938 resultados para Auditory-evoked-potentials


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Transient visual evoked cortical potentials (VECP) were recorded from the scalp of healthy normal trichromats (n = 12). VECPs were elicited by onset/offset presentation of patterned stimuli of two kinds: isochromatic luminance-modulated, and equiluminant red-green modulated, sine wave gratings. The amplitude and latency of the major onset components of the onset/offset VECP were measured and plotted as a function of the logarithm of pooled cone contrast. The early onset components, achromatic C1 and chromatic N1, increase linearly with log contrast, but N1 has a higher contrast gain than C1. The late onset components, achromatic C2 and chromatic N2, have similar contrast gain, and similar response as a function of contrast level: both increase in the low-to-medium range of contrasts and saturate at high contrast levels. In the range of pooled cone contrast tested, C1 and N1 show similar latencies, whilst C2 shows shorter latencies than N2. We suggest that C1 and N1 are generated by the same visual mechanism with high red-green contrast gain and low luminance contrast gain, whilst C2 and N2 are generated by different visual mechanisms.


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The neural control of the cardiovascular system is a complex process that involves many structures at different levels of nervous system. Several cortical areas are involved in the control of systemic blood pressure, such as the sensorimotor cortex, the medial prefrontal cortex and the insular cortex. Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques - repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) - induce sustained and prolonged functional changes of the human cerebral cortex. rTMS and tDCS has led to positive results in the treatment of some neurological and psychiatric disorders. Because experiments in animals show that cortical modulation can be an effective method to regulate the cardiovascular system, non-invasive brain stimulation might be a novel tool in the therapeutics of human arterial hypertension. We here review the experimental evidence that non-invasive brain stimulation can influence the autonomic nervous system and discuss the hypothesis that focal modulation of cortical excitability by rTMS or tDCS can influence sympathetic outflow and, eventually, blood pressure, thus providing a novel therapeutic tool for human arterial hypertension. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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There are several electrophysiological systems available commercially. Usually, control groups are required to compare their results, due to the differences between display types. Our aim was to examine the differences between CRT and LCD/TFT stimulators used in pattern VEP responses performed according to the ISCEV standards. We also aimed to check different contrast values toward thresholds. In order to obtain more precise results, we intended to measure the intensity and temporal response characteristics of the monitors with photometric methods. To record VEP signals, a Roland RetiPort electrophysiological system was used. The pattern VEP tests were carried out according to ISCEV protocols on a CRT and a TFT monitor consecutively. Achromatic checkerboard pattern was used at three different contrast levels (maximal, 75, 25%) using 1A degrees and 15` check sizes. Both CRT and TFT displays were luminance and contrast matched, according to the gamma functions based on measurements at several DAC values. Monitor-specific luminance parameters were measured by means of spectroradiometric instruments. Temporal differences between the displays` electronic and radiometric signals were measured with a device specifically built for the purpose. We tested six healthy control subjects with visual acuity of at least 20/20. The tests were performed on each subject three times on different days. We found significant temporal differences between the CRT and the LCD monitors at all contrast levels and spatial frequencies. In average, the latency times were 9.0 ms (+/- 3.3 ms) longer with the TFT stimulator. This value is in accordance with the average of the measured TFT input-output temporal difference values (10.1 +/- A 2.2 ms). According to our findings, measuring the temporal parameters of the TFT monitor with an adequately calibrated measurement setup and correcting the VEP data with the resulting values, the VEP signals obtained with different display types can be transformed to be comparable.


