992 resultados para Catholic Church Catechism, Polish


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Angola vivia em guerra civil de 1989 a 2002, arco temporal que esta tese abrange. A minha investigação propôs-se estudar o impacto político das intervenções da Igreja Católica na pacificação do país. O papel que a Igreja desempenha na Paz deriva dos seus compromissos na luta a favor da Justiça. Para a fundamentação teórica aprofundei conceitos de Justiça, Paz, Política e Conflito, Cultura Banto, Teologias Africanas e Igreja Colonial, elementos que estão encadeados. O trabalho de campo incidiu sobre as Mensagens dos Bispos de Angola, Depoimentos e Eventos, Movimentos e Instituições, confirmando que as intervenções da Igreja Católica tiveram impacto político e foram decisivas para o fim da guerra civil, abrindo caminhos à reconciliação dos angolanos e à reconstrução das estruturas num país marcado por 27 anos de guerra civil. A Igreja Católica interveio a favor da Justiça e da Paz, sendo este trabalho legitimado pela coerência das suas posições e pelo reconhecimento, confiança e apoio por parte das populações. Este dado é confirmado por figuras independentes como é o caso do Presidente Eduardo dos Santos, do Dr. Jonas Savimbi e jornalistas e académicos citados. Num contexto de desequilíbrio total, as práticas da Igreja são reequilibradoras da Paz à custa da Justiça.


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Angola viveu largos séculos sob o peso do colonialismo a que se sucedeu uma longa guerra civil. Em 1989, cai o Muro de Berlim e começam as primeiras negociações em ordem ao cessar-fogo. A crueldade da guerra acentua-se e este país lusófono só conhece o fim dos combates em 2002, com a assinatura do Memorando de Luena, após a morte do Dr. Jonas Savimbi. Este trabalho estuda as numerosas Mensagens publicadas pelos Bispos Católicos. Há uma ideia de fundo que passa por todas elas: a da urgência da paz. Sempre se propõe um calar de armas, um sentar-se para negociar, um olhar para o povo mártir, um ler melhor a declaração universal dos direitos humanos. Como caminhos para a paz, a Conferência dos Bispos sempre apontou a democratização do país, o multipartidarismo e as eleições livres. Estas foram,durante anos a fio, ideias proibidas em Angola. Estes textos, além de ricos em conteúdo, são revolucionários nas dinâmicas que geraram e nos caminhos que abriram. Além do mais, não se situavam no simples âmbito de teorias, uma vez que a Igreja escrevia e agia. As intervenções humanitárias no terreno, sobretudo através da Caritas e das Missões, foram decisivas para salvar milhares de pessoas da fome e da morte por doenças.


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El artículo analiza el proceso de elaboración de la Constitución ecuatoriana de 1861, sus principales innovaciones y los debates que suscitó. Esta carta constitucional amplió el sufragio y modificó la estructura administrativa territorial, y sustituyó la división geográfica del Ecuador en departamentos por provincias. También revisa los impactos regionales que produjo la nueva estructura administrativa. Además, el estudio realiza una descripción de la coyuntura en que ascendió Gabriel García Moreno a la jefatura del Estado ecuatoriano y las discrepancias en torno a las libertades individuales, las políticas económicas y las relaciones entre la Iglesia y el Estado católico.


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Partnerships are complex, diverse and subtle relationships, the nature of which changes with time, but they are vital for the functioning of the development chain. This paper reviews the meaning of partnership between development institutions as well as some of the main approaches taken to analyse the relationships. The latter typically revolve around analyses based on power, discourse, interdependence and functionality. The paper makes the case for taking a multianalytical approach to understanding partnership but points out three problem areas: identifying acceptable/unacceptable trade-offs between characteristics of partnership, the analysis of multicomponent partnerships (where one partner has a number of other partners) and the analysis of long-term partnership. The latter is especially problematic for long-term partnerships between donors and field agencies that share an underlying commitment based on religious beliefs. These problems with current methods of analysing partnership are highlighted by focusing upon the Catholic Church-based development chain, linking donors in the North (Europe) and their field partners in the South (Abuja Ecclesiastical Province, Nigeria). It explores a narrated history of a relationship with a single donor spanning 35 years from the perspective of one partner (the field agency).


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Partnership is increasingly espoused as the best relationship between members of the sustainable development aid chain, and implies a respect for the position of all and a desire to avoid a situation where one group dominates another. It also implies a form of relationship that is not just 'better' for the sake of it but that is more able to help achieve sustainable development. However, given the inevitable inequalities in power between donors that have the resources and field partners that do not it can be hard to put this ideal into practice. This paper explores the function of partnership within a group of closely related institutions that comprise the Catholic Church development chain. The research focussed on three Catholic Church based donors (one from the USA and two from Europe) and their partners in Abuja Ecclesiastical Province, Nigeria. Relationships between and within various strata of the Church in Nigeria were also examined. Relationships were 'patchy' at all levels. One of the donors had a significant operational presence in Nigeria and this was regarded by some respondents as a parallel structure that seriously undermined local bodies. However, while problems existed, there was a sense of inter-dependence arising from a shared sense of values and Catholic Social Teaching, which allowed partners to work through their stresses and conflicts. It is the innate sustainability of the aid chain itself founded upon a set of shared values that provided the space and time for problems to be addressed. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.


