954 resultados para Biological An Hydraulic Modelling
"Prepared for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency."
"Prepared for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency."
The effect of retrofitting an existing pond on removal efficiency and hydraulic performance was modelled using the commercial software Mike21 and compartmental modelling. The Mike21 model had previously been calibrated on the studied pond. Installation of baffles, the addition of culverts under a causeway and removal of an existing island were all studied as possible improvement measures in the pond. The subsequent effect on hydraulic performance and removal of. suspended solids was then evaluated. Copper, cadmium, BOD, nitrogen and phosphorus removal were,also investigated for that specific improvement measure showing the best results. Outcomes of this study reveal that all measures increase the removal efficiency of suspended solids. The hydraulic efficiency is improved for all cases, except for the case where the island is removed. Compartmental modelling was also used to evaluate hydraulic performance and facilitated a better understanding of the way each of the different measures affected the flow pattern and performance. It was concluded that the installation of baffles is the best of the studied measures resulting in a reduction in the annual load on the receiving lake by approximately 8,000 kg of suspended solids (25% reduction of the annual load), 2 kg of copper (10% reduction of the annual load) and 600 kg of BOD (10% reduction of the annual load).
Purple acid phosphatases (PAPs) are a family of binuclear metalloenzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters and anhydrides. A PAP in sweet potato has a unique, strongly antiferromagnetically coupled Fe(III)-Mn(II) center and is distinguished from other PAPs by its increased catalytic efficiency for a range of activated and unactivated phosphate esters, its strict requirement for Mn(II), and the presence of a mu-oxo bridge at pH 4.90. This enzyme displays maximum catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K-m) at pH 4.5, whereas its catalytic rate constant (k(cat)) is maximal at near-neutral pH, and, in contrast to other PAPs, its catalytic parameters are not dependent on the pK(a) of the leaving group. The crystal structure of the phosphate-bound Fe(III)-Mn(II) PAP has been determined to 2.5-Angstrom resolution (final R-free value of 0.256). Structural comparisons of the active site of sweet potato, red kidney bean, and mammalian PAPs show several amino acid substitutions in the sweet potato enzyme that can account for its increased catalytic efficiency. The phosphate molecule binds in an unusual tripodal mode to the two metal ions, with two of the phosphate oxygen atoms binding to Fe(III) and Mn(II), a third oxygen atom bridging the two metal ions, and the fourth oxygen pointing toward the substrate binding pocket. This binding mode is unique among the known structures in this family but is reminiscent of phosphate binding to urease and of sulfate binding to A protein phosphatase. The structure and kinetics support the hypothesis that the bridging oxygen atom initiates hydrolysis.
In cell lifespan studies the exponential nature of cell survival curves is often interpreted as showing the rate of death is independent of the age of the cells within the population. Here we present an alternative model where cells that die are replaced and the age and lifespan of the population pool is monitored until a, steady state is reached. In our model newly generated individual cells are given a determined lifespan drawn from a number of known distributions including the lognormal, which is frequently found in nature. For lognormal lifespans the analytic steady-state survival curve obtained can be well-fit by a single or double exponential, depending on the mean and standard deviation. Thus, experimental evidence for exponential lifespans of one and/or two populations cannot be taken as definitive evidence for time and age independence of cell survival. A related model for a dividing population in steady state is also developed. We propose that the common adoption of age-independent, constant rates of change in biological modelling may be responsible for significant errors, both of interpretation and of mathematical deduction. We suggest that additional mathematical and experimental methods must be used to resolve the relationship between time and behavioural changes by cells that are predominantly unsynchronized.
The role of mutualisms in contributing to species invasions is rarely considered, inhibiting effective risk analysis and management options. Potential ecological consequences of invasion of non-native pollinators include increased pollination and seed set of invasive plants, with subsequent impacts on population growth rates and rates of spread. We outline a quantitative approach for evaluating the impact of a proposed introduction of an invasive pollinator on existing weed population dynamics and demonstrate the use of this approach on a relatively data-rich case study: the impacts on Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom) from proposed introduction of Bombus terrestris. Three models have been used to assess population growth (matrix model), spread speed (integrodifference equation), and equilibrium occupancy (lattice model) for C. scoparius. We use available demographic data for an Australian population to parameterize two of these models. Increased seed set due to more efficient pollination resulted in a higher population growth rate in the density-independent matrix model, whereas simulations of enhanced pollination scenarios had a negligible effect on equilibrium weed occupancy in the lattice model. This is attributed to strong microsite limitation of recruitment in invasive C. scoparius populations observed in Australia and incorporated in the lattice model. A lack of information regarding secondary ant dispersal of C. scoparius prevents us from parameterizing the integrodifference equation model for Australia, but studies of invasive populations in California suggest that spread speed will also increase with higher seed set. For microsite-limited C. scoparius populations, increased seed set has minimal effects on equilibrium site occupancy. However, for density-independent rapidly invading populations, increased seed set is likely to lead to higher growth rates and spread speeds. The impacts of introduced pollinators on native flora and fauna and the potential for promoting range expansion in pollinator-limited 'sleeper weeds' also remain substantial risks.
