824 resultados para Brazilian fauna - Birds
A study was conducted in Tebuwana Wathurana Wetland ecosystem to understand its vegetation structure and faunal composition in order to assess its conservation needs. As there are no published records on the flora and fauna of Wathurana Wetlands in Tebuwana, it is necessary to understand the ecological and other relevant features in order to develop strategies to conserve this wetland. These objectives were pursued by surveying the vegetation of the wetland and by identifying fish and bird species present. A total of 66 species of flora and 61 species of fauna were identified in the survey. Of the 27 fish species recorded from the Tebuwana Wetland, 9 species were endemic and 17 species belonged to the indigenous category. With regard to the flora in the wetlands, the dominant families were Rubaceae, Fabaceae and Arecaceae. The 66 species belonged to 39 families and 61 genera while 12 species were endemic and 4 species were considered highly threatened. These flora were found in four layers. Of the 22 species of birds recorded, two species were endemic. This study revealed that these Wathurana Wetlands have a high species diversity but that they face many threats including encroachments, extraction of forest products mainly as timber, land filling, mining and occurrence of invasive species. It is essential to minimize the exploitation of natural resources from this wetland in the future and in particular to mark the boundary, conduct awareness programmes and continue research.
The impact of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (PETZONE) activities on the health status of Jafari Creek was studied by assessing the changes in macroinvertebrate assemblages in nine sites during September 2006- January 2008. Furthermore to evaluate the ecological status of the Jafari Creek the WFD indices (i.e. AMBI, M-AMBI) were used. The relationship between spatial pattern of macro invertebrate assemblages and ambient factors (i.e. water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, total hardness, total nitrogen, ammonia, total phosphorous, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, sediment grain size distribution, sediment organic content, heavy metals contents) was measured. Background Enrichment indices, Contamination factor and Contamination degree, were used to assess the health status in the study area based on Nickel, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury contents of the sediments. The macrobenthic communities had a low diversity and were dominated by opportunistic taxa, and the AMBI and M-AMBI indices need to be calibrated before using in Persian Gulf and its coastal waters. The BIO-ENV analysis identified pH, dissolved oxygen, TDS, and the total organic content of sediments as the major environmental variables influencing the infaunal pattern. This suggests that management should attempt to ensure minimal disturbance to environmental variables underlying the spatial variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages. Background Enrichment indices showed that the health of Jafari Creek has declined over time due to the constant discharge of heavy metals to the Creek system. Furthermore WQS index shows that the quality condition of the water column in Jafari Creek, regard to the calculated number (3) is week. These indices also identified a significant degree of pollution in the study area. The decrease in the ecological potential of Jafari Creek was best highlighted by the alteration in macrobenthic assemblages.
The Moosa Creek extends from its opening into the Persian Gulf, with some sub narrow creeks leading to it. Zangi creek is one of the main branches of Moosa creek. The creek contains numerous sources of organic pollution, including sewage outlet flows and boat waste. After establishing the Petrochemical special Economic Zone (PETZONE) in 1997 near to the Zangi Creek, the pipelines, streets and railway made it distinct from eastern and western parts of this creek. Industrial activities have released sludge and effluents in this creek along these years. A survey of the Zangi creek was performed, assessing water properties, organic pollution, and the population density, distribution and diversity of macrobenthic fauna through bi-monthly sampling from July 2006 to September 2007. Samples were collected from water near the bottom and sediment at 7 stations include 2 stations inside the distinct Zangi creek and 4 stations along a transect with 1 km distances between them in eastern free part and one reference station located at the Persian Gulf entrance to the Moosa creek. The environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, COD, turbidity, EC and heavy metals include Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni as well as percentage silt-clay and total organic matter of the sediment were measured. The faunal population density and their distribution are discussed in relation to the environmental changes. Results showed spatial heterogeneity in faunal distribution of the Zangi creek. Nine groups of macrofauna were identified out of distinct zangi creek. Polychaets formed the dominant group (48%) followed by bivalves (13%), gastropods (10%), Decapods (2%), Tanaids (5%), and all other groups (22%). The distinct creek was heavily polluted without any macrofauna communities probably as a consequence of the high pH, COD, low salinity and heavy metals contamination specially Cd and Pb. The other stations near to the disposal site were found with macrofauna communities commonly tolerant to organic pollution, At 3 km east of the disposal site, macrofauna is comparable to the surrounded creek, whereas macrofauna still indicate environmental degradation. Farther a way, faunal density decreases and equilibrium taxa gradually replace opportunistic species, while the other stations were far from polluted area contained lower pollution and relatively healthy macrofauna. The mean biomass of macrobenthic fauna were estimated for the whole studied area. The results are considered in Minimum density and biomass in surrounded creek and maximum density and biomass in 3 km of surrounded area. Biodiversity Indices were low in surrounded creek. The Shanon-weaver information index was used to describe the spatially variations in diversity. Macrofauna density, shanon and simpson index were significantly variable between surrounded and free parts of Zangi creek (p<0.05). The numerical abundance of macrobenthose varied from 221. m-2 in polluted area to 4346 m-2 in free part of Zangi creek. The Shanon-weaver information index varied from 0.4 in distinct area to 2.9 in reference station. The physico- chemical changes between distinct and free creeks showed significant variations such as pH, salinity and EC. Salinity and EC were significantly positive correlate to macrofauna density, whereas pH and TOM percentage indicated significantly negative correlation to density. Heavy metals concentrations in sediments were higher than water samples. Concentration pattern of heavy metals in sediments and water samples were Ni>Pb>Cd>Hg. Salinity and pH were significantly correlated to metals in sediments (p<0.01). No significant correlation were found between Macrofauna density and heavy metals (p<0.05).
