996 resultados para Aquisição bibliográfica
In February 2011, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) has published a new Technical Rules for Handling Land Pipeline Petroleum and Natural Gas Derivatives (RTDT). Among other things, the RTDT made compulsory the use of monitoring systems and leak detection in all onshore pipelines in the country. This document provides a study on the method for detection of transient pressure. The study was conducted on a industrial duct 16" diameter and 9.8 km long. The pipeline is fully pressurized and carries a multiphase mixture of crude oil, water and natural gas. For the study, was built an infrastructure for data acquisition and validation of detection algorithms. The system was designed with SCADA architecture. Piezoresistive sensors were installed at the ends of the duct and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) were used for sampling, storage and processing of data. The study was based on simulations of leaks through valves and search for patterns that characterize the occurrence of such phenomena
On the modern Continental Shelf to the north of Rio Grande do Norte state (NE Brazil) is located a paleo-valley, submerged during the last glacial sea-level lowstand, that marks continuation of the most important river of this area (Açu River). Despite the high level of exploration activity of oil industry, there is few information about shallow stratigraphy. Aiming to fill this gap, situated on the Neogene, was worked a marine seismic investigation, the development of a processing flow for high resolution data seismic, and the recognition of the main feature morphology of the study area: the incised valley of the River Açu. The acquisition of shallow seismic data was undertaken in conjunction with the laboratory of Marine Geology/Geophysics and Environmental Monitoring - GGEMMA of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, in SISPLAT project, where the geomorphological structure of the Rio paleovale Açu was the target of the investigation survey. The acquisition of geophysical data has been over the longitudinal and transverse sections, which were subsequently submitted to the processing, hitherto little-used and / or few addressed in the literature, which provided a much higher quality result with the raw data. Once proposed for the flow data was developed and applied to the data of X-Star (acoustic sensor), using available resources of the program ReflexW 4.5 A surface fluvial architecture has been constructed from the bathymetric data and remote sensing image fused and draped over Digital Elevation Models to create three-dimensional (3D) perspective views that are used to analyze the 3D geometry geological features and provide the mapping morphologically defined. The results are expressed in the analysis of seismic sections that extend over the region of the continental shelf and upper slope from mouth of the Açu River to the shelf edge, providing the identification / quantification of geometrical features such as depth, thickness, horizons and units seismic stratigraphyc area, with emphasis has been placed on the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of discordance limit and fill sediment of the incised valley, control by structural elements, and marked by the influence of changes in the sea level. The interpretation of the evolution of this river is worth can bring information to enable more precise descriptions and interpretations, which describes the palaeoenvironmental controls influencing incised valley evolution and preservation to provide a better comprehensive understanding of this reservoir analog system
This work aims to analyze socio-environmental vulnerability in the Zone of Environmental Preservation -9, located in the northern of the city of Natal / RN. This objective was outlined when we noted a large number of households (about 2000) located in an area considered relevant in terms of environmental and social conditions, notably because of the existence of lakes, sand dunes and rivers that contribute to groundwater recharge Dunas/Barreiras Furthermore, this area is widely used for agricultural activities. The methodology used during this research is accorded to the literature review about the concept of vulnerability, consultations in public agencies for data acquisition, field research and questionnaires. Data collected from each category of vulnerability (social and environmental) were tabulated, analyzed and presented as tables, maps and texts. According to theoretical concepts and methodology of Alves (2006), Cutter (1996), Torres (2000), Acselrad (2006) e Hogan e Marandola Junior (2005; 2006; 2007), the research is structured in the preparation of an environmental diagnosis of the neighborhoods of Blue Lagoon and Pajuçara and subsequent analysis of socio-environmental vulnerability in the Zone of Environmental Preservation -9, especially Area 1, 2 and 3.There was a variation in results between the social vulnerability and environmental vulnerability categories for each area of the Zone of Environmental Preservation -9. However, the crossing between the two categories above showed that Area 3 had the highest level of environmental vulnerability, followed by Area 1. On the other hand, the Area 2 was considered of minor environmental vulnerability. In this sense, this work presents relevant subsidies to the planning of public policies, to identify and characterize the critical areas with high socio-environmental vulnerability
This research has as an empirical universe, the productive territory of red ware in the Seridó region of Rio Grande do Norte. In the last years this territory has gone through a process of appropriation that has been substantially changing the environmental and social dynamism of the place. However, the industry of red ware has been focusing in some areas, mainly, in the county of Parelhas and Carnaúba dos Dantas. From this point of view, the aim of this work consists in analyze the use of these areas by the red ware industry and the transformations occurred with the expansion of the number of industries and the productivity raise, that requires bigger amounts of earthenware and wood, resources that are low in referred territory. As the result of this process, the suitable alternative has been to acquire inputs in other Rio Grande do Norte counties, as well as in Paraíba counties. To reach the proposed objective, the methodology of this work was consisted of bibliographic and empirical research, regarding the occupation that this activity covers in the Seridó region. From the information obtained during the research, it can be stated that the inputs to the production execution in the red ware industry are acquired in the geographic nearby lands. The analysis of the stages of the production(acquisition of raw material, production and commercialization) showed that the activity acts in a continuous area, having as principal consumer market other northeastern states and the state of Pará. The present study revealed that the pottery activity is set as untenable, because of non-stopping use of the argil and wood, resources that are vanishing from the area, which consume causes a many problems such as deforestation and erosion. Besides, the sale of productive lands for the red ware industries makes harder its good use by the familiar agriculturists in the development of agriculture and cattle raising activity, which for many times is the main economic activity of the place. The precariousness reveals in the constant accidents at work, that most of them are neglected by the local authorities, without any penalty to the industries. Therefore, the industry of red ware in Seridó uses the territory as a resource, leaving its environmental problems that my compromise the quality of life of the actual and future generations
