991 resultados para Cellular materials


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HERITAGE 2008 - World Heritage and Sustainable Development. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, p. 571-579


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Phycoremediation of swine wastewaters has been widely reported as an attractive tertiary treatment system, that effectively removes the excessive nutrient loadswhilst offering a valuable source of feedstock biomass. Digestate from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB, 6%v/v) and a nitrification reactor (NR; 50% v/v) were used as culturing media to microalgae. Experiments were carried out in lab scale photobioreactors (PBRs) using a consortia of Chlorella and Scenedesmus. Ammonia (44 to 90%) and phosphorus (77%) were efficiently removed from both effluents tested after 4 days. Microalgae biomass harvested from the UASB effluent showed 57, 34 and 1% of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, respectively. Comparatively, the cellular composition of microalgae grown on NR effluent had lower protein (43%) but higher carbohydrate (42%) contents. Negligible difference in lipid fraction was observed independently of the effluents tested. The results suggest that the biomass harvested from phycoremediation of swine wastewaters can offer a valuable protein and carbohydrate feedstock for nutritional and biotechnological applications.


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This work aimed at the development of a (bio)polymeric monolithic support for biopharmaceuticals purification and/or capture. For that, it was assured that functional groups on its surface were ready to be involved in a plethora of chemical reactions for incorporation of the desired and most suitable ligand. Using cryogelation as preparation method a screening on multiple combinations of materials was performed in order to create a potentially efficient support with the minimal footprint, i.e. a monolithic support with reasonable mechanical properties, highly permeable, biocompatible, ready to use, with gravitational performance and minimal unspecific interactions towards the target molecules, but also biodegradable and produced from renewable materials. For the pre-selection all monoliths were characterized physico-chemically and morphologically; one agarose-based and two chitosan-based monoliths were then subjected to further characterizations before and after their modification with magnetic nanoparticles. These three specimens were finally tested towards adenovirus and the recovery reached 84% for the chitosan-GMA plain monolith prepared at -80°C. Monoliths based on chitosan and PVA were prepared in the presence and absence of magnetic particles, and tested for the isolation of GFP directly from crude cellular extracts. The affinity ligand A4C7 previously selected for GFP purification was synthesized on the monolith. The results indicated that the solid-phase synthesis of the ligand directly onto the monolith might require optimization and that the large pores of the monoliths are unsuitable for the purification of small proteins, such as GFP.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente Perfil de Engenharia de Sistemas Ambientais


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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The main objective of this work was the development of polymeric structures, gel and films, generated from the dissolution of the Chitin-Glucan Complex (CGC) in biocompatible ionic liquids for biomedical applications. Similar as chitin, CGC is only soluble in some special solvents which are toxic and corrosive. Due to this fact and the urgent development of biomedical applications, the need to use biocompatible ionic liquids to dissolve the CGC is indispensable. For the dissolution of CGC, the biocompatible ionic liquid used was Choline acetate. Two different CGC’s, KiOnutrime from KitoZyme and biologically produced CGC from Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia (FCT) - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, were characterized in order to develop biocompatible wound dressing materials. The similar result is shown in term of the ratio of chitin:glucan, which is 1:1.72 for CGC-FCT and 1:1.69 for CGC-Commercial. For the analysis of metal element content, water and inorganic salts content and protein content, both polymers showed some discrepancies, where the content in CGC-FCT is always higher compared to the commercial one. The different characterization results between CGC-FCT and CGC-Commercial could be addressed to differences in the purification method, and the difference of its original strain yeast, whereas CGC-FCT is derived from P.pastoris and the commercial CGC is from A.niger. This work also investigated the effect of biopolymers, temperature dissolution, non-solvent composition on the characteristics of generated polymeric structure with biocompatible ionic liquid. The films were prepared by casting a polymer mixture, immersion in a non-solvent, followed by drying at ambient temperature. Three different non-solvents were tested in phase inversion method, i.e. water, methanol, and glycerol. The results indicate that the composition of non-solvent in the coagulation bath has great influence in generated polymeric structure. Water was found to be the best coagulant for producing a CGC polymeric film structure. The characterizations that have been done include the analysis of viscosity and viscoelasticity measurement, as well as sugar composition in the membrane and total sugar that was released during the phase inversion method. The rheology test showed that both polymer mixtures exhibit a non- Newtonian shear thinning behaviour. Where the viscosity and viscoelasticity test reveal that CGCFCT mixture has a typical behaviour of a viscous solution with entangled polymer chains and CGCCommercial mixture has true gel behaviour. The experimental results show us that the generated CGC solution from choline acetate could be used to develop both polymeric film structure and gel. The generated structures are thermally stable at 100° C, and are hydrophilic. The produced films have dense structure and mechanical stabilities against puncture up to 60 kPa.


