975 resultados para Aneurysm, false
INTRODUCTION Since the initial publication in 2000, Angiotensin II-infused mice have become one of the most popular models to study abdominal aortic aneurysm in a pre-clinical setting. We recently used phase contrast X-ray based computed tomography to demonstrate that these animals develop an apparent luminal dilatation and an intramural hematoma, both related to mural ruptures in the tunica media in the vicinity of suprarenal side branches. AIMS The aim of this narrative review was to provide an extensive overview of small animal applicable techniques that have provided relevant insight into the pathogenesis and morphology of dissecting AAA in mice, and to relate findings from these techniques to each other and to our recent PCXTM-based results. Combining insights from recent and consolidated publications we aimed to enhance our understanding of dissecting AAA morphology and anatomy. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION We analyzed in vivo and ex vivo images of aortas obtained from macroscopic anatomy, histology, high-frequency ultrasound, contrast-enhanced micro-CT, micro-MRI and PCXTM. We demonstrate how in almost all publications the aorta has been subdivided into a part in which an intact lumen lies adjacent to a remodeled wall/hematoma, and a part in which elastic lamellae are ruptured and the lumen appears to be dilated. We show how the novel paradigm fits within the existing one, and how 3D images can explain and connect previously published 2D structures. We conclude that PCXTM-based findings are in line with previous results, and all evidence points towards the fact that dissecting AAAs in Angiotensin II-infused mice are actually caused by ruptures of the tunica media in the immediate vicinity of small side branches.
BACKGROUND Lung clearance index (LCI), a marker of ventilation inhomogeneity, is elevated early in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, in infants with CF, LCI values are found to be normal, although structural lung abnormalities are often detectable. We hypothesized that this discrepancy is due to inadequate algorithms of the available software package. AIM Our aim was to challenge the validity of these software algorithms. METHODS We compared multiple breath washout (MBW) results of current software algorithms (automatic modus) to refined algorithms (manual modus) in 17 asymptomatic infants with CF, and 24 matched healthy term-born infants. The main difference between these two analysis methods lies in the calculation of the molar mass differences that the system uses to define the completion of the measurement. RESULTS In infants with CF the refined manual modus revealed clearly elevated LCI above 9 in 8 out of 35 measurements (23%), all showing LCI values below 8.3 using the automatic modus (paired t-test comparing the means, P < 0.001). Healthy infants showed normal LCI values using both analysis methods (n = 47, paired t-test, P = 0.79). The most relevant reason for false normal LCI values in infants with CF using the automatic modus was the incorrect recognition of the end-of-test too early during the washout. CONCLUSION We recommend the use of the manual modus for the analysis of MBW outcomes in infants in order to obtain more accurate results. This will allow appropriate use of infant lung function results for clinical and scientific purposes.
The history of cerebral aneurysm surgery owes a great tribute to the tenacity of pioneering neurosurgeons who designed and developed the clips used to close the aneurysms neck. However, until the beginning of the past century, surgery of complex and challenging aneurysms was impossible due to the lack of surgical microscope and commercially available sophisticated clips. The modern era of the spring clips began in the second half of last century. Until then, only malleable metal clips and other non-metallic materials were available for intracranial aneurysms. Indeed, the earliest clips were hazardous and difficult to handle. Several neurosurgeons put their effort in developing new clip models, based on their personal experience in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms. Finally, the introduction of the surgical microscope, together with the availability of more sophisticated clips, has allowed the treatment of complex and challenging aneurysms. However, today none of the new instruments or tools for surgical therapy of aneurysms could be used safely and effectively without keeping in mind the lessons on innovative surgical techniques provided by great neurovascular surgeons. Thanks to their legacy, we can now treat many types of aneurysms that had always been considered inoperable. In this article, we review the basic principles of surgical clipping and illustrate some more advanced techniques to be used for complex aneurysms.
Ischemic complications during aneurysm surgery are a frequent cause of postoperative infarctions and new neurological deficits. In this article, we discuss imaging and neurophysiological tools that may help the surgeon to detect intraoperative ischemia. The strength of intraoperative digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is the full view of the arterial and venous vessel. DSA is the gold standard in complex and giant aneurysms, but due to certain disadvantages, it cannot be considered standard of care. Microvascular Doppler sonography is probably the fastest diagnostic tool and can quickly aid diagnosis of large vessel occlusions. Intraoperative indocyanine green videoangiography is the best tool to assess flow in perforating and larger arteries, as well as occlusion of the aneurysm sac. Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring with somatosensory and motor evoked potentials indirectly measures blood flow by recording neuronal function. It covers all causes of intraoperative ischemia, provided that ischemia occurs in the brain areas under surveillance. However, every method has advantages and disadvantages. No single method is superior to the others in every aspect. Therefore, it is very important for the neurosurgeon to know the strengths and weaknesses of each tool in order to have them available, to know how to use them for each individual situation, and to be ready to apply them within the time window for reversible cerebral ischemia.
