940 resultados para Amorphous Cellulose
Thermoeconomic Functional Analysis is a method developed for the analysis and optimal design of improvement of thermal systems (Frangopoulos, 1984). The purpose of this work is to discuss the cogeneration system optimization using a condensing steam turbine with two extractions. This cogeneration system is a rational alternative in pulp and paper plants in regard to the Brazilian conditions. The objective of this optimization consists of minimizing the global cost of the system acquisition and operation, based on the parametrization of actual data from a cellulose plant with a daily production of 1000 tons. Among the several possible decision variables, the pressure and temperature of live steam were selected. These variables significantly affect the energy performance of the cogeneration system. The conditions which determine a lower cost for the system are presented in conclusion.
Leucocoprinus gongylophorus, the fungus cultured by the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa, is able to degrade efficiently cellulose, microcrystaline cellulose, carboximethylcellulose, and cellobiose. Analysis of the degradation products indicate that the fungus produce extracellular β-glucosidase, exo- and endo-glucanase. The importance of cellulose degradation to the association of fungus and ant is discussed.
In the present paper, we discuss a generalized theory of electrical characteristics for amorphous semiconductor (or insulator) Schottky barriers, considering: (i) surface states, (ii) doping impurity states at a single energy level and (iii) energetically distributed bulk impurity states. We also consider a thin oxide layer (≈10 Å) between metal and semiconductor. We develop current versus applied potential characteristics considering the variation of the Fermi level very close to contact inside the semiconductor and decrease in barrier height due to the image force effect as well as potential fall on the oxide layer. Finally, we discuss the importance of each parameter, i.e. surface states, distributed impurity states, doping impurity states, thickness of oxide layer etc. on the log I versus applied potential characteristics. The present theory is also applicable for intimate contact, i.e. metal-semiconductor contact, crystalline material structures or for Schottky barriers in insulators or polymers.
The purpose of this paper is to characterize the lability/inertness metal fractions complexed by aquatic humic substances (HS) in relation to pH, complexation time, and HS concentration. HS were preconcentrated by ultrafiltration and complexed with bivalent metal ions. These fractions were characterized by ion exchange with the chelating collector cellulose Hyphan by applying batch procedure. The metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The results show that the distribution coefficients, Kd, decreased with HS presence, and that the relative lability of metal fractions complexed by HS is dependent on variables such as pH, complexation time, and HS concentration. Until c.a. 15 min, the metal change between aquatic HS and ion exchanger occurs following a 2 order reaction. Afterwards, the remaining metal fraction in the HS reacts following a 1st order reaction. For traces of metal ions bound to dissolved HS, the lability orderPb > Mn > Cd, Ni > Cu is revealed. ©1997 Soc. Bras. Química.
Cellulose phosphate (CELLPHOS) was studied as a collector for analytical preconcentration of traces of Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous sample solution. It has been proved that using chromatographic columns packed with CELLPHOS for preconcentration and 1.0 mol 1 -1 HCl for elution the adsorbed analytes are quantitatively enriched. An enrichment factor of 20 (100 ml sample, 5 ml concentrate) was achieved by this separation procedure, which was applied to a series of water analyses (river, sea, bog water).
The phase evolution of lead titanate processed by the polymeric precursor method was investigated by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the cubic perovskite PbTiO3 (PT) phase is formed from an inorganic amorphous precursor at a temperature of 444 °C. A gradual transition from cubic to tetragonal perovskite PT was observed with the increase of calcination time at this temperature. HRTEM results showed that the cubic PT particles have a size of around 5 nm. The identification of cubic PT as an intermediate phase supports the hypothesis that the chemical homogeneity was kept at the molecular level during the synthesis process, with no cation segregation.
This work reports changes in structural properties produced by thermal annealing of flash evaporated amorphous GaAs films using the micro-Raman scattering and the X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. Films of about 1 μm were grown on c-Si and glass substrates. The crystallization process is less effective for samples deposited on c-Si. This could be due to the ordering in the first layers of the film imposed by the oriented Si substrates. We propose that this ordering makes the growth of crystallites in these films more restrained than the growth occurring in the completely amorphous films on glass substrates. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The dependence of the optical absorption edge on the deposition crucible temperature is used to investigate the electronic states in As-rich a-GaAs flash evaporated films. The Urbach energy parameter, determined from photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS), presents large correlated variations with crucible temperature. The optical and electrical results are consistent with the As under coordinated sites being the more important defect in the material. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Pb1-xLaxTiO3 thin films, (X=0.0; 13 and 0.27mol%) were prepared by the polymeric precursor method. Thin films were deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si(111), Si(100) and glass substrates by spin coating, and annealed in the 200-300°C range in an O2 atmosphere. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy were used for the microstructural characterization of the thin films. Photoluminescence (PL) at room temperature has been observed in thin films of (PbLa)TiO3. The films deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates present PL intensity greater than those deposited on glass and silicon substrates. The intensity of PL in these thin films was found to be dependent on the thermal treatment and lanthanum molar concentration. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) was observed in undoped and 2 mol% Cr-, Al- and Y-doped amorphous SrTiO3 thin films. Doping increased the PL, and in the case of Cr significantly reduced the associated PL wavelength. The optical bandgaps, calculated by means of UV-vis absorption spectra, increased with crystallinity and decreased with the doping level. It was considered that yttrium and aluminum substituted Sr2+, whereas chromium replaced Ti4+. It is believed that luminescence centers are oxygen-deficient BO6 complexes, or the same centers with some other defects, such as oxygen or strontium vacancies, or BO6 complexes with some other defects placed in their neighborhood. The character of excitation and the competition for negatively charged non-bridging oxygen (NBO) among numerous types of BO6 defect complexes in doped SrTiO3 results in various broadband luminescence peak positions. The results herein reported are an indicative that amorphous titanates are sensitive to doping, which is important for the control of the electro-optic properties of these materials. The probable incorporation of Cr into the Ti site suggests that the existence of a double network former can lead to materials displaying a more intense photoluminescence.