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Portuguese Science Foundation - project Electra PTDC/CTM/099124/2008 and the PhD grant SFRH/BD/45224. financial support: Professor E. Fortunato’s ERC 2008 Advanced Grant (INVISIBLE contract number 228144), “APPLE” FP7-NMP-2010-SME/262782-2 and “SMARTEC” FP7-ICT-2009.3.9/258203


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This work is divided into two distinct parts. The first part consists of the study of the metal organic framework UiO-66Zr, where the aim was to determine the force field that best describes the adsorption equilibrium properties of two different gases, methane and carbon dioxide. The other part of the work focuses on the study of the single wall carbon nanotube topology for ethane adsorption; the aim was to simplify as much as possible the solid-fluid force field model to increase the computational efficiency of the Monte Carlo simulations. The choice of both adsorbents relies on their potential use in adsorption processes, such as the capture and storage of carbon dioxide, natural gas storage, separation of components of biogas, and olefin/paraffin separations. The adsorption studies on the two porous materials were performed by molecular simulation using the grand canonical Monte Carlo (μ,V,T) method, over the temperature range of 298-343 K and pressure range 0.06-70 bar. The calibration curves of pressure and density as a function of chemical potential and temperature for the three adsorbates under study, were obtained Monte Carlo simulation in the canonical ensemble (N,V,T); polynomial fit and interpolation of the obtained data allowed to determine the pressure and gas density at any chemical potential. The adsorption equilibria of methane and carbon dioxide in UiO-66Zr were simulated and compared with the experimental data obtained by Jasmina H. Cavka et al. The results show that the best force field for both gases is a chargeless united-atom force field based on the TraPPE model. Using this validated force field it was possible to estimate the isosteric heats of adsorption and the Henry constants. In the Grand-Canonical Monte Carlo simulations of carbon nanotubes, we conclude that the fastest type of run is obtained with a force field that approximates the nanotube as a smooth cylinder; this approximation gives execution times that are 1.6 times faster than the typical atomistic runs.


