925 resultados para Ca2 -independent enzymatic activity


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Cells from rat bone marrow exhibit the proliferation-differentiation sequence of osteoblasts, form mineralized extracellular matrix in vitro and release alkaline phosphatase into the medium. Membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase was obtained by method that is easy to reproduce, simpler and fast when compared with the method used to obtain the enzyme from rat osseous plate. The membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase from cultures of rat bone marrow cells has a MWr of about 120 kDa and specific PNPP activity of 1200 U/tng. The ecto-enzyme is anchored to the plasma membrane by the GPI anchor and can be released by PIPLC (selective treatment) or polidocanol (0.2 mg/mL protein and 1% (w/v) detergent). The apparent optimum pH for PNPP hydrolysis by the enzyme was pH 10. This fraction hydrolyzes ATP (240 U/mg), ADP (350 U/ mg), glucose 1-phosphate (1100 U/mg), glucose 6-phosphate (340 Wing), fructose 6-phosphate (460 U/mg), pyrophosphate (330 U/mg) and (3glycerophosphate (600 U/mg). Cooperative effects were observed for the hydrolysis of PPi and beta-glycerophosphate. PNPPase activity was inhibited by 0.1 mM vanadate (46%), 0.1 mM ZnCl2 (68%), 1 mM levamisole (66%), 1 mM arsenate (44%), 10 mM phosphate (21%) and 1 mM theophylline (72%). We report the biochemical characterization of membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase obtained from rat bone marrow cells cultures, using a method that is simple, rapid and easy to reproduce. Its properties are compared with those of rat osseous plate enzyme and revealed that the alkaline phosphatase obtained has some kinetics and structural behaviors with higher levels of enzymatic activity, facilitating the comprehension of the mineralization process and its function. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho foi realizado para avaliar o efeito da adição de enzima e/ou probiótico, bem como do estresse calórico sobre a atividade de enzimas digestivas de frangos de corte aos 7, 14, 28 e 42 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas com 6 tratamentos primários, constituindo um esquema fatorial 6x2 (rações x temperatura) e 4 tratamentos secundários (idades de amostragem), com 2 repetições. Não foi verificado efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre a atividade específica das enzimas, exceto para as atividades de amilase aos 14 dias e tripsina aos 28 dias de idade, nas quais a adição de enzima proporcionou maiores atividades. Já a idade de criação afetou significativamente todas as enzimas quantificadas, sendo que a atividade específica de lipase diminuiu e as atividades específicas de amilase, tripsina e quimotripsina aumentaram com a idade das aves. A temperatura ambiente (calor) também afetou a produção enzimática de acordo com a idade dos frangos de corte, com um aumento na atividade de lipase e redução na tripsina e amilase.


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The objective of this work was to assess the functionality of the glycolytic pathways in the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. To this effect, the enzymes phosphoglucose isomerase, aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase of the glycolytic pathway, and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway were studied, followed by cloning and expression studies of the enolase gene and determination of its activity. These studies showed that X. fastidiosa does not use the glycolytic pathway to metabolize carbohydrates, which explains the increased duplication time of this phytopatogen. Recombinant enolase was expressed as inclusion bodies and solubilized with urea (most efficient extractor), Triton X-100, and TCA. Enolase extracted from X. fastidiosa and from chicken muscle and liver is irreversibly inactivated by urea. The purification of enolase was partial and resulted in a low yield. No enzymatic activity was detected for either recombinant and native enolases, aldolase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, suggesting that X. fastidiosa uses the Entner-Doudoroff pathway to produce pyruvate. Evidence is presented supporting the idea that the regulation of genes and the presence of isoforms with regulation patterns might make it difficult to understand the metabolism of carbohydrates in X. fastidiosa.