991 resultados para Berthaud, 1783


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Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV), the causal agent of cervical cancer, appears to be involved in the etiology of cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx. To investigate these associations, we conducted a multicenter case-control study of cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx in nine countries. Methods: We recruited 1670 case patients (1415 with cancer of the oral cavity and 255 with cancer of the oropharynx) and 1732 control subjects and obtained an interview, oral exfoliated cells, and blood from all participants and fresh biopsy specimens from case patients. HPV DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Antibodies against HPV16 L1, E6, and E7 proteins in plasma were detected with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Multivariable models were used for case-control and case-case comparisons. Results: HPV DNA was detected in biopsy specimens of 3.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]=2.5% to 5.3%) of 766 cancers of the oral cavity with valid PCR results and 18.3% (95% CI=12.0% to 24.7%) of 142 cancers of the oropharynx (oropharynx and tonsil combined) with valid PCR results. HPV DNA in cancer biopsy specimens was detected less frequently among tobacco smokers and paan chewers and more frequently among subjects who reported more than one sexual partner or who practiced oral sex. HPV16 DNA was found in 94.7% of HPV DNA-positive case patients. HPV DNA in exfoliated cells was not associated with cancer risk or with HPV DNA detection in biopsy specimens. Antibodies against HPV16 L1 were associated with risk for cancers of the oral cavity (odds ratio [OR]=1.5, 95% CI=1.1 to 2.1) and the oropharynx (OR=3.5, 95% CI=2.1 to 5.9). Antibodies against HPV16 E6 or E7 were also associated with risk for cancers of the oral cavity (OR=2.9, 95% CI=1.7 to 4.8) and the oropharynx (OR=9.2, 95% CI=4.8 to 17.7). Conclusions: HPV appears to play an etiologic role in many cancers of the oropharynx and possibly a small subgroup of cancers of the oral cavity. The most common HPV type in genital cancers (HPV16) was also the most common in these tumors. The mechanism of transmission of HPV to the oral cavity warrants further investigation.


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Selection power is taken as the fundamental value for information retrieval systems. Selection power is regarded as produced by selection labor, which itself separates historically into description and search labor. As forms of mental labor, description and search labor participate in the conditions for labor and for mental labor. Concepts and distinctions applicable to physical and mental labor are indicated, introducing the necessity of labor for survival, the idea of technology as a human construction, and the possibility of the transfer of human labor to technology. Distinctions specific to mental labor, particular between semantic and syntactic labor, are introduced. Description labor is exemplified by cataloging, classification, and database description, can be more formally understood as the labor involved in the transformation of objects for description into searchable descriptions, and is also understood to include interpretation. The costs of description labor are discussed. Search labor is conceived as the labor expended in searching systems. For both description and search labor, there has been a progressive reduction in direct human labor, with its syntactic aspects transferred to technology, effectively compelled by the high relative costs of direct human labor compared to machine processes.


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Edge Cloud 2 (EC2) is a molecular cloud, about 35 pc in size, with one of the largest galactocentric distances known to exist in the Milky Way. We present observations of a peak CO emission region in the cloud and use these to determine its physical characteristics. We calculate a gas temperature of 20 K and a density of n(H2)~10^4 cm-3. Based on our CO maps, we estimate the mass of EC2 at around 10^4 Msolar and continuum observations suggest a dust-to-gas mass ratio as low as 0.001. Chemical models have been developed to reproduce the abundances in EC2, and they indicate that heavy element abundances may be reduced by a factor of 5 relative to the solar neighborhood (similar to dwarf irregular galaxies and damped Lya systems), very low extinction (A_V <4 mag) due to a very low dust-to-gas mass ratio, an enhanced cosmic-ray ionization rate, and a higher UV field compared to local interstellar values. The reduced abundances may be attributed to the low level of star formation in this region and are probably also related to the continuing infall of primordial (or low-metallicity) halo gas since the Milky Way formed. Finally, we note that shocks from the old supernova remnant GSH 138-01-94 may have determined the morphology and dynamics of EC2.


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With the impetus that has led recent studies on Latin American Modernism to a reevaluation of the sense of cultural fluxes from the modernity capitals to its peripheries –discarding categories such as “influence”, “exotism” and “ivory tower”, stereotypes that have clouded critical understanding of this aesthetics for decades- the present study intends to investigate a persistent practice of the main writers of the movement. This practice is modernist pictorial criticism, a genre that will be approached through the analysis of an unknown corpus: the seven chronicles Rubén Darío published in the journal La Prensa on occasion of the third art exposition of the Ateneo de Buenos Aires. Our hypothesis is that the rare creators of images portrayed by Darío by the end of 1895 work as a visual counterpoint of the eccentric writers’ biographical sketches that a year later will be part of the fundamental volume Los raros (1896). In this early “salon”, which we reproduce in its entirety, accompanied by explanatory notes, the leader of Modernism rehearses and consolidates his transcultural work with the universal tradition –now applied to the Salons (1845-1860) by Charles Baudelaire and to the monumental project by John Ruskin in Modern painters (1843-1860)- to legitimate, from another subgenre of Modernist criticism, a new figure of the critic, in dissent with the Enlightenment model of the writer.


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Given currently high rates of extinction, it is critical to be able to predict how ecosystems will respond to loss of species and consequent changes in community structure. Much previous research in this area has been based on terrestrial systems, using synthetically assembled communities. There has beer! much less research on inter-trophic effects in different systems, using in situ removal experiments. Problems with the design of early experiments have made it difficult to determine whether reductions in ecosystem functioning in low diversity treatments were due to the number of species present or merely to the reduced likelihood of including particular (


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Hannah More's poem 'The Bas Bleu' was the first account of the Bluestockings to be published from within the Bluestocking circle itself. It remained the most significant defence of Bluestocking ideals for many decades thereafter, years in which satirical depictions of the Bluestockings would predominate. This essay locates More's poem in the contexts of its original composition (1783), manuscript circulation and eventual publication (1786). The poem's transformation from a manuscript to a published poem exemplifies its particular significance as a public statement in which the Bluestockings attained prominence and celebrity.


