691 resultados para Brick masonry


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O presente trabalho propõe apresentar o tipo de sociabilidade maçônica idealizada por Hipólito José da Costa, redator do Correio Braziliense (1808-1822), pioneiro da imprensa brasileira, apesar de não ser um reconhecimento unânime. Dessa forma será enfatizado à trajetória de vida de Hipólito e as muitas memórias construídas por seus biógrafos, que trazem à luz as dubiedades que cercam a figura do redator luso-brasileiro. Algumas interpretações que abordam as inúmeras facetas de Hipólito estarão presentes neste estudo, sobretudo, a sua faceta maçônica. Assim, com o objetivo de analisar a sociabilidade maçônica defendida e propagada por Hipólito da Costa, tomarei como base o discurso do redator registrado não só no Correio, mas também no Diário da minha viagem para Filadélfia, na Narrativa da Perseguição e nas Cartas sobre a Framaçonaria, obras que revelam a concepção de Maçonaria adotada por Hipólito: uma sociedade de homens virtuosos, cujo fim é fazer bem às famílias consternadas.


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A ocorrência de fenótipos multirresistentes de Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum e sua associação a infecções graves, com elevada mortalidade em pacientes imunocomprometidos, aliados ao escasso conhecimento da virulência e patogenia destas infecções, motivou esta pesquisa, que teve como objetivo investigar mecanismos de virulência e resistência microbiana deste agente entre pacientes de um hospital universitário brasileiro. Um total de 113 amostras de C. pseudodiphtheriticum identificadas por métodos bioquímicos convencionais e sistema API-Coryne isoladas de pacientes de diferentes grupos etários. Os micro-organismos eram, em sua maioria, relacionados a infecções no trato respiratório (27,45%), urinário (29,20%) e sitios intravenosos (18,60%) e cerca de 32,70% das amostras foram provenientes de pacientes com pelo menos uma das condições predisponentes: insuficiência renal; transplante renal, tuberculose em paciente HIV+, câncer, cirrose hepática, hemodiálise e uso de cateter. As amostras testadas revelaram-se multirresistentes sendo a maioria resistente à oxacilina, eritromicina e clindamicina. A adesão das cepas ao poliestireno e ao poliuretano indicou o envolvimento de hidrofobicidade da superfície celular na fase inicial da formação de biofilmes. O crescimento subsequente conduziu à formação de microcolônias, agregados bacterianos densos incorporados na matriz exopolimérica rodeada por espaços vazios, típica de biofilmes maduros. Adicionalmente, a interação do micro-organismo com fibrinogênio e fibronectina humana indica o envolvimento destes componentes séricos na formação de biofilme, sugerindo a participação de diferentes adesinas neste processo e a capacidade deste agente formar biofilme in vivo. A afinidade por esses componentes e a formação de biofilme podem contribuir para o estabelecimento e disseminação da infecção no hospedeiro. Adicionalmente, as cepas de C. pseudodiphtheriticum isoladas de pacientes com infecções localizadas (ATCC10700/Pharyngitis) e sistêmicas (HHC1507/Bacteremia) exibiram um padrão de aderência agregativa-like a células HEp-2, caracterizado por aglomerados de bactérias com aparência de um "empilhado de tijolos". Através do teste FAS e ensaios de interação na presença de inibidores de citoesqueleto, demonstramos o envolvimento da polimerização de actina na internalização das cepas testadas. A internalização bacteriana e rearranjo do citoesqueleto pareceu ser parcialmente desencadeado pela ativação da tirosina-quinase. Finalmente, C. pseudodiphtheriticum foi capaz de sobreviver no ambiente intracelular e embora não tenha demonstrado capacidade de replicar intracelularmente, células HEp-2 foram incapazes de eliminar o patógeno completamente no ambiente extracelular no período de 24 horas. Todas as cepas estudadas foram capazes de induzir apoptose em células epiteliais 24 horas pós-infecção evidenciada pelo aumento significativo no número de células mortas e pela ocorrência de alterações nucleares reveladas através dos métodos de coloração pelo azul Trypan, pelo DAPI e microscopia electrônica de transmissão. Alterações morfológicas incluindo a vacuolização, a fragmentação nuclear e a formação de corpos apoptóticos foram observadas neste período. A citometria de fluxo demonstrou ainda uma diminuição significativa no tamanho das células infectadas e a utilização de dupla marcação (iodeto de propídio / anexina V) permitiu a detecção da ocorrência de necrose e apoptose tardia. Em conclusão, o conhecimento de tais características contribuiu para a compreensão de mecanismos envolvidos no aumento da frequência de infecções graves com elevada mortalidade em pacientes no ambiente hospitalar, por C. pseudodiphtheriticum, um patógeno rotineiramente subestimado em países em desenvolvimento.