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Background Conventional protocols of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) delivered to M1 can produce analgesia. Theta burst stimulation (TBS), a novel rTMS paradigm, is thought to produce greater changes in M1 excitability than conventional protocols. After a preliminary experiment showing no analgesic effect of continuous or intermittent TBS trains (cTBS or iTBS) delivered to M1 as single procedures, we used TBS to prime a subsequent session of conventional 10?Hz-rTMS. Methods In 14 patients with chronic refractory neuropathic pain, navigated rTMS was targeted over M1 hand region, contralateral to painful side. Analgesic effects were daily assessed on a visual analogue scale for the week after each 10?Hz-rTMS session, preceded or not by TBS priming. In an additional experiment, the effects on cortical excitability parameters provided by single- and paired-pulse TMS paradigms were studied. Results Pain level was reduced after any type of rTMS procedure compared to baseline, but iTBS priming produced greater analgesia than the other protocols. Regarding motor cortex excitability changes, the analgesic effects were associated with an increase in intracortical inhibition, whatever the type of stimulation, primed or non-primed. Conclusions The present results show that the analgesic effects of conventional 10?Hz-rTMS delivered to M1 can be enhanced by TBS priming, at least using iTBS. Interestingly, the application of cTBS and iTBS did not produce opposite modulations, unlike previously reported in other systems. It remains to be determined whether the interest of TBS priming is to generate a simple additive effect or a more specific process of cortical plasticity.


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Increased, decreased or normal excitability to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been reported in the motor (M1) and visual cortices of patients with migraine. Light deprivation (LD) has been reported to modulate M1 excitability in control subjects (CS). Still, effects of LD on M1 excitability compared to exposure to environmental light exposure (EL) had not been previously described in patients with migraine (MP). To further our knowledge about differences between CS and MP, regarding M1 excitability and effects of LD on M1 excitability, we opted for a novel approach by extending measurement conditions. We measured motor thresholds (MTs) to TMS, short-interval intracortical inhibition, and ratios between motor-evoked potential amplitudes and supramaximal M responses in MP and CS on two different days, before and after LD or EL. Motor thresholds significantly increased in MP in LD and EL sessions, and remained stable in CS. There were no significant between-group differences in other measures of TMS. Short-term variation of MTs was greater in MP compared to CS. Fluctuation in excitability over hours or days in MP is an issue that, until now, has been relatively neglected. The results presented here will help to reconcile conflicting observations.


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Local anesthetic efficacy of tramadol has been reported following intradermal application. Our aim was to investigate the effect of perineural tramadol as the sole analgesic in two pain models. Male Wistar rats (280-380 g; N = 5/group) were used in these experiments. A neurostimulation-guided sciatic nerve block was performed and 2% lidocaine or tramadol (1.25 and 5 mg) was perineurally injected in two different animal pain models. In the flinching behavior test, the number of flinches was evaluated and in the plantar incision model, mechanical and heat thresholds were measured. Motor effects of lidocaine and tramadol were quantified and a motor block score elaborated. Tramadol, 1.25 mg, completely blocked the first and reduced the second phase of the flinching behavior test. In the plantar incision model, tramadol (1.25 mg) increased both paw withdrawal latency in response to radiant heat (8.3 +/- 1.1, 12.7 +/- 1.8, 8.4 +/- 0.8, and 11.1 +/- 3.3 s) and mechanical threshold in response to von Frey filaments (459 +/- 82.8, 447.5 +/- 91.7, 320.1 +/- 120, 126.43 +/- 92.8 mN) at 5, 15, 30, and 60 min, respectively. Sham block or contralateral sciatic nerve block did not differ from perineural saline injection throughout the study in either model. The effect of tramadol was not antagonized by intraperitoneal naloxone. High dose tramadol (5 mg) blocked motor function as well as 2% lidocaine. In conclusion, tramadol blocks nociception and motor function in vivo similar to local anesthetics.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Fähigkeit untersucht werden, Schmerzreize auf der Haut zu lokalisieren und deren Intensität zu differenzieren. Während dieser Diskriminationsaufgaben wurde die elektrische Aktivität des Gehirns gemessen.Traditionell werden dem nozizeptiven System nur geringe Diskriminationsleistungen zugeschrieben. In einer ersten Versuchsreihe sollten daher die räumlichen Diskriminationsleistungen für nozizeptive und taktile Reize verglichen werden. Auf dem Handrücken konnten schmerzhaft Laserhitzereize genauso gut lokalisiert werden wie taktile Reize (von-Frey-Haar). Nur ein mechanischer Nadelreiz, der taktiles und nozizeptives System koaktivierte, konnte noch besser lokalisiert werden. In der zweiten Versuchsreihe wurden während verschiedener Diskriminationsaufgaben (räumliche Diskrimination, Intensitätsdiskrimination) und einer Ablenkungsaufgabe (mentale Arithmetik) Laser-evozierte Potenziale von der Kopfhaut abgeleitet. Eine Dipolquellenanalyse zeigte als erstes eine Aktivierung des frontalen Operculums, entsprechend einem zur Zeit noch umstrittenen Projektionsgebiet eines nozizeptiven Thalamuskerns (VMpo), gefolgt vom primären somatosensorische Kortex (SI) und dem Gyrus cinguli. Im Gegensatz zum taktilen System wurde SI signifikant später aktiviert als SII (bzw. das Operculum). Die Diskriminationsaufgaben erhöhten die Aktivität aller Quellen im Vergleich zu der Ablenkungsbedingung. Dies konnte sogar für die früheste Quelle im Operculum gezeigt werden.Die frühe sensorisch-diskriminative Komponente der Schmerzverarbeitung im Operculum zeigte eine Hemisphärenasymmetrie, mit stärkerer Aktivierung der linken Hemisphäre unabhängig von der Stimulationsseite.