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação com enzimas fibrolíticas (celulase e xilanase) sobre a eficiência de síntese microbiana e a atividade enzimática da beta-1,4-endoglucanase (celulase) em animais consumindo dietas contendo silagem de milho e feno de tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) como volumoso. Oito bovinos com fístulas no rúmen e no duodeno foram distribuídos em dois quadrados latinos 4 x 4, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (duas fontes de volumoso e adição ou não de enzimas). O complexo enzimático, proveniente de fonte comercial e extraído dos fungos Aspergillus niger e Trichoderma longibrachiatum, foi fornecido misturado à ração total na proporção de 12 g/animal/dia. A adição de enzimas às dietas contendo silagem de milho e feno de tifton 85 aumentou a atividade da beta-1,4-endoglucanase no fluido ruminal. Não houve efeito das enzimas sobre a eficiência de síntese de proteína microbiana, o fluxo de nitrogênio microbiano (N-mic) e nitrogênio não-amoniacal (NNA), com valores médios de 31,8 e 33,9 g de N/kg de MODR; 0,40 e 0,41 g de N/Mcal de EDR; 78,2 e 52,5 g/dia; 89,6 e 76,3 g/dia, respectivamente, para as dietas contendo silagem de milho e feno de tifton. A adição de enzimas fibrolíticas não influenciou os parâmetros ruminais de bovinos alimentados com feno e silagem de milho.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A formação de aerênquimas é conhecida como uma das mais importantes adaptações anatômicas pelas quais as plantas passam quando são submetidas à deficiência de oxigênio. Esse tecido se desenvolve pela ação de enzimas de degradação ou afrouxamento da parede celular. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de verificar o desenvolvimento de aerênquima em plântulas de milho cv. Saracura- BRS 4154, submetidas à hipoxia. Associou-se, ao desenvolvimento dessa estrutura, a atividade da celulase. Para tanto, plântulas com 4 dias de idade foram submetidas aos tratamentos de hipoxia, pela imersão em tampão de alagamento, na ausência e presença de cálcio. Após 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4 dias da aplicação dos tratamentos, foram feitos cortes anatômicos na região apical dos coleóptiles e na região intermediária da raiz para a avaliação da formação de aerênquimas, e coletado o material para os ensaios enzimáticos de celulase. A atividade celulase foi medida através de método viscosimétrico. Nas raízes, a formação de aerênquima aumentou logo após a hipoxia e atingiu 50% do total do córtex ao quarto dia de hipoxia. Este órgão apresentou uma área cortical com aerênquima em média sete vezes maior que nos coleóptiles, onde a área de espaços intercelulares atingiu 15% do córtex. A atividade da celulase em coleóptiles e raízes sofreu, inicialmente, um decréscimo devido ao estresse, aumentando em seguida, acompanhando os resultados de aerênquima. Na presença de cálcio o desenvolvimento de aerênquima foi inibido; no entanto, a atividade enzimática foi induzida.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Extended storage of refrigerated milk can lead to reduced quality of raw and processed milk, which is a consequence of the growth and metabolic activities of psychrotrophic bacteria, able to grow under 7oC or lower temperatures. Although most of these microorganisms are destroyed by heat treatment, some have the potential to produce termoresistant proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes that can survive even UHT processing and reduce the processed products quality. Recently, the IN 51 determineds that milk should be refrigerated and stored at the farm what increased the importance of this group of microorganisms. In this work, psychrotrophic bacteria were isolated from 20 communitarian bulk tanks and 23 individual bulk tanks from dairy farms located at Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais State and from southeastern Rio de Janeiro. Selected milk dilutions were plated on standard agar and after incubation for 10 days at 7oC, five colonies were isolated, firstly using nutrient agar and after using McConkey agar for 24 hours at 21oC. The isolates were identified by morphology, Gram stain method, catalase production, fermentative/oxidative metabolism and by API 20E, API 20NE, API Staph, API Coryne or API 50 CH (BioMerieux). In order to ensure reproductibility, API was repeated for 50% of the isolates. Species identification was considered when APILAB indexes reached 75% or higher. 309 strains were isolated, 250 Gram negative and 59 Gram positive. 250 Gram negative isolates were identified as: Acinetobacter spp. (39), Aeromonas spp. (07), A. Hydrophila (16), A. sobria (1), A. caviae (1), Alcaligenes feacalis (1), Burkholderia cepacia (12), Chryseomonas luteola (3), Enterobacter sp. (1), Ewingella americana(6), Hafnia alvei (7), Klebsiella sp. (1), Klebsiella oxytoca (10), Yersinia spp. (2), Methylobacterium mesophilicum (1), Moraxella spp. (4), Pantoea spp. (16), Pasteurella sp. (1), Pseudomonas spp. (10), P. fluorescens (94), P. putida (3), Serratia spp. (3), Sphigomonas paucomobilis (1). Five isolates kept unidentified. Pseudomonas was the predominant bacteria found (43%) and P. fluorescens the predominant species (37.6%), in accordance with previous reports. Qualitative analysis of proteolytic and lipolytic activity was based on halo formation using caseinate agar and tributirina agar during 72 hours at 21oC and during 10 days at 4°C, 10oC and 7°C. Among 250 Gram negative bacteria found, 104 were identified as Pseudomonas spp. and 60,57% of this group showed proteolytic and lipolytic acitivities over all four studied temperatures. 