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We introduce a novel graph class we call universal hierarchical graphs (UHG) whose topology can be found numerously in problems representing, e.g., temporal, spacial or general process structures of systems. For this graph class we show, that we can naturally assign two probability distributions, for nodes and for edges, which lead us directly to the definition of the entropy and joint entropy and, hence, mutual information establishing an information theory for this graph class. Furthermore, we provide some results under which conditions these constraint probability distributions maximize the corresponding entropy. Also, we demonstrate that these entropic measures can be computed efficiently which is a prerequisite for every large scale practical application and show some numerical examples. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The chemoselective acylation of primary aliphatic amines has been achieved in under ten minutes (and for aromatic amines under 120 min) using vibration ball-milling, avoiding undesirable solvents which are typically employed for such reactions (e.g. DMF). Under optimised conditions, the synthesis of amides in the presence of both primary and secondary alcohol functions was achieved in high to excellent yields (65-94%). Overall, the methods described have significant practical advantages over conventional approaches based upon bulk solvents including greater yields, higher chemoselectivity and easier product separation.


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Green tea, a popular polyphenol-containing beverage, has been shown to alleviate clinical features of the metabolic syndrome. However, its effects in endogenous antioxidant biomarkers are not clearly understood. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that green tea supplementation will upregulate antioxidant parameters (enzymatic and nonenzymatic) in adults with the metabolic syndrome. Thirty-five obese participants with the metabolic syndrome were randomly assigned to receive one of the following for 8 weeks: green tea (4 cups per day), control (4 cups water per day), or green tea extract (2 capsules and 4 cups water per day). Blood samples and dietary information were collected at baseline (0 week) and 8 weeks of the study. Circulating carotenoids (a-carotene, ß-carotene, lycopene) and tocopherols (a-tocopherol, ?-tocopherol) and trace elements were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, respectively. Serum antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, glutathione, catalase) and plasma antioxidant capacity were measured spectrophotometrically. Green tea beverage and green tea extract significantly increased plasma antioxidant capacity (1.5 to 2.3 µmol/L and 1.2 to 2.5 µmol/L, respectively; P <.05) and whole blood glutathione (1783 to 2395 µg/g hemoglobin and 1905 to 2751 µg/g hemoglobin, respectively; P <.05) vs controls at 8 weeks. No effects were noted in serum levels of carotenoids and tocopherols and glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities. Green tea extract significantly reduced plasma iron vs baseline (128 to 92 µg/dL, P <.02), whereas copper, zinc, and selenium were not affected. These results support the hypothesis that green tea may provide antioxidant protection in the metabolic syndrome.


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We investigate whether pure deflagration models ofChandrasekhar-mass carbon-oxygen white dwarf stars can account for one or more subclass of the observed population of Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) explosions. We compute a set of 3D full-star hydrodynamic explosion models, in which the deflagration strength is parametrized using the multispot ignition approach. For each model, we calculate detailed nucleosynthesis yields in a post-processing step with a 384 nuclide nuclear network. We also compute synthetic observables with our 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for comparison with observations. For weak and intermediate deflagration strengths (energy release E {less-than or approximate} 1.1 × 10 erg), we find that the explosion leaves behind a bound remnant enriched with 3 to 10 per cent (by mass) of deflagration ashes. However, we do not obtain the large kick velocities recently reported in the literature. We find that weak deflagrations with E ~ 0.5 × 10 erg fit well both the light curves and spectra of 2002cx-like SNe Ia, and models with even lower explosion energies could explain some of the fainter members of this subclass. By comparing our synthetic observables with the properties of SNe Ia, we can exclude the brightest, most vigorously ignited models as candidates for any observed class of SN Ia: their B-V colours deviate significantly from both normal and 2002cx-like SNe Ia and they are too bright to be candidates for other subclasses.


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Herein, a facile method was developed for preparing high concentration of monodispersed gold nanoparticles (NPs) at room temperature from gold(III) chloride by using different media based on N,N-dimethylformamide or water solutions containing a protic ionic liquid (PIL), namely, the octylammonium formate or the bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)ammonium formate, based on which both PILs were used as redox-active structuring media. The formation of gold NPs in these systems was then characterized using UV-visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and dynamic light scattering. From these investigations, it appears that the structure and aggregation pathway of PILs in selected solvents affect strongly the formation, growth, the shape, and the size of gold NPs. In fact, by using this approach, the shape-/ size-controlled gold NPs (branched and spherical) can be generated under mild condition. This approach suggests also a wealth of potential for these designer nanomaterials within the biomedical, materials, and catalysis communities by using designer and safer media based on PILs.


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Acute Kidney Injury(AKI) is common, costly to manage and associated with high mortality. AKI can occur either in the community or in hospitalised patients and may be challenging to recognise because it is typically asymptomatic.Opportunities for prevention of AKI are frequently missed and in the absence of symptoms or signs there is often a delay in recognition ofestablished AKI.Approximately two thirds of hospitalised patients admitted with AKI have developed AKI in the community. AKI in hospitalised patients is associated with a substantial mortality rate > 20%. AKI is a potentially reversible process so improvements in recognition and early interventions could have a major impact on patient outcomes.


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This document is a land deed between Alex Outlaw and Calvin Spencer.