OBJECTIVE We endeavored to develop an unruptured intracranial aneurysm (UIA) treatment score (UIATS) model that includes and quantifies key factors involved in clinical decision-making in the management of UIAs and to assess agreement for this model among specialists in UIA management and research. METHODS An international multidisciplinary (neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neurology, clinical epidemiology) group of 69 specialists was convened to develop and validate the UIATS model using a Delphi consensus. For internal (39 panel members involved in identification of relevant features) and external validation (30 independent external reviewers), 30 selected UIA cases were used to analyze agreement with UIATS management recommendations based on a 5-point Likert scale (5 indicating strong agreement). Interrater agreement (IRA) was assessed with standardized coefficients of dispersion (vr*) (vr* = 0 indicating excellent agreement and vr* = 1 indicating poor agreement). RESULTS The UIATS accounts for 29 key factors in UIA management. Agreement with UIATS (mean Likert scores) was 4.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.1-4.3) per reviewer for both reviewer cohorts; agreement per case was 4.3 (95% CI 4.1-4.4) for panel members and 4.5 (95% CI 4.3-4.6) for external reviewers (p = 0.017). Mean Likert scores were 4.2 (95% CI 4.1-4.3) for interventional reviewers (n = 56) and 4.1 (95% CI 3.9-4.4) for noninterventional reviewers (n = 12) (p = 0.290). Overall IRA (vr*) for both cohorts was 0.026 (95% CI 0.019-0.033). CONCLUSIONS This novel UIA decision guidance study captures an excellent consensus among highly informed individuals on UIA management, irrespective of their underlying specialty. Clinicians can use the UIATS as a comprehensive mechanism for indicating how a large group of specialists might manage an individual patient with a UIA.
Fragestellung/Einleitung: Prüfungen sind essentieller Bestandteil in der ärztlichen Ausbildung. Sie liefern wertvolle Informationen über den Entwicklungsprozess der Studierenden und wirken lernbegleitend und lernmodulierend [1], [2]. Bei schriftlichen Prüfungen dominieren derzeit Multiple Choice Fragen, die in verschiedenen Typen verwendet werden. Zumeist werden Typ-A Fragen genutzt, bei denen genau eine Antwort richtig ist. Multiple True-False (MTF) Fragen hingegen lassen mehrere richtige Antworten zu: es muss für jede Antwortmöglichkeit entschieden werden, ob diese richtig oder falsch ist. Durch die Mehrfachantwort scheinen MTF Fragen bestimmte klinische Sachverhalte besser widerspiegeln zu können. Auch bezüglich Reliabilität und dem Informationsgewinn pro Testzeit scheinen MTF Fragen den Typ-A Fragen überlegen zu sein [3]. Dennoch werden MTF Fragen bislang selten genutzt und es gibt wenig Literatur zu diesem Fragenformat. In dieser Studie soll untersucht werden, inwiefern die Verwendung von MTF Fragen die Nutzbarkeit (Utility) nach van der Vleuten (Reliabilität, Validität, Kostenaufwand, Effekt auf den Lernprozess und Akzeptanz der Teilnehmer) [4] schriftlicher Prüfungen erhöhen kann. Um die Testreliabilität zu steigern, sowie den Kostenaufwand für Prüfungen zu senken, möchten wir das optimale Bewertungssystem (Scoring) für MTF Fragen ermitteln. Methoden: Wir analysieren die Daten summativer Prüfungen der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bern. Unsere Daten beinhalten Prüfungen vom ersten bis zum sechsten Studienjahr, sowie eine Facharztprüfung. Alle Prüfungen umfassen sowohl MTF als auch Typ-A Fragen. Für diese Prüfungen vergleichen wir die Viertel-, Halb- und Ganzpunktbewertung für MTF Fragen. Bei der Viertelpunktbewertung bekommen Kandidaten für jede richtige Teilantwort ¼ Punkt. Bei der Halbpunktbewertung wird ½ Punkt vergeben, wenn mehr als die Hälfte der Antwortmöglichkeiten richtig ist, einen ganzen Punkt erhalten die Kandidaten wenn alle Antworten richtig beantwortet wurden. Bei der Ganzpunktbewertung erhalten Kandidaten lediglich einen Punkt wenn die komplette Frage richtig beantwortet wurde. Diese unterschiedlichen Bewertungsschemata werden hinsichtlich Fragencharakteristika wie Trennschärfe und Schwierigkeit sowie hinsichtlich Testcharakteristika wie der Reliabilität einander gegenübergestellt. Die Ergebnisse werden ausserdem mit denen für Typ A Fragen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Vorläufige Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eine Halbpunktbewertung optimal zu sein scheint. Eine Halbpunktbewertung führt zu mittleren Item-Schwierigkeiten und daraus resultierend zu hohen Trennschärfen. Dies trägt zu einer hohen Testreliabilität bei. Diskussion/Schlussfolgerung: MTF Fragen scheinen in Verbindung mit einem optimalen Bewertungssystem, zu höheren Testreliabilitäten im Vergleich zu Typ A Fragen zu führen. In Abhängigkeit des zu prüfenden Inhalts könnten MTF Fragen einen wertvolle Ergänzung zu Typ-A Fragen darstellen. Durch die geeignete Kombination von MTF und Typ A Fragen könnte die Nutzbarkeit (Utility) schriftlicher Prüfungen verbessert werden.
