772 resultados para Bubble


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Self-induced internal boiling in burning functional droplets has been observed to induce severe bulk shape oscillations in droplets with characteristic bubble ejection events that corrugate the droplet surface. Such bubble-droplet interactions are characterized by a distinct regime of a single bubble growing inside the droplet where evaporative Darrieus-Landau instability occurs at the bubble-droplet interface. In this regime the bubble-droplet system behaves as a self-excited coupled oscillator. In this study, we report the external flame-acoustic interaction with bubbles inside the droplet resulting in controlled droplet deformation. In particular, by exciting the droplet flame in a critical, responsive frequency range (80 Hz <= f(p) <= 120 Hz) the droplet deformation cycle could be altered through suppression of these self-excited instabilities and intensity/frequency of bubble ejection events. This selective acoustic tuning also enabled the control of bubble dynamics, bulk droplet-shape distortion and the final precipitate morphology even in burning nanoparticle laden droplets. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Secondary atomization characteristics of burning bicomponent (ethanol-water) droplets containing titania nanoparticles (NPs) in dilute (0.5% and 1 wt.%) and dense concentrations (5% and 7.5 wt.%) are studied experimentally at atmospheric pressure under normal gravity. It is observed that both types of nanofuel droplets undergo distinct modes of secondary breakup, which are primarily responsible for transporting particles from the droplet domain to the flame zone. For dilute nanosuspensions, disruptive response is characterized by low intensity atomization modes that cause small-scale localized flame distortion. In contrast, the disruption behavior at dense concentrations is governed by high intensity bubble ejections, which result in severe disruption of the flame envelope.


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We solve the two-dimensional, planar Navier-Stokes equations to simulate a laminar, standing hydraulic jump using a Volume-of-Fluid method. The geometry downstream of the jump has been designed to be similar to experimental conditions by including a pit at the edge of the platform over which liquid film flows. We obtain jumps with and without separation. Increasing the inlet Froude number pushes the jump downstream and makes the slope of the jump weaker, consistent with experimental observations of circular jumps, and decreasing the Reynolds number brings the jump upstream while making it steeper. We study the effect of the length of the domain and that of a downstream obstacle on the structure and location of the jump. The transient flow which leads to a final steady jump is described for the first time to our knowledge. In the moderate Reynolds number regime, we obtain steady undular jumps with a separated bubble underneath the first few undulations. Interestingly, surface tension leads to shortening of wavelength of these undulations. We show that the undulations can be explained using the inviscid theory of Benjamin and Lighthill (Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 1954). We hope this new finding will motivate experimental verification.


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Understanding the combustion characteristics of fuel droplets laden with energetic nanoparticles (NP) is pivotal for lowering ignition delay, reducing pollutant emissions and increasing the combustion efficiency in next generation combustors. In this study, first we elucidate the feedback coupling between two key interacting mechanisms, namely, secondary atomization and particle agglomeration; that govern the effective mass fraction of NPs within the droplet. Second, we show how the initial NP concentration modulates their relative dominance leading to a masterslave configuration. Secondary atomization of novel nanofuels is a crucial process since it enables an effective transport of dispersed NPs to the flame (a pre-requisite condition for NPs to burn). Contrarily, NP agglomeration at the droplet surface leads to shell formation thereby retaining NPs inside the droplet. In particular, we show that at dense concentrations shell formation (master process) dominates over secondary atomization (slave) while at dilute particle loading it is the high frequency bubble ejections (master) that disrupt shell formation (slave) through its rupture and continuous outflux of NPs. This results in distinct combustion residues at dilute and dense concentrations, thereby providing a method of manufacturing flame synthesized microstructures with distinct morphologies.


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Numerical simulations were performed of experiments from a cascade of stator blades at three low Reynolds numbers representative of flight conditions. Solutions were assessed by comparing blade surface pressures, velocity and turbulence intensity along blade normals at several stations along the suction surface and in the wake. At Re = 210,000 and 380,000 the laminar boundary layer over the suction surface separates and reattaches with significant turbulence fluctuations. A new 3-equation transition model, the k-k(L)-omega model, was used to simulate this flow. Predicted locations of the separation bubble, and profiles of velocity and turbulence fluctuations on blade-normal lines at various stations along the blade were found to be quite close to measurements. Suction surface pressure distributions were not as close at the lower Re. The solution with the standard k-omega SST model showed significant differences in all quantities. At Re = 640,000 transition occurs earlier and it is a turbulent boundary layer that separates near the trailing edge. The solution with the Reynolds stress model was found to be quite close to the experiment in the separated region also, unlike the k-omega SST solution. Three-dimensional computations were performed at Re = 380,000 and 640,000. In both cases there were no significant differences between the midspan solution from 3D computations and the 2D solutions. However, the 3D solutions exhibited flow features observed in the experiments the nearly 2D structure of the flow over most of the span at 380,000 and the spanwise growth of corner vortices from the endwall at 640,000.


