967 resultados para Artikel 33 II GG
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar, por meio de questionário, a percepção dos ortodontistas quanto a época ideal para o tratamento ortodôntico da má oclusão de Classe II de Angle, avaliar a eficiência deste tipo de tratamento em uma ou duas fases e identificar os diversos métodos de tratamento utilizados. A amostra constituiu de 163 ortodontistas brasileiros que responderam ao questionário via e-mail. O questionário continha perguntas do tipo aberta, semi aberta e fechada, e, para sua validação, foi realizado um teste piloto entre 15 ortodontistas, participantes ou ex-alunos do Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, que não foram inclusos neste trabalho. Os dados foram tabulados com a utilização de frequência absoluta (n) e frequência relativa (%). Para verificar a correlação entre as variáveis ordinais foi utilizado o Coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman. Para verificar a associação entre variáveis qualitativas nominais foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado. Em todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Todos os procedimentos estatísticos foram executados no programa Statistica v.5.1 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, USA). Observou-se que os ortodontistas brasileiros preferem tratar os pacientes portadores da má oclusão de Classe II durante a fase da dentadura mista tardia, onde a procura por tratamentos nos consultórios e/ou clínicas tem maior ocorrência entre 10 a 13 anos e no sexo feminino. Dentre as modalidades de tratamento, verificou-se que 25 a 50% dos profissionais tratam seus pacientes em duas fases, seja na utilização do Aparelho Extra Bucal (49,1%), Bionator (33,1%) ou propulsores mandibulares, como APM (17,8%), e, Elásticos Classe II (8,6%).
Background & Aims: In celiac disease (CD), transglutaminase type II (TG2) has 2 fundamental roles: (1) as the autoantigen recognized by highly specific autoantibodies and (2) the modifier of pathogenic gliadin T-cell epitopes. It follows that inhibition of TG2 might represent an attractive strategy to curb the toxic action of gliadin. Here we studied the validity of this strategy using the organ culture approach. Methods: Duodenal biopsy specimens from 30 treated patients with CD, 33 untreated patients with CD, and 24 controls were cultured with or without gliadin peptides p31-43, pα-9, and deamidated pα-9 for 20 minutes, 3 hours, and 24 hours. In 31 patients with CD and 16 controls, TG2 inhibitor R283 or anti-TG CUB 7402 or anti-surface TG2 (6B9) mAbs were used in cultures. T84 cells were also cultured with or without peptides with or without TG inhibitors. Mucosal modifications after culture were assessed by immunofluorescence, in situ detection of TG activity, confocal microscopy, and fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. Results: The enzymatic inhibition of TG2 only controlled gliadin-specific T-cell activation. The binding of surface TG2 contained gliadin-specific T-cell activation and p31-43-induced actin rearrangement, epithelial phosphorylation, and apoptosis, both in organ cultures and T84 cells. Conclusions: These data indicate a novel and unexpected biological role for surface TG2 in the pathogenesis of CD suggesting a third role for TG2 in CD. These results have a specific impact for celiac disease, with wider implications indicating a novel biologic function of TG2 with possible repercussions in other diseases. © 2005 by the American Gastroenterological Association.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B70, 41A25, 41A17, 26D10. ∗Part of the results were reported at the Conference “Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics”, Sofia, 2006.
The Antarctic deep-water fauna of Polymastiidae and Suberitidae is revised using recently collected material from the Weddell Sea. The former family appeared to be more abundant and diverse than the latter family in the studied area. Seven species within five polymastiid genera and three species within three suberitid genera are described. Relatively high sponge abundance at two stations deeper than 4700 m was mainly constituted by a polymastiid species Radiella ant- arctica sp. nov. Previously, representatives of Radiella have never been found in the Antarctic. An eurybathic species, Polymastia invaginata , well known from the Antarctic and subantarctic, appeared to be especially abundant at less than 1000 m depth. Another eurybathic polymastiid species, Tentorium cf. semisuberites , known for its bipolar distribution, was the third abundant species at the depths between 1000-2600 m, with the highest density found at the deeper stations. Tentorium papillatum , endemic of the Southern Hemisphere, was registered only at a depth of about 1000 m. Other spe- cies studied were less abundant. Astrotylus astrotylus , the representative of the endemic Antarctic genus, was found exclusively deeper than 4500 m, often together with R. antarctica . Acanthopolymastia acanthoxa , the endemic deep- water Antarctic species, was registered at 3000 m. The discovery of suberitid Aaptos robustus sp. nov. at about 2300 m is the first signalization of Aaptos in the Antarctic and at such a considerable depth. The finding of Suberites topsenti deeper than 4700 m is also remarkable. In general the results achieved confirm the high degree of geographical ende- mism of the Antarctic deep-water sponge fauna and the eurybathic distribution of many Antarctic sponge species.
This report is Volume 3 of Descriptions of WHOI rock dredge samples. This series represents a major effort to catalog the rock dredge samples in the WHOI Sea Floor samples collection, and to disseminate this information throughout the scientific community. Volume 3 contains sample descriptions and station data for the dredge stations from five cruises during the period September 1978 through December 1980. The material in this and subsequent volumes of rock descriptions was largely prepared onboard ship by the participating scientists. Volume 3 was printed prior to volumes 1 and 2 because of the excellent documentation of the samples represented in this volume.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.