984 resultados para Bancos - Brasil
Since centuries ago, the Asians use seaweed as an important source of feeding and are their greatest world-wide consumers. The migration of these peoples for other countries, made the demand for seaweed to increase. This increasing demand prompted an industry with annual values of around US$ 6 billion. The algal biomass used for the industry is collected in natural reservoirs or cultivated. The market necessity for products of the seaweed base promotes an unsustainable exploration of the natural banks, compromising its associated biological balance. In this context, seaweed culture appears as a viable alternative to prevent the depletion of these natural supplies. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide space and produce information that can facilitate the evaluation of important physical and socio-economic characteristics for the planning of seaweed culture. This objective of this study is to identify potential coastal areas for seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the integration of social-environmental data in the SIG. In order to achieve this objective, a geo-referred database composed of geographical maps, nautical maps and orbital digital images was assembled; and a bank of attributes including physical and oceanographical variables (winds, chains, bathymetry, operational distance from the culture) and social and environmental factors (main income, experience with seaweed harvesting, demographic density, proximity of the sheltered coast and distance of the banks) was produced. In the modeling of the data, the integration of the space database with the bank of attributes for the attainment of the map of potentiality of seaweed culture was carried out. Of a total of 2,011 ha analyzed by the GIS for the culture of seaweed, around 34% or 682 ha were indicated as high potential, 55% or 1,101 ha as medium potential, and 11% or 228 ha as low potential. The good indices of potentiality obtained in the localities studied demonstrate that there are adequate conditions for the installation of seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte
This piece of work consists in a study case of Crediamigo Comunidade, a product from the portfolio of Crediamigo Program of Banco do Nordeste, that uses the methodology of the Comunitary Banks in the concession of low amount loan to poor communities. The main question consists to understand how the Crediamigo Comunidade is characterized faced to the conflict of emancipatory versus liberal paradigms, that exists in the microcredit area. The main objective will analyze how the mechanisms: social capital, empowerment, formation to credit education and better conditions for economic and social issues promoted in the specific objectives of this product, before the dipute between these paradigms. The method adopted analyzed, in a longitudinal perspective, the three years of the product s existence (jun/2005 to jul 2008). Primary and secondary data made possible to identify qualitatively, emancipatory and non emancipatory attributes in the actions and results of Crediamigo Comunidade. It is concluded that the Crediamigo Comunidade works in a liberal logic of the Crediamigo Program, consequently, his focus is not in the emancipation of the poorest clients. The empowerment is individual and not communitary or Freiriano ; the social capital relations enlarges itself in its bounding and bridging ties, but not in its linkage ties, to have access to politic actors and consequently communitary strengthen. All the formation in the Crediamigo is strictly commercial. These characteristics happen by the liberal paradigm in the Crediamigo management and of all of its products, including the Crediamigo Comunidade
The screening for genes in metagenomic libraries from soil creates opportunities to explore the enormous genetic and metabolic diversity of microorganisms. Rivers are ecosystems with high biological diversity, but few were examined using the metagenomic approach. With this objective, a metagenomic library was constructed from DNA soil samples collected at three different points along the Jundiaí-river (Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil). The points sampled are from open area, rough terrain and with the direct incidence of sunlight. This library was analyzed functionally and based in sequence. For functional analysis Luria-Bertani solid medium (LB) with NaCl concentration varied from 0.17M to 0.85M was used for functional analysis. Positives clones resistant to hypersaline medium were obtained. The recombinant DNAs were extracted and transformed into Escherichia coli strain DH10B and survival curves were obtained for quantification of abiotic stress resistance. The sequences of clones were obtained and submitted to the BLASTX tool. Some clones were found to hypothetical proteins of microorganisms from both Archaea and Bacteria division. One of the clones showed a complete ORF with high similarity to glucose-6-phosphate isomerase which participates in the synthesis of glycerol pathway and serves as a compatible solute to balance the osmotic pressure inside and outside of cells. Subsequently, in order to identify genes encoding osmolytes or enzymes related halotolerance, environmental DNA samples from the river soil, from the water column of the estuary and ocean were collected and pyrosequenced. Sequences of osmolytes and enzymes of different microorganisms were obtained from the UniProt and used as RefSeqs for homology identification (TBLASTN) in metagenomic databases. The sequences were submitted to HMMER for the functional domains identification. Some enzymes were identified: alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase, L-ectoina synthase (EctC), transaminase L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acid (EctB), L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acetyltransferase (EctA), L-threonine 3 dehydrogenase (sorbitol pathway), glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, inositol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, chaperones, L-proline, glycine betaine binding ABC transporter, myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase protein of proline simportadora / PutP sodium-and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase These proteins are commonly related to saline environments, however the identification of them in river environment is justified by the high salt concentration in the soil during prolonged dry seasons this river. Regarding the richness of the microbiota the river substrate has an abundance of halobacteria similar to the sea and more than the estuary. These data confirm the existence of a specialized response against salt stress by microorganisms in the environment of the Jundiaí river
Dissertação (mestrado)—UnB/UFPB/UFRN, Programa MultiInstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2016.
This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupil´s performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2016.