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Das Glaukom ist eine der führenden Erblindungsursachen weltweit. Trotzdem ist die Pathogenese, die zur Degeneration der retinalen Ganglienzellen führt, bisher nicht verstanden. In den letzten Jahren ergaben sich verschiedene Hinweise auf die Beteiligung einer immunologischen Komponente. Thema dieser Arbeit waren elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen, im Sinne von visuell evozierten Potentialen, am Tiermodell des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukoms und die Etablierung dieses Modells. Das Modell basiert auf einer Immunisierung von Lewisratten mit Pertussistoxin, inkompletten Freunds Adjuvant und potentiellen Antigenen, die zu einer Immunreaktion und einem Verlust von retinalen Ganglienzellen führen sollen. Zur Etablierung des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukom Modells wurde eine fünfwöchige Studie mit vier Gruppen durchgeführt. Als Antigene wurden Glia fibrilläres saures Protein (n= 10) und Myelin basisches Protein (n=10) verwendet, die beide in Studien zu Serum- und Kammerwasseranalysen bei Glaukompatienten eine Abweichung zur Kontrollgruppe gezeigt hatten. Außerdem wurde eine Gruppe mit selbst hergestelltem Sehnerv-Homogenat (n=12) immunisiert. Eine Gruppe erhielt keine Immunisierung und diente als Kontrolle (n=10). Zur Überprüfung der Effekte des Modells dienten verschiedene Untersuchungsmethoden, wie die Augeninnendruckmessung und die Untersuchung der Fundi. Des Weiteren wurden transiente und stationäre visuell evozierte Potentiale abgeleitet und die Latenzen, Amplituden und die Marker S (Steigung) und TR (Temporale Antworten) verglichen. Außerdem erfolgte nach Tötung der Tiere die Entnahme der Gehirne und Augen. Die Gehirne wurden nach Paraffineinbettung geschnitten, mit Luxol Fast Blue und Kresylviolett gefärbt und hinsichtlich etwaiger Entmarkungsherde oder anderer Pathologien unter dem Mikroskop bewertet. Der Verlauf des intraokulären Drucks zeigte sowohl zwischen den Gruppen als auch zwischen den verschiedenen Zeitpunkten keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Er bewegte sich im physiologischen Bereich mit durchschnittlich circa 12 mmHg. Die Funduskopien lieferten zu keinem Zeitpunkt krankhafte Veränderungen. Auch die visuell evozierten Potentiale lieferten zwischen den Gruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede, sondern belegten normale visuelle Funktion bei allen Tieren. Die Auswertung der histologischen Untersuchung der Hirnschnitte zeigte keine Entmarkungsherde. Die erzielten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit legen nahe, dass der retinale Ganglienzellverlust beim Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukom Modell ohne eine Augeninnendruckerhöhung stattfindet. Die Fundusuntersuchung und die visuell evozierten Potentiale, wie in diesem Versuchsaufbau durchgeführt, scheinen nicht sensibel genug zu sein, diese Verluste nachzuweisen. In weiteren Arbeiten sollten andere Methoden zum Nachweis der retinalen Ganglienzellverluste erprobt werden. Neben elektrophysiologischen Methoden bieten sich für das weitere Vorgehen besonders immunhistologische Methoden an. Außerdem sollten die Mechanismen erforscht werden durch die es nach der Immunisierung zur Apoptose von retinalen Ganglienzellen kommt und welche Antikörper dazuführen können. Des Weiteren ist von Interesse, ob und wie eine zelluläre Komponente an der Pathogenese des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukoms beteiligt ist.


