939 resultados para Cajal bodies
A significant percentage of the gene clusters that contain the human genes for U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) or for U2 snRNA have been found associated with small nuclear domains, known as coiled bodies. We show here, by immunofluorescent labeling of human cells, that coiled bodies are enriched in factors required for the transcription of these snRNA genes. The 45-kDa γ-subunit of the transcription factor, proximal element sequence-binding transcription factor (PTF), which is specific for the snRNA genes, was found in high concentrations in coiled bodies, along with the general transcription factor TATA-box binding protein and a subset of RNA polymerase II. We show that the transcription factors and RNA polymerase II are concentrated in irregularly shaped domains that not only overlap with coiled bodies but also extend to their immediate surroundings. Fluorescent in situ hybridization showed that these domains can overlap with U2 snRNA genes adjacent to coiled bodies. In addition, we found the domains to contain newly synthesized RNA, visualized by 5-bromo-uridine triphosphate labeling. Our data suggest that coiled bodies are involved in the expression of snRNA genes, which leads us to propose the model that coiled bodies are associated with snRNA genes to facilitate and regulate their transcription. These findings point to a general principle of higher order organization of gene expression in the nucleus.
We have cloned the UNI3 gene in Chlamydomonas and find that it encodes a new member of the tubulin superfamily. Although Uni3p shares significant sequence identity with α-, β-, and γ-tubulins, there is a region of Uni3p that has no similarity to tubulins or other known proteins. Mutant uni3–1 cells assemble zero, one, or two flagella. Pedigree analysis suggests that flagellar number in uni3–1 cells is a function of the age of the cell. The uniflagellate uni3–1 cells show a positional phenotype; the basal body opposite the eyespot templates the single flagellum. A percentage of uni3–1 cells also fail to orient the cleavage furrow properly, and basal bodies have been implicated in the placement of cleavage furrows in Chlamydomonas. Finally when uni3–1 cells are observed by electron microscopy, doublet rather than triplet microtubules are observed at the proximal end of the basal bodies. We propose that the Uni3 tubulin is involved in both the function and cell cycle-dependent maturation of basal bodies/centrioles.
The spindle pole body (SPB) is the major microtubule-organizing center of budding yeast and is the functional equivalent of the centrosome in higher eukaryotic cells. We used fast-frozen, freeze-substituted cells in conjunction with high-voltage electron tomography to study the fine structure of the SPB and the events of early spindle formation. Individual structures were imaged at 5–10 nm resolution in three dimensions, significantly better than can be achieved by serial section electron microscopy. The SPB is organized in distinct but coupled layers, two of which show ordered two-dimensional packing. The SPB central plaque is anchored in the nuclear envelope with hook-like structures. The minus ends of nuclear microtubules (MTs) are capped and are tethered to the SPB inner plaque, whereas the majority of MT plus ends show a distinct flaring. Unbudded cells containing a single SPB retain 16 MTs, enough to attach to each of the expected 16 chromosomes. Their median length is ∼150 nm. MTs growing from duplicated but not separated SPBs have a median length of ∼130 nm and interdigitate over the bridge that connects the SPBs. As a bipolar spindle is formed, the median MT length increases to ∼300 nm and then decreases to ∼30 nm in late anaphase. Three-dimensional models confirm that there is no conventional metaphase and that anaphase A occurs. These studies complement and extend what is known about the three-dimensional structure of the yeast mitotic spindle and further our understanding of the organization of the SPB in intact cells.
Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are a large family of eukaryotic RNAs that function within the nucleolus in the biogenesis of ribosomes. One major class of snoRNAs is the box C/D snoRNAs named for their conserved box C and box D sequence elements. We have investigated the involvement of cis-acting sequences and intranuclear structures in the localization of box C/D snoRNAs to the nucleolus by assaying the intranuclear distribution of fluorescently labeled U3, U8, and U14 snoRNAs injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei. Analysis of an extensive panel of U3 RNA variants showed that the box C/D motif, comprised of box C′, box D, and the 3′ terminal stem of U3, is necessary and sufficient for the nucleolar localization of U3 snoRNA. Disruption of the elements of the box C/D motif of U8 and U14 snoRNAs also prevented nucleolar localization, indicating that all box C/D snoRNAs use a common nucleolar-targeting mechanism. Finally, we found that wild-type box C/D snoRNAs transiently associate with coiled bodies before they localize to nucleoli and that variant RNAs that lack an intact box C/D motif are detained within coiled bodies. These results suggest that coiled bodies play a role in the biogenesis and/or intranuclear transport of box C/D snoRNAs.
