1000 resultados para César Vallejo
We describe a new online database, named HispaVeg, which currently holds data from 2663 vegetation plots of Spanish woodlands, scrublands and grasslands. Unlike other similar databases, a detailed description of the structure is stored with the floristic data of each plot (i.e., number and physiognomy of the vertical layers, cover values for each layer).Most of the vegetation plots are large rectangles (400 to 2000 square meters) with an average of 34 species per plot. The survey dates range from 1956 to present, with most of the records between 1964 and 1994. The elevation of the plots ranges from 0 to 2880, with most of the plots between 300 and 1500 m. HispaVeg is freely available to the scientific community. Users can query the online database, view printable reports for each plot and download spreadsheet-like raw data for subsets of vegetation plots.
The tsunami deposits of the valley of Agaete (Pérez-Torrado et al., 2006), north-western Gran Canaria, attributed to the Guimar flank collapse in Tenerife, have been revisited and new data are presented here. Besides the occurrences reported by Pérez-Torrado et al. (2006) a new outcrop was found and named “La Ruina” (at 28º 05’ 47,41” N; 15º 41’ 52,04” W; 71 m asl). The above-mentioned authors suggested the possibility that more than one marine conglomerate deposit could be present in the outcrops of “Llanos de Turmán” and “Berrazales”. At “La Gasolinera” and “La Aldea 1” the conglomerates are formed by a single layer representing one depositional event; at “La Aldea 2”, the conglomerates are composed of two layers directly contacting with each other, but evidence of a time hiatus between them was not found. Although the hypothesis of stacking of two depositional units within the same episode versus deposition of two distinct layers in different time-moments is debatable at the present state of knowledge, the first possibility is favoured. The field evidence at “Llanos de Turman” and “Berrazales” unquestionably shows that terrestrial sediments (colluvia; paleosols) are present and separate two marine conglomerate deposits, indicating that at least two distinct tsunami inundations are needed to explain the stratigraphy. However, at the new “La Ruina” outcrop, besides the two deposits mentioned above, a third and older marine conglomerate was found, clearly separated in time from the ones cited above. The existence of marine conglomerates emplaced in different moments is evidenced by the occurrence of intercalated paleosols, colluvia and other subaerial materials, implying significant time intervals between the emplacement of marine conglomeratic layers. A number of gastropod operculae from the tsunamiites were sent for U-Th dating to try to further constrain the age span of these deposits. The field evidence presented above shows that the emplacement of the deposits is related to, at least, three tsunami events. The lateral correlation between different outcrops is difficult due to variable number of deposits in each outcrop, lateral discontinuity and variability, and to compositional and textural similarity between distinct tsunami sediments. The occurrence of three Pleistocene tsunami deposits in the same area points to a relatively high frequency of tsunamis (generated by landslides, surface rupturing earthquakes, fast entry of voluminous volcanic deposits into the sea or large submarine eruptions). It is possible that this recurrence of tsunami inundations may reflect multiple-phased landslides responsible for the mega-landslide scars prominent in the geomorphology of the neighbouring island of Tenerife. This is a contribution from project “Estabilidad de los edificios volcánicos en Canarias: análisis de los factores geológicos, geomecánicos y paleoclimáticos. Aplicación a los flancos N y S de la isla de Tenerife” financed by MCT, Spain.