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RESUMO - A exposição contínua a substâncias químicas tem consequências para a saúde humana, algumas das quais não estão ainda totalmente estabelecidas. A toxicologia ocupacional é uma área interdisciplinar que envolve conhecimentos de higiene e de medicina ocupacional, de epidemiologia e de toxicologia e que tem por principal objectivo prevenir a ocorrência de efeitos adversos decorrentes do ambiente ocupacional sendo um dos seus principais papéis fornecer o máximo de dados que possam contribuir para o conhecimento dos potenciais efeitos na saúde. O chumbo é um tóxico de características cumulativas que provoca na saúde efeitos principalmente sistémicos, ou seja, o efeito tóxico manifesta-se em locais afastados do contacto inicial que resultam essencialmente de exposições crónicas, resultantes de períodos de exposição mais ou menos longos ao metal (entre meses e anos). Pode interagir com diferentes órgãos e tecidos, ligando-se a moléculas e constituintes celulares. Uma vez que não possui qualquer função fisiológica, a presença do chumbo no organismo humano resulta numa série de efeitos prejudiciais que afectam diversos órgãos e sistemas. A toxicidade do chumbo manifesta-se em diversos órgãos e tecidos, nomeadamente no sistema hematopoiético, no sistema nervoso, no rim, no aparelho reprodutor, no sistema cardiovascular, no sistema endócrino e no sistema imunitário. Da interferência do chumbo com o funcionamento de alguns sistemas biológicos resultam um conjunto de alterações fundamentais ao nível dos processos de transporte através das membranas, da integridade estrutural e funcional das enzimas e de várias vias metabólicas, em especial da fosforilação oxidativa e da síntese do heme sendo os primeiros efeitos bioquímicos do chumbo detectados a partir de valores de plumbémia inferiores a 10 μg/dL. As medidas de higiene e segurança actualmente em vigor nos países desenvolvidos asseguram que os casos de intoxicação grave são cada vez menos frequentes. No entanto, o risco de exposição a nível ocupacional existe em todas as actividades que envolvem materiais que o contenham como as explorações mineiras, as fundições primária e secundária, a produção de baterias de chumbo ácido, a produção de vidro com pigmentos de chumbo, as soldaduras de reparação automóvel e a instrução de tiro. Desde 2006 o chumbo é considerado pela International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) uma substância carcinogénica do grupo 2A (provável carcinogénio para o ser humano). Considera-se, assim, que o chumbo tem, inequivocamente, capacidade de induzir cancro em animais experimentais mas que, embora haja fortes indícios de que os mecanismos que medeiam a carcinogénese desses compostos ocorrem no ser humano, os dados disponíveis ainda não podem assegurar essa relação. Com este estudo pretendeu-se contribuir para o conhecimento da toxicidade do chumbo através do estudo da exposição ao chumbo e da influência da susceptibilidade individual (em industrias sem co-exposição significativa a outros agentes conhecidos ou suspeitos de serem carcinogénicos). Pretendeu-se estudar o caso através de uma abordagem múltipla que permitisse relacionar diferentes tipos de marcadores biológicos uma vez que a monitorização biológica integra todas as possíveis vias de entrada no organismo (para além da via respiratória), eventuais exposições fora do contexto estritamente profissional assim como uma série de factores intrínsecos individuais (relacionados com modos de via, de natureza fisiológica e comportamentais). Sendo a co-exposição a outros compostos com propriedades genotóxicas e carcinogénicas uma questão difícil de tornear quando se quer avaliar o potencial genotóxico do chumbo em populações expostas, ocupacional ou ambientalmente este estudo tem a vantagem de ter sido efectuado em populações sem co-exposição conhecida a outras substâncias deste tipo, permitindo concluir sobre os efeitos resultantes apenas da exposição a chumbo na população humana, contribuindo para explicar algumas das aparentes inconsistências e contradições entre diferentes estudos sobre este tema. Os indicadores de exposição usados foram: indicadores de dose interna (doseamento de chumbo e de PPZ no sangue), indicadores de efeitos adversos no heme e genotóxicos (actividade da ALAD, teste do cometa e mutação em TCR) e indicadores de susceptibilidade (polimorfismos genéticos de ALAD e VDR) através de uma abordagem estatística de comparação directa de sub-grupos previamente definidos na população e da aplicação de um modelo de regressão múltipla. Este estudo revelou que os níveis de plumbémia na população portuguesa baixaram significativamente nos últimos 10 anos, tanto na população ocupacionalmente exposta como na população em geral e que a presença do genótipo B-B (do gene VDR) é preditiva das variações de plumbémia, quando comparada com o genótipo mais frequente na população, B-b; ao contrário, o genótipo b-b não aparenta ter influência em nenhum dos marcadores estudados. No que diz respeito a efeitos genotóxicos concluiu-se que estes não se manifestaram na população estudada, levando a concluir que nos níveis de exposição estudados, o chumbo não tem capacidade de induzir este tipo de efeitos per si levando ao reforço da hipótese, já levantada por outros autores, de que o mecanismo de genotoxicidade do chumbo seja essencialmente de promoção de processos de genotoxicidade desencadeados por outros agentes. A realização de estudos de efeitos genotóxicos e de stress oxidativo desenhados de forma a comparar grupos de trabalhadores expostos apenas a chumbo com grupos de trabalhadores com o mesmo nível de exposição a chumbo, mas com co-exposição a outros agentes reconhecidamente carcinogénicos poderá ajudar a aumentar o conhecimento deste efeito do chumbo na saúde humana.


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Evaporative cooling is a traditional strategy to improve summer comfort, which has gained renewed relevance in the context of the transition to a greener economy. Here, the potential for evaporative cooling of two common porous building materials, natural stone and ceramic brick, was evaluated. The work has relevance also to the protection of built heritage becauseevaporation underlies the problems of dampness and salt crystallization, which are so harmful and frequent in this heritage. It was observed that the drying rate of the materials is, in some cases, higher than the evaporation rate of a free water surface. Surface area measurements by a three-dimensional optical technique suggested, as probable cause of this behavior, that surface irregularity gives rise to a large effective surface of evaporation in the material. Surface temperature measurements by infrared were performed afterward during evaporation experiments outside during a hot summer day in Lisbon. Their results indicate that ordinary building materials can be very efficient evaporative media and, thus, may help in achieving higher energy efficiency while maintaining a simultaneous constructive or architectural function.


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The emergence of new fungal pathogens, either of plants or animals, and the increasing number of reported cases of resistant human pathogenic strains to the available antifungal drugs reinforces the need for better understanding the biology of filamentous fungi. Conventional drugs target components of the fungal membrane or cell wall, therefore identifying novel intracellular targets, yet unique to fungi, is a global priority.(...)


