975 resultados para CIRCADIAN OSCILLATOR


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Circadian expression of the luciferin-binding protein (LBP) from the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra is regulated at the translational level. A small interval in the lbp 3′-untranslated region, which contains seven UG-repeats, serves as a cis-acting element to which a trans-acting factor (CCTR) binds in a circadian manner. Its binding activity correlates negatively with the circadian expression of LBP. Here I report the identification of a protein in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that represents a CCTR analog. It binds both specifically and under control of the circadian clock to the UG-repeat region. The data show for the first time that circadian cis-elements implicated in translational regulation have been conserved during evolution.


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Photoreceptors of the Xenopus laevis retina are the site of a circadian clock. As part of a differential display screen for rhythmic gene products in this system, we have identified a photoreceptor-specific mRNA expressed in peak abundance at night. cDNA cloning revealed an open reading frame encoding a putative 388 amino acid protein that we have named “nocturnin” (for night-factor). This protein has strong sequence similarity to the C-terminal domain of the yeast transcription factor, CCR4, as well as a leucine zipper-like dimerization motif. Nocturnin mRNA levels exhibit a high amplitude circadian rhythm and nuclear run-on analysis indicates that it is controlled by the retinal circadian clock at the level of transcription. Our observations suggest that nocturnin may function through protein–protein interaction either as a component of the circadian clock or as a downstream effector of clock function.


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We investigated the circadian function of Drosophila dopamine receptors by using a behaviorally active decapitated preparation that allows for direct application of drugs to the nerve cord. Quinpirole, a D2-like dopamine receptor agonist, induces reflexive locomotion in decapitated flies. We show that the amount of locomotion induced changes as a function of the time of day, with the highest responsiveness to quinpirole during the subjective night. Furthermore, dopamine receptor responsiveness is under circadian control and depends on the normal function of the period gene. The head pacemaker is at least partly dispensable for the circadian modulation of quinpirole-induced locomotion, because changes in agonist responsiveness persist in decapitated flies that are aged for 12 h. This finding suggests a role for the period-dependent molecular oscillators in the body in the modulation of amine receptor responsiveness.


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Under free running conditions, FREQUENCY (FRQ) protein, a central component of the Neurospora circadian clock, is progressively phosphorylated, becoming highly phosphorylated before its degradation late in the circadian day. To understand the biological function of FRQ phosphorylation, kinase inhibitors were used to block FRQ phosphorylation in vivo and the effects on FRQ and the clock observed. 6-dimethylaminopurine (a general kinase inhibitor) is able to block FRQ phosphorylation in vivo, reducing the rate of phosphorylation and the degradation of FRQ and lengthening the period of the clock in a dose-dependent manner. To confirm the role of FRQ phosphorylation in this clock effect, phosphorylation sites in FRQ were identified by systematic mutagenesis of the FRQ ORF. The mutation of one phosphorylation site at Ser-513 leads to a dramatic reduction of the rate of FRQ degradation and a very long period (>30 hr) of the clock. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that FRQ phosphorylation triggers its degradation, and the degradation rate of FRQ is a major determining factor for the period length of the Neurospora circadian clock.


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A negative feedback control of kaiC expression by KaiC protein has been proposed to generate a basic oscillation of the circadian clock in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. KaiC has two P loops or Walker's motif As, that are potential ATP-/GTP-binding motifs and DXXG motifs conserved in various GTP-binding proteins. Herein, we demonstrate that in vitro KaiC binds ATP and, with lower affinity, GTP. Point mutation by site-directed mutagenesis of P loop 1 completely nullified the circadian rhythm of kaiBC expression and markedly reduced ATP-binding activity. Moreover, KaiC can be autophosphorylated in vitro. These results suggest that the nucleotide-binding activity of KaiC plays important roles in the generation of circadian oscillation in cyanobacteria.


