706 resultados para Behavioural coping style


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This case study focuses on non-verbal behaviour in father-mother-infant triads. Analyses were done on transitional moments during which the partners exchanged an active role for a participant-observer role, or vice versa. Transitions are known to be crucial moments for revealing familial transactional mechanisms. Our sample was comprised of six non-clinical families, characterized by different types of functional or problematic alliances (which is the degree of coordination between the partners). Our methodology included micro-analysis of body and gaze formations, facial expressions, and so on. Data were analysed using the research package 'THEME' for the detection of hidden patterns. Different types of non-verbal patterns were found, which may be prototypes corresponding to the different types of alliance. The patterns of the families with high alliances had a more elaborate construction and were more efficient for the concluding of transitions than the patterns of families with low alliances, which were either elementary or laborious. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)


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This article introduces the Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI; Bodenmann, 2008) and aims (1) to investigate the reliability and aspects of the validity of the Italian and French versions of the DCI, and (2) to replicate its factor structure and reliabilities using a new Swiss German sample. Based on 216 German-, 378 Italian-, and 198 French-speaking participants, the factor structure of the original German inventory was able to be replicated by using principal components analysis in all three groups after excluding two items in the Italian and French versions. The latter were shown to be as reliable as the German version with the exception of the low reliabilities of negative dyadic coping in the French group. Confirmatory factor analyses provided additional support for delegated dyadic coping and evaluation of dyadic coping. Intercorrelations among scales were similar across all three languages groups with a few exceptions. Previous findings could be replicated in all three groups, showing that aspects of dyadic coping were more strongly related to marital quality than to dyadic communication. The use of the dyadic coping scales in the actor-partner interdependence model, the common fate model, and the mutual influence model is discussed.