20% of Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Burkholderia, Chryseomonas, Methylobacterium, Moraxella presented only lipolytic activity. Some isolates presented enzymatic activity in one or more studied temperatures. Among Gram positive bacteria, 30.51% were proteolytic and lipolytic at 10oC, 8.47% were proteolytic at 7oC, 10oC, and 21oC, 8.47% were proteolytic at all studied temperatures (4oC, 7oC, 10oC and 21oC) and 3.38% were proteolytic only at 21oC. At 4oC, only one isolate showed proteolytic activity and six isolates were lipolytic. In relation to Gram negative microorganisms, 4% were proteolytic and lipolytic at 7oC, 10oC and 21oC, 10% were proteolytic at 10oC and 4.4% were lipolytic at 4oC, 7oC, 10oC and 21oC, while 6.4% of all isolates were proteolytic and lipolytic at 10oC and 21oC as well as lipolytic at 4oC and 7oC. These findings are in accordance with previous researches that pointed out Pseudomonas as the predominant psycrotrophic flora in stored refrigerated raw milk


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Nowadays generation ethanol second, that t is obtained from fermentation of sugars of hydrolyses of cellulose, is gaining attention worldwide as a viable alternative to petroleum mainly for being a renewable resource. The increase of first generation ethanol production i.e. that obtained from sugar-cane molasses could lead to a reduction of lands sustainable for crops and food production. However, second generation ethanol needs technologic pathway for reduce the bottlenecks as production of enzymes to hydrolysis the cellulose to glucose i.e. the cellulases as well as the development of efficient biomass pretreatment and of low-cost. In this work Trichoderma reesei ATCC 2768 was cultivated under submerged fermentation to produce cellulases using as substrates waste of lignocellulosic material such as cashew apple bagasse as well as coconut bagasse with and without pretreatment. For pretreatment the bagasses were treated with 1 M NaOH and by explosion at high pressure. Enzyme production was carried out in shaker (temperature of 27ºC, 150 rpm and initial medium pH of 4.8). Results showed that T.reesei ATCC 2768 showed the higher cellulase production when the cashew apple bagasse was treated with 1M NaOH (2.160 UI/mL of CMCase and 0.215 UI/mL of FPase), in which the conversion of cellulose, in terms of total reducing sugars, was of 98.38%, when compared to pretreatment by explosion at high pressure (0.853 UI/mL of CMCase and 0.172 UI/mL of Fpase) showing a conversion of 47.39% of total reducing sugars. Cellulase production is lower for the medium containing coconut bagasse treated with 1M NaOH (0.480 UI/mL of CMcase and 0.073 UI/mL of FPase), giving a conversion of 49.5% in terms of total reducing sugars. Cashew apple bagasse without pretreatment showed cellulase activities lower (0.535 UI/mL of CMCase and 0,152 UI/mL of FPase) then pretreated bagasse while the coconut bagasse without pretreatment did not show any enzymatic activity. Maximum cell concentration was obtained using cashew nut bagasse as well as coconut shell bagasse treated with 1M NaOH, with 2.92 g/L and 1.97 g/L, respectively. These were higher than for the experiments in which the substrates were treated by explosion at high pressure, 1.93 g/L and 1.17 g/L. Cashew apple is a potential inducer for cellulolytic enzymes synthysis showing better results than coconut bagasse. Pretreatment improves the process for the cellulolytic enzyme production


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Uma das principais doenças do maracujazeiro, na maioria dos estados produtores do Brasil, é a podridão do colo, causada por Fusarium solani. Pouco se sabe a respeito da fisiologia deste patógeno do maracujazeiro amarelo, principalmente quanto à produção de enzimas extracelulares. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar, em meios de cultura individuais e apropriados, a produção das enzimas extracelulares amilase, lipase, celulase, proteases (caseinase e gelatinase), lacase (oxidase) e catalase por isolados de F. solani, provenientes de maracujazeiro amarelo. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de dois fatores (nove isolados versus sete enzimas), com três repetições. Todos os isolados de F. solani produziram, de maneira semiquantitativa, as enzimas extracelulares amilase, lipase, celulase, caseinase (protease) e lacase (oxidase). No entanto, a quantidade produzida de cada enzima foi significativamente diferente entre os isolados. As enzimas extracelulares gelatinase (protease) e catalase foram produzidas em pouca quantidade e de maneira igual por todos os isolados do fungo.


