922 resultados para Apple fruit-borer


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Peer reviewed


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of heat waves on the evolution of bud dormancy, in apple trees with contrasting chilling requirements. Twigs of 'Castel Gala' and 'Royal Gala' were collected in orchards in Papanduva, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, and were exposed to constant (3°C) or alternating (3 and 15°C for 12/12 hours) temperature, combined with zero, one or two days a week at 25°C. Two additional treatments were evaluated: constant temperature (3°C), with a heat wave of seven days at 25°C, in the beginning or in the middle of the experimental period. Periodically, part of the twigs was transferred to 25°C for daily budburst evaluation of apical and lateral buds. Endodormancy (dormancy induced by cold) was overcome with less than 330 chilling hours (CH) of constant cold in 'Castel Gala' and less than 618 CH in 'Royal Gala'. A daily 15°C-temperature cycle did not affect the endodormancy process. Heat waves during endodormancy resulted in an increased CH to achieve bud requirements. The negative effect of high temperature depended on the lasting of this condition. Chilling was partly cancelled during dormancy when the heat wave lasted 36 continuous hours or more. Therefore, budburst prediction models need adjustments, mainly for regions with mild and irregular winters, such as those of Southern Brazil.


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The objective of this work was to select semivariogram models to estimate the population density of fig fly (Zaprionus indianus; Diptera: Drosophilidae) throughout the year, using ordinary kriging. Nineteen monitoring sites were demarcated in an area of 8,200 m2, cropped with six fruit tree species: persimmon, citrus, fig, guava, apple, and peach. During a 24 month period, 106 weekly evaluations were done in these sites. The average number of adult fig flies captured weekly per trap, during each month, was subjected to the circular, spherical, pentaspherical, exponential, Gaussian, rational quadratic, hole effect, K-Bessel, J-Bessel, and stable semivariogram models, using ordinary kriging interpolation. The models with the best fit were selected by cross-validation. Each data set (months) has a particular spatial dependence structure, which makes it necessary to define specific models of semivariograms in order to enhance the adjustment to the experimental semivariogram. Therefore, it was not possible to determine a standard semivariogram model; instead, six theoretical models were selected: circular, Gaussian, hole effect, K-Bessel, J-Bessel, and stable.


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Aquest treball d’investigació, té com a objectiu principal, desenvolupar una estratègia de Brand management després d’haver estudiat diferents teories sobre creació i gestió de marques. Des de el naixement de las marques, han sigut molts els autors que han estudiat aquest fenomen per assentar las bases del que avui es coneix com branding, disciplina que s’encarrega de l’estudi d’aquestes. Entre aquests autors podem trobar diferents teories o models de Brand management. El meu treball de final de carrera, en una primera part, analitzarà els conceptes des de la perspectiva dels diferents autors. Són diverses las metodologies que podem trobar en aquesta disciplina, des de el seu origen més acadèmic, de màrqueting o econòmic, per tant, durant el desenvolupament d’aquest treball final de carrera, s’estudiaran algunes d’aquestes vessants i es valoraran las seves conclusions, per a posteriorment desenvolupar una metodologia pròpia i dur la a la pràctica per a la creació d’una marca real. La segona part consisteix en aplicar la metodologia, a un cas pràctic, i poder crear una marca des de cero, amb una base científica, que ens guiï al llarg de tots els processos de presa de decisions. Des de l’anàlisi previ, passant per l’estratègia de marca i finalment de comunicació. Això ens ha permès crear una marca per a un producte concret, i aconseguir posicionar lo en el mercat. Per finalitzar, es presenten las aplicacions corresponents a la marca, resultants d’haver seguit la metodologia plantejada inicialment. Aquest treball de final de carrera es contempla amb annexos en els que queden documentats els processos y anàlisis citats al llarg del desenvolupament.


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Thidiazuron (TDZ) is a phenylurea like citokinin on cell division fruit growth and fruit shape in some deciduous fruit trees. The effects of TDZ applied during flowering on apple cultivars 'Gala' and 'Fuji" were evaluated during seven growing seasons with annual applications on the same trees. The effects on pear and kiwi fruit trees were also evaluated. Every year, TDZ significantly increased fruit set and fruit weight on apple trees. The seven-year average of the fruit set from TDZ at 10 mg.L-1 was 112.7% while the control was only 51.3%. TDZ did not affect the number of clusters. The fruit weight increased 7.0% and 18.3% when the trees were sprayed with TDZ at 10 mg.L-1 and 5 mg.L-1, respectively. TDZ also increased fruit yield per tree by 28.7% and 41.8% for the 10 mg.L-1 and 5 mg.L-1 treatments, respectively. TDZ reduced the seed number per fruit and the calcium content in the flesh fruit, but increased the fruit firmness. The fruit set increased significantly on pear cultivar Packm's Triumph treated with TDZ, and reduced the seed numbers per fruit. TDZ applied at 12.5 mg.L-1 increased fruit weight by 47,4% on "Monty" kiwi.