Background: Multiple True-False-Items (MTF-Items) might offer some advantages compared to one-best-answer-questions (TypeA) as they allow more than one correct answer and may better represent clinical decisions. However, in medical education assessment MTF-Items are seldom used. Summary of Work: With this literature review existing findings on MTF-items and on TypeA were compared along the Ottawa Criteria for Good Assessment, i.e. (1) reproducibility, (2) feasibility, (3) validity, (4) acceptance, (5) educational effect, (6) catalytic effects, and (7) equivalence. We conducted a literature research on ERIC and Google Scholar including papers from the years 1935 to 2014. We used the search terms “multiple true-false”, “true-false”, “true/false”, and “Kprim” combined with “exam”, “test”, and “assessment”. Summary of Results: We included 29 out of 33 studies. Four of them were carried out in the medical field Compared to TypeA, MTF-Items are associated with (1) higher reproducibility (2) lower feasibility (3) similar validity (4) higher acceptance (5) higher educational effect (6) no studies on catalytic effects or (7) equivalence. Discussion and Conclusions: While studies show overall good characteristics of MTF items according to the Ottawa criteria, this type of question seems to be rather seldom used. One reason might be the reported lower feasibility. Overall the literature base is still weak. Furthermore, only 14 % of literature is from the medical domain. Further studies to better understand the characteristics of MTF-Items in the medical domain are warranted. Take-home messages: Overall the literature base is weak and therefore further studies are needed. Existing studies show that: MTF-Items show higher reliability, acceptance and educational effect; MTF-Items are more difficult to produce
The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures in criminal investigations. The Supreme Court has interpreted this to require that police obtain a warrant prior to search and that illegally seized evidence be excluded from trial. A consensus has developed in the law and economics literature that tort liability for police officers is a superior means of deterring unreasonable searches. We argue that this conclusion depends on the assumption of truth-seeking police, and develop a game-theoretic model to compare the two remedies when some police officers (the bad type) are willing to plant evidence in order to obtain convictions, even though other police (the good type) are not (where this type is private information). We characterize the perfect Bayesian equilibria of the asymmetric-information game between the police and a court that seeks to minimize error costs in deciding whether to convict or acquit suspects. In this framework, we show that the exclusionary rule with a warrant requirement leads to superior outcomes (relative to tort liability) in terms of truth-finding function of courts, because the warrant requirement can reduce the scope for bad types of police to plant evidence
False-positive and false-negative values were calculated for five different designs of the trend test and it was demonstrated that a design suggested by Portier and Hoel in 1984 for a different problem produced the lowest false-positive and false-negative rates when applied to historical spontaneous tumor rate data for Fischer Rats. ^
A semi-automatic segmentation algorithm for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), and based on Active Shape Models (ASM) and texture models, is presented in this work. The texture information is provided by a set of four 3D magnetic resonance (MR) images, composed of axial slices of the abdomen, where lumen, wall and intraluminal thrombus (ILT) are visible. Due to the reduced number of images in the MRI training set, an ASM and a custom texture model based on border intensity statistics are constructed. For the same reason the shape is characterized from 35-computed tomography angiography (CTA) images set so the shape variations are better represented. For the evaluation, leave-one-out experiments have been held over the four MRI set.
It has been demonstrated that rating trust and reputation of individual nodes is an effective approach in distributed environments in order to improve security, support decision-making and promote node collaboration. Nevertheless, these systems are vulnerable to deliberate false or unfair testimonies. In one scenario, the attackers collude to give negative feedback on the victim in order to lower or destroy its reputation. This attack is known as bad mouthing attack. In another scenario, a number of entities agree to give positive feedback on an entity (often with adversarial intentions). This attack is known as ballot stuffing. Both attack types can significantly deteriorate the performances of the network. The existing solutions for coping with these attacks are mainly concentrated on prevention techniques. In this work, we propose a solution that detects and isolates the abovementioned attackers, impeding them in this way to further spread their malicious activity. The approach is based on detecting outliers using clustering, in this case self-organizing maps. An important advantage of this approach is that we have no restrictions on training data, and thus there is no need for any data pre-processing. Testing results demonstrate the capability of the approach in detecting both bad mouthing and ballot stuffing attack in various scenarios.