Coiled bodies are nuclear organelles that contain components of at least three RNA-processing pathways: pre-mRNA splicing, histone mRNA 3′- maturation, and pre-rRNA processing. Their function remains unknown. However, it has been speculated that coiled bodies may be sites of splicing factor assembly and/or recycling, play a role in histone mRNA 3′-processing, or act as nuclear transport or sorting structures. To study the dynamics of coiled bodies in living cells, we have stably expressed a U2B"–green fluorescent protein fusion in tobacco BY-2 cells and in Arabidopsis plants. Time-lapse confocal microscopy has shown that coiled bodies are mobile organelles in plant cells. We have observed movements of coiled bodies in the nucleolus, in the nucleoplasm, and from the periphery of the nucleus into the nucleolus, which suggests a transport function for coiled bodies. Furthermore, we have observed coalescence of coiled bodies, which suggests a mechanism for the decrease in coiled body number during the cell cycle. Deletion analysis of the U2B" gene construct has shown that the first RNP-80 motif is sufficient for localization to the coiled body.
Nuclear domains, called cleavage bodies, are enriched in the RNA 3′-processing factors CstF 64 kDa and and CPSF 100 kDa. Cleavage bodies have been found either overlapping with or adjacent to coiled bodies. To determine whether the spatial relationship between cleavage bodies and coiled bodies was influenced by the cell cycle, we performed cell synchronization studies. We found that in G1 phase cleavage bodies and coiled bodies were predominantly coincident, whereas in S phase they were mostly adjacent to each other. In G2 cleavage bodies were often less defined or absent, suggesting that they disassemble at this point in the cell cycle. A small number of genetic loci have been reported to be juxtaposed to coiled bodies, including the genes for U1 and U2 small nuclear RNA as well as the two major histone gene clusters. Here we show that cleavage bodies do not overlap with small nuclear RNA genes but do colocalize with the histone genes next to coiled bodies. These findings demonstrate that the association of cleavage bodies and coiled bodies is both dynamic and tightly regulated and suggest that the interaction between these nuclear neighbors is related to the cell cycle–dependent expression of histone genes.
The endosperm of a sorghum mutant cultivar, with high in vitro uncooked and cooked protein digestibilities, was examined by transmission electron microscopy and α-, β-, and γ-kafirins (storage proteins) were localized within its protein bodies. Transmission electron microscopy micrographs revealed that these protein bodies had a unique microstructure related to high protein digestibility. They were irregular in shape and had numerous invaginations, often reaching to the central area of the protein body. Protein bodies from normal cultivars, such as P721N studied here, with much lower uncooked and cooked digestibilities are spherical and contain no invaginations. Immunocytochemistry results showed that the relative location of α- and β-kafirins within the protein bodies of the highly digestible genotype were similar to the normal cultivar, P721N. γ-Kafirin, however, was concentrated in dark-staining regions at the base of the folds instead of at the protein body periphery, as is typical of normal cultivars. The resulting easy accessibility of digestive enzymes to α-kafirin, the major storage protein, in addition to the increased surface area of the protein bodies of the highly digestible cultivar appear to account for its high in vitro protein digestibility.