En el siguiente proyecto se realiza el estudio acústico del teatro “Buero Vallejo” situado en la ciudad de Guadalajara. Teniendo en cuenta que la sala está destinada a diferentes utilizaciones , es decir, es una sala multiusos, se analizará su comportamiento acústico e idoneidad ante las diferentes funciones a las que se destina. Las principales representaciones que se han contemplado han sido las actuaciones musicales y obras de teatro. El proyecto se divide en dos partes bien diferenciadas, en primer lugar la teoría relacionada con el estudio acústico de recintos cerrados y por último la parte práctica para la obtención de resultados. En la primera fase del proyecto se analizan los principales conceptos que debemos tener en cuenta en el ámbito de la acústica así como los criterios y parámetros que definen la calidad acústica de una sala para los diferentes tipos de representación. Para obtener una idea principal de cuales son las representaciones mayoritarias en la sala, se obtiene una estadística de las obras que son representadas en el Teatro Auditorio Buero Vallejo durante 6 meses y posteriormente se estudian los valores que debería tener el recinto para las diferentes actuaciones. En este sentido se realiza en primer lugar un análisis genérico sobre los principales parámetros que califican la calidad de una sala y se establecen los parámetros acústicos que se consideran, a día de hoy, como cuantificadores relevantes en el análisis acústico. Para concluir está primera fase, definimos los objetivos acústicos y parámetros a analizar, particularizados a los objetivos que debe cumplir en Teatro Auditorio Buero Vallejo. En la segunda fase del proyecto se realiza la parte práctica del estudio que constará de dos partes: - En primer lugar se realiza un estudio de las características acústicas actuales que tiene el Teatro Auditorio Buero Vallejo mediante la obtención de medidas in situ, que nos permiten cuantificar las propiedades acústicas del recinto. - En segundo lugar se emplea uno de los software de simulación más extendidos en el campo de la acústica arquitectónica para realizar la predicción de estos parámetros acústicos y así poder efectuar un estudio completo de las características acústicas de la sala. ABSTRACT. This project is about the acoustic study of the Theatre Buero Vallejo located in the city of Guadalajara. Since the room is intended for different purposes , it means, it is a multipurpose room, we analyze acoustic behaviour and suitability for the different uses it is intended to. The main representations that have been taken into account have been music and theatre plays. The project is divided into two distinct parts , the first one, the theory related to the acoustic study of enclosures and finally the practice for obtaining results. In the first phase we analyze the main concepts we have to take into account in the field of acoustics and the criteria and parameters that define the acoustic quality of a room for different types of representation. To get an idea of the main representations played in the room, we have obtained a statistic of the plays that are represented at the Teatro Auditorio Buero Vallejo for 6 months and after that, the values for different performances are studied. First of all a generic analysis on the main parameters that describe the quality of a room is made and the acoustic parameters that are considered today as relevant quantifiers of acoustic analysis are setted. To conclude the first phase, we define the objectives and parameters to analyze acoustics, and we particularize them to the objectives to be met in Teatro Auditorio Buero Vallejo. In the second phase we make the practical study which will consist of two parts: - The first one, a study of current acoustic characteristics that Teatro Auditorio Buero Vallejo has by obtaining in situ measurements , which allow us to quantify the acoustical properties of the enclosure. - The second one, we use one of the most widespread simulation software in the field of architectural acoustics for prediction of these acoustic parameters and in this way being able to make a complete study of the acoustic characteristics of the room.
Las bases de datos de inventarios de vegetación son una importante fuente de información en relación a un conjunto amplio de aspectos del medio natural, entre los que destacan los efectos de la gestión forestal en la diversidad vegetal, los estudios de autoecología basados en modelos de distribución de especies y la observación a largo plazo de las comunidades vegetales. Desde esta valoración esta comunicación presenta HispaVeg, una base de datos de inventarios de vegetación online, abierta y viva, con las siguientes características y resultados: Permite introducir inventarios de vegetación con diversas metodologías (estructural, como la fisionómica-estructural de Ruiz de la Torre y de la escuela de Zurich-Montpelier). En la actualidad contiene 2.663 inventarios históricos del profesor Juan Ruiz de la Torre realizados entre los años 1950 y 2000, de superficie de parcela entre 400 y 3.600 m2, tanto de formaciones arboladas como de matorrales y pastizales, con número medio de especies por inventario de 34 y distribuidos por toda la España peninsular e Islas Baleares, en un intervalo altitudinal entre 0 y 2880 m.