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In the field of energy, natural gas is an essential bridge to a clean, low carbon, renewable energy era. However, natural gas processing and transportation regulation require the removal of contaminant compounds such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Regarding clean air, the increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, specifically CO2, is of particular concern. Therefore, new costeffective, high performance technologies for carbon capture have been researched and the design of materials with the ability to efficiently separate CO2 from other gases is of vital importance.(...)


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RESUMO: A reprogramação celular permite que uma célula somática seja reprogramada para outra célula diferente através da expressão forçada de factores de transcrição (FTs) específicos de determinada linhagem celular, e constitui uma área de investigação emergente nos últimos anos. As células somáticas podem ser experimentalmente manipuladas de modo a obter células estaminais pluripotentes induzidas (CEPi), ou convertidas directamente noutro tipo de célula somática. Estas descobertas inovadoras oferecem oportunidades promissoras para o desenvolvimento de novas terapias de substituição celular e modelos de doença, funcionando também como ferramentas valiosas para o estudo dos mecanismos moleculares que estabelecem a identidade celular e regulam os processos de desenvolvimento. Existem várias doenças degenerativas hereditárias e adquiridas da retina que causam deficiência visual devido a uma disfunção no tecido de suporte da retina, o epitélio pigmentar da retina (EPR). Uma destas doenças é a Coroideremia (CHM), uma doença hereditária monogénica ligada ao cromossoma X causada por mutações que implicam a perda de função duma proteína com funções importantes na regulação do tráfico intracelular. A CHM é caracterizada pela degenerescência progressiva do EPR, assim como dos foto-receptores e da coróide. Resultados experimentais sugerem que o EPR desempenha um papel importante na patogénese da CHM, o que parece indicar uma possível vantagem terapêutica na substituição do EPR nos doentes com CHM. Por outro lado, existe uma lacuna em termos de modelos in vitro de EPR para estudar a CHM, o que pode explicar o ainda desconhecimento dos mecanismos moleculares que explicam a patogénese desta doença. Assim, este trabalho focou-se principalmente na exploração das potencialidades das técnicas de reprogramação celular no contexto das doenças de degenerescência da retina, em particular no caso da CHM. Células de murganho de estirpe selvagem, bem como células derivadas de um ratinho modelo de knockout condicional de Chm, foram convertidos com sucesso em CEPi recorrendo a um sistema lentiviral induzido que permite a expressão forçada dos 4 factores clássicos de reprogramação, a saber Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 e c-Myc. Estas células mostraram ter equivalência morfológica, molecular e funcional a células estaminais embrionárias (CES). As CEPi obtidas foram seguidamente submetidas a protocolos de diferenciação com o objectivo final de obter células do EPR. Os resultados promissores obtidos revelam a possibilidade de gerar um valioso modelo de EPR-CHM para estudos in vitro. Em alternativa, a conversão directa de linhagens partindo de fibroblastos para obter células do EPR foi também abordada. Uma vasta gama de ferramentas moleculares foi gerada de modo a implementar uma estratégia mediada por FTs-chave, seleccionados devido ao seu papel fundamental no desenvolvimento embrionário e especificação do EPR. Conjuntos de 10 ou menos FTs foram usados para transduzir fibroblastos, que adquiriram morfologia pigmentada e expressão de alguns marcadores específicos do EPR. Adicionalmente, observou-se a activação de regiões promotoras de genes específicos de EPR, indicando que a identidade transcricional das células foi alterada no sentido pretendido. Em conclusão, avanços significativos foram atingidos no sentido da implementação de tecnologias de reprogramação celular já estabelecidas, bem como na concepção de novas estratégias inovadoras. Metodologias de reprogramação, quer para pluripotência, quer via conversão directa, foram aplicadas com o objectivo final de gerar células do EPR. O trabalho aqui descrito abre novos caminhos para o estabelecimento de terapias de substituição celular e, de uma maneira mais directa, levanta a possibilidade de modelar doenças degenerativas da retina com disfunção do EPR numa placa de petri, em particular no caso da CHM.---------------ABSTRACT: Cellular reprogramming is an emerging research field in which a somatic cell is reprogrammed into a different cell type by forcing the expression of lineage-specific transcription factors (TFs). Cellular identities can be manipulated using experimental techniques with the attainment of pluripotency properties and the generation of induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells, or the direct conversion of one somatic cell into another somatic cell type. These pioneering discoveries offer new unprecedented opportunities for the establishment of novel cell-based therapies and disease models, as well as serving as valuable tools for the study of molecular mechanisms governing cell fate establishment and developmental processes. Several retinal degenerative disorders, inherited and acquired, lead to visual impairment due to an underlying dysfunction of the support cells of the retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Choroideremia (CHM), an X-linked monogenic disease caused by a loss of function mutation in a key regulator of intracellular trafficking, is characterized by a progressive degeneration of the RPE and other components of the retina, such as the photoreceptors and the choroid. Evidence suggest that RPE plays an important role in CHM pathogenesis, thus implying that regenerative approaches aiming at rescuing RPE function may be of great benefit for CHM patients. Additionally, lack of appropriate in vitro models has contributed to the still poorly-characterized molecular events in the base of CHM degenerative process. Therefore, the main focus of this work was to explore the potential applications of cellular reprogramming technology in the context of RPE-related retinal degenerations. The generation of mouse iPS cells was established and optimized using an inducible lentiviral system to force the expression of the classic set of TFs, namely Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc. Wild-type cells, as well as cells derived from a conditional knockout (KO) mouse model of Chm, were successfully converted into a pluripotent state, that displayed morphology, molecular and functional equivalence to Embryonic Stem (ES) cells. Generated iPS cells were then subjected to differentiation protocols towards the attainment of a RPE cell fate, with promising results highlighting the possibility of generating a valuable Chm-RPE in vitro model. In alternative, direct lineage conversion of fibroblasts into RPE-like cells was also tackled. A TF-mediated approach was implemented after the generation of a panoply of molecular tools needed for such studies. After transduction with pools of 10 or less TFs, selected for their key role on RPE developmental process and specification, fibroblasts acquired a pigmented morphology and expression of some RPE-specific markers. Additionally, promoter regions of RPE-specific genes were activated indicating that the transcriptional identity of the cells was being altered into the pursued cell fate. In conclusion, highly significant progress was made towards the implementation of already established cellular reprogramming technologies, as well as the designing of new innovative ones. Reprogramming into pluripotency and lineage conversion methodologies were applied to ultimately generate RPE cells. These studies open new avenues for the establishment of cell replacement therapies and, more straightforwardly,raise the possibility of modelling retinal degenerations with underlying RPE defects in apetri dish, particularly CHM.


