939 resultados para Capacitance meters.
Nanostructured MnO2 was synthesized at ambient condition by reduction of potassium permanganate with aniline. Powder X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis (thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area, and infrared spectroscopy studies were carried out for physical and chemical characterization. The as-prepared MnO2 was amorphous and contained particles of 5-10 nm diameter. Upon annealing at temperatures >400°C, the amorphous MnO2 attained crystalline α-phase with a concomitant change in morphology. A gradual conversion of nanoparticles to nanorods is evident from scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies. High-resolution TEM images suggested that nanoparticles and nanorods grow in different crystallographic planes. Capacitance behavior was studied by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling in a potential range from -0.2 to 1.0 V vs SCE in 0.1 M sodium sulfate solution. Specific capacitance of about 250 F g-1 was obtained at a current density of 0.5 mA cm-2(0.8 A g-1).
Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression that are not the result of genetic alterations. These changes include DNA methylation, histone modifications, or indeed microRNA expression. Chromatin is a tightly compacted DNA–protein complex that allows approximately two meters of DNA to be packaged inside a cell, only a few micrometers across. Although the resulting DNA structure is very stable, it is not very amiable to DNA-dependent processes, so mechanisms have to exist to allow processes such as transcription, replication, and DNA repair to occur. This chapter will look at how a cell responds to and deals with genomic instability at the epigenetic level and highlight how critical chromatin remodeling is for correct DNA repair and cell survival following DNA damage. This chapter will initially look at the DNA repair pathways that function in human cells and then at how the repair of DNA damage is controlled by epigenetics.
Silicon particle detectors are used in several applications and will clearly require better hardness against particle radiation in the future large scale experiments than can be provided today. To achieve this goal, more irradiation studies with defect generating bombarding particles are needed. Protons can be considered as important bombarding species, although neutrons and electrons are perhaps the most widely used particles in such irradiation studies. Protons provide unique possibilities, as their defect production rates are clearly higher than those of neutrons and electrons, and, their damage creation in silicon is most similar to the that of pions. This thesis explores the development and testing of an irradiation facility that provides the cooling of the detector and on-line electrical characterisation, such as current-voltage (IV) and capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements. This irradiation facility, which employs a 5-MV tandem accelerator, appears to function well, but some disadvantageous limitations are related to MeV-proton irradiation of silicon particle detectors. Typically, detectors are in non-operational mode during irradiation (i.e., without the applied bias voltage). However, in real experiments the detectors are biased; the ionising proton generates electron-hole pairs, and a rise in rate of proton flux may cause the detector to breakdown. This limits the proton flux for the irradiation of biased detectors. In this work, it is shown that, if detectors are irradiated and kept operational, the electric field decreases the introduction rate of negative space-charges and current-related damage. The effects of various particles with different energies are scaled to each others by the non-ionising energy loss (NIEL) hypothesis. The type of defects induced by irradiation depends on the energy used, and this thesis also discusses the minimum proton energy required at which the NIEL-scaling is valid.