Some 35 species of fishes were collected from 57 localities spread in various taluks of Coorg district of Karnataka State. Four species of fishes which are rare and restricted to this region are recorded after a lapse of several years. A number of species of Puntius, namely, P. arulius arulius, P. arulius tamraparniei, P. pulchelus, P. micropogon , P. conchonius, P. vittatus, P. parrah, P. sarana, P. sophore, P. chola, P. denisonii were observed. Cold water species namely, Barilius bakerii, B. vagra vagra, B. gatensis, B. canarensis are recorded. Maximum number of species (13) were met in Ramthirtha stream at Poochkal.
Ecological study on Kolahy and 'flab estuaries were carried out during 1996-1997. Water and sediment sampling was done seasonally. In order to study the physical and chemical characteristic of the water, various animal fauna from different material niches including planktons and fish from water, benthousi from the sediment , and surface living animal such as Arthropod (Crabs) and Waterbirds were identified. I he result shoved, that water salinity of both estuaries was the same as the general salinity existing its the Persian Gulf water, and its variation is same IN those waters Minimum water salinity in both estuaries are seen during Bahairdan or early winter mooth(Jaa.), which is about 31ppt and Maximum is during .rirldlun.) or summer mouth at about 19 ppt. Dissolved otygen and pH are slime as the general Persian Gulf waters., Dissolve Oxygen being directly associated to temperature and its fluctuation is between 7- Sing/I and pH between 7.5-LS. The animals of both estuaries are almost similar having a sal factory species diversity . The birds of the region are often seasonal migrants , the maximum population of which occurs in winter season and the minimum during summer month. Nam coverage is richer in Tiab than Kolahy estuary, where in Kolahy a signal Mangrove tree is in exigence. 'Ile total coverage of Mangrove forest in Tiab is estimated about -29 hec.Both estuaries are included with in the international Ramsar Convention sites in 1971. Due to national importance of these estuaries inproviding refugee for various birds species and also hinting grounds and access traffic for local fishing vehicles, Actiog as an important access for various inhabitancy living with these area of the Persian Gulf. Due to importance or prawn aquacultur for the economical well being of local inhabitance, these areas provide a suitable grandees for prawn production. I-test statistics show, there are no significant difference among various invertebrate and vertebrate animals. In over all out look 21) phytoplankton genera, 21) zeoplankton genera 17 miafauna and 32 roaerofauna genera , 11 different species Carcineacearions and 119 species of walerbirds were identified with in the Tiab and Kolahy estuariesregioos. The X statistic show that the animal density is directly associated to season. Where density of miofauna and maerofauna in both estuaries are in maiticrourn during summer and the minimums existing during the winter season. In addition the bentic invertebrate population density in closlly association to birds population density since , the later, feeds on the former animals. Where the increasing in bird population density during the winter season, the bentic invertebrate animal population density decreases. The over all trend of animal population density in winter tend to increased towards the summer seasons, which this is due to climatic conditions of the region. The bird population on the contrary to other animals of both estuaries tend to increase from summer towards the winter seasons and which this bird population density is in maximum in winter with in the region.
This report presents an overview of the land-based biodiversity of the St Martin's Island, based on field visits during October 2014 and from historical data.
泸沽湖是位于滇西北的一个断陷湖泊,为滇川两省共有。文献记录泸沽湖原始的鱼类区系由4种鱼 类组成,隶属于裂腹鱼属和泥鳅属。于2001,2002和2004年3次考察泸沽湖,进行标本采集和鱼类区系现状调 查。查看了采自泸沽湖的鱼类标本518号,结合历史上的采集记录和大量相关文献,确定泸沽湖记录有鱼类12 种,隶属于3目4科10属;过度捕捞和毁林造成的泥石流是泸沽湖鱼类区系变化的主要原因。
Lake Victoria in East Africa, supports socio-economically important fisheries for more than 30 million inhabitants in the lake basin. The lake had until the 1970's a diverse fish assemblage dominated by haplochromines species which formed at least 83% of the fish biomass (Kudhongania & Cordone 1974). The more than 500 haplochromine species in Lake Victoria, over 99% of them endemic, exploited virtually all the food sources in the lake (Witte and van Oijen 1990). Each species had its own unique combination of food and habitat preference (Goldschmidt et al., 1990).
