The knowledge of Anastrepha zenildae behavioral aspects combined with the biology of Tephritidae may contribute to monitoring and control programs of this fruit fly that is considered as economically important to the Rio Grande do Norte state. In order to characterize the daily activity profile of this species, we studied the behaviors of resting, locomotion, feeding, cleaning, courtship, copulation and oviposition of animals submitted to an artificial 12:12h light-dark cycle (750:1lux) with controlled temperature (26±2 °C). The observations were made with groups of 16 males and 16 females during 3 consecutive days each generation from parental to F5. Resting, locomotion, feeding and cleaning data were recorded as frequency and time of occurrence by scanning technique in 15 minutes windows per hour, with a record each minute. Courtship, copulation and oviposition were recorded as frequency, time of occurrence and duration by al occurrences technique. Resting was the most frequent behavior with males resting more than females. Locomotion was more evident in the first half of the ligh phase with higher values in females. Cleaning and feeding behaviors were more frequent in the second half of the light phase for both sexes with females eating more frequently than males. During the courtship, males were grouped in lek formations showing wings vibration and pheromone liberation. Courtship occurred more frequently 4 to 7 h after lights on (81,9%) with copulations being more frequent 6 h after lights on with a mean duration of 58,1±40,4 min. Copulation attempts were observed in males inside and outside the lek with aggressive behavior being observed only between males in the lek. Oviposition behavior was similar to that described for other species of the genus with a peak of this activity 2-3 h after the lights on, mean duration of 43, 7±34, 8 sec and 2 to 5 eggs by event. According to the results, sexual behavior of A. zenildae is temporally different of other sympatric species of the genus, being favorable to the reproductive isolation as well as the use of resources as oviposition substrate.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of Gasterophilus nasalis larvae in Botucatu, the central west region of São Paulo State, Brazil, and to describe the lesions caused by the parasite. The climate of Botucatu is warm and rainy during the months of December through March and cool and dry during the months of May through August. The prevalence of G. nasalis was 16.84%, and the period of peak infestation corresponded to the months of cold and dry weather. The lesions detected at the sites of larval attachment were examined macro- and microscopically. Erosions and ulcerations of the gastric mucosa and proximal duodenum were the major macroscopic lesions detected. Microscopically, the lesion spectrum ranged from mild inflammatory reactions to extensive necrosis and ulceration. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
New records of five species of batflies (Diptera: Streblidae and Nycteribiidae) on vespertilionid bats are provided from S (a) over tildeo Paulo State, Brazil.
Visual estimates are generally used for counts of horn flies, Haematobia irritans (L.) and play an important role as an instrument to quantify fly populations in scientific studies. In this study, horn fly counts were performed on 30 Nelore steers in the municipality of Aracatuba, SP Brazil, from January to December 1998. Flies were counted weekly by two methods: the estimate method whereby estimates of the number of flies on one side of the animal are obtained by visual observation, and the filming method whereby images of flies from both sides of the animal are recorded with a video camera. The tape was then played on a videotape recorder coupled to a television and the flies were counted on the screen. Both methods showed variations in horn fly population density during the period studied. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed between the two methods with the filming method permitting the visualization of a larger number of flies than the estimate method. In addition, the filming method permitted safe and reliable counts hours after the images were taken, with the advantage that the tape can serve as an archive for random re-counts. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The population density of horn flies was evaluated in the year 1998 in the municipality of Aracatuba, São Paulo Brazil, in relation to temperature and rainfall conditions. Two lots of 30 Nellore steers (Bos indicus) were used which had no insecticidal treatment and were naturally infested with horn flies. The infestations were assessed by two counting methods, i.e., the traditional estimate method and the filming method. The highest fly frequencies were recorded in spring, summer, autumn and the lowest frequencies were recorded in winter. The increase in fly number was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with rainfall. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The laboratory production of the horn fly is still an important resource for research. Several authors have already observed that viability of immature stages varies according to arthropod species. In this study were observed the Haematobia irritans egg percentage hatching. Bovine faeces was obtained from animals grazing pastures (Brachiaria decumbens) was collected and used immediately or placed in a refrigerator (2-3 degrees C). Horn flies were captured in bovine to get eggs placed in filter paper on dung and incubate at 32 +/- 2 degrees C and 80% RH for larvae raring. The results were based on the number of hatched eggs and we observed 83,0% percent of larvae rearing.
Chrysomya albiceps is a facultative predator and cannibal species during the larval stage. Very little is known about cannibalism and prey size preference, especially in blowflies. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the influence of prey size and larval density on cannibalism by third-instar larvae of C. albiceps under laboratory conditions. Our results indicate that no cannibalism occurs by third-instar larvae on first- and second-instar larvae, but third-instar larvae do eat second-instar larvae. The functional response on second-instar larvae is consistent with Holling type II. The consequences of consuming second-, compared to first- or third-, instar larvae as well as the implications of cannibalism for the population dynamics of C. albiceps are discussed.
The pattern of larval interaction in blowflies confined with Chrysomya albiceps Wied. and C. rufifacies Maquart can be changed in response to the predatory behaviour of the two species to a contest-type process instead of the scramble competition that usually occurs in blowflies. Facultative predation is a frequent behaviour in C. albiceps and C. rufifacies that occurs as an alternative food source during the larval stage. In this study, we investigated the dynamics of intraguild predation by C. albiceps on other fly species in order to analyse interspecific and intraspecific survival in C. albiceps, C. megacephala and C macellaria Fabricius. The experimental design of the study allowed us to evaluate how factors such as species, density and abundance of food influenced the survival of the calliphorid species. When C albiceps was confined with C megacephala or C macellaria, only adults of C albiceps survived at different larval densities and abundance of food. In addition, the survival of C albiceps was higher in two-species experiments when compared to single species experiments. The implications of these results for the dynamics of C albiceps were discussed.