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Colour polymorphism is common in wild population. One of the main questioning of evolutionary biologists is to understand how different colour variants could have evolved and be maintained in fluctuating environments, a selective process that forces individuals to constantly adapt their strategies in order to survive. This issue is particularly true for traits that are genetically inherited. Natural selection erodes genotypes with lowest fitness (less adapted), reducing in turn global genetic variation within population. In this context, the study of the evolution and maintenance of melanin- based coloration is relevant since inter-individual variation in the deposition of these pigments is common in animal and plant kingdoms and is under strong genetic control. In this thesis, I focus on the specific case of the tawny owl (Strix aluco), a species displaying continuous variation in reddish pheomelanin-based coloration. Interestingly, empirical studies highlighted covariations between melanin-based coloration and important behavioural, physiological and life history traits. Recently, a genetic model pointed out the melanocortin system and their pleiotropic effects as a potential regulator of these covariations. Accordingly, this PhD thesis further investigates colour-specific behavioural, physiological, or life history strategies, while examining the proximate mechanisms underlying these reaction norms. We found that differently coloured tawny owls differently resolve fundamental trade-off between offspring number and quality (Chapter 1), light melanic individuals producing many low- quality offspring and dark, melanic ones producing few high-quality offspring. These reproductive strategies are likely to induce alternative physiological constraints. Indeed, we demonstrated that light melanic individuals produced higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS, Chapter 2), but also expressed higher levels of antioxidant (GSH, Chapters 2 & 3). Interestingly, we showed that light melanic breeding females could modulate their POMC prohormone levels according to the environmental conditions, while dark reddish ones produced constant levels of this prohormone {Chapter 4). Finally, we highlighted colour-specific patterns of prohormone convertase 1 (PCI) gene expression (Chapter 5), an enzyme responsible for POMC prohormone processing to ACTH and a- MSH, for instance. Altogether, these results provide strong evidence of colour-specific strategies, light and melanic tawny owls better coping with stressful and relaxed environments, respectively. Variation in melanin-based coloration is likely to be maintained by the heterogeneity of our study area and strong environmental stochasticity within and between years, these process favouring differently coloured tawny owls at different periods of time. From a proximate point of view, this PhD thesis supports the hypothesis that covariations between phenotypic traits and melanin-based coloration stems from the melanocortin system, especially the fundamental role of POMC gene expression and its processing to melanocortin peptides. - Le polymorphisme de couleur est une variation phénotypique très fréquente dans la nature. En biologie évolutive, une des problématiques clés est donc de comprendre comment différent morphes de couleur peuvent être apparus et maintenus au cours du temps dans des environnements aussi variables que les nôtres, surtout que ces fluctuations forcent ces morphes à s'adapter constamment pour assurer leur survie. Cette thématique est particulièrement réelle lorsque les variations phénotypiques sont héréditaires et donc sous forte influence génétique. La sélection naturelle a en effet le pouvoir d'éroder rapidement la variation génétique en éliminant les génotypes mal adaptés. Dans ce sens, l'étude de l'évolution, et de la maintenance de la coloration mélanique est donc tout à fait pertinente car la variation de coloration entre individus est très répandue à travers les règnes animal et végétal et sous forte influence génétique. Dans cette thèse, je me suis concentré sur le cas spécifique de la chouette hulotte (Strix aluco), une espèce présentant une variation continue dans la déposition de pigments pheomélaniques roux. De précédentes études ont déjà montré que cette variation de coloration était associée avec des variations de traits comportementaux, physiologiques ou d'histoire de vie. Récemment, une étude a souligné l'importance du système des mélanocortines et de leurs effets pléiotropes dans la régulation de ces covariations. En conséquence, cette thèse de doctoral a pour but d'étudier un peu plus les stratégies comportementales, physiologiques ou d'histoire de vie spécifiques à chaque morphe de couleur, tout en examinant un peu plus les mécanismes proximaux potentiellement à la base de ces normes de réactions. Nous constatons tout d'abord que les morphes de couleurs étaient associés à différentes stratégies dans la résolution de compromis telle que la production de beaucoup de jeunes ou des jeunes de qualité (Chapitre 1). Les morphes gris (dit peu mélaniques) ont tendance à produire beaucoup de jeunes mains de moindre qualité, alors que les morphes roux (dit fortement mélaniques) produisent moins de jeunes mais de meilleure qualité. Ces stratégies sont susceptibles alors d'induire certaines contraintes physiologiques. Par exemple, nous montrons que les morphes gris produisent plus de dérivés réactifs de l'oxygène (ROS, Chapitre 2), mais aussi plus d'antioxydants (GSH, Chapitres 2 & 3). Nous montrons ensuite que les femelles grises ont une plus grande capacité à moduler leur niveau de POMC prohormone dans le sang en fonction des conditions environnementales, alors que les femelles rousses gardent un niveau constant (Chapitre 4). Finalement, nous démontrons que les patterns d'expression du gène codant pour la prohormone convertase 1 varient chez des jeunes issus de parents gris ou roux (Chapitre 5). Ceci est particulièrement intéressant car cette enzyme permet de scinder la POMC prohormone en plusieurs peptides importants tels que l'ACTH ou l'a-MSH. En conclusion, ces résultats démontrent qu'il y a bel et bien des stratégies évolutives différentes entre les morphes de couleurs, les chouettes hulottes grises et rousses étant respectivement plus adaptés à des environnements stressants ou favorables. L'hétérogénéité de notre zone d'étude et la stochasticité environnementale qui caractérise ses habitats pourraient donc agir comme une source de sélection temporelle, laquelle favoriserait les différents morphes de couleurs à diverses périodes. D'un point de vue plus proximale maintenant, cette thèse de doctorat soutient l'hypothèse que les covariations observées entre la coloration mélanique et des traits phénotypiques importants sont modulées par les effets pléiotropes du système des mélanocortines, et met en avant le rôle prépondérant que pourrait jouer l'expression du gène POMC et sa post traduction en mélanocortines.


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Selostus: Eräiden ympäristövirikkeiden saatavuuden estämisen välittömät vaikutukset tarhaminkin käyttäytymiseen


