983 resultados para Barney, Joshua, 1759-1818.
Draft of a one-page letter concerning the payment of a bill and mentioning Croswell's health.
One-page letter from Croswell's sister with news about her activities.
Draft of a one-page letter to an unidentified recipient regarding payment to Mrs. Collins for washing.
Draft of a one-page letter thanking Eliot for money.
Brief note with a complaint about the servant of Levi Frisbie, Harvard Professor of Natural History.
Draft of a one-page letter to Judge John Davis regarding a mathematical problem.
This folder contains sixteen printed Harvard College quarter bills filled out in manuscript primarily for William Croswell's use of wood.
This folder contains three bills and receipts.
This folder contains two copies of a printed proposal for a translation of Jérôme Lalande's abridgement of his treatise on astronomy, as well as the 1818 Harvard Commencement Theses annotated with a handwritten note "Proposals for La Lande."
This brief note from Samuel Gerrish to library keeper Joshua Gee is dated only as "Thursday Evening" and refers to payment issues related to the printing of the Library Catalogue. Gee refers to the note in his December 24, 1723, letter to President Leverett (UAIII 50.27.14 Box 1, Folder 7).
This one-and-a-half-page letter to Harvard President John Leverett concerns the printing of the library catalogue.
This receipt acknowledges payment from the Harvard College Treasurer Edward Hutchinson for Joshua Gee's service in preparing the Library Catalogue. The receipt is dated as January 14, 1723, but presumably follows the December 25, 1723, vote of the Harvard Corporation to pay Gee for his services and refers to January 14, 1723/4.
Handwritten composition on two attached notebook pages titled "The Generous man is a blessing to all mankind" composed by Jeremy Belknap and organized as paragraphs labeled: "Proposition," "Reason," Similitude," "Example," "Testimony," and "Conclusion."
Notebook with a handwritten copy of the 1734 College laws in English prepared by Harvard undergraduate William Clark and signed by President Edward Holyoke, Tutors Belcher Hancock and Thomas Marsh, and William Symmes and William Kneeland on January 3, 1756.