The population density, distribution, diversity and secondry production of macrobenthic fauna of the inner Chahbahar Bay were studied through bi-monthly sampling from April 1995 to March 1996. Samples were collected from water near the bottom and sediment at 14 stations inside the Bay and one reference station located outside at the entrance to the Bay. The environmental parameters Such as temperature, water depth, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen as well as percentage silt-clay and total organic matter of the sediment were measured. The faunal population density and their distribution is discussed in relation to the environmental changes. results obtained indicated both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in faunal distribution of the Chahbahar Bay. The total of 18 groups of macrofauna were identified in all samples. Amphipods formed the dominant group (21%) followed by polychaetes (19%), gastropods (15.7%) bivalves (10.6%) and all other groups (33.7%). Seasonal changes in faunal density is shown in relation to Indian Ocean southwest monsoon,the result of which indicated lower population density during monsoon (June to September) than that of the premonsoon (February to May) and post monsoon (October to January) periods. The numerical abundance of macrobenthos varied from 10260.m2 before monsoon to 5190 m2 during monsoon season. Three dominant groups of macrofauna including polychaetes, gastropods, and bivalves were identified in all collected samples. Indices of diversity, richness and evenness were calculated for these three dominant groups. The Shannon-Weaver information index was used to describe the spatially and temporally variation in diversity of these three major faunal groups. The results exhibited lower faunal diversity during monsoon period. The annual production of two dominant macrofauna species including a species of bivalve, Nuculana acuta and a species of Cephalochordata, Branchiostoma lanceolatum were measured by using age group determination. Furthermore the mean biomass and total annual production of macrobenthic fauna were estimated for the whole studied area. The potential yield of demersal fishery resources (fish and crustacean) then estimated and worked out to be 15360 tons/year asuming 10% ecological efficiency of hypothetical pyramid from 3rd to 4th marine trophic level. Accordingly the annual exploitable demersal fishery resources for the entire Chahbahar Bay was estimated to be 7600 to 8500 tons/year by taking 50 to 55% of the total estimated potential in to account.
There have been considerable changes in fish species composition in Lakes victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo since the Nile perch were introduced. Populations of most of the native species have declined and many species may have become extinct. The original decline in the fish stocks was due to overfishing but the recent and more drastic decline has been attributed to predation by the Nile perch. Nile perch feeds on invertebrates changing to a piscivorous diet with size. Haplochromine cichlids, which were the most abundant fish in Lakes Victoria just before the Nile perch populations started increasing rapidly have been depleted. As more suitable types of prey were depleted in the new habi tats, Nile perch switched to other prey types to the extent of feeding even on its own young. There are, fears that the Nile perch will overshoot its food supply, resulting in a reduction of its own population and subsequently a collapse in the fishery (FAD 1985).
Malya dam had been stocked with several species of Tilapia. However all but the species endemic to the region, T esculentus, made only marginal contributions to the fishery. T. zilli particularly had failed to establish itself, probably because its niche had been previously filled by T. rendalii. Planktivorou Tilapia species predominate in Malya dam but in smaller dams in the region herbivoorous tilapia are relatively more abundant. Six non-cichlid species and one of Haplochromis were found in the dam. Tilapia esculenta the most economically important species, was estimated to grow within 9-10 cm first year and 16-18 cm second year. The largest, specimen caught was 30.5 cm and the smallest mature individual 19 cm. The fish of the dam grew more slowly and matured at a smaller size than those of the same species in Lake Victoria The biological pattern of T. esculenta in Malya dam was similar to that of this species in Lake Victoria.
The helminth fauna of Oreochromis leucosticus (Trewavas) from Lake Naivasha is described. The study was carried out on 1,050 gillnetted fish caught over a period of 24 months at different sites within the lake. Oreochromis leucosticus which is a commercially important fish was observed to be a host of four helminth parasites. These were an acanthocephalan polyacanthorhynchus kenyensis (Schmidt and Canaris), a nematode contracaecum sp.. a trematode clinostomum sp. and a dilepidid cestode Amirthalingamia sp. Seasonal variation in prevalence, intensity of infection, organs infected and the variation in infection with the size, sex and body condition of the host are described. There was no seasonal variation in prevalence but intensity of infection was observed to increase with the age of the fish. Although male fish were observed to be more heavily infected, the parasites did not seem to have any significant effect on the body condition of the fish.