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Fresh and combined methods processed Cantaloupe melons, mangoes and cashew apples were submitted to consumers' acceptance and scored on a nine-point hedonic scale. Fruits were osmotically treated in sucrose syrup with two different concentrations of SO2. Overall acceptance, appearance, aroma, flavor and texture were evaluated. Fresh cashew apples received lower scores for acceptance than processed cashew apples while fresh mangoes were more acceptable than processed mangoes. Acceptance of fresh melons and processed melons was similar. Treatments of the tropical fruits with two different concentrations of SO2 did not demonstrate significant differences between the fruits tested.


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En aquest treball es posa en context l'evolució de les marques i els consumidors, la seva relació a través del branding i el branding emocional. Els dos aspectes més importants són l'anàlisi del concepte de Lovemark i de la marca Apple. El treball queda recolzat amb l'elaboració d'una enquesta per confirmar la hipòtesi: "La passió per Apple va més enllà dels productes que llancin".


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It has been evaluated the genetic variability through the use of RAPD molecular markers on the following passionflower species: Passiflora amethystina, P. caerulea, P. cincinnata, P. coccinea, P. serrato digitata, P. foetida, P. maliformis, P. alata, P. giberti, P. laurifolia, P. macrocarpa, P. nitida, P. setacea, P. suberosa, P. ligularis, P. capsularis, P. edulis Sims and its botanical variety P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg. In this research work, the analyses of the random amplified polymorphic DNA products (RAPD) were employed to estimate the genetic diversity and the taxonomic linkage within the species above. The total of 21 primers were used in this study which generated 270 different polymorphic products. It was possible to detect that the Passiflora species had shown a similarity of 17,3%, and between Passiflora edulis Sims and Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa a similarity of 34,35% has been found. The rate of similarity within edulis specie is low, making it clear that a large variability between the yellow and the purple forms exists.


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The Murcott tangor represent 20% of the tangerines trees in São Paulo State being the second more grown. Their fruits have good acceptance in the market cause of the good characteristics presented as: size, attractive internal and external color, transport resistance, high juice rate and industry potential. It is necessary to study the behavior of others varieties, in order to amplify the diversity of tangerine industry, which show suitable characteristics to the fresh fruit market and that make possible different harvest season. Many tangerine varieties, selected from the Citrus Germplasm Bank of the do Centro Avançado de Pesquisa Tecnológica do Agronegócio de Citros "Sylvio Moreira"/IAC, belong to trials carried out in 15 places in São Paulo State. The Capão Bonito area, south-west of the state, is one of this places where the Nova tangelo, the Ortanique and the Murcott tangors are showing quite good results about their fruit qualities. This paper had as an objective to compare the fruit characteristics of the Nova tangelo, the Murcott and the Ortanique tangors grafted on two rootstocks: Rangpur lime and Cleopatra mandarin. Accordingly to the gotten results, is possible to conclude that Nova and Ortanique had shown weight, width, fruit shape and juice percent, similar to the Murcott. In compliance with the harvest season, the Nova present suitable conditions to fresh fruit market in May and June. By the other hand the Murcott fruits can be harvested in July to August and the Ortanique in August to September. For this reason, is possible extend the harvest season of this mandarin-like, from two to five month, occurring inclusive in a period out of the crop at the north hemisphere.


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There is a lack of information about fertilization of pineapple grown in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. So a field experiment with pineapple 'Smooth Cayenne' was carried out to study the effects of NPK rates on yield and fruit quality. The trial was located on an Alfisol in the central part of the State of São Paulo (Agudos county). The experimental design was an incomplete NPK factorial, with 32 treatments set up in two blocks. The P was applied only at planting, at the rates of 0; 80; 160 and 320 kg/ha of P2 0(5), as superphosphate. The N and K2O rates were 0; 175; 350, and 700 kg/ha, applied as urea and potassium chloride, respectively, divided in four applications during the growth period. Response functions were adjusted to yield or to fruit characteristics in order to estimate the nutrient rates required to reach maximum values. The results showed quadratic effects of N and K on yield and a maximum of 72 t/ha of fresh fruit was attained with rates of 498 and 394 kg/ha, respectively of N and K2O. In order to reach the maximum fruit size, and to improve the percentage of first class fruit (mass greater than 2.6 kg), were necessary rates of N and K respectively 11 and 43 % higher than those for maximum yield. No effect of P rates was observed on pineapple plant growth, despite the low availability of this nutrient in the soil. The effect of N rates was negative on total soluble solids and total acidity while the opposite occurred with K, which increased also the content of vitamin C. High yield and fruit size were closely related to N and K concentrations in the leaves.