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The need for new sources of energy and the concern about the environment have pushed the search for renewable energy sources such as ethanol. The use of lignocellulosic biomass as substrate appears as an important alternative because of the abundance of this raw material and for it does not compete with food production. However, the process still meets difficulties of implementation, including the cost for production of enzymes that degrade cellulose to fermentable sugars. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the species of cactus pear Opuntia ficus indica and Nopalea cochenillifera, commonly found in northeastern Brazil, as raw materials for the production of: 1) cellulosic ethanol by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process, using two different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (PE-2 and LNF CA-11), and 2) cellulolytic enzymes by semi-solid state fermentation (SSSF) using the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum. Before alcoholic fermentation process, the material was conditioned and pretreated by three different strategies: alkaline hydrogen peroxide, alkaline using NaOH and acid using H2SO4 followed by alkaline delignification with NaOH. Analysis of composition, crystallinity and enzymatic digestibility were carried out with the material before and after pretreatment. In addition, scanning electron microscopy images were used to compare qualitatively the material and observe the effects of pretreatments. An experimental design 2² with triplicate at the central point was used to evaluate the influence of temperature (30, 40 and 45 °C) and the initial charge of substrate (3, 4 and 5% cellulose) in the SSF process using the material obtained through the best condition and testing both strains of S. cerevisiae, one of them flocculent (LNF CA-11). For cellulase production, the filamentous fungus P. chrysogenum was tested with N. cochenillifera in the raw condition (without pretreatment) and pretrated hydrothermically, varying the pH of the fermentative medium (3, 5 and 7). The characterization of cactus pear resulted in 31.55% cellulose, 17.12% hemicellulose and 10.25% lignin for N. cochenillifera and 34.86% cellulose, 19.97% hemicellulose and 15.72% lignin for O. ficus indica. It has also been determined, to N. cochenillifera and O. ficus indica, the content of pectin (5.44% and 5.55% of calcium pectate, respectively), extractives (26.90% and 9.69%, respectively) and ashes (5.40% and 5.95%). Pretreatment using alkaline hydrogen peroxide resulted in the best cellulose recovery results (86.16% for N. cochenillifera and 93.59% for O. ficus indica) and delignification (48.79% and 23.84% for N. cochenillifera and O. ficus indica, respectively). This pretreatment was also the only one which did not increase the crystallinity index of the samples, in the case of O. ficus indica. However, when analyzing the enzymatic digestibility of cellulose, alkali pretreatment was the one which showed the best yields and therefore it was chosen for the tests in SSF. The experiments showed higher yield of conversion of cellulose to ethanol by PE-2 strain using the pretreated N. cochenillifera (93.81%) at 40 °C using 4% initial charge of cellulose. N. cochenillifera gave better yields than O. ficus indica and PE-2 strain showed better performance than CA-11. N. cochenillifera proved to be a substrate that can be used in the SSSF for enzymes production, reaching values of 1.00 U/g of CMCase and 0.85 FPU/g. The pretreatment was not effective to increase the enzymatic activity values