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The potential of textured hydrophobic surfaces to provide substantial drag reduction has been attributed to the presence of air bubbles trapped on the surface cavities. In this paper, we present results on water flow past a textured hydrophobic surface, while systematically varying the absolute pressure close to the surface. Trapped air bubbles on the surface are directly visualized, along with simultaneous pressure drop measurements across the surface in a microchannel configuration. We find that varying the absolute pressure within the channel greatly influences the trapped air bubble behavior, causing a consequent effect on the pressure drop (drag). When the absolute pressure within the channel is maintained below atmospheric pressure, we find that the air bubbles grow in size, merge and eventually detach from the surface. This growth and subsequent merging of the air bubbles leads to a substantial increase in the pressure drop. On the other hand, a pressure above the atmospheric pressure within the channel leads to gradual shrinkage and eventual disappearance of trapped air bubbles. We find that in this case, air bubbles do cause reduction in the pressure drop with the minimum pressure drop (or maximum drag reduction) occurring when the bubbles are flush with the surface. These results show that the trapped air bubble dynamics and the pressure drop across a textured hydrophobic microchannel are very significantly dependent on the absolute pressure within the channel. The results obtained hold important implications toward achieving sustained drag reduction in microfluidic applications.


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The present experimental work reports the first observations of primary and secondary transitions in the time-averaged flame topology in a non-premixed swirling flame as the geometric swirl number S-G (a non dimensional number used to quantify the intensity of imparted swirl) is varied from a magnitude of zero till flame blowout. First observations of two transition types viz. primary and secondary transitions are reported. The primary transition represents a transformation from yellow straight jet flame (at S-G = 0) to lifted flame with blue base and finally to swirling seated (burner attached) yellow flame. Time-averaged streamline plot obtained from 2D PIV in mid-longitudinal plane shows a recirculation zone (RZ) at the immediate vicinity of burner exit. The lifted flame is stabilized along the vortex core of this RZ. Further, when S-G similar to 1.4-3, the first occurrence of vortex breakdown (VB) induced internal recirculation zone (IRZ) is witnessed. The flame now stabilizes at the upstream stagnation point of the VB-IRZ, which is attached to the burner lip. The secondary transition represents a transformation from a swirling seated flame to swirling flame with a conical tailpiece and finally to a highly-swirled near blowout oxidizer-rich flame. This transition is understood to be the result of transition in vortex breakdown modes of the swirling flow field from dual-ring VB bubble to central toroidal recirculation zone (CTRZ). The physics of transition is described on the basis of modified Rossby number (Ro(m)). Finally, when the swirl intensity is very high i.e. SG similar to 10, the flame blows out due to excessive straining and due to entrainment of large amount of oxidizer due to partial premixing. The present investigation involving changes in flame topology is immensely important because any change in global flame structure causes oscillatory heat release that can couple with dynamic pressure and velocity fluctuations leading to unsteady combustion. In this light, understanding mechanisms of flame stabilization is essential to tackle the problem of thermo-acoustic instability. (C) 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Experiments were performed, in a terrestrial environment, to study the migration and interaction of two drops with different diameters in matrix liquid under temperature gradient field. Pure soybean oil and silicon oil were used as matrix liquid and the drop liquid, respectively. The information on the motions of two drops was recorded by CCD camera system in the experiments to analyze the trajectories and velocities of the drops. Our experiments showed that, upon two drops approaching each other, the influence of the larger drop on the motion of the smaller one became significant. Meanwhile the smaller drop had a little influence on the larger one all the time. The oscillation of migration velocities of both drops was observed as they were approaching. For a short period the smaller drop even moved backward when it became side by side with the larger one during the migration. Although our experimental results on the behavior of two drops are basically consistent with the theoretical predictions, there are also apparent differences. 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Thermocapillary migration; Drop; Interaction; Oscillation 1. Introduction A bubble or drop will move when placed in another fluid with temperature gradient. This motion happens as a consequence of the variation of interfacial tension with temperature. Such a phenomenon is already known as Marangoni migration problem. With the development of microgravity science, bubble dynamics and droplet dynamics became a hot point problem of research because this investigation is very important for basic research as well as for applications in reduced gravity environment, such as space material science, chemical engineering and so on. Young et al. first investigated the thermocapillary migration of