Surface glycosylation of endothelial cells is relevant to various processes including coagulation, inflammation, metastasis, and lymphocyte homing. One of the essential sugars involved in these processes is fucose linked α1→3 to N-acetylglucosamine. A family of α1,3-fucosyltransferases (FucTs) called FucT-III, IV, V, VI, VII, and IX is able to catalyze such fucosylations. Reverse transcription–PCR analysis revealed that human umbilical vein endothelial cells express all of the FucTs except FucT-IX. The predominant activity, as inferred by acceptor specificity of enzyme activity in cell lysates, is compatible with the presence of FucT-VI. By using an antibody to recombinant soluble FucT-VI, the enzyme colocalized with β4-galactosyltransferase-1 to the Golgi apparatus. By using a polyclonal antiserum raised against a 17-aa peptide of the variable (stem) region of the FucT-VI, immunocytochemical staining of FucT-VI was restricted to Weibel–Palade bodies, as determined by colocalization with P-selectin and von Willebrand factor. SDS/PAGE immunoblotting and amino acid sequencing of internal peptides confirmed the identity of the antigen isolated by the peptide-specific antibody as FucT-VI. Storage of a fucosyltransferase in Weibel–Palade bodies suggests a function independent of Golgi-associated glycosylation.
The E-26 transforming specific (ETS)-related gene, TEL, also known as ETV6, encodes a strong transcription repressor that is rearranged in several recurring chromosomal rearrangements associated with leukemia and congenital fibrosarcoma. TEL is a nuclear phosphoprotein that is widely expressed in all normal tissues. TEL contains a DNA-binding domain at the C terminus and a helix–loop–helix domain (also called a pointed domain) at the N terminus. The pointed domain is necessary for homotypic dimerization and for interaction with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBC9. Here we show that the interaction with UBC9 leads to modification of TEL by conjugating it to SUMO-1. The SUMO-1-modified TEL localizes to cell-cycle-specific nuclear speckles that we named TEL bodies. We also show that the leukemia-associated fusion protein TEL/AML1 is modified by SUMO-1 and found in the TEL bodies, in a pattern quite different from what we observe and report for AML1. Therefore, SUMO-1 modification of TEL could be a critical signal necessary for normal functioning of the protein. In addition, the modification by SUMO-1 of TEL/AML1 could lead to abnormal localization of the fusion protein, which could have consequences that include contribution to neoplastic transformation.
Interaction of diagnostic ultrasound with gas bodies produces a useful contrast effect in medical images, but the same interaction also represents a mechanism for bioeffects. Anesthetized hairless mice were scanned by using a 2.5-MHz transducer (610-ns pulses with 3.6-kHz repetition frequency and 61-Hz frame rate) after injection of Optison and Evans blue dye. Petechial hemorrhages (PHs) in intestine and abdominal muscle were counted 15 min after exposure to characterize capillary rupture, and Evans blue extravasation was evaluated in samples of muscle tissue. For 5 ml⋅kg-1 contrast agent and exposure to 10 alternating 10-s on and off periods, PH counts in muscle were approximately proportional to the square of peak negative pressure amplitude and were statistically significant above 0.64 MPa. PH counts in intestine and Evans blue extravasation into muscle tissue were significant above 1.0 MPa. The PH effect in muscle was proportional to contrast dose and was statistically significant for the lowest dose of 0.05 ml⋅kg-1. The effects decreased nearly to sham levels if the exposure was delayed 5 min. The PH effect in abdominal muscle was significant and statistically indistinguishable for uninterrupted 100-s exposure, 10-s exposure, 100 scans repeated at 1 Hz, and even for a single scan. The results confirms a previous report of PH induction by diagnostic ultrasound with contrast agent in mammalian skeletal muscle [Skyba, D. M., Price, R. J., Linka, A. Z., Skalak, T. C. & Kaul, S. (1998) Circulation 98, 290–293].
Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites are the defining neuropathological characteristics of Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. They are made of abnormal filamentous assemblies of unknown composition. We show here that Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites from Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies are stained strongly by antibodies directed against amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal sequences of α-synuclein, showing the presence of full-length or close to full-length α-synuclein. The number of α-synuclein-stained structures exceeded that immunoreactive for ubiquitin, which is currently the most sensitive marker of Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. Staining for α-synuclein thus will replace staining for ubiquitin as the preferred method for detecting Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. We have isolated Lewy body filaments by a method used for the extraction of paired helical filaments from Alzheimer’s disease brain. By immunoelectron microscopy, extracted filaments were labeled strongly by anti-α-synuclein antibodies. The morphologies of the 5- to 10-nm filaments and their staining characteristics suggest that extended α-synuclein molecules run parallel to the filament axis and that the filaments are polar structures. These findings indicate that α-synuclein forms the major filamentous component of Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites.