Measurable electrical signal is generated when a gas flows over a variety of solids, including doped semiconductors, even at the modest speed of a few meters per second. The underlying mechanism is an interesting interplay of Bernoulli's principle and the Seebeck effect. The electrical signal depends on the square of Mach number (M) and is proportional to the Seebeck coefficient (S) of the solids. Here we present experimental estimate of the response time of the signal rise and fall process, i.e. how fast the semiconductor materials respond to a steady flow as soon as it is set on or off. A theoretical model is also presented to understand the process and the dependence of the response time on the nature and physical dimensions of the semiconductor material used and they are compared with the experimental observations. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Artificial superlattices of SrTiO3 and BaZrO3 were grown epitaxially with different periodicities on SrRuO3 coated (00 1) SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed excimer laser ablation. Superlattices were structurally characterized by X-Ray theta-2 theta diffraction data. Electrical characterization was done in metal-insulation-metal configuration. Capacitance-voltage measurements showed limited amount of tunability. The DC field induced tunability has been observed to be sensitive to the periodicity of the superlattices, hence the effective strain present in the layers. Hysteretic behaviour in capacitance-voltage (C-V) and polarization versus electric field (P-E) results from the superlattices also indicate the sensitivity of the interfaces. Interfacial strain is supposed to be the most probable cause for such a behaviour which is also manifested in the variation of dielectric constant with individual layer thicknesses. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There has been increasing interest on various properties and applications of electronically conducting polymers. Polyethylenedioxythiophene (PEDOT) is an interesting polymer of this type as it exhibits very high ionic conductivity. In the present study, PEDOT has been electrochemically deposited on stainless steel (SS) substrate for supercapacitor studies. PEDOT/SS electrodes prepared in 0.1M H2SO4 in presence of a surfactant, sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS), have been found to yield higher specific capacitance (SC) than the electrodes prepared from neutral aqueous electrolyte. The effects of concentration of H(2)SO4(,) concentration of SDS, potential of deposition, and nature of supporting electrolytes used for capacitor studies on SC of the PEDOT/SS electrodes have been studied. SC values as high as 250 F/g in 1M oxalic acid have been obtained during the initial stages of cycling. However, there is a rapid decrease in SC on repeated charge-discharge cycling. Spectroscopic data reflect structural changes in PEDOT on extended cycling. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Interaction between forests and the atmosphere occurs by radiative and turbulent transport. The fluxes of energy and mass between surface and the atmosphere directly influence the properties of the lower atmosphere and in longer time scales the global climate. Boreal forest ecosystems are central in the global climate system, and its responses to human activities, because they are significant sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and of aerosol particles. The aim of the present work was to improve our understanding on the existing interplay between biologically active canopy, microenvironment and turbulent flow and quantify. In specific, the aim was to quantify the contribution of different canopy layers to whole forest fluxes. For this purpose, long-term micrometeorological and ecological measurements made in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest at SMEAR II research station in Southern Finland were used. The properties of turbulent flow are strongly modified by the interaction between the canopy elements: momentum is efficiently absorbed in the upper layers of the canopy, mean wind speed and turbulence intensities decrease rapidly towards the forest floor and power spectra is modulated by spectral short-cut . In the relative open forest, diabatic stability above the canopy explained much of the changes in velocity statistics within the canopy except in strongly stable stratification. Large eddies, ranging from tens to hundred meters in size, were responsible for the major fraction of turbulent transport between a forest and the atmosphere. Because of this, the eddy-covariance (EC) method proved to be successful for measuring energy and mass exchange inside a forest canopy with exception of strongly stable conditions. Vertical variations of within canopy microclimate, light attenuation in particular, affect strongly the assimilation and transpiration rates. According to model simulations, assimilation rate decreases with height more rapidly than stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration and, consequently, the vertical source-sink distributions for carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) diverge. Upscaling from a shoot scale to canopy scale was found to be sensitive to chosen stomatal control description. The upscaled canopy level CO2 fluxes can vary as much as 15 % and H2O fluxes 30 % even if the gs models are calibrated against same leaf-level dataset. A pine forest has distinct overstory and understory layers, which both contribute significantly to canopy scale fluxes. The forest floor vegetation and soil accounted between 18 and 25 % of evapotranspiration and between 10 and 20 % of sensible heat exchange. Forest floor was also an important deposition surface for aerosol particles; between 10 and 35 % of dry deposition of particles within size range 10 30 nm occurred there. Because of the northern latitudes, seasonal cycle of climatic factors strongly influence the surface fluxes. Besides the seasonal constraints, partitioning of available energy to sensible and latent heat depends, through stomatal control, on the physiological state of the vegetation. In spring, available energy is consumed mainly as sensible heat and latent heat flux peaked about two months later, in July August. On the other hand, annual evapotranspiration remains rather stable over range of environmental conditions and thus any increase of accumulated radiation affects primarily the sensible heat exchange. Finally, autumn temperature had strong effect on ecosystem respiration but its influence on photosynthetic CO2 uptake was restricted by low radiation levels. Therefore, the projected autumn warming in the coming decades will presumably reduce the positive effects of earlier spring recovery in terms of carbon uptake potential of boreal forests.