Since centuries ago, the Asians use seaweed as an important source of feeding and are their greatest world-wide consumers. The migration of these peoples for other countries, made the demand for seaweed to increase. This increasing demand prompted an industry with annual values of around US$ 6 billion. The algal biomass used for the industry is collected in natural reservoirs or cultivated. The market necessity for products of the seaweed base promotes an unsustainable exploration of the natural banks, compromising its associated biological balance. In this context, seaweed culture appears as a viable alternative to prevent the depletion of these natural supplies. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide space and produce information that can facilitate the evaluation of important physical and socio-economic characteristics for the planning of seaweed culture. This objective of this study is to identify potential coastal areas for seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the integration of social-environmental data in the SIG. In order to achieve this objective, a geo-referred database composed of geographical maps, nautical maps and orbital digital images was assembled; and a bank of attributes including physical and oceanographical variables (winds, chains, bathymetry, operational distance from the culture) and social and environmental factors (main income, experience with seaweed harvesting, demographic density, proximity of the sheltered coast and distance of the banks) was produced. In the modeling of the data, the integration of the space database with the bank of attributes for the attainment of the map of potentiality of seaweed culture was carried out. Of a total of 2,011 ha analyzed by the GIS for the culture of seaweed, around 34% or 682 ha were indicated as high potential, 55% or 1,101 ha as medium potential, and 11% or 228 ha as low potential. The good indices of potentiality obtained in the localities studied demonstrate that there are adequate conditions for the installation of seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte
Após as mudanças no setor bancário brasileiro, ocorridas devido às privatizações, os poucos bancos públicos estaduais que restaram passam agora por outra situação, a ameaça de incorporação pelos grandes bancos federais, principalmente pelo Banco do Brasil que recentemente se inseriu nos processos aquisitivos. O mesmo ainda passa a comprar algumas instituições no exterior, pondo em prática o seu plano de internacionalização, com foco na América do Sul, América do Norte, África e Ásia. Assim se buscou fazer uma pesquisa sobre a proporção desse processo e qual suas implicações sócioespaciais, para isso, fizemos uma ampla pesquisa bibliográfica a cerca do tema. Para melhor compreensão do mesmo, consultamos mídias especializadas no assunto, e principalmente junto ao Banco Central para buscar dados que comprovassem o crescimento do banco e a situação dos bancos adquiridos. Constamos que essa estratégia contribui para que o Banco do Brasil consolide sua hegemonia e liderança em todo o território nacional e também participe ativamente desse mercado financeiro globalizado cada vez mais competitivo, mas não podemos nos manter inertes quanto aos problemas gerados pelo fechamento de agências e extinção de muitos empregos como é praxe acontecer após esses processos aquisitivos.
Este trabalho objetiva analisar a reorganização espacial das maiores redes bancárias privadas no Brasil. Como evoluíram essas redes bancárias? Como interagiram com outros processos que moldam sua extensão territorial e social? Nossa hipótese é que mudança econômica, tecnológica, normativa, política e espacial estão articuladas num só conjunto interdependente, resultante do encontro entre a internacionalização das finanças e os determinantes internos a cada Estado Nação (históricos, geográficos, econômicos, organizacionais e políticos). Elaboramos mapas que representam a localização das redes de agências, por municípios, em três momentos do tempo – 1986, 1996 e 2005. Concluímos que a reorganização resultou da combinação de processos adaptativos e inovadores. A partir da segunda metade dos anos 1980, condicionantes externos e internos mudaram a trajetória do sistema bancário no Brasil, o que demandou nova geografia, caracterizada pela retração de agências bancárias no interior de todas as macrorregiões e simultaneamente expansão nas maiores regiões metropolitanas do país; em outras palavras, uma adaptação espacial às novas condições macro e microeconômicas. Instáveis no tempo, móveis e inacabadas, as redes dos maiores bancos privados chamam atenção para formas particulares de reorganização da atividade financeira, resultantes de ações empreendidas em diferentes escalas espaciais.
Resumen: En esta propuesta se discuten las consideraciones éticas sobre la investigación, hechas en tres códigos, a saber, la ley 1090 de 2006, que rige el ejercicio profesional del psicólogo en Colombia, el Código de Ética Profissional do Psicólogo do Conselho Federal de Psicología en Brasil y el Código Nacional de Ética de la Federación de Psicólogos de la República Argentina. El análisis de los preceptos sobre trato con personas, consentimiento informado y manejo de información, así como las investigaciones con animales, permiten apreciar carencias y fortalezas en cada país, además de las particularidades propias de una concepción del rol del psicólogo como investigador en la sociedad actual.
El hambre es un problema real que afecta a millones de habitantes de nuestro país y tiene graves consecuencias sobre los niños y adolescentes. Sin embargo, según la Organización para la Agricultura y la Alimentación de la ONU, Argentina produce comida suficiente para alimentar a 442 millones de personas. Es evidente que no se trata de un problema de disponibilidad de alimentos, sino de falta de acceso a éstos por parte de los sectores más pobres de la población. En este número de Empleo y Desarrollo Social examinamos la información disponible sobre esta problemática y las actividades de los Bancos de Alimentos. Estas acciones de la sociedad deben ser reforzadas con un apoyo más decidido del Estado
Análise comparativa dos web sites dos órgãos legislativos sul-americanos, com destaque para o Brasil.
Anais da Audiência Pública realizada na Câmara dos Deputados pela Comissão de Legislação Participativa, no dia 19 de outubro de 2005, para debater sobre o paradigma da justiça restaurativa como alternativa à justiça criminal.