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This study investigated the long-term effect of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) on cognitive brain function by means of P300 evoked potentials.


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Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) affects various components and segments of the peripheral nervous system differently, and thus there can be phenotypic heterogeneity. We report a 47-year-old woman with chronic sensory disturbances and proximal weakness limited to the legs. Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies were normal. Somatosensory evoked potentials and imaging indicated a demyelinating process involving the lumbosacral roots. The patient responded favorably to IVIg. Although she did not fulfill the diagnostic criteria for CIDP we believe this patient represents a restricted regional CIDP variant.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) in patients with relapsing-remitting (RR-MS), secondary progressive (SP-MS), and primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PP-MS). METHODS: Clinical and neurophysiological follow up was undertaken in 24 RR-MS, eight SP-MS, and nine PP-MS patients receiving Solu-Medrol 500 mg/d over five days for exacerbations involving the motor system. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were used to measure central motor conduction time (CMCT) and the triple stimulation technique (TST) was applied to assess conduction deficits. The TST allows accurate quantification of the number of conducting central motor neurones, expressed by the TST amplitude ratio. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in TST amplitude ratio in RR-MS (p<0.001) and SP-MS patients (p<0.02) at day 5, paralleling an increase in muscle force. TST amplitude ratio and muscle force remained stable at two months. In PP-MS, TST amplitude ratio and muscle force did not change. CMCT did not change significantly in any of the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: In RR-MS and SP-MS, IVMP is followed by a prompt increase in conducting central motor neurones paralleled by improvement in muscle force, which most probably reflects partial resolution of central conduction block. The lack of similar clinical and neurophysiological changes in PP-MS corroborates previous clinical reports on limited IVMP efficacy in this patient group and points to pathophysiological differences underlying exacerbations in PP-MS.


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The aim of this study is to develop a new simple method for analyzing one-dimensional transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) mapping studies in humans. Motor evoked potentials (MEP) were recorded from the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle during stimulation at nine different positions on the scalp along a line passing through the APB hot spot and the vertex. Non-linear curve fitting according to the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was performed on the averaged amplitude values obtained at all points to find the best-fitting symmetrical and asymmetrical peak functions. Several peak functions could be fitted to the experimental data. Across all subjects, a symmetric, bell-shaped curve, the complementary error function (erfc) gave the best results. This function is characterized by three parameters giving its amplitude, position, and width. None of the mathematical functions tested with less or more than three parameters fitted better. The amplitude and position parameters of the erfc were highly correlated with the amplitude at the hot spot and with the location of the center of gravity of the TMS curve. In conclusion, non-linear curve fitting is an accurate method for the mathematical characterization of one-dimensional TMS curves. This is the first method that provides information on amplitude, position and width simultaneously.