Coiled bodies (CBs) are nuclear organelles involved in the metabolism of small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) and histone messages. Their structural morphology and molecular composition have been conserved from plants to animals. CBs preferentially and specifically associate with genes that encode U1, U2, and U3 snRNAs as well as the cell cycle–regulated histone loci. A common link among these previously identified CB-associated genes is that they are either clustered or tandemly repeated in the human genome. In an effort to identify additional loci that associate with CBs, we have isolated and mapped the chromosomal locations of genomic clones corresponding to bona fide U4, U6, U7, U11, and U12 snRNA loci. Unlike the clustered U1 and U2 genes, each of these loci encode a single gene, with the exception of the U4 clone, which contains two genes. We next examined the association of these snRNA genes with CBs and found that they colocalized less frequently than their multicopy counterparts. To differentiate a lower level of preferential association from random colocalization, we developed a theoretical model of random colocalization, which yielded expected values for χ2 tests against the experimental data. Certain single-copy snRNA genes (U4, U11, and U12) but not controls were found to significantly (p < 0.000001) associate with CBs. Recent evidence indicates that the interactions between CBs and genes are mediated by nascent transcripts. Taken together, these new results suggest that CB association may be substantially augmented by the increased transcriptional capacity of clustered genes. Possible functional roles for the observed interactions of CBs with snRNA genes are discussed.
Mutations in Tg737 cause a wide spectrum of phenotypes, including random left-right axis specification, polycystic kidney disease, liver and pancreatic defects, hydrocephalus, and skeletal patterning abnormalities. To further assess the biological function of Tg737 and its role in the mutant pathology, we identified the cell population expressing Tg737 and determined the subcellular localization of its protein product called Polaris. Tg737 expression is associated with cells possessing either motile or immotile cilia and sperm. Similarly, Polaris concentrated just below the apical membrane in the region of the basal bodies and within the cilia or flagellar axoneme. The data suggest that Polaris functions in a ciliogenic pathway or in cilia maintenance, a role supported by the loss of cilia on the ependymal cell layer in ventricles of Tg737orpk brains and by the lack of node cilia in Tg737Δ2-3βGal mutants.
In cucumber (Cucumis sativus), high lipoxygenase-1 (LOX-1) activity has been detected in the soluble fraction prepared from cotyledons of germinating seeds, and the involvement of this enzyme in lipid turnover has been suggested (K. Matsui, M. Irie, T. Kajiwara, A. Hatanaka [1992] Plant Sci 85: 23–32; I. Fuessner, C. Wasternack, H. Kindl, H. Kühn [1995] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92: 11849–11853). In this study we have investigated the expression of the gene lox-1, corresponding to the LOX-1 enzyme. LOX-1 expression is highly coordinated with that of a typical glyoxysomal enzyme, isocitrate lyase, during the postgerminative stage of cotyledon development. In contrast, although icl transcripts accumulated in tissue during in vitro senescence, no accumulation of lox-1 mRNA could be observed, suggesting that lox-1 plays a specialized role in fat mobilization. LOX-1 is also known to be a major lipid body protein. The partial peptide sequences of purified LOX-1 and lipid body LOX-1 entirely coincided with that deduced from the lox-1 cDNA sequence. The data strongly suggest that LOX-1 and lipid body LOX-1 are derived from a single gene and that LOX-1 can exist both in the cytosol and on the lipid bodies. We constructed an in vitro oxygenation system to address the mechanism of this dual localization and to investigate the action of LOX-1 on lipids in the lipid bodies. LOX-1 cannot act on the lipids in intact lipid bodies, although degradation of lipid body proteins, either during seedling growth or by treatment with trypsin, allows lipid bodies to become susceptible to LOX-1. We discuss the role of LOX-1 in fat mobilization and its mechanism of action.