The effect of bath composition and electroplating conditions on structure, morphology and composition of amorphous Fe-Cr-P-Ni-C deposits on Cu substrate was investigated. The deposition efficiency of Fe-Ni-P-C alloy increased significantly with the addition of formic acid, but decreased with the addition of Cr to the plating bath. The increase of charge density activates the inclusion of Cr in the deposit. However, above a specific value of charge density, which depends on deposition current density, the Cr content in the deposit decreases. SEM analysis showed that the increase of Ni, Cr or charge deposition promotes susceptibility to microcracking.
Aqueous dispersions of monoolein (MO) with a commercial hydrophobically modified ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose ether (HMEHEC) have been investigated with respect to the morphologies of the liquid crystalline nanoparticles. Only very low proportions of HMEHEC are accepted in the cubic and lamellar phases of the monoolein-water system. Due to the broad variation of composition and size of the commercial polymer, no other single-phase regions were found in the quasi-ternary system. Interactions of MO with different fractions of the HMEHEC sample induced the formation of lamellar and reversed hexagonal phases, identified from SAXD, polarization microscopy, and cryogenic TEM examinations. In excess water (more than 90 wt %) coarse dispersions are formed more or less spontaneously, containing particles of cubic phase from a size visible by the naked eye to small particles observed by cryoTEM. At high polymer/MO ratios, vesicles were frequently observed, often oligo-lamellar with inter-lamellar connections. After homogenization of the coarse dispersions in a microfluidizer, the large particles disappeared, apparently replaced by smaller cubic particles, often with vesicular attachments on the surfaces, and by vesicles or vesicular particles with a disordered interior. At the largest polymer contents no proper cubic particles were found directly after homogenization but mainly single-walled defected vesicles with a peculiar edgy appearance. During storage for 2 weeks, the dispersed particles changed toward more well-shaped cubic particles, even in dispersions with the highest polymer contents. In some of the samples with low polymer/MO ratio, dispersed particles of the reversed hexagonal type were found. A few of the homogenized samples were freeze-dried and rehydrated. Particles of essentially the same types, but with a less well-developed cubic character, were found after this treatment. © 2007 American Chemical Society.
This chapter deals with the cellulose produced by the Glucanacetobacter xylinus strain, called bacterial cellulose, which is a remarkably versatile biomaterial usable in wide variety of domains, such as papermaking, optics, electronics, acoustics, and biomedical devices. Its unique structure shows entangled ultrafine fibers, which provide excellent mechanical strength, besides biodegradability, biocompatibility, high water-holding capacity, and high crystallinity. Some of its applications are described, such as complementary nutrition (. nata de coco), artificial temporary skin for wounds and burns, dental aid, artificial blood vessels and micronerve surgery, DNA separation, composite reinforcement, electronic paper, light emitting diodes, and fuel cell membranes. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In recent years studies concerning the applications of lignocellulosic/ inorganic couples have resulted in the development of an interesting class of functional materials. In this work a cellulose/NbOPO 4.nH 2O hybrid using cellulose from surgacane bagasse was prepared and characterized in order to test for adsorption applications. The preparation process was conducted by carrying out metallic niobium dilution in hydrofluoric acid in the presence of nitric acid, then adding boric acid to form the complex and, finally, the cellulose sugar cane bagasse was added. Concentrated phosphoric acid was also inserted to precipitate hydrous niobium phosphate particles in the cellulose fiber. This material was characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), thermogravimetry (TG/DTG), and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) connected to an energy dispersive spectrophotometer (EDS). Results by SEM/EDS show that NbOPO 4.nH 2O was present in structure of the cellulose. During the preparation of the material, using boric acid it was observed that the formation of precipitate occurred in a shorter time than the material prepared without boric acid.
The aim of this study was to develop and to evaluate the biological properties of bacterial cellulose-hydroxyapatite (BC-HA) nanocomposite membranes for bone regeneration. Nanocomposites were prepared from bacterial cellulose membranes sequentially incubated in solutions of CaCl2 followed by Na2HPO4. BC-HA membranes were evaluated in noncritical bone defects in rat tibiae at 1, 4, and 16 weeks. Thermogravimetric analyses showed that the amount of the mineral phase was 40-50 of the total weight. Spectroscopy, electronic microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray analyses, and X-ray diffraction showed formation of HA crystals on BC nanofibres. Low crystallinity HA crystals presented Ca/P a molar ratio of 1.5 (calcium-deficient HA), similar to physiological bone. Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy analysis showed bands assigned to phosphate and carbonate ions. In vivo tests showed no inflammatory reaction after 1 week. After 4 weeks, defects were observed to be completely filled in by new bone tissue. The BC-HA membranes were effective for bone regeneration. © 2011 S. Saska et al.