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The impact of the Reformation was felt strongly in the nature and character of the priesthood, and in the function and reputation of the priest. A shift in the understanding of the priesthood was one of the most tangible manifestations of doctrinal change, evident in the physical arrangement of the church, in the language of the liturgy, and in the relaxation of the discipline of celibacy, which had for centuries bound priests in the Latin tradition to a life of perpetual continence. Clerical celibacy, and accusations of clerical incontinence, featured prominently in evangelical criticisms of the Catholic church and priesthood, which made a good deal of polemical capital out of the perceived relationship of the priest and the efficacy of his sacred function. Citing St Paul, Protestant polemicists presented clerical marriage as the only, and appropriate remedy, for priestly immorality. But did the advent of a married priesthood create more problems than it solved? The polemical certainties that informed evangelical writing on sacerdotal celibacy did not guarantee the immediate acceptance of a married priesthood, and the vocabulary that had been used to denounce clergy who failed in their obligation to celibacy was all too readily turned against the married clergy. The anti-clerical lexicon, and its usage, remained remarkably static despite the substantial doctrinal and practical challenges posed to the traditional model of priesthood by the Protestant Reformation.


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El desbarrancadero, published in 2001 by Colombian author Fernando Vallejo is foremost a moving story about brotherly love, but it is also a highly critical novel that lashes out on a number of phenomena such as the catholic church, the Pope and the very idea of religion. It also addresses the poverty of Colombia, its corrupt politicians, the drug trade, viral diseases and animal abuse to mention a few more subjects. This essay however, does not aim to explore any of the above mentioned matters but rather examine how women are portrayed in this novel. The objective of this investigation, based on feminist theories, is to establish the very clear presence of misogyny attitudes.


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Background: Ugandan law prohibits abortion under all circumstances except where there is a risk for the woman's life. However, it has been estimated that over 250 000 illegal abortions are being performed in the country yearly. Many of these abortions are carried out under unsafe conditions, being one of the most common reasons behind the nearly 5000 maternal deaths per year in Uganda. Little research has been conducted in relation to societal views on abortion within the Ugandan society. This study aims to analyze the discourse on abortion as expressed in the two main daily Ugandan newspapers. Method: The conceptual content of 59 articles on abortion between years 2006-2012, from the two main daily English-speaking newspapers in Uganda, was studied using principles from critical discourse analysis. Results: A religious discourse and a human rights discourse, together with medical and legal sub discourses frame the subject of abortion in Uganda, with consequences for who is portrayed as a victim and who is to blame for abortions taking place. It shows the strong presence of the Catholic Church within the medial debate on abortion. The results also demonstrate the absence of medial statements related to abortion made by political stakeholders. Conclusions: The Catholic Church has a strong position within the Ugandan society and their stance on abortion tends to have great influence on the way other actors and their activities are presented within the media, as well as how stakeholders choose to convey their message, or choose not to publicly debate the issue in question at all. To decrease the number of maternal deaths, we highlight the need for a more inclusive and varied debate that problematizes the current situation, especially from a gender perspective.


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Embryonic stem cell research is perhaps the most controversial ethical issue of the new century. This is not surprising. It promises unprecedented potential benefits to human health but arguably comes at the expense of violating the most fundamental moral virtue - the right to life. The debate has become increasingly emotive. The Catholic Church has labelled stem cell research as cannibalism.1 This has led perhaps the world's most famous moral philosopher, Peter Singer, to label the Church, which has over a billion followers, as irrelevant.2 The principal purpose of this paper is not to  discuss all of the relevant moral issues in the embryonic stem cell debate. Considerations of space do not permit this and in any event there are  numerous reports which catalogue the relevant issues.3 Rather we attempt  to identify the crux of the issues in the debate. In our view, the main issue is the point at which life commences. We offer some preliminary observations on this matter. This discussion appears in section four. In the next section, we provide a brief  overview of nature and potential benefits of stem cell  research. This is followed by a discussion of the current legal position. In the final section, we offer some concluding remarks including some  suggestions for law reform.


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Throughout the Christian story, Church doctrine and ecclesiology have been shrouded in controversy. From the Council of Nicea in 325, when are early Church fathers debated about the Trinity of Christ all the way to the modern day with Vatican II theological controversies have been important in the molding of Christian doctrine on the structure, role, and function of the Church. What makes those controversies different from the ones I treat in my thesis is that the previously mentioned controversies did not lead to schismatic divisions in the Church. The Donatist controversy and Luther's theological battle with Karlstadt were major movements that endangered the unity of the Church. These controversies propagated crucial writings and teachings in two major areas. The first area is the spiritual power and validity of the sacraments. Second is the role, function, and ecclesiology of the Church, with particular attention to the authority of the ministry. I want to demonstrate that these controversies refined the Church's thinking on sacramental issues such as baptism and Eucharist, as well as address the question of who has the power in the Church? And to what extent do they have the power to press reforms?


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Australian scientists in Sydney made medical history by creating a life-saving brother for a child with an incurable genetic disease. Features the case of a Tasmanian couple who, with their help, have this life-saving baby, at their third try. The pioneering IVF treatment, which is legal only in N.S.W., hit the news headlines, sparking an ethical storm. Examines the moral and ethical issues that genetic manipulation raises, including the potential uses and misuses of genetic technology. Raises also the spectre of an extreme form of eugenics, as seen in the World War II Nazi push to create a master race through human genetics. Some view eugenics as another form of PGD. Presents the diverse views of eminent ethicists and the Catholic Church, world wide.


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This thesis researches the long career of Hans Küng as a 'Catholic' theologian and as a polemicist reformer. The research demonstrates that he uses theology as a political tool in his call for Church reform and concludes that Kung is best understood as a political reformer rather than as a 'Catholic' theologian.