979 resultados para Arc Magmas
The electric utility business is an inherently dangerous area to work in with employees exposed to many potential hazards daily. One such hazard is an arc flash. An arc flash is a rapid release of energy, referred to as incident energy, caused by an electric arc. Due to the random nature and occurrence of an arc flash, one can only prepare and minimize the extent of harm to themself, other employees and damage to equipment due to such a violent event. Effective January 1, 2009 the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) requires that an arc-flash assessment be performed by companies whose employees work on or near energized equipment to determine the potential exposure to an electric arc. To comply with the NESC requirement, Minnesota Power’s (MP’s) current short circuit and relay coordination software package, ASPEN OneLinerTM and one of the first software packages to implement an arc-flash module, is used to conduct an arc-flash hazard analysis. At the same time, the package is benchmarked against equations provided in the IEEE Std. 1584-2002 and ultimately used to determine the incident energy levels on the MP transmission system. This report goes into the depth of the history of arc-flash hazards, analysis methods, both software and empirical derived equations, issues of concern with calculation methods and the work conducted at MP. This work also produced two offline software products to conduct and verify an offline arc-flash hazard analysis.
Large earthquakes may strongly influence the activity of volcanoes through static and dynamic processes. In this study, we quantify the static and dynamic stress change on 27 volcanoes in Central America, after the Mw 7.6 Costa Rica earthquake of 5 September 2012. Following this event, 8 volcanoes showed signs of activity. We calculated the static stress change due to the earthquake on hypothetical faults under these volcanoes with Coulomb 3.3. For the dynamic stress change, we computed synthetic seismograms to simulate the waveforms at these volcanoes. We then calculated the Peak Dynamic Stress (PDS) from the modeled peak ground velocities. The resulting values are from moderate to minor changes in stress (10-1-10-2 MPa) with the PDS values generally an order of magnitude larger than the static stress change. Although these values are small, they may be enough to trigger a response by the volcanoes, and are on the order of stress changes implicated in many other studies of volcano and earthquake triggering by large earthquakes. This study provides insight into the poorly-constrained mechanism for remote triggering.
This investigation was an effort to obtain proof of the much disputed principle that most of the observed magnetic differentiations have been due to the assimilation, or syntexis, of the intruded country rocks.
Discussion of subduction zones that are associated with volcanic arcs and major chemical exchanges between the Earth's surface and underlying mantle.
The original objective of this project was to determine the effect of varying current intensity and electrode coating composition upon the spatter losses and porosity of arc welds made by alternating current. This subject was suggested by the Welding Research Council of the Engineering Foundation, which is a clearing house for welding research in order to avoid duplication of work.
We investigated high temperature Mo isotope fractionation in a hydrous supra-subduction volcano-plutonic system (Kos, Aegean Arc, Greece) in order to address the debate on the δ98/95Mo variability of the continental crust. In this igneous system, where differentiation is interpreted to be dominated by fractional crystallization, bulk rock data from olivine basalt to dacite show δ98/95Mo ratios increasing from +0.3 to +0.6‰ along with Mo concentrations increasing from 0.8 to 4.1 μg g−1. Data for hornblende and biotite mineral separates reveal the extraction of light Mo into crystallizing silicates, with minimum partition coefficients between hornblende- silicate melt and biotite-silicate melt of 0.6 and 0.4 δ98/95Mo, respectively. Our data document significant Mo isotope fractionation at magmatic temperatures, hence, the igneous contribution to continental runoff is variable, besides probable source-related variability. Based on these results and published data an average continental δ98/95Mo of +0.3 to +0.4‰ can be derived. This signature corresponds more closely to the average of published data of dissolved Mo loads of large rivers than previous estimates and is consistent with an upper limit of δ98/95Mo = 0.4‰ of the Earth's upper crust as derived from the analysis of molybdenites.