We tested direct and indirect measures of benthic metabolism as indicators of stream ecosystem health across a known agricultural land-use disturbance gradient in southeast Queensland, Australia. Gross primary production (GPP) and respiration (R-24) in benthic chambers in cobble and sediment habitats, algal biomass (as chlorophyll a) from cobbles and sediment cores, algal biomass accrual on artificial substrates and stable carbon isotope ratios of aquatic plants and benthic sediments were measured at 53 stream sites, ranging from undisturbed subtropical rainforest to catchments where improved pasture and intensive cropping are major land-uses. Rates of benthic GPP and R-24 varied by more than two orders of magnitude across the study gradient. Generalised linear regression modelling explained 80% or more of the variation in these two indicators when sediment and cobble substrate dominated sites were considered separately, and both catchment and reach scale descriptors of the disturbance gradient were important in explaining this variation. Model fits were poor for net daily benthic metabolism (NDM) and production to respiration ratio (P/R). Algal biomass accrual on artificial substrate and stable carbon isotope ratios of aquatic plants and benthic sediment were the best of the indirect indicators, with regression model R-2 values of 50% or greater. Model fits were poor for algal biomass on natural substrates for cobble sites and all sites. None of these indirect measures of benthic metabolism was a good surrogate for measured GPP. Direct measures of benthic metabolism, GPP and R-24, and several indirect measures were good indicators of stream ecosystem health and are recommended in assessing process-related responses to riparian and catchment land use change and the success of ecosystem rehabilitation actions.
The enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process is regularly used for the treatment of wastewater, but suffers from erratic performance. Successful EBPR relies on the growth of bacteria called polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs), which store phosphorus intracellularly as polyphosphate, thus removing it from wastewater. Metabolic models have been proposed which describe the measured chemical transformations, however genetic evidence is lacking to confirm these hypotheses. The aim of this research was to generate a metagenomic library from biomass enriched in PAOs as determined by phenotypic data and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) using probes specific for the only described PAO to date, Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis. DNA extraction methods were optimised and two fosmid libraries were constructed which contained 93 million base pairs of metagenomic data. Initial screening of the library for 16S rRNA genes revealed fosmids originating from a range of non-pure-cultured wastewater bacteria. The metagenomic libraries constructed will provide the ability to link phylogenetic and metabolic data for bacteria involved in nutrient removal from wastewater. Keywords DNA extraction; EBPR; metagenomic library; 16S rRNA gene.
Various factors can influence the population dynamics of phytophages post introduction, of which climate is fundamental. Here we present an approach, using a mechanistic modelling package (CLIMEX), that at least enables one to make predictions of likely dynamics based on climate alone. As biological control programs will have minimal funding for basic work (particularly on population dynamics), we show how predictions can be made using a species geographical distribution, relative abundance across its range, seasonal phenology and laboratory rearing data. Many of these data sets are more likely to be available than long-term population data, and some can be incorporated into the exploratory phase of a biocontrol program. Although models are likely to be more robust the more information is available, useful models can be developed using information on species distribution alone. The fitted model estimates a species average response to climate, and can be used to predict likely geographical distribution if introduced, where the agent is likely to be more abundant (i.e. good locations) and more importantly for interpretation of release success, the likely variation in abundance over time due to intra- and inter-year climate variability. The latter will be useful in predicting both the seasonal and long-term impacts of the potential biocontrol agent on the target weed. We believe this tool may not only aid in the agent selection process, but also in the design of release strategies, and for interpretation of post-introduction dynamics and impacts. More importantly we are making testable predictions. If biological control is to become more of a science making and testing such hypothesis will be a key component.
Selection of biocontrol agents that are adapted to the climates in areas of intended release demands a thorough analysis of the climates of the source and release sites. We present a case study that demonstrates how use of the CLIMEX software can improve decision making in relation to the identification of prospective areas for exploration for agents to control the woody weed, prickly acacia Acacia nilotica ssp. indica in the arid areas of north Queensland.
Sea-water intrusion is actively contaminating fresh groundwater reserves in the coastal aquifers of the Pioneer Valley,north-eastern Australia. A three-dimensional sea-water intrusion model has been developed using the MODHMS code to explore regional-scale processes and to aid assessment of management strategies for the system. A sea-water intrusion potential map, produced through analyses of the hydrochemistry, hydrology and hydrogeology, offsets model limitations by providing an alternative appraisal of susceptibility. Sea-water intrusion in the Pioneer Valley is not in equilibrium, and a potential exists for further landward shifts in the extent of saline groundwater. The model required consideration of tidal over-height (the additional hydraulic head at the coast produced by the action of tides), with over-height values in the range 0.5-0.9 m giving improved water-table predictions. The effect of the initial water-table condition dominated the sensitivity of the model to changes in the coastal hydraulic boundary condition. Several salination processes are probably occurring in the Pioneer Valley, rather than just simple landward sea-water advancement from modern sources of marine salts. The method of vertical discretisation (i.e. model-layer subdivision) was shown to introduce some errors in the prediction of watertable behaviour.
Irrigation practices that are profligate in their use of water have come under closer scrutiny by water managers and the public. Trickle irrigation has the propensity to increase water use efficiency but only if the system is designed to meet the soil and plant conditions. Recently we have provided a software tool, WetUp (http://www.clw.csiro.au/products/wetup/), to calculate the wetting patterns from trickle irrigation emitters. WetUp uses an analytical solution to calculate the wetted perimeter for both buried and surface emitters. This analytical solution has a number of assumptions, two of which are that the wetting front is defined by water content at which the hydraulic conductivity (K) is I mm day(-1) and that the flow occurs from a point source. Here we compare the wetting patterns calculated with a 2-dimensional numerical model, HYDRUS2D, for solving the water flow into typical soils with the analytical solution. The results show that the wetting patterns are similar, except when the soil properties result in the assumption of a point source no longer being a good description of the flow regime. Difficulties were also experienced with getting stable solutions with HYDRUS2D for soils with low hydraulic conductivities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.