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The Asian tsunami of 26 December 2004 killed over 220 000 people and devastated coastal structures, including many thousands of traditional brick-built homes. This paper presents the results of model tests that compare the impact of a tsunami wave on a typical coastal house with that on a new tsunami resistant design developed in the USA and now built in Sri Lanka Digital images recorded during the test reveal how the tsunami wave passed through the new house design without damaging it but severely damaged the typical coastal house. Pressure sensor results also provided further insight into tsunami wave loading, indicating that the established Japanese method significantly underestimates maximum impact load.


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This study employs an analytical model to describe the rocking response of a masonry arch to in-plane seismic loading. Through evaluation of the rate of energy input to the system, the model reveals the ground motions that cause maximum rocking amplification. An experimental investigation of small-scale masonry arches subjected to past earthquake time histories is used to evaluate the analytical model and to explore arch rocking behaviour. The results demonstrate that rocking amplification can occur, but is highly sensitive to slight variations in the ground motion. Thus, the accuracy to which the arch response can be predicted is brought into perspective. The concept that the primary impulse of an expected ground motion is fundamentally important in predicting arch collapse is evaluated in light of the developed energy approach. Finally, a statistical method is proposed for predicting the probability of arch collapse during seismic loading.


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Fishing communities that have exploited the resource for generations constitute the main stakeholder groups in the fisheries of Lake Victoria. Several studies have examined Uganda's Lake Victoria fishing communities and characterised key stakeholders at community level over the last decade (SEDAWOG 1999a and b; Geheb 1997; FeSEP 1997; Kitakule 1991). The communities are made up of scattered settlements at the shores and on islands. The categories of people living in these communities include fishers who consist primarily of large numbers of male youths who provide labour to boat and gear owners. There are resident and non-resident fish traders who after securing their supplies at the beaches, depart for their market destinations. In addition, there are fish processors, mostly operating traditional and improved smoking kilns. Many other people, dealing in provisions and supplies also stay at the beaches, their activities depending on the level of fish catch. The fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda, include auxiliary livelihood activities such as boat building, net repairing and transportation; bait supply and beachside kiosks, video halls and retail shop business. Other economic activities are brick making, charcoal burning/wood trade, farming and livestock keeping.