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In mammals the retina contains photoactive molecules responsible for both vision and circadian photoresponse systems. Opsins, which are located in rods and cones, are the pigments for vision but it is not known whether they play a role in circadian regulation. A subset of retinal ganglion cells with direct projections to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) are at the origin of the retinohypothalamic tract that transmits the light signal to the master circadian clock in the SCN. However, the ganglion cells are not known to contain rhodopsin or other opsins that may function as photoreceptors. We have found that the two blue-light photoreceptors, cryptochromes 1 and 2 (CRY1 and CRY2), recently discovered in mammals are specifically expressed in the ganglion cell and inner nuclear layers of the mouse retina. In addition, CRY1 is expressed at high level in the SCN and oscillates in this tissue in a circadian manner. These data, in conjunction with the established role of CRY2 in photoperiodism in plants, lead us to propose that mammals have a vitamin A-based photopigment (opsin) for vision and a vitamin B2-based pigment (cryptochrome) for entrainment of the circadian clock.


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Interlocked feedback loops may represent a common feature among the regulatory systems controlling circadian rhythms. The Neurospora circadian feedback loops involve white collar-1 (wc-1), wc-2, and frequency (frq) genes. We show that WC-1 and WC-2 proteins activate the transcription of frq gene, whereas FRQ protein plays dual roles: repressing its own transcription, probably by interacting with the WC-1/WC-2 complex, and activating the expression of both WC proteins. Thus, they form two interlocked feedback loops: one negative and one positive. We establish the physiological significance of the interlocked positive feedback loops by showing that the levels of WC-1 and WC-2 determine the robustness and stability of the clock. Our data demonstrate that with WC-1 being the limiting factor in the WC-1/WC-2 complex, the greater the levels of WC-1 and WC-2, the higher the level of the FRQ oscillation and the more robust the overt rhythms. Our data also show that, despite considerable changes in the levels of WC-1, WC-2, and FRQ, the period of the clock has been limited to a small range, suggesting that the interlocked circadian feedback loops are also important for determining the circadian period length of the clock.


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The level of mRNAs derived from the plastid-encoded psbD light-responsive promoter (LRP) is controlled by a circadian clock(s) in wheat (Triticum aestivum). The circadian oscillations in the psbD LRP mRNA level persisted for at least three cycles in continuous light and for one cycle in continuous dark, with maxima in subjective morning and minima in subjective early night. In vitro transcription in chloroplast extracts revealed that the circadian cycles in the psbD LRP mRNA level were dominantly attributed to the circadian-regulated transcription of the psbD LRP. The effects of various mutations introduced into the promoter region on the psbD LRP activity in vitro suggest the existence of two positive elements located between −54 and −36, which generally enhance the transcription activity, and an anomalous core promoter structure lacking the functional “−35” element, which plays a crucial role in the circadian fluctuation and light dependency of psbD LRP transcription activity.


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Overnight low-temperature exposure inhibits photosynthesis in chilling-sensitive species such as tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and cucumber by as much as 60%. In an earlier study we showed that one intriguing effect of low temperature on chilling-sensitive plants is to stall the endogenous rhythm controlling transcription of certain nuclear-encoded genes, causing the synthesis of the corresponding transcripts and proteins to be mistimed when the plant is rewarmed. Here we show that the circadian rhythm controlling the activity of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and nitrate reductase (NR), key control points of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in plant cells, is delayed in tomato by chilling treatments. Using specific protein kinase and phosphatase inhibitors, we further demonstrate that the chilling-induced delay in the circadian control of SPS and NR activity is associated with the activity of critical protein phosphatases. The sensitivity of the pattern of SPS activity to specific inhibitors of transcription and translation indicates that there is a chilling-induced delay in SPS phosphorylation status that is caused by an effect of low temperature on the expression of a gene coding for a phosphoprotein phosphatase, perhaps the SPS phosphatase. In contrast, the chilling-induced delay in NR activity does not appear to arise from effects on NR phosphorylation status, but rather from direct effects on NR expression. It is likely that the mistiming in the regulation of SPS and NR, and perhaps other key metabolic enzymes under circadian regulation, underlies the chilling sensitivity of photosynthesis in these plant species.