Optimal foraging theory assumes that predators use different prey types to maximize their rate of energetic gain. Studies focusing on prey preference are important sources of information to understand the foraging dynamics of Chrysomya albiceps. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the influence of larval starvation in C. albiceps on the predation rate of different prey blowfly species and instars under laboratory conditions. Our results suggest that C. albiceps prefers Cochliomyia macellaria larvae to Chrysomya megacephala under non-starvation and starvation conditions. Nevertheless, predators gained more weight consuming C. macellaria. This result suggests that C. albiceps profit more in consuming C. macellaria rather than C. megacephala. The foraging behaviour displayed by C. abiceps on their prey and the consequences for the blowfly community are also discussed.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
It is believed that habitat heterogeneity can change the extent of predator-prey interactions. Therefore, in this study we examined the effect of habitat heterogeneity (characterized here as an addition of refuge) on D. ater predation on M. domestica. Predation of D. ater on M. domestica larvae was carried out in experimental habitats with and without refuge, and examined at different prey densities. The number of prey eaten by beetles over 24 h of predator-prey interaction was recorded, and we investigated the strength of interaction between prey and predator in both experimental habitats by determining predator functional response. The mean number of prey eaten by beetles in the presence of refuge was significantly higher than in the absence of refuge. Females had greater weight gains than males. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both experimental habitats, even though data did not fit well into the random predator model. Results suggest that the addition of refuge in fact enhanced predation, as prey consumption increased in the presence of refuge. Predators kept in the presence of refuge also consumed more prey at high prey densities. Thus, we concluded that the addition of refuge was an important component mediating D. ater-M. domestica population interactions. Refuge actually acted as a refuge for predators from prey, since prey behaviors detrimental to predators were reduced in this case.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The defense reactions against biological (Histoplasma capsulatum and Escherichia coli) and non-biological materials (China ink and nylon thread) were tested in vivo in third instar larvae of Dermatobia hominis. The cellular defense performed by larval hemocytes was observed under electron microscopy. China ink particles were phagocytosed by granular cells 5 h after injection. E. coli cells were internalized by granular cells as early as 5 min after injection and totally cleared 180 min post-injection, when many hemocytes appeared disintegrated and others in process of recovering. H. capsulatum yeasts provoked, 24 h after being injected, the beginning of nodule formation. Nylon thread was encapsulated 24 h after the introduction into the hemocoel. Our results suggest that granular cells were the phagocytic cells and also the responsible for the triggering of nodule and capsule formation. In the presence of yeasts cells and nylon thread, they released their granules that chemotactically attracted the plasmatocytes that on their turn, flattened to surround and isolate the foreign material.
Foram examinados os hemócitos de larvas do 2º (L2) e 3º(L3) instares de Dermatobia hominis em nível de microscopia óptica e comparados com os de outras espécies encontradas na literatura. Nas L2 e em L3 com peso de até 200mg foram encontrados cinco tipos: Pro-hemócitos, Plasmatócitos, Vermiformes, Oenocitóides e Esfoliativas. A medida em que as L3 foram-se tornando mais idosas apareceram em seqüência os Granulócitos e Adipohemócitos, sendo raro encontrar-se Pro-hemócitos em L3 com peso acima de 500mg. Tipos intermediários entre Pro-hemócitos e Plasmatócitos e entre Granulócitos e Adipohemócitos também foram encontrados, fazendo-se supor que pro-hemócitos dão origem ao Plasmatócito e que este dá origem ao Granulócito que pode acumular grãos de lipídeos transformando-se em Adipohemócito. O Oenocitóide parece ter origem diferente dos demais tipos. Não foram encontradas formas transicionais entre Plasmatócito fusiforme e Vermiforme típica conforme aparece na literatura para algumas espécies. Embora sem ter característica de hemócitos, as células Esfoliativas são elementos que aparecem nos dois instares estudados.
O trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento das gônadas do berne (D. hominis) durante o período pupal. As pupas desenvolvidas de larvas com peso superior a 650 mg, deram imagos fêmeas, enquanto que as desenvolvidas daquelas pesando entre 500 e 650 mg deram macho, tendo havido um erro ao redor de 5%. Até o oitavo dia de pupação os testículos crescem mais que os ovários; a partir daí diminui o desenvolvimento, parando de crescer entre o vigésimo e vigésimo quinto dias. A espermatogênese inicia por volta do sétimo dia de pupa quando é grande o número de espermatócitos. No décimo dia alguns testículos apresentam considerável número de espermátides e os espermatozóides começam a aparecer por volta do vigésimo dia. A espermiogênese desenvolve-se sem interrupção e ao final da pupação quase toda loja testicular está repleta de espermatózóides. Os machos começam a nascer dois dias antes das fêmeas. Nessas, os ovaríolos aparecem formados por volta do oitavo dia de pupa; os folículos se individualizam por volta do vigésimo dia de pupa onde se distingue os trofócitos com núcleos politênicos e citoplasmas bem basófilos, enquanto o ovócito tem citoplasma mais acidófilo e núcleo com cromatina bastante frouxa. A vitelogênese tem início ao redor do vigésimo quinto dia de pupa e se completa ao nascimento da imago. A ligação das gônadas com suas respectivas estruturas somáticas acontece ao redor do décimo terceiro dia de pupação.