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It is a popular concept in clinical neurology that muscles of the lower face receive predominantly crossed cortico-bulbar motor input, whereas muscles of the upper face receive additional ipsilateral, uncrossed input. To test this notion, we used focal transcranial magnetic brain stimulation to quantify crossed and uncrossed cortico-muscular projections to 6 different facial muscles (right and left Mm. frontalis, nasalis, and orbicularis oris) in 36 healthy right-handed volunteers (15 men, 21 women, mean age 25 years). Uncrossed input was present in 78% to 92% of the 6 examined muscles. The mean uncrossed: crossed response amplitude ratios were 0.74/0.65 in right/left frontalis, 0.73/0.59 in nasalis, and 0.54/0.71 in orbicularis oris; ANOVA p>0.05). Judged by the sizes of motor evoked potentials, the cortical representation of the 3 muscles was similar. The amount of uncrossed projections was different between men and women, since men had stronger left-to-left projections and women stronger right-to-right projections. We conclude that the amount of uncrossed pyramidal projections is not different for muscles of the upper from those of the lower face. The clinical observation that frontal muscles are often spared in central facial palsies must, therefore, be explained differently. Moreover, gender specific lateralization phenomena may not only be present for higher level behavioural functions, but may also affect simple systems on a lower level of motor hierarchy.


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OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this nationwide survey carried out in department of cardiac anesthesia in Germany was to identify current practice with regard to neuromonitoring und neuroprotection. METHODOLOGY: The data are based on a questionnaire sent out to all departments of cardiac anesthesia in Germany between October 2007 und January 2008. The anonymized questionnaire contained 26 questions about the practice of preoperative evaluation of cerebral vessels, intra-operative use of neuromonitoring, the nature und application of cerebral protective measures, perfusion management during cardiopulmonary bypass, postoperative evaluation of neurological status, and training in the field of cerebral monitoring. RESULTS: Of the 80 mailed questionnaires 55% were returned and 90% of department evaluated cerebral vessels preoperatively with duplex ultrasound. The methods used for intra-operative neuromonitoring are electroencephalography (EEG, 60%) for type A dissections (38.1%), for elective surgery on the thoracic and thoraco-abdominal aorta (34.1% and 31.6%, respectively) and in carotid surgery (43.2%) near infrared spectroscopy (40%), evoked potentials (30%) and transcranial Doppler sonography (17.5%), with some centers using combined methods. In most departments the central nervous system is not subjected to monitoring during bypass surgery, heart valve surgery, or minimally invasive surgery. Cerebral protective measures used comprise patient cooling on cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB 100%), extracorporeal cooling of the head (65%) and the administration of corticosteroids (58%), barbiturates (50%) and antiepileptic drugs (10%). Neuroprotective anesthesia consists of administering inhalation anesthetics (32.5%; sevoflurane 76.5%) and intravenous anesthesia (20%; propofol and barbiturates each accounting for 46.2%). Of the departments 72.5% cool patients as a standard procedure for surgery involving cardiovascular arrest and 37.5% during all surgery using CPB. In 84.6% of department CPB flow equals calculated cardiac output (CO) under normothermia, while the desired mean arterial pressure (MAP) varies between 60 and 70 mmHg (43.9%) and between 50 and 60 mmHg (41.5%), respectively. At body temperatures less than 18 degrees C CPB flow is reduced below the calculated CO (70%) while 27% of departments use normothermic flow rates. The preferred MAP under hypothermia is between 50 and 60 mmHg (59%). The results of intra-operative neuromonitoring are documented on the anesthesia record (77%). In 42.5% of the departments postoperative neurological function is estimated by the anesthesiologist. Continuing education sessions pertaining to neuromonitoring are organized on a regular basis in 32.5% of the departments and in 37.5% individual physicians are responsible for their own neuromonitoring education. CONCLUSION: The present survey data indicate that neuromonitoring and neuroprotective therapy during CPB is not standardized in cardiac anesthesiology departments in Germany. The systemic use of available methods to implement multimodal neuromonitoring would be desirable.