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We isolated and characterized a novel light-regulated cDNA from the short-day plant Pharbitis nil that encodes a protein with a leucine (Leu) zipper motif, designated PNZIP (Pharbitis nil Leu zipper). The PNZIP cDNA is not similar to any other gene with a known function in the database, but it shares high sequence homology with an Arabidopsis expressed sequence tag and to two other sequences of unknown function from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis spp. and the red alga Porphyra purpurea, which together define a new family of evolutionarily conserved Leu zipper proteins. PNZIP is a single-copy gene that is expressed specifically in leaf photosynthetically active mesophyll cells but not in other nonphotosynthetic tissues such as the epidermis, trichomes, and vascular tissues. When plants were exposed to continuous darkness, PNZIP exhibited a rhythmic pattern of mRNA accumulation with a circadian periodicity of approximately 24 h, suggesting that its expression is under the control of an endogenous clock. However, the expression of PNZIP was unusual in that darkness rather than light promoted its mRNA accumulation. Accumulation of PNZIP mRNA during the dark is also regulated by phytochrome, since a brief exposure to red light in the middle of the night reduced its mRNA levels. Moreover, a far-red-light treatment at the end of day also reduced PNZIP mRNA accumulation during the dark, and that effect could be inhibited by a subsequent exposure to red light, showing the photoreversible response attributable to control through the phytochrome system.


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In the vertebrate retina, the light responses of post-receptor neurons depend on the ambient or background illumination. Using intracellular recording, we have found that a circadian clock regulates the light responses of dark-adapted fish cone horizontal cells. Goldfish were maintained on a 12-hr light/12-hr dark cycle. At different times of the day or night, retinas were superfused in darkness for 90 min ("prolonged darkness"), following which horizontal cells were impaled without the aid of any light flashes. In some of the experiments, fish were kept in constant darkness for 3-48 hr prior to surgery. After prolonged darkness during the night, but not during the day, the light responses of L-type cone horizontal cells resembled those of rod horizontal cells with respect to threshold, waveform, intensity-response functions, and spectral sensitivity. Following light sensitization during the night and day, the light responses of rod and cone horizontal cells were clearly different with respect to threshold, waveform, intensity-response functions, and spectral sensitivity. Under conditions of constant darkness for two full light/dark cycles, average responses of cone horizontal cells to a bright light stimulus during the subjective day were greater than during the subjective night. Prior reversal of the light/dark cycle reversed the 24-hr rhythm of cone horizontal cell responses to bright lights. In addition, following one full cycle of constant darkness, average cone horizontal cell spectral sensitivity during the subjective night closely matched that of rod horizontal cells, whereas average cone horizontal cell spectral sensitivity during the subjective day was similar to that of red (625 nm) cones. These results indicate that the effects of dark adaptation depend on the time of day and are regulated by a circadian clock so that cone input to cone horizontal cells predominates in the day and rod input predominates in the night.


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Levels of mRNA for the chloroplast-encoded elongation factor Tu (tufA) showed a dramatic daily oscillation in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, peaking once each day in the early light period. The oscillation of tufA mRNA levels continued in cells shifted to continuous light or continuous dark for at least 2-3 days. Run-off transcription analyses showed that the rate of tufA transcription also peaked early in the light period and, moreover, that this transcriptional oscillation continued in cells shifted to continuous conditions. The half-life of tufA mRNA was estimated at different times and found to vary considerably during a light-dark cycle but not in cells shifted to continuous light. Light-dark patterns of transcription of several other chloroplast-encoded genes were examined and also found to persist in cells shifted to continuous light or dark. These results indicate that a circadian clock controls the transcription of tufA and other chloroplast-encoded genes.