaria), esta nota analiza la pieza litúrgica 56 del Códice de Las Huelgas - la secuencia Novis cedunt vetera - con la hipótesis de que la cantiga IIIª de las Fiestas de Santa María ("Tod' aqueste mund' a loar deveria"; ms. E, núm. 413 ed. Mettmann), de las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X, es su versión en romance, dado que existen elementos intertextuales, tanto poéticos como melódicos, que permiten suponer tal filiación


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En una perspectiva interdisciplinaria (musical y literaria), esta nota analiza la pieza litúrgica 56 del Códice de Las Huelgas - la secuencia Novis cedunt vetera - con la hipótesis de que la cantiga IIIª de las Fiestas de Santa María ("Tod' aqueste mund' a loar deveria"; ms. E, núm. 413 ed. Mettmann), de las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X, es su versión en romance, dado que existen elementos intertextuales, tanto poéticos como melódicos, que permiten suponer tal filiación


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En una perspectiva interdisciplinaria (musical y literaria), esta nota analiza la pieza litúrgica 56 del Códice de Las Huelgas - la secuencia Novis cedunt vetera - con la hipótesis de que la cantiga IIIª de las Fiestas de Santa María ("Tod' aqueste mund' a loar deveria"; ms. E, núm. 413 ed. Mettmann), de las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X, es su versión en romance, dado que existen elementos intertextuales, tanto poéticos como melódicos, que permiten suponer tal filiación