Suomenlinna on yksi Helsingin suosituimmista matkailu- ja kulttuurinähtävyyksistä. Kustaanmiekan, samoin kuin koko Suomenlinnan luonto on muodostunut perinteisestä suomalaisesta saaristoluonnosta ja vuosisatojen saatossa paikalle tulleista linnoituksien kasvistosta. Saaren vaihtelevien elinympäristöjen johdosta alueen kasvillisuus on hyvin rikasta. Linnoituksien monet kasvilajit ovat tulleet tulokaskasveina eri puolilta Eurooppaa sekä Venäjältä. Suurin osa Suomenlinnan alueesta on kallioketoa ja tämän lisäksi myös valliketoa, joista molemmat kuuluvat suojeltaviin alueisiin. Kustaanmiekan niityillä kasvaa keto- ja paahdelajeja, kuten harvinaista ketonoidanlukkoa (Botrychium lunaria L.) sekä ketoneilikkaa (Dianthus deltoides L.). Tämän tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa Kustaanmiekan alueen kesäkauden 2009 ketokasvilajisto ja eri putkilokasvilajien runsaus. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös maaperätekijöiden ja alueen hoitohistorian mahdollista vaikutusta ketokasvilajistoon. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin kymmenen eri kedon kasvillisuus Suomenlinnan Kustaanmiekan linnoitusalueella. Kedot sijaitsivat eri puolilla Kustaanmiekkaa, sellaisilla paikoilla, missä ketokasvillisuus oli runsainta. Maastotyöt suoritettiin kesä- ja heinäkuussa laskemalla jokaisen kedon ruutujen putkilokasvien peittävyydet sekä listaamalla ylös myös ruutujen ulkopuoliset kevät- ja loppukesän kukkijat touko- ja elokuussa. Maaperän ominaisuuksien määrittämiseksi otettiin kultakin kedolta pintamaanäytteet elokuussa. Muita tutkittuja muuttujia olivat maapinnan kaltevuus sekä sammalen, karikkeen, paljaan maan, kenttäkasvillisuuden pohjakerros ja kallion osuus tutkimusruuduilla. Ketojen kasvillisuuden keskimääräinen korkeus mitattiin kesä- ja heinäkuussa. Kasvistossa oli selviä eroavaisuuksia ketojen välillä. Kasvilajien määrä vaihteli ketojen kokonaislajimäärän ollessa 40-60 kasvilajia. Yhteensä kedoilta löytyi 120 eri putkilokasvilajia, joista useimmat kukkivat sekä kesä- että heinäkuussa. Ketojen kasvilajimäärä vaihteli yhdellä neliömetrillä 6,3-13,6 kasvilajiin, minkä lisäksi Shannon-Wienerin diversiteetti-indeksi vaihteli 1,4-2,3 arvon välillä. Yleisimpiä lajeja, joita kedoilla tavattiin, olivat muun muassa siankärsämö (Achillea millefolium L.), koiranheinä (Dactylis glomerata L.), juolavehnä (Elymus repens L.) ja hopeahanhikki (Potentilla argentea L.). Alueella kasvoi myös muutamia sotatulokaslajeja kuten harmiota (Berteroa incana L.), ukonpalkoa (Bunias orientalis L.) ja karvahorsmaa (Epilobium hirsutum L.). Maaperätekijöillä, kuten suurella fosforin pitoisuudella ei ollut vaikutusta kasvilajien määrään kedoilla. Vain maan pH ja johtoluku korreloivat positiivisesti ketojen kasvillisuuden korkeuden kanssa. Vaikka tulosten perusteella ketojen hoidolla ei ollut vaikutusta ketojen kasvillisuuden määrään, voidaan kuitenkin olettaa oikeanlaisen hoidon parantavan tyypillisten ketokasvien kilpailukykyä muita niittykasveja kohtaan.