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The ecological relevance of behavioural syndromes is little studied in cooperative breeding systems where it is assumed that the behavioural type might influence individual decisions on helping and dispersal (e.g. shy, nonaggressive and nonexplorative individuals remain philopatric and helpful, whereas bold, aggressive, explorative individuals compete for vacancies outside their group and disperse). We measured the behavioural type of 19 subordinates in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher in their natural environment by quantifying six behavioural traits up to four times ('trials') in three different contexts, by presenting them with a conspecific intruder, a predator or nothing inside a tube. We found only moderate within-context repeatability (intraclass correlation coefficients) of the focal individual's behaviour, except for attacking either the conspecific or the predator inside the tube. The focal individual's attack rate of the tube was also positively affected by its group size. Averaging traits per context removed the between-trial variation, and consequently the across-context repeatability was very high for all six traits, except for territory maintenance. Trait values depended significantly on the context, except for territory defence. Consequently, individuals could be classified into different behavioural types based on their reaction towards the tube, but surprisingly, and opposite to laboratory studies in this species, ranging propensity and territory maintenance were not included in this behavioural syndrome. We suggest that more studies are needed to compare standardized focal personality tests (e.g. exploration propensity) with actual behaviour observed in nature (e.g. ranging and dispersal).


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Background: Well-conducted behavioural surveillance (BS) is essential for policy planning and evaluation. Data should be comparable across countries. In 2008, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) began a programme to support Member States in the implementation of BS for Second Generation Surveillance. Methods: Data from a mapping exercise on current BS activities in EU/EFTA countries led to recommendations for establishing national BS systems and international coordination, and the definition of a set of core and transversal (UNGASS-Dublin compatible) indicators for BS in the general and eight specific populations. A toolkit for establishing BS has been developed and a BS needs-assessment survey has been launched in 30 countries. Tools for BS self-assessment and planning are currently being tested during interactive workshops with country representatives. Results: The mapping exercise revealed extreme diversity between countries. Around half had established a BS system, but this did not always correspond to the epidemiological situation. Challenges to implementation and harmonisation at all levels emerged from survey findings and workshop feedback. These include: absence of synergy between biological and behavioural surveillance and of actors having an overall view of all system elements; lack of awareness of the relevance of BS and of coordination between agencies; insufficient use of available data; financial constraints; poor sustainability, data quality and access to certain key populations; unfavourable legislative environments. Conclusions: There is widespread need in the region not only for technical support but also for BS advocacy: BS remains the neglected partner of second generation surveillance and requires increased political support and capacity-building in order to become effective. Dissemination of validated tools for BS, developed in interaction with country experts, proves feasible and acceptable.


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The article investigates the question, whether and in how far the travel behaviour of the former GDR inhabitants and the former FRG inhabitants has equalled since the years after the German reunification. A person-group specific analysis shows that the major differences still consist only in the elderly of age 60 and above. This is mainly due to the much slower process of motorization within this age group in the former GDR. In the younger age groups the adaption of the travel behaviour has almost been achieved; mainly as a consequence of the fast motorization process since 1990 in these age groups. Where differences are still valid, this stems firstly from worse supply conditions, especially with public transport, but also with road infrastructure, as can be seen by an overall lower system speed in the former GDR. A panel analysis shows, that the dynamics in terms of transport specific life style changes is far more relevant in the former GDR than former FRC. This is linked with higher mobility in the persons with such changes. These changes will probably come to an end once the economic development will have stabilised and the cohort with the biggest behavioural differences will gradually decrease.


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This study investigated behavioural and electro-cortical reorganizations accompanying intentional switching between two distinct bimanual coordination tapping modes (In-phase and Anti-phase) that differ in stability when produced at the same movement rate. We expected that switching to a less stable tapping mode (In-to-Anti switching) would lead to larger behavioural perturbations and require supplementary neural resources than switching to a more stable tapping mode (Anti-to-In switching). Behavioural results confirmed that the In-to-Anti switching lasted longer than the Anti-to-In switching. A general increase in attention-related neural activity was found at the moment of switching for both conditions. Additionally, two condition-dependent EEG reorganizations were observed. First, a specific increase in cortico-cortical coherence appeared exclusively during the In-to-Anti switching. This result may reflect a strengthening in inter-regional communication in order to engage in the subsequent, less stable, tapping mode. Second, a decrease in motor-related neural activity (increased beta spectral power) was found for the Anti-to-In switching only. The latter effect may reflect the interruption of the previous, less stable, tapping mode. Given that previous results on spontaneous Anti-to-In switching revealing an inverse pattern of EEG reorganization (decreased beta spectral power), present findings give new insight on the stability-dependent neural correlates of intentional motor switching. © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved