974 resultados para Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Background: Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins bind with different insect midgut proteins leading to toxin oligomerization, membrane insertion and pore formation. However, different Cry toxins had been shown to readily form high molecular weight oligomers or aggregates in solution in the absence of receptor interaction. The role of Cry oligomers formed in solution remains uncertain. The Cry9A proteins show high toxicity against different Lepidoptera, and no-cross resistance with Cry1A. Results: Cry9Aa655 protein formed oligomers easily in solution mediated by disulfide bonds, according to SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing and reducing conditions. However, oligomerization is not observed if Cry9Aa655 is activated with trypsin, suggesting that cysteine residues, C14 and C16, located in the N-terminal end that is processed during activation participate in this oligomerization. To determine the role of these residues on oligomerization and in toxicity single and double alanine substitution were constructed. In contrast to single C14A and C16A mutants, the double C14A–C16A mutant did not form oligomers in solution. Toxicity assays against Plutella xylostella showed that the C14A–C16A mutant had a similar insecticidal activity as the Cry9Aa655 protein indicating the oligomers of Cry9Aa formed in solution in the absence of receptor binding are not related with toxicity. Conclusions: The aggregation of Cry9Aa655 polypeptides was mediated by disulfide bonds. Cry9Aa655 C14 and C16C are involved in oligomerization in solution. These aggregate forms are not related to the mode of action of Cry9Aa leading to toxicity.


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Exposure to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins in low- and moderate-dose transgenic crops may induce sublethal effects and increase the rate of Bt resistance evolution, potentially compromising control efficacy against target pests. We tested this hypothesis using the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, a major polyphagous lepidopteran pest relatively tolerant to Bt notorious for evolving field-relevant resistance to single-gene Bt maize. Late-instar larvae were collected from Bt Cry1Ab and non-Bt maize fields in five locations in Brazil, and their offspring was compared for survival, development, and population growth in rearing environment without and with Cry1Ab throughout larval development. Larval survival on Cry1Ab maize leaves varied from 20 to 80% among the populations. Larvae reared on Cry1Ab maize had seven-day delay in development time in relation to control larvae, and such delay was shorter in offspring of armyworms from Cry1Ab maize. Population growth rates were 50?70% lower for insects continuously exposed to Cry1Ab maize relative to controls, showing the population-level effect of Cry1Ab, which varied among the populations and prior exposure to Cry1Ab maize in the field. In three out of five populations, armyworms derived from Bt maize reared on Cry1Ab maize showed higher larval weight, faster larval development and better reproductive performance than the armyworms derived from non-Bt maize, and one of these populations showed better performance on both Cry1Ab and control diets, indicating no fitness cost of the resistance trait. Altogether, these results indicate that offspring of armyworms that developed on field-grown, single-gene Bt Cry1Ab maize had reduced performance on Cry1Ab maize foliage in two populations studied, but in other three populations, these offspring had better overall performance on the Bt maize foliage than that of the armyworms from non-Bt maize fields, possibly because of Cry1Ab resistance alleles in these populations. Implications of these findings for resistance management of S. frugiperda in Bt crops are discussed.


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RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de inseticidas autorizados emergencialmente para o controle de Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em soja. Sete inseticidas foram pulverizados em campo e, após 24 horas, folhas do ponteiro foram coletadas e oferecidas para lagartas de 2o instar em laboratório. Lagartas do 4o instar receberam a última folha trifoliolada que se encontrava completamente expandida no momento da pulverização. Outro grupo foi exposto a folhas coletadas a partir de 72 horas da pulverização. Em campo, seis inseticidas foram pulverizados e, em seguida, as plantas foram infestadas com lagartas de 2o e 3o instar. No primeiro estudo, flubendiamida, clorantraniliprole, clorfenapir, indoxacarbe e metoxifenozida causaram 100% de mortalidade do 4o instar aos oito dias após o início da exposição, enquanto baculovírus e Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) propiciaram mortalidade de 60-75%, que evoluiu para 88?90% ao final da fase de pupa. Para o 2o instar, apenas flubendiamida e clorantraniliprole proporcionaram mortalidade de 100%. Flubendiamida, clorantraniliprole e clorfenapir apresentaram o menor tempo letal para o 4o instar, e flubendiamida e clorantraniliprole, para o 2o instar. Após 72 horas da pulverização, o desempenho dos inseticidas foi insatisfatório. Em campo, houve eficiência satisfatória de flubendiamida, espinosade, baculovírus e Bt sobre lagartas de 2o e 3o instar. ABSTRACT:The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of insecticides authorized on an emergency basis to control of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean. Seven insecticides were sprayed on the field and, 24 hours after that, soybean pointer leaves were collected and offered to 2nd instar larvae in the laboratory. Fourth instar larvae received the last trifoliate leaf that was fully expanded at the time of spraying. Another larvae group was exposed to leaves collected from 72 hours onwards after spraying. In the field, six insecticides were sprayed, and then the plants were infested with 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. In the first study, flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb, and methoxyfenozide caused 100% mortality of the 4th instar, eight days after the beginning of exposure, while baculovirus and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) caused 60?75% mortality, which reached 88?90% at the end of the pupal stage. For 2nd instar larvae, only flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole caused 100% mortality. Flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, and chlorfenapyr showed the lowest lethal time for the 4th instar, and flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole for the 2nd instar. Seventy-two hours after spraying, the performance of insecticides was not satisfactory. In the field, there was satisfactory efficiency of flubendiamide, spinosad, baculovirus, and Bt on 2nd and 3rd instar larvae.


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Entre julho de 1991 e junho de 1992 foram realizados no laboratorio de Entomologia do CNPDA, testes de seletividade dos produtos Malation, Triclorfon, Mancozeb, Cardaril, Deltametrina, Enxofre, Permetrina, Oxicloreto de cobre, Bacillus thuringiensis, Pirimicarbe, Carbamoil e Benomil aos ácaros predadores fitoseídeos Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) e Amblyseius idaeus (Demark & Muma). Estes testes foram realizados utilizando-se o método de imersão de laminas. Em cada lamina foram fixados 20 ácaros predadores sobre fita adesiva com dupla face. Com cada produto foram preparadas soluções com diferentes concentrações: x (dose recomendada); 0,0 x (testemunha, H2O destilada); 0,01x; 0,1x; 10x e 100x. As lâminas foram mergulhadas durante 5 segundos nas soluções e as leituras realizadas 5 e 24 horas após. O produto que apresentou maior toxicidade a P. macropilis foi o piretroide Permetrina, que causou mortalidade de 100% dos predadores, em todas as doses, 24 horas após o tratamento. O produto que apresentou menor toxicidade foi o enxofre. O produto de maior toxicidade a A. idaeus foi o piretróide Deltametrina que provocou mortalidade de 100% em todas as doses, 5 horas após o tratamento. O produto que causou menor toxicidade a esse predador foi também o enxofre. Os resultados obtidos neste ensaio indicam que aplicações de piretróides não são recomendáveis no manejo integrado do ácaro rajado com uso daqueles fitoseídeos.


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Few microorganisms are commercially available for use against white grubs (larvae of Scarabaeidae). Entomopathogenic bacteria, particularly Bacillus popilliae, have been used the longest for white grub suppression. Other bacteria, namely B. thuringiensis and Serratia spp. offer promise for future control. This papes examines two genera of bacteria (Bacillus and Serratia) from the historical and current perspective. Bacillus popilliae, the firs microbial control agent registered in the United States, has a long history of use in suppressing populations of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica. However, lack of in vitro production and the slow and sporadic nature of its activity, severely limits its utilization. B. thuringiensis, the most widely used microbial pesticide, has not been used for scarab, control. However, strains with scarab activity have recently been discovered. Scarab larvae have been collected in the United States with signs and symptoms similar to those characteristic of amber disease (caused by Serratia entomophila) in the New Zealand grass grub, Costelytra zealandica. A total of 147 bacteria have been obtained from the digestive tracts of larvae of the Japanese beetle and masked chafers, Cyclocephala spp., as well as from larvae and soil collected in Japan and China. Seventy five of these have been identified as Serratia spp. Most (40) of the remaining bacteria are in the genus Enterobacter. A majority of the bacteria (73) and of the Serratia (38) came from P. japonica.


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Grapholita molesta é uma praga-chave em cultivos de macieira no sul do Brasil. Para controle de suas populações inúmeras intervenções com agrotóxicos são necessárias ao longo da safra. Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de formulações comerciais à base de Bacillus spp. no controle de lagartas de primeiro ínstar de G. molesta. O estudo foi realizado em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições: B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Dipel WG®); B. thuringiensis var. aizawai + kurstaki (Agree®); B. subtilis (Serenade®); B. pumilus (Sonata®) e uma testemunha (água). Cada tratamento foi alocado em uma microplaca contendo 24 células preenchidas com 0,67ml de dieta artificial e 12micronL da solução tratamento (em dose comercial) mais uma lagarta por célula. Os tratamentos foram mantidos em condições controladas e avaliada a mortalidade em 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas. As formulações de B. thuringiensis mostraram eficiência de controle superior aos demais tratamentos e não diferem entre si. Bacillus subtilis e B. pumilus evidenciaram controle da praga, porém, intermediário quando comparado à B. thuringiensis.


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Bacillus safensis is a microorganism recognized for its biotechnological and industrial potential due to its interesting enzymatic portfolio. Here, as a means of gathering information about the importance of this species in oil biodegradation, we report a draft genome sequence of a strain isolated from petroleum.


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A Bacillus cereus strain, FT9, isolated from a hot spring in the midwest region of Brazil, had its entire genome sequenced.


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Many Bacillus species can produce biosurfactant, although most of the studies on lipopeptide production by this genus have been focused on Bacillus subtilis. Surfactants are broadly used in pharmaceutical, food and petroleum industry, and biological surfactant shows some advantages over the chemical surfactants, such as less toxicity, production from renewable, cheaper feedstocks and development of novel recombinant hyperproducer strains. This study is aimed to unveil the biosurfactant metabolic pathway and chemical composition in Bacillus safensis strain CCMA-560. The whole genome of the CCMA-560 strain was previously sequenced, and with the aid of bioinformatics tools, its biosurfactant metabolic pathway was compared to other pathways of closely related species. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and high-resolution TOF mass spectrometry (MS) were used to characterize the biosurfactant molecule. B. safensis CCMA-560 metabolic pathway is similar to other Bacillus species; however, some differences in amino acid incorporation were observed, and chemical analyses corroborated the genetic results. The strain CCMA-560 harbours two genes flanked by srfAC and srfAD not present in other Bacillus spp., which can be involved in the production of the analogue gramicidin. FTIR and MS showed that B. safensis CCMA-560 produces a mixture of at least four lipopeptides with seven amino acids incorporated and a fatty acid chain with 14 carbons, which makes this molecule similar to the biosurfactant of Bacillus pumilus, namely, pumilacidin. This is the first report on the biosurfactant production by B. safensis, encompassing the investigation of the metabolic pathway and chemical characterization of the biosurfactant molecule.


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We characterized the functional consequences of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin on the molecular mechanism of the AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer. To our knowledge this has not been reported previously. At age 7 weeks female Fischer 344 rats received 1.5 mg/kg MNU intravesically every other week for 6 weeks. They were randomized at 10 per group to MNU (0.2 ml vehicle), bacillus Calmette-Guérin (10(6) cfu Connaught strain), rapamycin (15 μg/ml) and bacillus Calmette-Guérin plus simultaneous rapamycin, each intravesically for 6 weeks. At week 15 the bladders were collected for histopathology, immunohistochemistry and immunoblot to determine p-AKT, Rictor, Raptor, p-4E-BP1, p-p70S6K1, p-AMPK-α, p-mTOR and p-p53. Papillary carcinoma (pTa) and high grade intraepithelial neoplasia (pTis) predominated in the MNU group while normal urothelium, papillary and flat hyperplasia were more common in treated groups. Nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer treated with bacillus Calmette-Guérin showed suppression of p70S6K1 but not 4E-BP1 phosphorylation. This suggests that 4E-BP1 is regulated differently than p70S6K1, escaping the bacillus Calmette-Guérin action that occurs in a mTOR independent manner. The association of bacillus Calmette-Guérin with rapamycin but not rapamycin monotherapy affected p70S6K1 and 4E-BP1 phosphorylation with no features of in situ carcinoma (pTis). The activation status of p70S6K1 and 4E-BP1 might be used to stratify patients who could benefit from targeting such molecular elements with multitarget/multidrug intravesical therapy. In the future 4E-BP1 might be a worthwhile new target for bacillus Calmette-Guérin refractory nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer.


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No effective vaccine or immunotherapy is presently available for patients with the hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) induced by Shiga-like toxin (Stx) producedbyenterohaemorragic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains, such as those belonging to the O157:H7 serotype. In this work we evaluated the performance of Bacillus subtilis strains, a harmless spore former gram-positive bacterium species, as a vaccine vehicle for the expression of Stx2B subunit (Stx2B). A recombinant B. subtilis vaccine strain expressing Stx2B under the control of a stress inducible promoter was delivered to BALB/c mice via oral, nasal or subcutaneous routes using both vegetative cells and spores. Mice immunized with vegetative cells by the oral route developed low but specific anti-Stx2B serum IgG and fecal IgA responses while mice immunized with recombinant spores developed anti-Stx2B responses only after administration via the parenteral route. Nonetheless, serum anti-Stx2B antibodies raised in mice immunized with the recombinant B. subtilis strain did not inhibit the toxic effects of the native toxin, both under in vitro and in vivo conditions, suggesting that either the quantity or the quality of the induced immune response did not support an effective neutralization of Stx2 produced by EHEC strains.