Doping dependent current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements were carried out on polypyrrole devices in metal-polymer-metal sandwich structure. Temperature dependent I-V measurements infer that space-charge limited conduction (SCLC) with exponential trap distribution is appropriate for the moderately doped samples, whereas trap-free SCLC is observed in lightly doped samples. Trap densities and energies are estimated, the effective mobility is calculated using the Poole-Frenkel model, and the mobility exhibits thermally activated behavior. Frequency dependent capacitance-voltage characteristics show a peak near zero bias voltage, which implies that these devices are symmetric with a negligible barrier height at the metal-polymer interface. Low frequency capacitance measurements have revealed a negative capacitance at higher voltages due to the processes associated with the injection and redistribution of space-charges. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Manganese dioxide is known to be an important electroactive material for supercapacitors. Generally, delta-MnO2 is subjected to electrochemical characterization studies in aqueous electrolytes of Na2SO4. It exhibits capacitance behaviour in the potential range between 0 and 1.0 V vs. SCE (saturated calomel electrode). In the present study, it is shown that delta-MnO2 exhibits capacitance behaviour in Sr(NO3)(2) electrolytes also. The suitable potential range in this electrolyte is also found to be 0-1.0 V. Specific capacitancemeasured in Sr(NO3)(2) electrolyte is 192 F g(-1). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data confirm that Sr2+ ions get inserted onto delta-MnO2 anoparticles. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Counting-rate meters normally used for finding pulse frequencies are sluggish in their response to any rapid change in the pulse repetition frequency (P.R.F.). An instrument is described which measures each pulse interval and provides immediately afterwards an output voltage proportional to the reciprocal of interval duration. A response to a change in the P.R.F. as rapidly as is physically possible is obtained. The instrument has wide application in low level radiation detection and in several other fields especially for rapidly varying counting-rates.
A coaxial capacitance voltage divider with a ratio of 110 and a rise time much less than 2.5 ns was developed for use with a transmission line pulse generator capable of producing 100 kV rectangular pulses of 2 mu s duration. The low voltage arm of the divider is a 3 cm long tube of titania (TiO2) turned out from a cylindrical compact. The compact was made by first pressing titania powder using a suitable binder and then sintering at controlled temperatures. The tube was slipped over the terminating end of the pulse-forming cable to form the divider with the cable capacitance.
This paper presents time-domain characteristics of induced current and voltage on a rocket in the presence of its exhaust plume when an electromagnetic (EM) wave generated by a nearby lightning discharge is incident on it. For the EM-field interaction with the rocket, the finite-difference time-domain technique has been used. The distributed electrical parameters, such as capacitance and inductance of the rocket and its exhaust plume, are computed using the method of moments technique. For the electrical characterization of the exhaust plume, the computational fluid dynamics technique has been used. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the exhaust plume is 0.12 S/m near the exit plane and it reduces to 0.02 S/m at the downstream end. The relative permittivity varies from 0.91 to 0.99. The exhaust plume behaves as a good conductor for EM fields with frequencies less than 2.285 GHz. It has been observed that the peak value of the induced current on the rocket gets enhanced significantly in the presence of the conducting exhaust plume for the rocket and exhaust plume dimensions and parameters studied. The magnitude of the time-varying induced current at the tail is much more than that of any other section of the rocket.
This paper presents time-domain characteristics of induced current and voltage on a rocket in the presence of its exhaust plume when an electromagnetic (EM) wave generated by a nearby lightning discharge is incident on it. For the EM-field interaction with the rocket, the finite-difference time-domain technique has been used. The distributed electrical parameters, such as capacitance and inductance of the rocket and its exhaust plume, are computed using the method of moments technique. For the electrical characterization of the exhaust plume, the computational fluid dynamics technique has been used. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the exhaust plume is 0.12 S/m near the exit plane and it reduces to 0.02 S/m at the downstream end. The relative permittivity varies from 0.91 to 0.99. The exhaust plume behaves as a good conductor for EM fields with frequencies less than 2.285 GHz. It has been observed that the peak value of the induced current on the rocket gets enhanced significantly in the presence of the conducting exhaust plume for the rocket and exhaust plume dimensions and parameters studied. The magnitude of the time-varying induced current at the tail is much more than that of any other section of the rocket.
A three-terminal capacitance bridge is developed for the measurement of the dielectric constant of lossy liquids. Using this modified ratio transformer bridge, the capacitance shunted by a resistance as low as 50 Omega is measured at 10 kHz. The capacitance error associated with the inductance of the connecting wire is compensated using the novel method of introducing an additional transformer to the existing ratio transformer bridge. Other sources of capacitance errors, such as the non-zero output impedence of the ratio transformer and the shield capacitances of the cables, are discussed.