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The turbulence structures near a sheared air-water interface were experimentally investigated with the hydrogen bubble visualization technique. Surface shear was imposed by an airflow over the water flow which was kept free from surface waves. Results show that the wind shear has the main influence on coherent structures under air-water interfaces. Low- and high- speed streaks form in the region close to the interface as a result of the imposed shear stress. When a certain airflow velocity is reached, "turbulent spots" appear randomly at low-speed streaks with some characteristics of hairpin vortices. At even higher shear rates, the flow near the interface is dominated primarily by intermittent bursting events. The coherent structures observed neat sheared air-water interfaces show qualitative similarities with those occurring in near-wall turbulence. However, a few distinctive phenomena were also observed, including the fluctuating thickness of the instantaneous boundary layer and vertical vortices in bursting processes, which appear to be associated with the characteristics of air-water interfaces.


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The characteristics of low-speed fluid streaks occurring under sheared air-water interfaces were examined by means of hydrogen bubble visualization technique. A critical shear condition under which the streaky structure first appears was determined to be u(tau) approximate to 0.19 cm/s. The mean spanwise streak spacing increases with distance from the water surface owing to merging and bursting processes, and a linear relationship describing variation of non-dimensional spacing <(+)over bar> versus y(+) was found essentially independent of shear stress on the interface. Values of <(+)over bar>, however, are remarkably smaller than their counterparts in the near-wall region of turbulent boundary layers. Though low-speed streaks occur randomly in time and space, the streak spacing exhibits a lognormal probability distribution behavior. A tentative explanation concerning the formation of streaky structure is suggested, and the fact that <(+)over bar> takes rather smaller values than that in wall turbulence is briefly discussed.


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A simple and feasible model feet the calculation of the gas transfer by bubble clouds is proposed in this article. N-2, O-2, and CO2 transferred by bubble clouds are obtained. At wind speed of 10 m/s, the calculated supersaturation of dissolved oxygen is 1.93-3.89% in agreement with the measurement.


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A theoretical investigation is performed on the thermocapillary motion of two bubbles in arbitrary configuration in microgravity environment under the assumption that the surface tension is high enough to keep the bubbles spherical. The two bubbles are dr


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Experimental studies have been performed for horizontal two-phase air-water flows at normal and reduced gravity conditions in a square cross-section channel. The experiments at reduced gravity are conducted on board the Russian IL-76 reduced gravity airplane. Four flow patterns, namely bubble, slug, slug-annular transition and annular flows, are observed depending on the liquid and gas superficial velocities at both conditions. Semi-theoretical Weber number model is developed to include the shape influence on the slug-annular transition. It is shown that its prediction is in reasonable agreement with the experimental slug-annular transition under both conditions. For the case of two-phase gas-liquid flow with large value of the Froude number, the drift-flux model can predict well the observed boundary between bubble and slug flows.


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By means of experiments of instability of a uniform cylindrical soap film, Boys had showed that the bubble molded by the film is unstable when its length is greater than its circumference. Recently that is generally called the Rayleigh Criterion. In this paper, a linear theory in hydrodynamics is applied to analyze the stability of the cylindrical soap film supported by two equal size disks; all conditions of the stationary wave on the end plates of two disks are given. From here we get that the Rayleigh Criterion on the stability of the cylindrical soap film is proved.


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Fracture appearance, surface and nanomechanics properties of antibacterial ceramics contairing rare earth phosphate composite antibacterial materials were characterized and measured by SEM, AFM and Nanoindenter, respectively. Results show that grain of fracture surface of antibacterial ceramics grows uniform refinement topography of bubble break-up appears at the surface, which is flat and has liquid character, by adding the phosphate composite containing rare earth, nevertheless needle-like crystal and granular outgrowth form at fracture surface and surface of common ceramics, respectively. Young's modulus of antibacterial ceramic film is 74. 397 GPa and hardness is 8. 134 GPa, which increses by 4.4﹪ and 1.6﹪ comparing with common ceramics, respectively. Loading curves of two kind of ceramics have obvious nonlinear character under 700 nm and linear character between 700 ~ 1000 nm, and unloading curve have obvious linear character.