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Several elastoplastic soil models have been proposed over the years that are formulated in strain space rather than stress space due to certain analytical and computational advantages. One such model, BRICK (Simpson 1992), has been continuously utilized and developed for industrial applications within Arup Geotechnics for more than two decades. This paper aims to describe the advantages and difficulties associated with strain space modeling. In addition, it will show how recent advances in modeling the effects of stress history, stiffness anisotropy, strength anisotropy and time-dependence in conventional stress space models can be transferred to the BRICK model. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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As operational impacts from buildings are reduced, embodied impacts are increasing. However, the latter are seldom calculated in the UK; when they are, they tend to be calculated after the building has been constructed, or are underestimated by considering only the initial materials stage. In 2010, the UK Government recommended that a standard methodology for calculating embodied impacts of buildings be developed for early stage design decisions. This was followed in 2011-12 by the publication of the European TC350 standards defining the 'cradle to grave' impact of buildings and products through a process Life Cycle Analysis. This paper describes a new whole life embodied carbon and energy of buildings (ECEB) tool, designed as a usable empirical-based approach for early stage design decisions for UK buildings. The tool complies where possible with the TC350 standards. Initial results for a simple masonry construction dwelling are given in terms of the percentage contribution of each life cycle stage. The main difficulty in obtaining these results is found to be the lack of data, and the paper suggests that the construction and manufacturing industries now have a responsibility to develop new data in order to support this task. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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According to a recent report by the European Commission, within the European Union, the construction and demolition wastes come to at least 450 million tons per year. Roughly 75% of the waste is disposed to landfill, despite its major recycling potential. The bulk constituents of demolition debris are concrete (50-55%) and masonry (30-40%) with only small percentages of other materials such as metals, glass and timber. In Cyprus, at present, recycling of waste materials is practically inexistent and almost the entire demolition waste products are disposed in landfill sites, with all possible economic, technical and environmental impacts. This research paper presents the evaluation and the effective reuse of waste construction materials, such as recycled lime powder (RLP) and recycled concrete aggregates (RCA), disposed to landfill sites in Cyprus, due to the lack of a lucid recycling policy and knowledge. Results show that both RLP and RCA have the potential to produce good quality and robust concrete mixtures both in terms of mechanical and durability performance. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This thesis focuses on the modelling of settlement induced damage to masonry buildings. In densely populated areas, the need for new space is nowadays producing a rapid increment of underground excavations. Due to the construction of new metro lines, tunnelling activity in urban areas is growing. One of the consequences is a greater attention to the risk of damage on existing structures. Thus, the assessment of potential damage of surface buildings has become an essential stage in the excavation projects in urban areas (Chapter 1). The current damage risk assessment procedure is based on strong simplifications, which not always lead to conservative results. Object of this thesis is the development of an improved damage classification system, which takes into account the parameters influencing the structural response to settlement, like the non-linear behaviour of masonry and the soil-structure interaction. The methodology used in this research is based on experimental and numerical modelling. The design and execution of an experimental benchmark test representative of the problem allows to identify the principal factors and mechanisms involved. The numerical simulations enable to generalize the results to a broader range of physical scenarios. The methodological choice is based on a critical review of the currently available procedures for the assessment of settlement-induced building damage (Chapter 2). A new experimental test on a 1/10th masonry façade with a rubber base interface is specifically designed to investigate the effect of soil-structure interaction on the tunnelling-induced damage (Chapter 3). The experimental results are used to validate a 2D semi-coupled finite element model for the simulation of the structural response (Chapter 4). The numerical approach, which includes a continuum cracking model for the masonry and a non-linear interface to simulate the soil-structure interaction, is then used to perform a sensitivity study on the effect of openings, material properties, initial damage, initial conditions, normal and shear behaviour of the base interface and applied settlement profile (Chapter 5). The results assess quantitatively the major role played by the normal stiffness of the soil-structure interaction and by the material parameters defining the quasi-brittle masonry behaviour. The limitation of the 2D modelling approach in simulating the progressive 3D displacement field induced by the excavation and the consequent torsional response of the building are overcome by the development of a 3D coupled model of building, foundation, soil and tunnel (Chapter 6). Following the same method applied to the 2D semi-coupled approach, the 3D model is validated through comparison with the monitoring data of a literature case study. The model is then used to carry out a series of parametric analyses on geometrical factors: the aspect ratio of horizontal building dimensions with respect to the tunnel axis direction, the presence of adjacent structures and the position and alignment of the building with respect to the excavation (Chapter 7). The results show the governing effect of the 3D building response, proving the relevance of 3D modelling. Finally, the results from the 2D and 3D parametric analyses are used to set the framework of an overall damage model which correlates the analysed structural features with the risk for the building of being damaged by a certain settlement (Chapter 8). This research therefore provides an increased experimental and numerical understanding of the building response to excavation-induced settlements, and sets the basis for an operational tool for the risk assessment of structural damage (Chapter 9).


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Numerous studies on the rigid rocking block have generated a wealth of knowledge about rocking behavior. However, evaluation of more complex rocking systems requires the derivation and solution of complicated equations of motion. This paper investigates the possibility of a unified description of several rocking systems through investigation of rocking mechanisms which describe the masonry wall and the masonry arch. Effective rocking parameters are derived for each of these structures, and the similarity of the rocking behavior is discussed. The error of the proposed approximation, which defines the limitations for this approach, is quantified for the example structures considered. Where appropriate, a unified description of rocking would allow the use of rocking spectra, which would be useful to readily predict the response of a wide array of rocking structures.