TEMA: a literatura aponta para a influência da postura corporal sobre as habilidades orais em crianças com desenvolvimento sensório-motor alterado. em crianças normais existem poucos estudos sobre essa relação. OBJETIVO: estudar em crianças a termo a relação entre habilidades motoras e habilidades motoras orais, desde 1 dia de vida até 24 meses de idade. MÉTODO: 42 crianças foram filmadas com 1 dia, 1 mês, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,12 e 24 meses nas posições supino, prono, sentado e em pé e durante alimentação com amamentação / mamadeira (até 5 meses), uso de colher para alimentação pastosa (3 aos 12 meses), uso de copo para água ou suco (6 aos 24 meses) e alimento sólido (6 aos 24 meses). Estabeleceram-se escores de quantificação para o desenvolvimento corporal e habilidades orais e utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para o estudo estatístico, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: os resultados do desenvolvimento motor apontaram para semelhança de dados entre supino e prono e sentado e em pé; para as habilidades orais (durante a alimentação com mamadeira/amamentação, colher, copo, mastigação) constatou-se em cada modalidade de alimentação, homogeneidade de aquisição de habilidades para lábios, língua e mandíbula. Houve associação entre habilidades motoras e orais; resultados apontam que o desenvolvimento motor (habilidades motoras) se deu antes das orais desde o 5° ao 24° mês e que as habilidades de mandíbula em copo e colher ocorreram antes das habilidades de lábios e língua. CONCLUSÃO: houve crescente aquisição de habilidades motoras e orais, variabilidade de habilidades em idades entre 3 e 24 meses e associação entre habilidades motoras e orais.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este artigo trata da tendência de crescimento das parcerias, pela via dos contratos, entre os municípios paulistas e empresas privadas da área educacional para a aquisição de sistemas apostilados de ensino. Os dados referem-se a levantamento desenvolvido no âmbito da pesquisa Estratégias municipais para a oferta da educação básica: uma análise de parcerias público-privadas no estado de São Paulo, financiada pela FAPESP. No período destacado neste trabalho, 1990 a 2007, percebe-se a ampliação deste tipo de relação acentuadamente nos municípios com até 50 mil habitantes. Tal percepção confirma hipótese de incremento da dependência das esferas municipais junto ao setor privado, na medida em que os municípios têm ampliadas suas responsabilidades para com a oferta e a manutenção da educação básica, sem a prévia organização técnico-política do aparato de gestão local.
This article deals with synthesis and reactivity of complexes with triphenylstibine (SbPh3) as the ligand. A comparative study of analogous complexes of triphenylphosphine (PPh3) and triphenylarsine (AsPh3) with platinum in the oxidation states zero, two and four is included. The bibliographic revision includes publications since 1936, when the first Pt(II) complex with triphenylstibine was described.
OBJETIVO: Examinar o efeito de intervenção em esteira motorizada na idade de aquisição da marcha independente em bebês de risco para atraso de desenvolvimento. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental com 15 lactentes a partir do 5º mês de idade, sendo cinco deles com risco de atraso de desenvolvimento submetidos a sessões de fisioterapia e intervenção em esteira motorizada (Grupo Experimental); cinco com risco de atraso de desenvolvimento submetidos apenas a sessões de fisioterapia (Grupo Controle de Risco); e cinco bebês sem risco de atraso (Grupo Controle Típico). As sessões de fisioterapia ocorreram duas vezes por semana, seguidas de intervenção em esteira motorizada para o grupo experimental. Todos os bebês foram avaliados mensalmente pela Alberta Infant Motor Scale e os participantes do grupo experimental foram filmados durante a realização das passadas na esteira. Comparações entre os grupos ao longo do tempo foram realizadas por análise de variância (ANOVA) e de multivariância (MANOVA). RESULTADOS: Os bebês do Grupo Experimental adquiriram a marcha independente aos 12,8 meses e os do Grupo Controle de Risco aos 13,8 meses de idade corrigida, sendo que a aquisição do Grupo Controle de Risco ocorreu mais tarde em relação ao Grupo Controle Típico (1,1 meses; p<0,05). Os bebês do grupo experimental apresentaram padrão alternado das passadas na esteira, que aumentou ao longo da intervenção (p<0,05), e mostraram melhora do desenvolvimento motor global em relação aos bebês do Grupo Controle de Risco. CONCLUSÕES: A esteira pode ser considerada um agente facilitador para a aquisição do andar independente e do desenvolvimento motor global de bebês com risco de atraso de desenvolvimento.
In the 90, the public politics for the Brazilian rural way incorporated the territorial perspective, besides they motivate the participation and the beneficiaries collective organization. In 2003 the Food Acquisition Program (FAP) was created with the intention of guaranteeing the feeding of people in social vulnerability situation or alimentary insecurity and of providing work and income in the field through the direct buying of the agriculturists foods. In a research made in two São Paulo State's towns: Tupi Paulista and Dracena, it was verified that the price paid to the farmers is higher to the regional average and because of this fact the participants have interest in enlarging the cultivated area and/or in diversifying the cultivations. Though, two problems were detected: 1) the reduced number of beneficiated producers; and, ii) the furtherance of the producers relatives already registered that try to increase their quota of products and the value to be received.
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