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Nowadays, authentication studies for paintings require a multidisciplinary approach, based on the contribution of visual features analysis but also on characterizations of materials and techniques. Moreover, it is important that the assessment of the authorship of a painting is supported by technical studies of a selected number of original artworks that cover the entire career of an artist. This dissertation is concerned about the work of modernist painter Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso. It is divided in three parts. In the first part, we propose a tool based on image processing that combines information obtained by brushstroke and materials analysis. The resulting tool provides qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the authorship of the paintings; the quantitative element is particularly relevant, as it could be crucial in solving authorship controversies, such as judicial disputes. The brushstroke analysis was performed by combining two algorithms for feature detection, namely Gabor filter and Scale Invariant Feature Transform. Thanks to this combination (and to the use of the Bag-of-Features model), the proposed method shows an accuracy higher than 90% in distinguishing between images of Amadeo’s paintings and images of artworks by other contemporary artists. For the molecular analysis, we implemented a semi-automatic system that uses hyperspectral imaging and elemental analysis. The system provides as output an image that depicts the mapping of the pigments present, together with the areas made using materials not coherent with Amadeo’s palette, if any. This visual output is a simple and effective way of assessing the results of the system. The tool proposed based on the combination of brushstroke and molecular information was tested in twelve paintings obtaining promising results. The second part of the thesis presents a systematic study of four selected paintings made by Amadeo in 1917. Although untitled, three of these paintings are commonly known as BRUT, Entrada and Coty; they are considered as his most successful and genuine works. The materials and techniques of these artworks have never been studied before. The paintings were studied with a multi-analytical approach using micro-Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy, micro-Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, micro-Spectrofluorimetry and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The characterization of Amadeo’s materials and techniques used on his last paintings, as well as the investigation of some of the conservation problems that affect these paintings, is essential to enrich the knowledge on this artist. Moreover, the study of the materials in the four paintings reveals commonalities between the paintings BRUT and Entrada. This observation is supported also by the analysis of the elements present in a photograph of a collage (conserved at the Art Library of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), the only remaining evidence of a supposed maquete of these paintings. The final part of the thesis describes the application of the image processing tools developed in the first part of the thesis on a set of case studies; this experience demonstrates the potential of the tool to support painting analysis and authentication studies. The brushstroke analysis was used as additional analysis on the evaluation process of four paintings attributed to Amadeo, and the system based on hyperspectral analysis was applied on the painting dated 1917. The case studies therefore serve as a bridge between the first two parts of the dissertation.