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Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as alterações histológicas, histoquímicas e morfométricas das fibras do músculo sóleo de ratos submetidos a um programa de natação, associado ou não à administração do esteróide anabólico decanoato de nandrolona. Foram utilizados 22 ratos Wistar machos, 12 dos quais receberam injeção intramuscular do esteróide (5mg/kg) e 10, óleo mineral (5mg/kg), duas vezes por semana. Os animais foram submetidos a 42 sessões de natação por nove semanas (de segunda a sexta-feira), com aumento progressivo de carga por meio do tempo de natação. Após o sacrifício, o músculo sóleo esquerdo foi retirado, imerso em n-hexana e acondicionado em nitrogênio líquido. Cortes do terço médio desse músculo foram feitos em micrótomo criostato (-20ºC) e corados pela técnica HE e pelo método histoquímico NADH-TR. Os animais submetidos a treinamento físico e a esteróide (TA) ou óleo mineral (TO) apresentaram fibras musculares com maior diâmetro, quando comparados com os animais-controle (NTA e NTO). Não houve diferença significativa entre as medidas das médias dos diâmetros das fibras dos grupos NTA e NTO e entre TA e TO. Nos grupos TA e NTA notou-se acentuado processo de fagocitose, arredondamento e hialinização das fibras musculares. Já nos grupos TA, TO e NTA observou-se perda da atividade enzimática oxidativa. Os resultados sugerem que a natação produz hipertrofia muscular de forma semelhante, tanto no grupo que recebeu esteróide como no que recebeu óleo mineral. No entanto, o grupo que recebeu esteróide apresentou sinais claros de maior degeneração muscular.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os fumantes sofrem redução da massa muscular e da resistência à fadiga e possivelmente a prática de atividade física contribua positivamente neste quadro. OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as adaptações da musculatura esquelética frente à interação da prática de atividade física e exposição à fumaça de cigarro. MÉTODOS: 32 ratos machos foram divididos em grupos expostos à fumaça de cigarro, exercitados (G1) e sedentários (G3), e não expostos à fumaça, exercitados (G2) e sedentários (G4). A exposição à fumaça foi realizada mediante combustão de 10 cigarros em uma câmara de inalação durante 30 minutos, duas vezes ao dia, cinco dias por semana, durante 15 dias; o exercício aeróbio foi composto por sessões diárias de 60 minutos de caminhada em esteira, cinco dias por semana. Após o sacrifício, o músculo sóleo foi coletado e seus cortes foram corados pela técnica de HE e submetidos ao método histoquímico NADH-TR. RESULTADOS: O grupo G1 apresentou maior quantidade de alterações musculares, bem como ausência de atividade enzimática, o mesmo ocorrendo no G3, porém com menor intensidade; no G2 foi observado padrão normal para fibras exercitadas, estando as fibras do G4 preservadas. Quanto à morfometria, houve diferença significante para o fator exercício (p = 0,007), enquanto não foram observadas diferenças significantes para o fator exposição à fumaça (p = 0,668) e para a interação exposição à fumaça e exercício (p = 0,077). CONCLUSÃO: A interação entre inalação de fumaça de cigarro e exercício, realizada durante 15 dias em ratos machos Wistar adultos, acentuou as alterações histológicas do músculo sóleo, levando a uma alteração da atividade enzimática e acarretando em aumento do diâmetro das fibras musculares


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The isolation and biochemical/enzymatic characterization of an L-amino acid oxidase, Balt-LAAO-I, from Bothrops alternates snake venom, is described. Balt-LAAO-I is an acidic glycoprotein, pI similar to 5.37, homodimeric, M-r similar to 123, 000, whose Nterminal sequence is ADVRNPLE EFRETDYEVL. It displays a high specificity toward hydrophobic and basic amino acids, while deglycosylation does not alter its enzymatic activity. Bait-LAAO-I induces platelet aggregation and shows bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In addition, this enzyme is slightly hemorrhagic and induces edema in the mouse paw. Bait-LAAO-I is a multifunctional enzyme with promising relevant biotechnological and medical applications. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.