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In the central part of the Delft railway tunnel project, an underground railway station is being built at very close distance to the existing station building, which is still in operation. Although elaborate sensitivity analyses were made, some unforeseen deformations were encountered during the first phases of the execution process. Especially the installation of temporary sheet pile walls as well as the installation of a huge amount of grout anchor piles resulted in deformations exceeding the predicted final deformations as well as the boundary values defined by a level I limiting tensile strain method (LTSM) approach. In order to ensure the execution process, supplementary analyses were made to predict future deformations, and this for multiple cross sections. These deformations were implemented into a finite element model of the masonry of the building in order to define probable crack formation. This Level II LTSM approach made it possible to increase the initially foreseen deformation criteria and the continuation of the works. Design steps, design models and monitoring results will be explained within this paper.


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One of the main causes of failure of historic buildings is represented by the differential settlements of foundations. Finite element analysis provides a useful tool for predicting the consequences of given ground displacements in terms of structural damage and also assesses the need of strengthening techniques. The actual damage classification for buildings subject to settlement bases the assessment of the potential damage on the expected crack pattern of the structure. In this paper, the correlation between the physical description of the damage in terms of crack width and the interpretation of the finite element analysis output is analyzed. Different discrete and continuum crack models are applied to simulate an experiment carried on a scale model of a masonry historical building, the Loggia Palace in Brescia (Italy). Results are discussed and a modified version of the fixed total strain smeared crack model is evaluated, in order to solve the problem related to the calculation of the exact crack width.


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Underground constructions in soft ground may lead to settlement damage to existing buildings. In The Netherlands the situation is particularly complex, because of the combination of soft soil, fragile pile foundations and brittle, unreinforced masonry façades. The tunnelling design process in urban areas requires a reliable risk damage assessment. In the engineering practice the current preliminary damage assessment is based on the limiting tensile strain method (LTSM). Essentially this is an uncoupled analysis, in which the building is modelled as an elastic beam subject to imposed Greenfield settlements and the induced tensile strains are compared with a limit value for the material. The soil-structure interaction is included only as a ratio between the soil and the building stiffness. In this paper, a coupled approach is evaluated. The soil-structure interaction in terms of normal and shear behaviour is represented by interface elements and a cracking model for masonry is included. This project aims to improve the existing damage classification system for masonry buildings subjected to tunnel-induced settlement, in order to evaluate the necessity of strengthening techniques or mitigation measures.


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Excavation works in urban areas require a preliminary risk damage assessment. In historical cities, the prediction of building response to settlements is necessary to reduce the risk of damage of the architectural heritage. The current method used to predict the building damage due to ground deformations is the Limiting Tensile Strain Method (LTSM). This method is based on an uncoupled soil-structure analysis, in which the building is modelled as an elastic beam subject to imposed greenfield settlements and the induced tensile strains are compared with a limit value for the material. This approach neglects many factors which play an important rule in the response of the structure to tunneling induced settlements. In this paper, the possibility to apply a settlement risk assessment derived from the seismic vulnerability approach is considered. The parameters that influence the structural response to settlements can be defined through numerical coupled analyses which take into account the nonlinear behaviour of masonry and the soil-structure interaction.


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In this paper, the transverse rocking mechanism of a barrel vaulted structure subjected to horizontal cyclic loads is analysed by means of experimental tests on full scale model and by means of non-linear FE analyses. The study is part of an ongoing experimental and theoretical research program, developed by the University of Brescia, concerning the seismic behaviour of ancient masonry buildings. The scope of the paper is to provide some evidence of the rocking mechanism experienced by barrel vaulted structures under horizontal loading. The understanding of the behaviour of these structural systems is necessary for their seismic vulnerability assessment, as well as for the correct design of possible strengthening techniques. A numeric FE model was validated through comparison with the experimental results and it was used to verify the efficiency of two common strengthening solutions: the technique of the overlaying reinforced concrete slab and the technique of the thin spandrel walls. Experimental and numeric results will be discussed in the paper.