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The parasitism of the woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann) by Aphelinus mali (Hald.) was evaluated in apple orchards cultivated with the varieties Gala and Fuji in Fraiburgo County, State of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. Colonies of the woolly apple aphid were evaluated during one year on 16 apple trees of each variety, starting in August 1999. The number of aphids at the mummy stage or presenting the orifice of the parasitoid emergence was recorded. Results have shown that A. mali parasitized more than 50% of the woolly apple aphids and occurred during the four seasons. It was concluded that that under these conditions no chemical control against the aphid is necessary for the apple varieties Gala and Fuji.


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Leaf area measurements are required in several agronomical studies. Usually, there is an interest for measurement methods that are simple, quick and that will not destroy the leaf. The objectives of this work were to evaluate leaf area (y), length (l) and width (w) of 20 half-sibling progenies of custard apple tree (Annona squamosa L.), and to fit regression equations of the type y = a + bx, where x = l.w, that will allow y to be estimated based on l and w. The experiment was conducted as random blocks with five replicates and four plants per plot. Five mature leaves were randomly collected from each plant. Leaf area was measured with an automatic measuring device and leaf dimensions were determined with a ruler. All values of b were different from zero. Differences occurred only in 11% of the 190 possible comparison pairs between progenies, with regard to the estimates of b. No differences were observed between progenies with respect to leaf length, width and area. In view of this fact, the equation y = 0.72 x (R² = 0.77) was fitted for all progenies.


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In orange commercial farms, Zn deficiencies symptoms and small fruits were observed in Corrientes, Argentine. During four years (1995 to 1998), Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis Osb.) on Rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.) rootstock, implanted in 1974 in sandy soil, where six treatments were tested. Treatments varied from 1 to 3 Kg KCl.tree-1.year-1 (applied in April and December) with and without Zineb 80, 0,35%. year-1, 20 L. tree-1 (13,3 g Zn.tree-1 applied in December). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications, with a single tree and borders in the experimental plot. Foliar sample were taken every year in Autumn and Summer, foliar concentrations of Zn and K were determined by atomic spectrum absorption. Harvested fruits were classified into small, medium and big. Analysis of Variance, Tukey test and Pearson correlations between production and foliar concentrations were performed. Higher fertilization levels of K with Zn increased medium and big fruits production (Kg and percentage). Foliar concentrations of K and Zn were positively correlated with big and medium fruit production and negatively correlated with small one. Chemical names used: Ethilenbis-ditiocarbamate of Zn (Zineb).


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The main goal of our study was to see whether an artificial olfactory system can be used as a nondestructive instrument to measure fruit maturity. In order to make an objective comparison, samples measured with our electronic nose prototype were later characterized using fruit quality techniques. The cultivars chosen for the study were peaches, nectarines, apples, and pears. With peaches and nectarines, a PCA analysis on the electronic nose measurements helped to guess optimal harvest dates that were in good agreement with the ones obtained with fruit quality techniques. A good correlation between sensor signals and some fruit quality indicators was also found. With pears, the study addressed the possibility of classifying samples regarding their ripeness state after different cold storage and shelf-life periods. A PCA analysis showed good separation between samples measured after a shelf-life period of seven days and samples with four or less days. Finally, the electronic nose monitored the shelf-life ripening of apples. A good correlation between electronic nose signals and firmness, starch index, and acidity parameters was found. These results prove that electronic noses have the potential of becoming a reliable instrument to assess fruit ripeness.


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The objective of this work was to assess the genetic similarity of the following citrus fresh fruit market seedless cultivars: Lane Late, Navelate, Navelina and Salustiana sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), Clemenules and Marisol mandarins (C. reticulata Blanco) and Okitsu satsuma mandarin (C. unshiu Marcovitch), and the hybrids Nova [C. clementina x (C. paradisi x C. tangerina)] and Ortanique (tangor probably derived from C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck x C. reticulata Blanco), utilizing isoenzymatic markers. Electrophoresis analysis of proteins extracted from leaf tissues was utilized to detect polymorphisms at ten isoenzymatic systems. Out of 30 alleles, 16 were polymorphic. The Jaccard coefficient was utilized to estimate the genetic similarity between the cultivars and the unweigthed pair-group method using an arithmetic average (UPGMA) was used to obtain the phenogram (NTSYS 1.7). The cultivars showed high genetic similarity (>72.5%), and were classified in five main groups: sweet oranges, 'Clemenules' and 'Marisol' mandarins, 'Nova', 'Ortanique', and 'Okitsu' satsuma mandarin.